The Effect of Perceived Susceptibility and Knowledge on
Undergraduate Students’ Attitude towards Functional Food
Tri Rakhmawati, Nidya Astrini, Sik Sumaedi, I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti and Medi Yarmen
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Attitude, Functional Food, Knowledge, Perceived Susceptibility.
Abstract: In consumers’ behavior literature, attitude towards functional foods is an essential factor that affects
consumers’ acceptance. Functional food companies must ensure that their consumers have a good acceptance
of their products. Increasing consumers’ acceptance can be done by improving the factors that influence their
attitude. This research aims to test the impact of perceived susceptibility and knowledge on undergraduate
students’ attitude towards functional foods that can prevent hypertension. This research is important since the
topic is underdeveloped in the literature. This is a quantitative research using a questionnaire as the survey
instrument. The respondents were 59 undergraduate students who enrolled in an executive program that
belongs to the department of industrial engineering of a private university in Indonesia. The data went through
two-step analyses, which were validity and reliability tests and multiple regressions tests. The results revealed
that perceived susceptibility and knowledge positively and significantly affect undergraduate students’
attitude towards functional foods that can prevent hypertension.
One of the problems faced by Indonesia at this
moment is the prevalence of non-communicable
diseases (NCD). World Economy Forum (2015)
noted that the impact of NCD was significant. For
example, the mortality rate caused by NCD has
increased by 20.3% between 2004 and 2014 (World
Economy Forum, 2015). Furthermore, the World
Economy Forum (2015) also revealed that NCD had
caused a GDP loss of USD4.47 million between 2012
and 2030. This number is more significant than India
(USD4.32 million), even though India’s population is
five times larger than Indonesia (World Economy
Forum, 2015). Therefore, NCD needs to be managed.
One of the solutions for NCD is the consumption
of functional food products. The Japanese
government was one of the governments that
successfully encouraged the consumption of
functional food as a part of healthy lifestyle
campaigns (Yamada et al., 2008). Until this point,
those products were continuously being supported by
the Japanese government. They created a relatively
lenient regulation, and the sale of functional food
products soared to USD8 billion in 2018 (Iwatani &
Yamamoto, 2019). Furthermore, Pelletier et al.
(2002) suggested that functional foods should be
included as a part of counseling efforts and nutrition
education to improve health.
To encourage the consumption of functional food
products, consumers’ attitude toward functional
foods must be positive. According to two theories
often used to explain consumers’ behaviors, which
are the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), attitude is an
important factor that influences someone’s behavior
(Ajzen, 1991).
Attitude influences behavior because attitude
represents how far someone is willing to accept
certain behavior (Küster-Boluda & Vidal-Capilla,
2017). Empirically, studies have found that attitude
has a positive effect on the intention to consume
certain products (Alam, 2011; Tarkiainen &
Sundqvist, 2005), including functional foods (Küster-
Boluda & Vidal-Capilla, 2017). Therefore, studies
related to factors that affect consumers’ attitude
toward functional foods become important.
1.1 Previous Research and Research
Studies that investigated attitude toward functional
foods have been conducted. For example, research by
Rakhmawati, T., Astrini, N., Sumaedi, S., Bakti, I. and Yarmen, M.
The Effect of Perceived Susceptibility and Knowledge on Undergraduate Students’ Attitude towards Functional Food.
DOI: 10.5220/0009980900002964
In Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference (16th AFC 2019) - Outlook and Opportunities of Food Technology and Culinary for Tourism Industry, pages 133-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-467-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Küster-Boluda and Vidal-Capilla (2017) on 333
functional food consumers in Spain showed that
attitude significantly affected willingness to consume
functional foods. However, they also found an
interesting twist. A healthy lifestyle did not
significantly influence attitude toward functional
foods. Table 1 shows the examples of previous
studies on attitude toward functional foods.
