members gain new insights and expand business
networks. Besides that, internal variables in the
company such as HR, financial aspects, operational
technical aspects, market aspects and marketing have
an influence on the performance of micro businesses.
The small community formed from the training
and mentoring participants is expected to be able to
transmit enthusiasm and motivation to the Pulo
Geulis village community gradually and be able to
touch the whole, especially among the younger
generation. Based on interviews with the head of RW
4 in Pulo Geulis village, most of the young generation
of this village have a main job as buskers. Although
this type of work is halal work, it still does not provide
a definite income and does not guarantee a higher
quality of life for the future.
During the survey and implementation of the
Community Service team received full assistance
from the village office and RW. The village head is
very enthusiastic and very helpful in the difficulties
faced by the service team. Changing people's lives is
not easy, it takes time and an intense and human
approach. Based on the Lecturer Portal
(2017) there are several ways that can be done to
change the habits of a person or community, namely:
1) Finding Out the Trigger, the service team must
know what factors trigger young people in Pulo
Geulis village to become buskers rather than trying
entrepreneurship. The approach taken by the service
team has not been able to recruit buskers to participate
in training conducted by the Jakarta State Polytechnic
team. The training participants totaling 24 people, all
of them have professions as culinary micro-
entrepreneurs and food staple traders, so it is indeed
in the interest to attend training and mentoring the
establishment of a savings and loan business unit. 2)
Determine the Purpose and Motivation: determine the
positive goals of the activity, so that it will be easier
to make the right motivation that can change the
habits of a community. 3) Determination Must be
Strong: to change something must have a strong
determination. 4) Steer clear of triggers: when
triggers have been found, they must steer clear of
triggering factors. 5) Commitment: commitment is
very influential on changing one's attitude. Someone
who has a strong commitment to achieve something
and leave bad habits, will be easier to achieve. 6)
Focus: focus on the things that bring success in
change. 7) Trying New Things: make sure that new
activities will be able to divert and change things for
the better. 8) Make Small Changes: small changes can
be made continuously, if the changes are added
slowly there will be changes for the better slowly. 9)
Make a Plan: by writing the changes that will be
achieved, will facilitate the achievement of the
desired changes.
The results of the training and assistance for the
establishment of a savings and loan business unit is
the establishment of a savings and loan business unit
called the Pulo Geulis Savings and Loans Business
Unit. For the initial stage, all participants plus 5 RT
heads and RW heads are directly members of the Pulo
Geulis Savings and Loans Business Unit. The main
motivation for the establishment of the Pulo Geulis
Savings and Loans Business Unit is to get access to
credit without complicated requirements, but
affordable interest rates. All members of the savings
and loan business unit make a commitment to grow
this unit by paying mandatory savings in a disciplined
manner and paying credit installments in accordance
with the agreement of all members of the Pulo Geulis
savings and loan business unit. For the success of the
savings and loan business unit, the Jakarta State
Polytechnic Sub Department Team also provided
assistance several times to the management of the
savings and loan business unit and helped solve the
problems encountered.
Changes in attitude were apparent from all
trainees. The most obvious change is the enthusiasm
and motivation to inform and invite the younger
generation to become members of the savings and
loan business unit. It is expected that with the
increasing number of people in the Kampung
Pariwisata Pulo Geulis becoming members of the
savings and loan business unit, this unit can develop
rapidly and can provide credit assistance to micro
entrepreneurs and prospective micro business
entrepreneurs, especially from the young generation
of the Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis.
1. Training and assistance for the establishment of a
savings and loan business unit can further increase
knowledge about the importance of establishing a
savings and loan business unit for micro
businesses in Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis,
2. The assistance provided by the Accounting
Department team from Jakarta State Polytechnic
is in the form of visiting the management of the
savings and loan business unit several times, in
addition to providing motivation to continue the
enthusiasm for the enlargement of the savings and
loan business unit, also to help solve the problems
faced so that the Pulo Geulis savings and loan
business unit can develop rapid and provide