Economic Development of Kampung Pariwisata
Pulo Geulis through Formation Saving
and Loan Business Unit
Fatimah, Elisabeth Y. M., Lia Ekowati, Darna
Accounting Departement of State Polytechnic of Jakarta, New Campus UI, Depok 16425
Keywords: Pulo Geulis, Kampung Wisata, Pluralist, Saving and Loan Business Unit
Abstract: The main problem faced by the community of RW IV Kampung Wisata Pulo Geulis Bogor is the difficulty
of getting credit to develop micro businesses. As a result, micro business operators are entangled with a Loan
Shark who offers them loans at extremely high interest rates. The aim of community service is to increase
knowledge about the importance of developing micro-businesses through credit to cooperatives or savings
and credit business units and to motivate them to form savings and credit business units. The method used is
the method of community empowerment through training and assistance in the formation of Savings and Loan
Business Units. The establishment of the Savings and Loan Business Unit will further facilitate micro
businesses applying for credit without high interest costs and without collateral. The sample was determined
based on purposive sampling expert judgment in which 24 micro business people were selected as training
participants and assistance in the establishment of a savings and loan business unit. As a result they were
motivated to form a savings and loan business unit under a cooperative that already exists in Pulo Geulis (RW
4) and was appointed as the head of a savings and loan business unit.
Kampung Pulo Geulis is a village that was formed as
a result of the splitting of the Ciliwung river which
reunited before the Botanical Gardens, Bogor. That is
a village that resembled a small island in the middle
of the river was formed. This village is included in the
Babakan Pasar village, Central Bogor District. It has
an area of around 3.5 hectares with 2700 inhabitants
so that the density level reaches 700 people per
hectare. The biggest potential of the Pulo Geulis
village is a tourist destination that is pluralistic,
unique culture that is displayed in the form of
historical and culinary murals. In addition, this village
is one of 7 kelurahans that has been included in the
landscape design plan by 2018 with the full
involvement and participation of the community. The
landscapes that the community agreed were the mural
village, the reading garden and the culinary area.
Based on the interview with the Village Chief of
Babakan Pasar, the mural village in Pulo Geulis was
not only a mural but to complete it a culinary center
would be built. In the culinary center, a variety of
culinary specialties will be offered in the city of
Bogor and later will be devoted to featuring superior
culinary Pulo geulis namely combro and crackers
jengkol. Besides culinary, the village of Pulo Geulis
also produces beautiful bag crafts, backpacks and
Barong crafts.
The problems faced by micro businesses in this
village are not much different from the problems
faced by micro businesses in other places. In addition
to legal marketing and legal issues, most
microbusinesses want the availability of credit
assistance for venture capital with low interest.
People's Business Credit (Kredit Usaha Rakyat), even
without collateral, requires complex requirements
and high interest rates. Submission of credit to
financial institutions such as national banks, requires
conditions including a complete business legality. As
a result, many micro entrepreneurs choose to get
credit at illegal banks or money lenders who charge
very high interest rates. Moneylenders who often
operate in Kampung Geulis are called Banke or
Mobile Bank. Although it has been banned by the
Village Officials, Banke still operates in secret.
Banke is used as a solution in overcoming working
capital difficulties because it is easy without
Fatimah, ., Y. M., E., Ekowati, L. and Darna, .
Economic Development of Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis through Formation Saving and Loan Business Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0009979000002905
In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2019), pages 159-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-468-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
complicated administrative requirements. It's just that
very high interest rates make it difficult for micro-
businesses to pay off loans that will continue to grow
because the interest that is in arrears will bloom again,
as a result the business profits run out to pay off debt
Savings and loan cooperatives which, although
long established in Kampung Pulo Geulis, have not
been able to reach all areas of the village, including
RW 04. Even though RW 04, which consists of 5
RTs, has great economic potential. Some micro-
businesses have started to develop, such as bag and
barong micro-businesses while those that have the
potential to be developed are Bogor's culinary micro-
businesses. The benefits of cooperatives are huge.
Research from Wiandhani (2016) says that the
economic benefits received by members of the
cooperative are very large, both in the form of cash
derived from net profits and in the form of sale and
purchase service costs and non-economic benefits in
the form of satisfaction of cooperative members.
Another advantage gained by cooperative members is
the utilization of existing business units in
cooperatives. It is important for cooperatives to
increase the level of satisfaction of cooperative
members, so that they can significantly benefit the
cooperative. Another study from Nuryanti (2014)
focused his research on the importance of service
quality to cooperative members so that it was
concluded that the benefits of cooperative service
quality would be able to realize the participation of
cooperative members.
Based on the aforementioned problems, then the
idea was put forward to form a savings and loan
business unit that is used to develop the economy of
the Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis Bogor,
especially RW 04. The objectives of community
service activities in the Pulo Geulis Tourism Village
are: 1) Increasing the knowledge of the people of Pulo
tourism village Geulis about cooperatives and savings
and loan business units; 2) Assist them in forming a
savings and loan business unit and help them provide
initial capital for the establishment of a savings and
loan business unit.