From the narration above, it can be seen that
studies related to attitude toward functional food have
not investigated the simultaneous effect of perceived
susceptibility and knowledge on attitude. These two
factors are important and can be reasonably placed as
factors that might positively affect attitude toward
functional foods since the consumption of functional
food is a health-related planned behavior. As a
planned behavior, attitude is formed because of
someone’s belief (Ajzen, 1991). That belief might
arise from knowledge obtained by consumers. So, it
can be implied that the knowledge of functional foods
might affect attitude (Ajzen et al., 2011). On the other
hand, as a health-related behavior, perceived
susceptibility represents a perception of the threat of
diseases. This can be a key variable in determining
someone’s acceptance of health-related behavior (i.e.,
consuming functional foods) (Rosenstock, 1974;
Gerend et al., 2004). Perceived susceptibility might
affect attitude toward functional foods.
1.2 Research Objective and Hypotheses
This research aims to test the simultaneous effects of
perceived susceptibility and functional food
knowledge on attitude toward functional foods to fill
literature gaps. Specifically, this article intends to:
Test the effect of perceived susceptibility on
attitude toward functional foods
Test the effect of functional food knowledge on
attitude toward functional foods
Align with the previous subsection, the hypotheses of
this study are:
Perceived susceptibility has a positive and
statistically significant impact on attitude toward
functional foods.
Functional food knowledge has a positive and
statistically significant impact on attitude toward
functional foods.
Table 1: Examples of previous research on attitude toward functional food.
Author(s) Functional Food Type Sample Findings
Huang et al. (2019)
General functional food. The
respondents were explained about the
concept of functional food. Common
functional food products in the local
market, such as probiotic yogurt,
biscuits rich in dietary ber and
energy drink, were given.
1144 Chinese
Trust in the food system and
health consciousness
positively aects purchase
Food neophobia moderates
the relationships between
antecedents and them.
Wu et al. (2005) Soymilk
185 students from a
university in
northern Louisiana
Age and race are
significantly correlated with
Gender did not have a
significant correlation with
Chen (2011)
Cholesterol-lowering spreads, blood
pressure-lowering milk drink,
probiotic/stomach-friendly yogurt,
juice with added calcium, oatmeal
with added beta-glucan, snack bars
with added fiber, sweets and chewing
gums with xylitol, and energy drinks
633 Taiwanese
The attitude was influenced
significantly by lifestyle,
subjective health complaints, and
modern health worries
Devcich et al.
Yogurt or margarine products either
added vitamins or added scientific
390 medical
students from The
University of
Auckland, New
The attitude was significantly
affected by modern health
Tudoran et al.
A processed salmon-based product
enriched with dietary wheat fiber
327 Spaniards
The attitude was significantly
influenced by health values
16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference
2.1 Variables and Indicators
This research has three main variables, which are
perceived susceptibility, functional food knowledge,
and attitude toward functional foods. Those variables
are latent variables, so they need to be measured using
indicators. To ensure the content validity, indicators
that match with the operational definitions of those
three variables were adapted from the previous
studies (Buil et al., 2012). Table 2 shows the
operational definitions and the indicators used in this
Table 2: The operational definitions and statement
indicators of research variables.
(like/dislike) felt
by someone
I like functional
foods (X1)
Functional food is
a good food (X2)
functional food is
beneficial for me
It is interesting to
consume functional
food (X4)
related to his or
susceptibility of
getting an NCD
I am susceptible to
an NCD (X5)
I worry that I might
get an NCD (X6)
I am afraid of an
NCD (X7)
People’s ability
to identify
concepts related
to functional
foods using
information that
he or she has
obtained before
I have knowledge
related to
functional foods
Compared to my
friends, I have
more knowledge of
functional foods
I am sure that I
know about
functional foods
In the literature related to knowledge on
functional foods, there are two approaches, objective
knowledge built through knowledge tests that can be
objectively measured and subjective knowledge
stemmed from respondents’ subjective admissions
about their knowledge (Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, 2018). This research used the
second approach because it requires a smaller number
of indicators, which would make it easier for
respondents. Aside from that, this research will give
an initial introduction of functional foods to the
respondents before they start filling the questionnaire.
If objective knowledge approach was used, the
answers might not correctly signify respondents’
current knowledge.
2.2 Functional Food Type
There are many types of functional foods. Similar to
previous studies that limited the type of functional
foods in empirical testing, this research chooses one
type of functional food, a type that can potentially
prevent hypertension. Functional foods that have this
feature include yogurt, dark chocolate, and low-fat
milk. This choice was based on two considerations.
