Several studies have shown that 3-MCPDE and
GE are produced in the oil refining process,
specifically in the deodorization process (Craft et al.
2012). The formation of 3-MCPDE and GE is also
supported by the precursors contained in CPO namely
monoacylglycerol (MAG) and diacylglycerol (DAG)
(Chai et al. 2018) as a result of hydrolysis of
triacylglycerol (TAG) (Ab Kadir et al. 2017) in palm
oil. However DAG has more potential to produce 3-
MCPDE and GE than MAG (Šmidrkal et al. 2016).
Handling of palm fruit is one of the crucial factors
triggering the formation of DAG. Differences in the
source of oil palm plantations and the production
process of each palm oil mill (PKS) will result in
different physicochemical characteristics in CPO
(Matthäus and Pudel 2014). Based on that
information this study aimed to identification
physicochemical characterization of CPO was carried
out in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi as the
largest CPO production area in Indonesia on several
characteristics including the acylglycerol fraction to
determine the DAG content in CPO which has the
potential to form 3-MCPDE and GE compounds. In
addition, the physicochemical characteristics of CPO
were made as a requirement in trade including
moisture content, free fatty acid (FFA) (Šmidrkal et
al. 2016), deterioration of bleachability index
(DOBI), total carotene (Sim et al. 2018; Zulkurnain et
al. 2012), and density (Wulandari et al. 2011).
2.1 Materials
This study was conducted at the Seafast Center
Chemical Laboratory, IPB and palm oil mill (POM)
in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The materials
used in this study were 62 CPO samples from 19
POM in Sumatra region, and 11 POM in non Sumatra
region including 10 POM in Kalimantan, and 1 POM
in Sulawesi.
Materials for analysis include distilled water,
NaOH 0.25 N, indicator phenolphthalein 1%, alcohol
95% (Mallinckrodt), hexane (Merck),
tetrahydrofuran (Merck), N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-
trifluoroacetamide (Sigma), heptane (Merck).
The apparatus for analysis include 250 mL high
density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bottle, 50 mL
amber bottle, beaker glass, erlenmeyer, burette, hot
plate, analytical balance, oven (Memmert),
desiccator, porcelain crucible, waterbath (NAPCO
model 220 A), 25 mL volumetric flask, UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (Shimadzu), vial tube, vortex,
micropipet, gas chromatography instrument with
flame ionization detector (GC-FID) (Agilent 7820A).
2.2 Sampling and Sample Preparation
Sampling of CPO was carried out in Sumatra
(Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, West
Sumatra, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Riau,
Lampung and Bangka Belitung), Kalimantan (West
Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan
and South Kalimantan), and Sulawesi (West
The number and location of POM being the target
of CPO sampling is determined by stratified
purposive sampling by taking into value of total
production, number of POM, location, and
availability of access to take samples at the POM.
Samples were taken in 2 different storage tanks in one
POM. Samples were taken randomly from the top,
middle and bottom of each storage tank and then
homogenized in a container. At each storage tank ±
500 mL sample was taken which was divided into 2
containers (as replications) and then taken to the
When arrived at the laboratory, the sample was
poured into a glass cup and then heated to a
temperature of ± 50
C and homogenized. After the
sample is homogeneous and a temperature of 50
C is
reached, the sample is put into a 50 mL amber bottle.
Before storing, nitrogen gas is blown on the
headspace for 1 minute. Samples are stored at 4
2.3 Analysis of Moisture Content, Free
Fatty Acid, Total Carotene,
Density, and Acylgliserol Fraction
CPO samples that have been obtained are then
analyzed by physicochemical characterization,
namely moisture content with SNI 01-2901-2006 test
method, free fatty acid levels (FFA) with official Ca
5a-40 2009 AOCS test method, deterioration of
bleachability index (DOBI) with MPOB test method
(2004), total carotene with MPOB test method
(2004), and acylglyserol fraction using AOCS official
test method modification Cd 11b-91 2017.
The physicochemical characteristics of CPO
including FFA, moisture content, DOBI, total
carotene, and the fraction of acylgliserol
(diacylglycerol (DAG) and triacylglycerol (TAG)) in