Performance of Unbending Embedded for Precast Concrete
A. Rudi Hermawan
, Eka Sasmita Mulya
Teknik Sipil,Teknik Konstruksi Gedung,Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
Teknik Sipil, Konstruksi Gedung,Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: embedded, precast,concrete
Abstract: Usually we used embedded for joint of precast concrete with bending embedded system (PCI Standard).
Bending embedded system used reinforced with bending in the end of plate but for unbending embedded
system used reinforced with unbending in the end of plate. This research aims to determine perform of
embedded with unbending system. The materials used in this research was reinforced with Diameter 12,59
mm, Plate 4,58 mm thick and electrodes used in this welding method was E6013.This experiment was testing
of the ultimate tensile strength of unbending embedded joint of precast concrete and testing of ultimate tensile
strength of the reinforced bar. The results of this research was the average value of ultimate tensile strength
of unbending embedded 597,16 Mpa broken at the reinforced bars. Average value of ultimate tensile strength
of reinforced bar was 605,23 Mpa. Conclusion of this research is embedded with unbending system for precast
concrete can be used for construction of joints.Usually we used embedded for joint of precast concrete with
bending embedded system (PCI Standard). Bending embedded system used reinforced with bending in the
end of plate but for unbending embedded system used reinforced with unbending in the end of plate. This
research aims to determine perform of embedded with unbending system. The materials used in this research
was reinforced with Diameter 12,59 mm, Plate 4,58 mm thick and electrodes used in this welding method
was E6013..This experiment was testing of the ultimate tensile strength of unbending embedded joint of
precast concrete and testing of ultimate tensile strength of the reinforced bar. The results of this research was
the average value of ultimate tensile strength of unbending embedded 597,16 Mpa broken at the reinforced
bars. Average value of ultimate tensile strength of reinforced bar was 605,23 Mpa. Conclusion of this research
is embedded with unbending system for precast concrete can be used for construction of joints.
1.1 Previous Reserach
Unbending Embedded are elements joint of precast
concrete which use materials consist of plate and
reinforce bar. Research of embedded for precast
concrete has been widely done since 1993 and widely
used by society of Consultants or Contractors sector.
In 1993 Ugur Ersoy and Tugrul Tankut on research
Precast Concrete Members With Welded Plate
Connections Under Reversed Cyclic Loading
. This
research was used unbending embedded element to
joint between beam and column for sustain moment
and shear occur.
Research of Seismic behavior of a type of welded
precast concrete beam-column connection by Mario
E. Rodríguez, Miguel Torres-Matos concern bending
embedded at negative moment in 2013.
Belleri, Paolo Riva in 2012 research concern Seismic
performance and retrofit of precast concrete grouted
sleeve connections.
All research above concern to
bending embedded joint system. This research was
used unbending embedded joint system which used
materials same as with bending embedded. The
different is at bend and unbend to reinforce bar.
Goal of this research is making joint with result
perform not different to each other system. Result of
research unbending embedded system has performed
so good to sustain of tension.
1.2 Design of Joint
Many types of joint for precast concrete in
construction and embedded system has been many
using in construction sector. Type of Embedded
system using materials plate and reinforce bars. To
connecting material plate and reinforce bar using
Hermawan, A. and Mulya, E.
Performance of Unbending Embedded for Precast Concrete.
DOI: 10.5220/0009968400002905
In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2019), pages 144-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-468-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
electrode to weld between plate and reinforce bar.
Figure 1 show element unbending embedded system.
And can be simple Formulated
Ld =
Figure 1. Element unbending embedded system
Figure 2. Photo of Unbending Embedded
Testing elements used location at Lembaga Uji
Konstruksi (LUK) BPPT Serpong South of
Tangerang. This research has 5 samples for tested
unbending embedded tensile strength dan 5 samples
for tested tensile strength reinforced bars. Reinforced
bars used D12,59 and plate which have 4,58 mm thick
with electrode type
. to joint between plate and
rebars with 5 mm thick. figure 2 was show prototype
of sample test unbending embedded tensile strength
and figure 3 was show prototype of reinforced bar
tensile strength.Figure 4 describe of dimension
sample test for unbending embedded tensile strength
which have measurement of total length of welded 66
mm, length of reinforced bar 400 mm and dimension
of plate 80/70 mm as base of welding. Figure 5 show
of method of research which was used UTM machine
at Puspitek BPPT Serpong and appropriate ASTM
standard for test tension of elements.
