Application of House of Quality in the Design Requirements for
Flakes Machines in the Banana Flakes Production Process
Aidil Haryanto and Novrinaldi
Research Center for Appropriate Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, KS Tubun street, Subang, Indonesia
Keywords: Banana Flakes, Design Requirement, Flakes Machine, House of Quality, Quality Function Deployment.
Abstract: Banana flakes are products with the main ingredients that contain ripe banana flour. The use of ripe banana
flour will make the dough sticky and mushy, which is a problem in the banana flakes production process.
These problems are such as the difficulty in the process of forming dough sheets, the process of cutting flakes,
and the sticky dough on the tool. Therefore, to solve these problems need planning and problem solving based
on customer requirements to design flakes machine. To identify design requirements based on these problems
using one of the planning phases of quality function deployment (QFD), called the house of quality (HOQ).
HOQ is a planning and problem-solving tool for the design team that functions to provide input into the design
process phase. The application of HOQ focused the design team's attention on customer satisfaction during
the product design and development process. HOQ gives relationship matrix between customer requirements
(CRs) and engineering characteristics (ECs) that will produce recommendations and constraints that must be
considered when designing a product. Based on the application of HOQ revealed that there are three highest
ranks of a total of 17 ECs, namely the production time of 13.44%, the automation of machine of 11.46%, and
the production capacity of 10.05%, its means that the design focus for flakes machine must lead based on the
Banana is a horticultural commodity that grows in
Indonesia. Indonesia has almost 200 types of bananas
(Fatmawati and Dianawati, 2016). Bananas contain
carbohydrates 22.84 g/100 g, vitamin C 8.7 mg/100
g, and minerals (potassium 358 mg, magnesium 27
mg, phosphorus 22 mg, calcium 5 mg, sodium 1 mg,
and iron 0.26 mg per 100 g) (Mahmudah, Amanto and
Widowati, 2017). Other than that, bananas contain
prebiotics and have benefits for the human
(Desnilasari and Lestari, 2014). One of
diversification of the production process of bananas
is banana flour (Surahman et al., 2019). One of the
products of banana flour processing is banana flakes.
Banana flakes are flakes food products from ripe
banana flour which is an alternative for breakfast
(Setyadi, 2016; Surahman et al., 2019).
However, the production process of banana flakes
made from ripe bananas has constraints in increasing
production capacity caused by dough sticky and
mushy. Some banana flakes production processes still
use simple and manual equipment. To design the
machine flakes in the banana flakes production
process needs some initial analysis in solving
problems based on customer requirements (CRs) with
the identification method of the design requirements
using one of the planning phases of the QFD, called
the HOQ (Dieter and Schmidt, 2013). Regarding the
methods for designing the new product development,
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a significant
methodological approach to enhance customer
satisfaction and reduce the production costs (Zadry et
al., 2015). QFD has been profitably applied by
industries around the world (Dieter and Schmidt,
2013; Zadry et al., 2015). The objective of this paper
with HOQ methods is to give relationship matrix
between CRs and engineering characteristics (ECs)
that will produce recommendations and constraints
which must be considered when designing the
In application HOQ, there are two sides to the
analysis. The first is collecting data to identify
customer preferences for banana flakes product
Haryanto, A. and Novrinaldi, .
Application of House of Quality in The Design Requirements for Flakes Machines in The Banana Flakes Production Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0009982100002964
In Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference (16th AFC 2019) - Outlook and Opportunities of Food Technology and Culinary for Tourism Industry, pages 284-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-467-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
characteristics (Zadry et al., 2015; Djekic et al.,
2017). The second is comparing CRs that have been
obtained from the analysis results of data collection
with ECs (Dieter and Schmidt, 2013).
2.1 Preliminary Study
Preliminary study on the QFD concept was conducted
observations and interviews directly with customers
(Zadry et al., 2015). In this case, customers are the
makers of banana flakes or the producer banana
flakes. Interviews were conducted to obtain
information based on complaints that occurred. The
interview is the initial stage which aims as a reference
in designing the questionnaire and an initial
description of the needs and expectations of
customers to design machine flakes in the banana
flakes production process.
