Financing companies must register the
Fiduciary Security at the fiduciary registration
office no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days
from the date of the consumer financing
Financing companies are prohibited to
withdraw fiduciary collateral in the form of
motorized vehicles if the fiduciary registration
office has not issued a Fiduciary Security
certificate, and they should hand it over to the
financing company.
Withdrawal of fiduciary collateral objects in
the form of motorized vehicles, which will be
performed by financing companies, must fulfill
the terms and conditions as regulated in the
Fiduciary Security Act and have been agreed by
the parties involved in the motorized vehicle
consumer financing agreement. Article 5 of the
Minister of Finance Regulation Number 130 /
PMK.010 / 2012 stipulates that if a financing
company violates this obligation, then
administrative sanctions shall be imposed in the
form of: (Ibnu Artadi, Sudarminto and
Wulansari Partinah, 2018)
a. Warning;
b. freezing of business activities, or
c. revocation of business license
Fiduciary Security Certificates which is issued after
the period of 30 days from the date of the Consumer
Financing Agreement shall have no legal force, for
they have passed the time specified in the
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130 /
PMK.010 / 2012. Although the Fiduciary Security
Certificate is no longer possessing legal force, it
does not mean that the Consumer Financing
Agreement will also be considered as null and void.
Therefore, if a breach of contract occurs, the
execution of fiduciary security can be carried out by:
Submitting a civil suit to the District Court until
the verdict with permanent legal force is
Conducting private sales based on the consent
of the Fiduciary provider and Receiver 1 (one)
month after they notified the concerned parties
and announced it in 2 (two) newspapers
published in the concerned area.
asking the help of Alternative Dispute
Resolution agencies.
The purpose of fiduciary security registration is to
provide legal certainty to fiduciary the receiver and
provider, and the interested third parties, because,
with this registration, a Fiduciary Guarantee
certificate will have the right to possess executorial
power which is likened to a court ruling with
permanent legal force, meaning that, with a
Certificate of Guarantee, this fiduciary can be
directly executed or carried out without going
through a trial and examination process in a court,
and this fiduciary is deemed final and binding to the
parties, requiring them to carry out the decision.
(Yurizal, 2015).
Based on the above description, it can be concluded
that legal impact of delaying fiduciary Securities
registration, in terms of Law Number 42 of 1999
Concerning Fiduciary Securities and Regulation of
the Minister of Finance No. 130 / PMK.010 / 2012,
will be the incapability, suffered by business doers,
in executing fiduciary security whenever the debtor
performs defaults, since there is no fiduciary security
certificate that possesses executorial power just like
a court decision with its permanent legal force, so
the business actor can only file a civil law to the
District Court and the position of the financial
institution only as the concurrent creditor.
Supervision from the Financial Services Authority is
required so that financing companies will be willing
to carry out the obligations of registering fiduciary
security. In addition, Fiduciary Security Law
Socialization still needs to be socialized.
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Grace P. Nugroho, “Eksekusi Terhadap Benda Objek
Perjanjian Fidusia dengan Akta di Bawah Tangan”,
dalam: http://www.mediakonsumen.com/Artikel
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Hermeneutika, Vol. 2 Nomor 2.
J. Satrio, 2007, Hukum Jaminan Hak Jaminan Kebendaan,
PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung.
Maria S.W. Sumardjono, 1989, Pedoman Pembuatan
Usulan Penelitian, Fakultas Hukum UGM,