Design of Automatic Dough Feeder Control System on Modified
Cassava Flour-based Noodle Extrusion using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Eko Kuncoro Pramono and Umi Hanifah
Center for Appropriate Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. K.S. Tubun No 5, Subang, Indonesia
Keywords: Extruder, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Noodle Extrusion, Modified Cassava Flour.
Abstract: Production of modified cassava flour-based noodle has been done by many researchers using the extrusion
process. An extruder, an extrusion-based machine had been developed by Research Center for Appropriate
Technology to produce modified cassava flour-based noodle. The unstable feeding rate of the dough caused
the motor had fluctuation load during driving the main screw of the extruder. The main impacts were the
throughput of the noodle had become unstable too, the quality of the noodle also have an effect regarding the
density of the noodle, and the worst case was the higher feeding rate of the dough means heavier load for the
motor and can lead to jam of the extrusion process and damage of the main motor. In this paper, an automatic
dough feeder has been designed to control the feeding rate of the dough to the extruder using Fuzzy Logic
Controller (FLC). The inputs of the FLC were error and delta error of the main motor current and the output
of the controller was the rotational speed of the dough feeder motor. The design and simulation were done
using Matlab toolbox.
Modified cassava flour (mocaf) is a derivative
product of cassava flour which uses the principle of
cassava cell modification by fermentation for 12 - 72
hours. This flour has the advantage of having a higher
protein content and better physicochemical properties
compared to cassava flour. Mocaf product
development has been carried out in terms of
improving the quality of mocaf (Kardhinata et al.,
2019; Kurniati & Aida, 2012; Nusa, Suarti & Alfiah,
2015) and increasing production (Hamidi &
Banowati 2019). One of the uses of mocaf is to
substitute wheat flour, which is not produced in
Indonesia, in making noodles. Some research on the
use of mocaf as a noodle-making material has been
done by many researchers (Afifah & Ratnawati,
2017; Indrianti et al., 2014; Yulianti, Sholichah &
Indrianti, 2019).
In line with the research on these mocaf flour-
based noodle products, the development of extruder
equipment as equipment to produce mocaf has been
widely developed. One of them, in 2013 the Research
Center for Appropriate Technology began developing
a single screw-type extruder machine (Siregar et al.
2013). The main aspect of a single screw extruder was
the screw pump or screw press, where the food dough
is compressed to form a semi-solid mass in a
cylindrical chamber (barrel) using a single screw that
is driven by an electrical motor and forced out
through a limited opening (die) at the tip of the barrel
(Riaz, 2000). When the food is heated, it is called
extrusion cooking or hot extrusion. The heat used in
the cooking process can come from the steam
injection (directly), from the heating jacket
(indirectly), and can also be done by heating the
dough before being put into the extruder, as well as
the heat energy arisen from the friction of the dough
during the extrusion process (Riaz, 2013).
On the process of making noodles, the dough, a
mixture of mocaf and other ingredients went through
the cooking process before being fed into the extruder
machine. The heating process was a critical step for
pre-gelatinization to maintain the noodle strands
because mocaf is a gluten-free flour which not able to
form a cohesive dough structure5. As a result, the
dough material from the extruder was a half-cooked
dough that had an irregular shape and size. The
feeding process of the dough into the extruder
machine was done manually by the operator so that
the feeding rate the dough becomes unstable. This can
give result in variations in physical characteristics of
the noodles produced.
Pramono, E. and Hanifah, U.
Design of Automatic Dough Feeder Control System on Modified Cassava Flour-based Noodle Extrusion using Fuzzy Logic Controller.
DOI: 10.5220/0009981900002964
In Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference (16th AFC 2019) - Outlook and Opportunities of Food Technology and Culinary for Tourism Industry, pages 312-316
ISBN: 978-989-758-467-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The use of fuzzy logic as a controller had been
done by many researchers. It was said that fuzzy logic
has been used in many industrial control applications.
It had several advantages including simple and low
cost for installation, capability to handle non-linear
systems (Abeykoon et al., 2011), free plant models
(Albertos & Sala, 2004; Driankov, Hellendoorn &
Reinfrank, 1993; Fileti et al., 2007). Some studies
related to the use of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC)
include FLC in the washing machine to control the
voltage for the inverter claimed can reduce the time,
electricity consumption, and washing water
(Wulandari & Abdullah, 2018). An FLC also was
used to control the expansion volume of dough pieces
similar to its standard conditions during the proofing
process claimed can provide significantly better
result, not require a mathematical model and had
better to reject any than PID controller (Yousefi-
Darani, Paquet-Durand & Hitzmann, 2019). PID-
fuzzy algorithms were applied to a polymerization
process control and compared to conventional PID
controllers, proved to be more suitable and reliable
(Fileti et al., 2007).
Regarding the many advantages of the fuzzy logic
controller mentioned above, in this study, an FLC was
designed to control the speed of feeding noodle-based
mocaf doughs that have non-uniform shapes so that it
is expected to provide motor workload to the extruder
constantly to produce homogeneous noodle products.
The extruder that was used in this research had a
specification which showed in figure 1.
Figure 1: The extruder used in this research.
The Extruder was developed by the Research
Center for Appropriate Technology on 2018, the scale
down from the corn base noodle extruder Prototype 1
(Putra, Novrinaldi & Kurniawan, 2013; Siregar et al.,
2013). The main motor was a three phases induction
motor which had a nominal power of 5 HPs. The
motor was connected to a 40:1 reducing gearbox
system which operated at 1500 rotations per minute.