2.2 Customer Requirements Data
Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire.
Questionnaires are distributed to customers to find
out what complaints and customer needs regarding
the production process that is being used as well as
the expected production process. The use of
questionnaires is also used to find out ideas related to
the design of flakes machines (Zadry et al., 2015).
The questionnaire was developed based on interview
data and direct observations that refer to the quality
dimension (Dale, 2003). Grouping CRs include
performance, durability, reliability, features, and
aesthetics. Questionnaires based on CRs were given
from least important (1) to most important (5).
2.3 Concept of QFD
QFD is a systematic approach that focuses on the
initial design of the design team on user satisfaction
to make a machine that can work according to CRs
(Dieter and Schmidt, 2013; Prasad and Chakraborty,
2013). The complete QFD process is diagrammed in
Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. That
figures is the four phases of QFD process (Tsai et al.,
The QFD process consists of four phases that are the
steps towards accountable design results. The results
of each phase becoming the input to the next (Dieter
and Schmidt, 2013). The initial stage of the QFD is
that HOQ serves to guide the design team in
determining the ECs that have the most influence
on CRs. The basic translation of CRs into ECs can be
Figure 1: Phase 1. House of quality.
Figure 2: Phase 2. Part of deployment.
Figure 3: Phase 3. Process planning.
Figure 4: Phase 4. Production planning.
accomplished with a HOQ consisting of Rooms 1, 2,
4, and 5 (Dieter and Schmidt, 2013). Room 3
correlation matrix can be added to find out the
correlation on ECs for design consideration.
The HOQ matrix is introduced as follows:
Functions in Room 1 represent needs or desires from
customers. Based on their desires, the customers may
give different importance rating (Chen et al., 2017).
ECs in Room 2 are product performance measures
and features that have been identified. ECs include
production need, engineering analysis, and key part
Application of House of Quality in The Design Requirements for Flakes Machines in The Banana Flakes Production Process
reliability. ECs are usually measurable values and
their units are placed near the top of Room 2. Symbols
indicating the preferred improvement direction of
each EC are placed at the top of Room 2. Thus a
symbol indicates that a higher value of this EC is
better, and a symbol indicates that a lower value is
better. It is also possible that an EC will not have an
improvement direction (Dieter and Schmidt, 2013).
The Correlation matrix in Room 3 shows the degree
of dependence among the engineering characteristics
in the roof of the HOQ. It is best to recognize these
correlated relationships early so that appropriate
trade-offs can be made during embodiment design.
The correlation matrix shows that there are strong
positive correlations (indicated by “++”), positive
(indicated by “+”), negative (indicated by “-”), and
strong negative (indicated by “--”) among EC pairs.
In the Room 4, the Relationship matrix is at the
center of an HOQ. Each cell in the matrix is marked
with a symbol that indicates the strength of the causal
association between the EC of its column and the CR
of its row. The scoring scheme for each cell is given
as a set of symbols that represent an exponential range
of numbers (9, 3, 1, and 0). The EC will contribute to
fulfilling the CR in the cell’s row significantly (9),
moderately (3), or slightly (1). The cell is left blank if
the EC has no impact on the CR (Dieter and Schmidt,
2013). Importance ranking in Room 5 present priorities
and goals for product design or improvement. They
summarize basic data representing CRs and can help
indicate strategic opportunities (Ramírez, Cisternas
and Kraslawski, 2017).
The procedures of the traditional HOQ chart of
QFD are divided into the following five steps (Figure
5). Step 1: Identifying the CRs, step 2: Determining
ECs, step 3: Determining correlation matrix, step 4:
Translating CRs into measurable ECs, and step 5:
Setting engineering targets for the design.
Figure 5: The HOQ matrix (Dieter and Schmidt, 2013).