Cooperatives are organizations or associations that
work together as a family in running a business with
the aim of improving the welfare of its members and
is one of the drivers of the Indonesian economy. The
role of cooperatives is very strategic in promoting
economic growth. The government is required to pay
attention to the progress of cooperatives, especially
savings and loan cooperatives. Besides that, capital
money is also very much needed, because in the
business world, innovation and proper business
management are needed. So that savings and loan
cooperatives are required to be able to innovate and
have the right business management. According to
Dewi's research (2017) the amount of credit, the cost
of innovation and business management has a
significant effect on the ROI of savings and loan
Savings and loan cooperatives are cooperatives
engaged in savings and loan activities, where
cooperatives can provide loans to cooperative
members and cooperative members can use these
loans to enlarge the business. In the digital 4.0 era, all
economic actors face fierce competition. One of the
economic actors is cooperatives, including savings
and loan cooperatives. To win the competition,
cooperatives need the right strategy. Research from
Ermaya (2019) cooperatives must pay attention to
conditions that occur both externally and internally.
So that they can make the right decisions in
developing their business. By using SWOT analysis
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) it turns
out that the most effective strategy is the strategy of
concentration, development strategy and innovation
strategy. It's just that not all cooperatives in Indonesia
can develop rapidly. Many factors inhibit the
development of cooperatives including savings and
loan cooperatives. Research from Susilawetty (2013)
several factors that can hinder the development of
savings and loan cooperatives, among others: 1)
people do not understand the meaning of
cooperatives, 2) people are less concerned with
behavior in cooperatives, 3) there are still many
cooperative members who think that cooperative
management has been entrusted to the management,
4) limited cooperative capital because in the credit
process no collateral is used so that when this loan is
stuck there are no assets that can be confiscated.
The research technique used is the field survey
method (field research) where researchers go directly
to the field. The approach used is a qualitative
approach in order to be able to describe the reality of
the phenomena faced by the Pulo Geulis Bogor tourist
village as a location for conducting research and
community service. The population used in this study
is the whole community RW 04 Pulo Geulis tourist
village who work as micro entrepreneurs. The sample
was determined using purposive sampling based on
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
expert judgment and selected 24 micro entrepreneurs
as research samples and as training participants in the
service program. The data used in this study are
primary data obtained through interviews using a
questionnaire, while secondary data are obtained
through related literatures and related journals. The
data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative
method, which is to provide a description in
accordance with the facts in the field regarding the
research subject in accordance with the variables
obtained. To check the validity of the data the
triangulation technique used is to compare data from
different sources with the same technique.
Most of the micro business operators in the Kampung
Pariwisata Pulo Geulis are engaged in food or
culinary. A small portion in the field of basic food
services. Products are marketed around the Pulo
Geulis village environment, only at certain times
these products are marketed out of the Pulo Geulis
village, for example at a bazaar or exhibition held by
the Bogor City Government. Even though these
micro-businesses are over the age of 5 years, some
have even started 14 years ago, but have not
experienced significant progress, which can be seen
from undeveloped marketing and the quantity and
quality that has not changed. Motivation to increase
effort is not visible. The focus of life is more on the
issue of eviction so that it took a long time to ensure
that the arrival of the Team of Servants from the
Jakarta State Polytechnic had nothing to do with the
issue of eviction that was spread in the Pulo Geulis
village community.
The tourism potential that is pluralistic with the
existence of the pagoda in the middle of Muslim
community settlements is a huge attraction for local
tourists and some foreign tourists. The arrival of
tourists is a new target market that must be responded
to. The Bogor city government cooperated with Hotel
101 along with the service team from the Jakarta State
Polytechnic to work together to make this village a
pluralist tourist village by developing a mural village
and culinary tourism.
Micro businesses as subjects for this change need
to get training, assistance in developing their
businesses. The main requirement is access to
business capital. The existence of a Mobile Bank
(Banke) that provides credit with easy conditions but
a very high interest rate must be avoided. Savings and
loan cooperatives should be a solution for fulfilling
the credit needs in a profitable way.
The level of knowledge of the residents of Pulo
Geulis tourism village on the importance of the
existence of cooperatives in developing micro
businesses is very high. From direct observation and
through the questionnaire it was found that 50% of
participants answered all questions correctly, 29% of
participants answered correctly 9 questions, 13%
answered 8 questions correctly, 4% answered 7
questions correctly and 4% were only able to answer
1 question correctly. The high level of knowledge of
participants because in the Pulo Geulis tourist village,
a cooperative has been established since a few years
ago. Information about the importance of
cooperatives in supporting the development of
microenterprises was already known by the
participants. Research from Marta (2013) said that the
information obtained can narrow the knowledge gap
between people who have the upper status and low
status. Research Chien Yu (2013) said there is a
positive relationship between sharing knowledge and
innovative behaviors of individuals with the ability to
It's just that the level of knowledge about
cooperatives does not make them motivated to
become cooperative members. The existence of
cooperatives in different RWs makes the reason for
not being a member. The training and assistance for
the establishment of a savings and loan business unit
conducted by a team of servants is expected to be a
motivation for developing micro businesses by
becoming an active member of the Pulo Geulis
savings and loan business unit. Sajianto's research
(2012) said education, training and counseling had a
positive and significant effect on participation in
cooperative membership. While research Mustangin
et al (2018) that the process of community
empowerment makes it easy for people to access
capital by establishing savings and loan cooperatives
and changes in the economy and training are designed
to cause an increase in knowledge about cooperatives.