The motor was electrically driven by a Variable
Speed Drive (VSD) inverter. The extrusion process
was set at 75 °C which measured by a thermocouple
sensor located on the barrel. Both a heater and a
blower were placed to control the temperature to its
set point.
A preliminary experiment was done to investigate
the optimum current of the motor which referred to
the optimum load of the motor. There were 3
measurements using 3 same dough set of 2 kgs. The
productions of noddle were conducted according to
the proper process and the feeding of the dough to the
extruder was done manually by the operator. During
the extrusion process, the current measurements of
the extruder motor were done using a clamp ampere
and were recorded every 30 seconds. This experiment
gave an optimum value of motor current which set as
a setpoint to the proposed system.
The automatic dough feeder system was designed
to eliminate the inconsistency feeding rate of dough
which done manually by the operator. The system
was consisted of dough crusher and a motor drive
screw to feed the dough to the extruder automatically.
The proposed dough feeder system is shown in figure
Figure 2: Illustrated design of dough feeder system.
The rate of dough feeding was done by controlling
the angular speed of the feeder motor. The angular
speed of the motor was controlled based on the
feedback of the main motor load which was
represented by the current measurement. The control
system of the proposed feeding system was Fuzzy
Logic Controller (FLC). Figure 3 shows the block
diagram of FLC. The design and simulation of the
FLC system was done using Matlab R2016a software
(Trial Version).
Figure 3: Block diagram of FLC.
Design of Automatic Dough Feeder Control System on Modified Cassava Flour-based Noodle Extrusion using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Inputs of FLC were error and delta_error which can be
represented as follow,
 
d   1
where setpoint (SP) is the average current of the main
extruder motor. The steps of designing FLC as
2.1 Fuzzification
In the fuzzification process, each input value
consisting of crisp numbers is mapped in a fuzzy set
by determining the degree of membership in each
FLC input as described in the curve graph as follows
Figure 4: Membership function of error (top) and
delta_error (bottom).
2.2 Determining Fuzzy Rules and
Inference System
Table 1: Fuzzy rules pair set.
NB = Negative Big
NS = Negative Small
Z = Zero
PS = Positive Small
PB = Positive Big
VS = Very Slow
S = Slow
N = Normal
F = Fast
VF = Very Fast
Each pair of the fuzzy set uses a logical AND
operator, so a set of fuzzy rules is obtained as shown
in Table 1, where the implication process uses Min
rules and the aggregation process uses the max
method, commonly known as the Min-Max method
(Mamdani Method). There were totally 25 rules made
of error and delta_error membership function pairs.
2.3 Defuzzification
The defuzzification process used in the Mamdani
method is the center of gravity method, where the
output value of crisp is calculated based on the center
of gravity of the aggregation of the fuzzy sets of each
output produced, as follows:
The membership function of output is described in
Figure 5 as follows,
Figure 5: Membership function of output.
Based on the result of the preliminary experiment of
the main motor current measurement during the
mocaf-based noddle production process, the
measurement data can be showed in Figure 6. It can
be showed that the average motor current is about 9
Ampere, that becomes the setpoint. In measurements
1 and 2, there is a time span in which the motor got
shut down due to overload. Recorded motor currents
before shutting down were at 13 ampere and 15
amperes. Therefore, the proposed system should have
a range of the motor current not exceed 13 Ampere.
16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference
Figure 6: Measurement of motor current during noodle
Applying set point and all fuzzy parameter
described above into Matlab fuzzy toolbox would
give simulation the calculation of the output based on
given inputs as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Simulation of the proposed fuzzy at error -1.3 A
and delta_error -2.4 A.
Each crisp value of inputs will be mapped into its
membership function. Each pair of input membership
function will be mapped into the output membership
function based on the fuzzy rules. And all output
membership function will be aggregated and
calculated into crisp value of output based on formula
(3). On the example above, error -1.3 ampere and
delta_error -2.4 amperes will give output rotation
speed of the feeder’s screw at 7.63 Rpm. Figure 8
shows a surface response relationship between inputs
and output. During the positive value of error and
delta_error the controller gives a higher value of the
output, which means the load of the main motor was
low and need to be fed dough faster. On the other
hand, whenever error and delta error had negative
values the output gave less value, which means the
load of the main motor was high and need to be fed
by dough slower. The FLC maintained the rate of
dough feeding to its proper value based on the set
Figure 8: Surface response relationship between inputs and
A FLC was applied to control the feeding rate of
dough on an extruder during noodle production was
proposed and simulated under Fuzzy toolbox on
Matlab. The controller determines the rotational
speed of the screw-feeder motor based on the main
motor current on extruder which describes the load of
the motor. It is shown that the FLC can maintain the
feeding rate of dough on the extruder by manipulating
the screw speed of the feeder system. The controller
performances can be further improved by improving
the model’s accuracies, adding more fuzzy rules, etc.
The implementation of the proposed controller on the
dough feeder of the extruder together with different
fuzzy parameter setting and method will be addressed
under future work.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge Ministry of
Research, Technology and Higher Education through
Insentif Riset Sistem Inovasi Nasional (INSINAS)
Riset Pratama for funding this research.
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16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference