The results of this work found that the analysed
Physalis angulata, physically had an average polar
diameter, equatorial diameter, geometric diameter
and surface area ranged from 13.49 ± 0.69,
12.92±0.76, 13.10±0.66 mm and 540.19±54.55
respectively. These biometric characteristics
were relatively similar to those characteristics
reported in the literature for the same product. The
average mass and volume ranged from 1.39 ± 0.20
gr and 2.63 ± 0.47 cm
respectively. The average
particle and bulk density ranged from 0.53 ± 0.04
and 0.42± 0.005 gr/cm
respectively. The average
sphericity, aspect ratio and porosity ranged from
97.17 ± 3.51, 95.84 ± 5.18 and 20.26 ± 6.63 %. On
the relationship within the physical measures,
results of regression analysis indicated that
equatorial diameter, geometrical diameter, and
surface area were dependent on mass. The polar
diameter and porosity were dependent on volume
and particle density respectively In term of the in-
between relationship of mechanical properties;
springiness was dependent on hardness. Chewiness
depended on springiness, and resilience was
dependent on cohesiveness.
Regarding the angle of repose, the highest angle
of repose occurred on the surface of aluminium;
otherwise, the lowest of that happened on the
surface of the plywood. The angle of repose on the
stainless steel surface tangentially was dependent
on aspect ratio and polar diameter. The angle of
repose on aluminium surface tangentially was
dependent aspect ratio, mass and equatorial
diameter, the angle of repose of acrylic surface was
tangentially dependent on polar diameter,
sphericity, equatorial diameter and particle density
and angle of repose of plywood were tangentially
dependent on sphericity and aspect ratio. There
were significant differences of the angle of repose
between stainless steel and all of aluminium,
acrylic and plywood, between aluminium and
acrylic and between acrylic and plywood;
otherwise, there was not any significant difference
between aluminium and plywood. Regarding the
colour, the Physalis angulata fruits tended to have
pale yellow colour, with the L*a*b*c*h*
coordinates of 37.80 ± 0.0101, 85 ± 0.023,
10.79 ± 0.006, c* = 10.95 ± 0.007, and h*=0.02 ±
0.002 respectively.
We want to thank Dadang Gandara, Iman Rusim,
Maulana F., Sutrisno, Sukwati, Neneng K. and S.
Khudaifanny for their help in carrying out this study.
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