This statement is strengthened by Dewi's research
(2018) which says entrepreneurship education has a
positive and significant influence on entrepreneurial
The level of knowledge of cooperatives and the
motivation that is invested by the service team is
expected to realize the Pulo Geulis savings and loan
business unit develops rapidly and provides
convenience to micro businesses to access venture
capital. The joining of all RW IV residents consisting
of 5 RTs will accelerate the development of the Pulo
Geulis savings and loan business unit. This is in
accordance with research Rahmanto et al (2018) who
found that joining a community will make its
Economic Development of Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis through Formation Saving and Loan Business Unit
members gain new insights and expand business
networks. Besides that, internal variables in the
company such as HR, financial aspects, operational
technical aspects, market aspects and marketing have
an influence on the performance of micro businesses.
The small community formed from the training
and mentoring participants is expected to be able to
transmit enthusiasm and motivation to the Pulo
Geulis village community gradually and be able to
touch the whole, especially among the younger
generation. Based on interviews with the head of RW
4 in Pulo Geulis village, most of the young generation
of this village have a main job as buskers. Although
this type of work is halal work, it still does not provide
a definite income and does not guarantee a higher
quality of life for the future.
During the survey and implementation of the
Community Service team received full assistance
from the village office and RW. The village head is
very enthusiastic and very helpful in the difficulties
faced by the service team. Changing people's lives is
not easy, it takes time and an intense and human
approach. Based on the Lecturer Portal
(2017) there are several ways that can be done to
change the habits of a person or community, namely:
1) Finding Out the Trigger, the service team must
know what factors trigger young people in Pulo
Geulis village to become buskers rather than trying
entrepreneurship. The approach taken by the service
team has not been able to recruit buskers to participate
in training conducted by the Jakarta State Polytechnic
team. The training participants totaling 24 people, all
of them have professions as culinary micro-
entrepreneurs and food staple traders, so it is indeed
in the interest to attend training and mentoring the
establishment of a savings and loan business unit. 2)
Determine the Purpose and Motivation: determine the
positive goals of the activity, so that it will be easier
to make the right motivation that can change the
habits of a community. 3) Determination Must be
Strong: to change something must have a strong
determination. 4) Steer clear of triggers: when
triggers have been found, they must steer clear of
triggering factors. 5) Commitment: commitment is
very influential on changing one's attitude. Someone
who has a strong commitment to achieve something
and leave bad habits, will be easier to achieve. 6)
Focus: focus on the things that bring success in
change. 7) Trying New Things: make sure that new
activities will be able to divert and change things for
the better. 8) Make Small Changes: small changes can
be made continuously, if the changes are added
slowly there will be changes for the better slowly. 9)
Make a Plan: by writing the changes that will be
achieved, will facilitate the achievement of the
desired changes.
The results of the training and assistance for the
establishment of a savings and loan business unit is
the establishment of a savings and loan business unit
called the Pulo Geulis Savings and Loans Business
Unit. For the initial stage, all participants plus 5 RT
heads and RW heads are directly members of the Pulo
Geulis Savings and Loans Business Unit. The main
motivation for the establishment of the Pulo Geulis
Savings and Loans Business Unit is to get access to
credit without complicated requirements, but
affordable interest rates. All members of the savings
and loan business unit make a commitment to grow
this unit by paying mandatory savings in a disciplined
manner and paying credit installments in accordance
with the agreement of all members of the Pulo Geulis
savings and loan business unit. For the success of the
savings and loan business unit, the Jakarta State
Polytechnic Sub Department Team also provided
assistance several times to the management of the
savings and loan business unit and helped solve the
problems encountered.
Changes in attitude were apparent from all
trainees. The most obvious change is the enthusiasm
and motivation to inform and invite the younger
generation to become members of the savings and
loan business unit. It is expected that with the
increasing number of people in the Kampung
Pariwisata Pulo Geulis becoming members of the
savings and loan business unit, this unit can develop
rapidly and can provide credit assistance to micro
entrepreneurs and prospective micro business
entrepreneurs, especially from the young generation
of the Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis.
1. Training and assistance for the establishment of a
savings and loan business unit can further increase
knowledge about the importance of establishing a
savings and loan business unit for micro
businesses in Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis,
2. The assistance provided by the Accounting
Department team from Jakarta State Polytechnic
is in the form of visiting the management of the
savings and loan business unit several times, in
addition to providing motivation to continue the
enthusiasm for the enlargement of the savings and
loan business unit, also to help solve the problems
faced so that the Pulo Geulis savings and loan
business unit can develop rapid and provide
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
benefits to micro businesses in Kampung
Pariwisata Pulo Geulis.
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Economic Development of Kampung Pariwisata Pulo Geulis through Formation Saving and Loan Business Unit