3.1 Customer Requirement Analysis
The first stage in the HOQ analysis is to identify
customer needs so that it can produce flakes machine
design based on needs. CRs based on the results of
the questionnaire is importance rating rate, which is
the average rating of all respondents or users. Table 1
shows the classification of customer requirements
based on observations and interviews conducted.
Table 1: Classification of customer requirements based on
observations and interviews conducted.
rating rate
Scaling up
Reduce manual
production process
Integrated with
existing systems
Durability Continuously
Operated for mushy
and sticky dough
Make the thin sheets
Easy to use
Produce uniform
Replace the manual
flakes cutting
Reducing the stages
of the production
Hygiene Products
Easy to carry and
Minimize noise
Energy saving
Serviceability Materials availability
3.2 HOQ
3.2.1 Engineering Characteristics
HOQ is generated by connecting CRs with ECs. ECs
are carried out in consultation and discussion by the
design team based on CRs. Symbols ( and ) on ECs
indicate improvement direction. ECs for machine
16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference
flakes in the banana flakes production process can be
grouped into three categories such as Table 2.
Table 2: Engineering characteristics.
Production time s
Automation of
selection of
n/a -
n/a -
Safety factor n/a
Dimension of
Mass of
Life time cycle
Force N
Assembly n/a -
Maintenance n/a
Product density Kg/m
3.2.2 HOQ Matrix for Flakes Machine in
the Banana Flakes Production Process
By applying the QFD method, a HOQ is built as
shown in Figure 6.
For the case of HOQ, the decision-making process is
supported by straightforward specification of CRs
(Ramírez, Cisternas and Kraslawski, 2017). It results
in the identification of suggested changes to the
analyzed technology. The application of HOQ in the
design of flakes machine in the banana flakes
production process resulted in 17 ratings according to
the number of ECs. Figure 3, rank order is generated
from a percentage from the highest to lowest relative
weight. Based on the relationship between CRs and
ECs shows that the three highest-ranking according to
the customers are production time of 13.44%,
automation of machine of 11.46%, and production
capacity of 10.05%, its means that the design focus
for flakes machine must lead based on the analysis.
The highest-ranking ECs from the HOQ are either
constraints or design variables whose values can be
used as decision-making criteria for evaluating
candidate designs. There are certain design
parameters that can only take a few discrete values. If
so, the design team should review the possible values
of the EC, determine which is best at meeting
correlated EC targets of the design, and then use only
the selected value of the EC in generating conceptual
designs. The results from the HOQ act as a guide to
assist the team in determining the selection criterion
for evaluating designs. However, in designing the
machine flakes need to consider other ECs to meet
customer satisfaction. The lowest-ranking ECs of the
HOQ are not as critical to the success of the design.
These ECs allow freedom during the design process
because their values can be set according to priorities
of the designer.
The three highest ranks indicate that users need a
machine that can streamline the banana flakes
production process and improve the quality and
quantity of banana flakes products. The three highest
ranks are in the category of production needs in ECs.
Caused by the majority of respondents only being
customers or operators of flakes machines. This
information allows a design team to allocate design
resources to the product performance aspects or
features (ECs) that are most critical to the success of
the product. These can be called critical to quality
engineering characteristics or CTQ ECs.
In determining the design requirements for machine
flakes by using or implementing HOQ it produces
recommendations and constraints that must be the
main focus. HOQ which is a matrix of the relationship
between CRs and ECs for designing machine flakes
in the production process of banana flakes.
Distributing relative weight (%) scores shows
scores ranging from lowest to highest for ECs. The
higher the percentage of the relative weight obtained,
the more ECs require special attention. HOQ matrix
for flakes machine produces three main
recommendations and constraints as explained in the
discussion section that is the focus of design.
Application of House of Quality in The Design Requirements for Flakes Machines in The Banana Flakes Production Process
Figure 6: HOQ matrix for flakes machine in the banana flakes production process.
Thanks are due to Research Center for Appropriate
Technology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences and
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education of the Republic of Indonesia.
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16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference