The heat modification to the lysozyme showed
that decreasing the peak of lysozyme on (Figure 2).
The increasing of heat temperature makes the peak of
lysozyme to be lower. This condition showed that the
structure of lysozyme was changed that changing the
composition of amino acid of lysozyme from some of
the concentrations of lysozymes. So in the highest
heat temperature of modification treatments made the
peak of lysozyme was the lowest among others.
Besides, column C-18 in RP-HPLC will attach the
modified lysozyme based on the hydrophobicity of
modified lysozymes. This condition showed that the
heat modification treatments can decrease the
concentration of lysozyme from the local chicken egg
white and change the hydrophobicity of modified
The lysozyme from local chicken egg white was
modified by heat modification treatments. The heat
modification treatments improved antibacterial
activity of lysozyme by decreasing the MIC value.
Otherwise, the isolate and the modified lysozyme
were characterized by RP-HPLC, and the RP-HPLC
chromatograms explaining the reason for the
increasing of antibacterial activity of lysozyme after
modification treatments.
This work was funded by Direktorat Riset and
Pengabdian Masyarakat, Ditjen Penguatan Riset,
dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi
and Pendidikan Tinggi (142/SP2H/LT/DRPM/
2018). Authors thank the Indonesian Research
Institute for Animal Production (Balitnak Ciawi-
Bogor) that providing Sentul chicken eggs.
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