First, hypertension is an NCD which prevalence has
risen in Indonesia (Ministry of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia, 2018). Second, research related to
consumer behavior that specifically focuses on
attitude toward functional foods that can prevent
hypertension is still limited.
2.3 Data Collection
Data gathering technique utilized in this study was a
survey with a questionnaire as the instrument. The
respondents were 59 executive class students in a
private university in Indonesia. The number of
respondents was deemed adequate for the main
analysis technique used in this research, Multiple
Regressions Analysis. According to Hair et al.
(2006), the technique demands the number of samples
to be five times the number of statement indicators.
This study used 10 statement indicators (see table 2),
so the minimum number of samples needed was 50.
Respondents were recruited in a class in a private
university. Their participations were volunteer-based.
This was done to avoid bias and ensure that
respondents fill the questionnaires based on their
actual perceptions. The demographic profile is shown
in table 3.
This questionnaire consists of three parts. The first
part explained the definition of functional foods that
can prevent hypertension and some examples, like
yogurt, dark chocolate, and low-fat milk.
The second part probed respondents’
demographic profile. The results of those questions
are displayed in table 3. The third (main) part of this
questionnaire investigated consumers’ assessment on
perceived susceptibility, functional food knowledge,
and attitude toward functional food (see table 2). In
The Effect of Perceived Susceptibility and Knowledge on Undergraduate Students’ Attitude towards Functional Food
the questionnaire, those indicators were adjusted with
the context of functional foods tested in this research.
For example, the indicator “I am susceptible to an
NCD” was adjusted to “I am susceptible to
hypertension.” Respondents were required to
measure their agreement (or disagreement) level
based on their perceptions. The scale used was 1 for
‘extremely disagree’ to 5 for ‘extremely agree’.
Table 3: Demographic profile.
Parameter Categories %
Male 84.2
Female 15.2
18 years old 1.8
19 years old 10.5
20 years old 24.6
21 years old 63,1
With family (Father/Mother) 64,9
Dormitory 28,1
Other 7,0
<IDR600,001 39,3
IDR600,001-IDR1,200,000 32,1
>IDR1,200,000 28,6
2.4 Data Analysis
This research employed two-stage data analysis. The
first stage was validity and reliability tests for the
research instrument. The validity test was done using
factor analysis, while the reliability test was
conducted using Cronbach’s α. The cut-off values are
shown in table 4.
Table 4: Criteria for validity and reliability analysis.
Parameter Criteria Cut off Values
Cronbach’s α 0.6
Factor Loading
Source: Hair et al. (2006), Lai & Chen (2011), Sekaran &
Bougie (2010)
The second stage is a multiple-regressions
analysis to test the proposed hypotheses. The model-
fit analysis was done to assess the overall model (see
figure 1). The analysis was done by evaluating the F-
value and the significance level. After the model was
deemed fit, hypotheses testing was conducted to
obtain the β-value and the significance level. The
significance level of this study is 10%. Hypotheses
were accepted if the β-values were positive and
significant at 10% or lower (Hair et al., 2006; Sekaran
& Bougie, 2010).
Attitude toward
functional food
Functional food
Figure 1: Regression model.
3.1 The Validity and Reliability of the
Research Instrument
Table 5 shows the results of validity and reliability
analysis using factor analysis and Cronbach’s α,
respectively. Based on table 5, it can be seen that all
criteria have been fulfilled. Therefore, the research
instrument is deemed valid and reliable.
Table 5: The results of validity and reliability analysis.
Variable Indicator SFL Cronbach’s α
X1 0.807
X2 0.738
X3 0.891
X4 0.806
X5 0.847
X6 0.895
X7 0.793
X8 0.882
X9 0.927
X10 0.901
3.2 The Results of the
Multiple-Regressions Analysis
Table 6 depicts the results of the multiple-regressions
analysis. Overall, the model is considered fit.
Functional food knowledge and perceived
susceptibility have positive and significant β-values
at 10%. The results indicate that functional food
knowledge and perceived susceptibility have positive
and significant impacts on attitude toward functional
foods. The hypotheses are supported by the data.