Figure 3. Photo of Reinforced bars
The Research of unbending embedded for all
specimens were capable to resisting tensile load until
broken, cause all specimens were its broken at the
reinforce bars. Specimen 2A indicated ultimate
tensile strength value 608,12 Mpa as ultimate load
75,67 KN, specimen 2B indicated ultimate tensile
strength value 609,84 Mpa as ultimate load 75,88 KN,
specimen 2C indicated ultimate tensile strength value
589,38 Mpa as ultimate load 73,21 KN, specimen 2D
indicated ultimate tensile strength value 594,29 Mpa
as ultimate load 73,95 KN and specimen 2E indicated
ultimate tensile strength value 585,18 Mpa as
ultimate load 72,81 KN. The
results of this research
was the average value of ultimate tensile strength of
unbending embedded 597,16 Mpa as ultimate load
74,31 KN broken at the reinforced bars.Table 1 gives
where :
fy= Yield Stress ( Mpa )
= Reinforcement location factor
Coating factor
Ligthweigth aggregate concrete factor
db= Nominal Diameter
fc’= Compression Concrete ( MPa )
and another formulated
Tu = As.fy. ( N )
Fw = L.fsw.t
Where :
Tu = Tensile Strength Rebar ( N )
As= Area of Rebar ( mm2 )
Fw= Shear Strength of Welded ( N )
L= Length of Welded ( mm )
fsw= Shear Stress of Welded ( Mpa )
t= Thick of Welded ( mm )
Performance of Unbending Embedded for Precast Concrete
the result of ultimate tensile strength of all specimens
unbending embedded system.Figure 6 show of photo
specimens of unbending embedded have tested.The
Research of reinforce bars for all specimens were
tested until broken. Specimen 4A indicated ultimate
tensile strength value 646,47 Mpa as ultimate load
80,44 KN, specimen 4B indicated ultimate tensile
strength value 596,73 Mpa as ultimate load 74,25 KN,
specimen 4C indicated ultimate tensile strength value
592,63 Mpa as ultimate load 73,74 KN, specimen 4D
indicated ultimate tensile strength value 593,19 Mpa
as ultimate load 73,81 KN and specimen 4E indicated
ultimate tensile strength value 597,13 Mpa as
ultimate load 74,30 KN. The results of this research
was the average value of ultimate tensile strength of
reinforce bars 605,23 Mpa as ultimate load 75,31 KN.
Table 2 gives the result of ultimate tensile strength of
all specimens reinforce bars.Figure 7 show of photo
specimens of reinforce bars until tested.The value of
average ultimate tensile strength both of specimens
unbending embedded or specimens reinforce bars
have resulted almost not different only about 1,01 KN
for ultimate load and 8.07 Mpa for ultimate tensile
strength and all of specimens broken at the reinforced
bar. This result test can be category fulfill of tensile
strength and can be used for construction as specially
joint of
precast concrete. Figure 8 show chart of load
versus stress.
Figure 4: Sketch of Unbending Embedded
Figure 5: UTM Machine
Table 1: Result Test of Unbending Embedded
Table 2: Result Test Of Reinforce Bar D 12.59 mm
No Sample Dia Area Fy Fu fy fu Result
mm mm2 kN kN MPa MPa
1 4A
12.59 124.43 58.82 80.44 472.72 646.47 Reinf.broken
2 4B
12.59 124.43 51.83 74.25 416.54 596.73 Reinf.broken
3 4C
12.59 124.43 51.28 73.74 412.12 592.63 Reinf.broken
4 4D
12.59 124.43 50.86 73.81 408.75 593.19 Reinf.broken
5 4E
12.59 124.43 52.16 74.30 419.20 597.13 Reinf.Broken
52.99 75.31 425.87 605.23
No Sample Max.Load t.Plate L.Rigth L.Left fu.Rigth fu.Left Result
kN mm mm mm MPa MPa
1 2A
75.67 4.56 66.50 64.50 608.14 608.14 Reinf.broken
2 2B
75.88 4.65 67.00 65.50 609.83 609.83 Reinf.broken
3 2C
73.21 4.54 64.00 65.50 588.37 588.37 Reinf.broken
4 2D
73.95 4.57 64.00 67.00 594.32 594.32 Reinf.broken
5 2E
72.81 4.56 65.00 64.00 585.15 585.15 Reinf.Broken
4.58 65.30 65.30 597.16 597.16
40 mm40 mm
33 mm
33 mm
70 mm
D 12,59 mm
4,58 mm
400 mm
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
Figure 6: Samples Have Tested
Figure 7: Photo of Reinforced bar
Figure 8. Ultimate load vs ultimate tensile strength.
The results of this research was the average value of
ultimate tensile strength of reinforce bars 605,23 Mpa
as ultimate load 75,31 KN and the average value of
ultimate tensile strength of unbending embedded
597,16 Mpa as ultimate load 74,31 KN broken at the
reinforced bars and difference both of specimens
almost not different, only about 1,01 KN for ultimate
load and 8.07 Mpa for ultimate tensile strength and
all of specimens broken at the reinforced bars,
indicate that research about connection use
unbending embedded system can be applicated. SNI
and ACI requiring 1,25fy strength of rebars if joint
element used welded for connect each other
Advantage of this system, for making element joint
will be faster than system bending embedded joint
with the result that, cost of all element joint will be
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