Table 3: Microbial growth and minimum inhibitory concentration of durian pectin isolate against E. coli dan S. aureus.
Bacteria Antibacterial concentration (%) MIC (%)
100 50 25 12,5 6,25 positive control
E. coli 1 - - ++ ++ ++ - 50
2 - - ++ ++ ++ - 50
3 - - ++ ++ ++ - 50
100 25 6,25 1,56 0,39 positive control
S. aureus 1 - + ++ ++ ++ - 25
2 - - ++ ++ ++ - 25
3 - - ++ ++ ++ - 25
- : no growth or no colony
+ : there is growth or there is colony
++ : many growth or many colony
bioactive materials to enter the cell. The structure of
the cell wall of Gram negative bacteria is more
complex, three layers, namely the outer layer of
lipoprotein, the middle layer of lipopolysaccharide
which acts as a barrier to the entry of antibacterial
bioactive material, and the inner layer is in the form
of peptidoglycan with high lipid content (11-12%)
(Magdalena and Kusnadi, 2015).
Durian pectin isolate of both extraction methods
resulted in water content aproximately 96 %.
Extraction method A (pH: 2.00, temperature: 85
C, t:
2 hours) had bigger yield (5,45 ± 0,10) than extraction
B (pH: 4.5 and temperature: 90-100
C, t: 20 minutes)
that had yield 3,46 ± 0,06 %. Minimum inhibitory
concentration of durian pectin isolate against
pathogenic bacteria E. coli was 500 mg/ml and S.
aureus was 110 mg/ml.
Thanks to Beasiswa Unggulan Kemendikbud
Republik Indonesia that sponsored author study in
IPB University.
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