16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference
Table 6: The results of the multiple-regressions analysis.
Standard error
of coefficient
coefficient (beta)
t value
Intercept 0.003 0.121 0.027 0.978
0.233 0.128 0.228 1.820 0.075
Functional food
0.392 0.125 0.394 3.148 0.003
= 0.255
F value = 8.734
P level = 0.001
Dependent Variable: Attitude toward functional food
4.1 Theoretical Implication
This research showed that functional food knowledge
positively and significantly affected the attitude
toward functional foods. This means that the more
knowledge, the more likely he or she has a positive
attitude and vice versa. This research also found that
perceived susceptibility positively and significantly
influenced the attitude toward functional foods. It
indicated that when someone felt that he or she was
susceptible to hypertension, his or her attitude toward
functional food would be more positive.
Theoretically, those findings provide new insight
into the mechanism of consumers’ acceptance.
Someone who accepts functional foods is someone
who has a positive attitude toward functional foods.
A positive attitude can arise from two factors, high
knowledge of functional foods and the threat of
The results of this research can explain the
findings discrepancy between Küster-Boluda and
Vidal-Capilla (2017) and Chen (2011). Chen (2011)
showed that a healthy lifestyle affected the attitude
toward functional foods, while Küster-Boluda and
Vidal-Capilla (2017) found otherwise. Someone with
a healthy lifestyle does not necessarily have
knowledge of functional foods or feels that NCD is a
threat for him and that it can be prevented using
functional foods. If he does not have a knowledge
related to functional foods, he might not know that it
can support his healthy lifestyle. Furthermore,
someone with a healthy lifestyle might not think that
he is susceptible to NCD. This means that he feels like
he does not need functional foods, and his attitude
toward functional foods will not be positive. That
might be the reason why Küster-Boluda and Vidal-
Capilla (2017) found that a healthy lifestyle did not
positively correlate with attitude toward functional
foods. If someone with a healthy lifestyle also has
knowledge about functional foods and realizes their
benefits against the risk of NCD, his attitude toward
functional foods would be positive as found by Chen
4.2 Managerial Implication
The result of this research has practical implications
for functional food producers and other stakeholders
that seek to encourage the consumption of functional
foods. First, they need to improve the public’s
knowledge of functional foods. In this context, the
most basic knowledge would be how to identify
functional foods and their inherent physiological
benefits. This can be done through face-to-face
meetings or information technology-based media,
like the internet. The benefit of exploiting
information technology is its wide and flexible
Aside from those implications, the research
results also encourage stakeholders to increase public
awareness of the danger of NCDs that can be
alleviated through the consumption of functional
foods. Stakeholders can make campaigns on NCDs,
the risk factors of NCDs, and NCD’s impacts on
overall health and well-being. The campaign on NCD
prevention is important because as a part of a diet,
functional foods serve as a disease-prevention
method. Functional foods are not medicines.
The next implication, to ensure consumers’
acceptance, functional food companies must develop
a specific product that targets certain detrimental
effects of NCDs consumers are aware of. With this
pattern, the rejection rate might decline.
The Effect of Perceived Susceptibility and Knowledge on Undergraduate Students’ Attitude towards Functional Food
4.3 Future Issue
Even though this research has generated interesting
findings and provided theoretical and practical
implications, there are several unfinished issues.
First, the main aim of the research on attitude toward
functional foods is to find a model that can explain
consumers’ attitude comprehensively. The regression
analysis showed that the R
of the model was 25.5%.
It means that there were variations of attitude that
could not be explained by the variation of knowledge
and perceived susceptibility. There must be other
variables that can enhance the model’s prediction
power. Therefore, the variables proposed in this study
should be integrated with other variables from
different studies that have been empirically proven.
Second, there are various functional foods
products available in the market. This poses a
question of whether the effect of each variable would
be different for other types of food. This research
could not answer that particular question because this
study only assessed one type of food, which was
foods that can prevent hypertension.
This study is funded through Insentif Riset Sistem
Inovasi Nasional (National Innovation System
Research Incentive) The Ministry of Research and
Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. All
authors are the main author of this paper.
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16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference