The Legal Impact of Delaying Fiduciary Security Registration in
Terms of Law Number 42 of 1999 Concerning Fiduciary Security and
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130/PMK.010/2012
Elis Herlina
Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 530, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Keywords: Financing company, fiduciary, registration
Abstract: Article 11 the Fiduciary Security Law stipulates that the object of Fiduciary Security must be registered at
the Fiduciary Registration Office before a Fiduciary Security certificate, which shall have an executorial
power, be issued. In its implementation, there are some financing companies who would like to delay the
registration. Therefore, question arises as to what kind of the legal consequences of delaying Fiduciary
Security registration in terms of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Security and Regulation of
the Minister of Finance Number 130 / PMK.010 / 2012. This was an analytical descriptive research with a
normative juridical approach. The data collection of this study was performed by using literature study
technique, while the data were obtained are analyzed in a qualitative juridical manner. The legal
consequence of delaying the Fiduciary Security registration is that, if the debtor performs defaults, the
financial institution would be incapable to execute Fiduciary Security for there is no Fiduciary Security
certificate available, so that it can only be done by filing a civil suit to the District Court, and that the position
of the financial institution would merely be as the concurrent creditor.
Fiduciary law is currently regulated by Law No.
42/1999 on Fiduciary Security. Article 11 of the
Fiduciary Security Law requires that the object of
Fiduciary Security should be registered at the
Fiduciary Registration Office located in Indonesia.
The Fiduciary Registration Office issues a Fiduciary
Security Certificate on the same date as of the receipt
of the application for registration. The Fiduciary
Security Certificate, as referred to in Article 14
paragraph (1), shall include the words “For the sake
of Justice of the Divine God" and possess an
executorial power equal to a court decision which
has obtained permanent legal force, meaning that
this Fiduciary Security Certificate may be
immediately executed/carried out without
undergoing a trial process and examination through
the court, and it is final as well as binding to the
parties. If the debtor makes default, the fiduciary
receiver will be eligible to sell the object of
Fiduciary Security at his authority.
The purpose of the registration of this Fiduciary
Security is to provide the right for a creditor to be
the preference above the other creditors in taking the
payment of receivables which come from the results
of the execution of Fiduciary Security objects due to
the debtor defaults. The implementation is regulated
by Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 130 / PMK.010 /
2012 concerning Registration of Fiduciary Security
for Financing Companies Conducting Consumer
Financing for Motorized Vehicles under Fiduciary
Security Imposition. In this regulation, it is
determined that all financing companies shall be
required to register Fiduciary Security for each
financing transaction within 30 calendar days from
the date of consumer financing (Ibnu Artadi,
Sudarminto dan Wulansari Partinah, 2018).
However, in the implementation, there are some
financing companies who keep delaying Fiduciary
Security registration.
Herlina, E.
The Legal Impact of Delaying Fiduciary Security Registration in Terms of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Security and Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number
DOI: 10.5220/0009987200002905
In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2019), pages 170-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-468-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
There are two types of Fiduciary Security,Fiducia
cum creditore and fiducia cum amico. Both of which
arise from the agreement called the pactum fiduciae
and are further followed by the transfer of rights or
in iure cession. Fiducia cum creditore contracta
means the promise of trust made together with the
creditor, that the debtor will transfer the ownership of
an object to the creditor, as collateral for the debt,
under the consent that the creditor will transfer the
ownership back to the debtor if the debt has been
settled. (Gunawan Widjaja & Ahmad Yani, Jaminan
Fidusia, 2007). In fiducia cum creditore, there are
several important things which constitute elements
in the legal relationship between the debtor and the
creditor, such as: (Tan Kamelo, 2006)
The debtor transfers ownership of the object to
the creditor.
The object submitted is recognized as the
collateral of the debt.
Physically, objects which are used as collateral
for debt shall be controlled by the debtor.
The creditor shall be obliged to return the
property rights to the debtor after carrying out
his obligations. In Indonesia, the existence of
fiduciary was recognized by jurisprudence
based on the decision of HGH on 18 August
The issuance of the Fiduciary Act is a kind of
official acknowledgment from the legislators of a
Fiduciary Security institution, which. to these days,
only gained recognition through jurisprudence.
According to Article 1 sub 1 of the Fiduciary Act: A
fiduciary is the transfer of ownership of an object on
the basis of trust, provided that the object whose
ownership rights is transferred remain in the
possession of the owner of the object. Some
characteristics appearing in the formulation include
(Satrio, 2007). The ownership rights of an object can
be transferred, performed on the basis of trust the
object remains in the possession of the object owner.
This research was normative juridical research,
which means that this research used secondary data
or literature data (Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, 1990)
and it had the characteristic of analytical
descriptive. (Soerjono Soekanto, 1986). The data
collection technique was conducted by performing
library. As supporting data, interviews were
conducted together with related parties. Then the
data obtained were analyzed using qualitative
descriptive methods. (Maria S.W. Sumardjono,
In the practice, while entering the financing
agreements, financing companies include words that
are guaranteed on a fiduciary basis, yet not be made
with a notarial deed and not registered at the
Fiduciary Registration Office in order to get a
certificate or registration delay. This, as the matter
of fact, generates complex and risky legal
consequences. Creditors can be considered one-
sided when exercising their rights of execution and
they can be quite arbitrary. Currently, there are
finance companies who execute unregistered
Fiduciary Security objects, yet they find that their
actions are safe and smooth because customer’s
bargaining power of is still considered weak in the
eyes of the creditors (as owners of funds), and
because people’s knowledge is still low. This
weakness is usually exploited by business doers,
particularly the business person in financial
institutions' sector (Grace P. Nugroho). Following
Article 11 of the Fiduciary Security Law,
registration of Fiduciary Securities must be carried
out by business doers. Besides, there are many credit
transactions, especially motorcycle loans, whose
executions simply ignore the obligation to pawn
goods that are traded by debtors and creditors,
causing legal uncertainty to the debtors and creditors,
while the registration of Fiduciary Security actually
gives priority rights (droit de preference) to the
fiduciary receiver among the others creditors. (Eva
Andari Ramadhina, 2017).
The main substances regulated in the Minister of
Finance Regulation Number 130 / PMK.010 / 2012
shall include: (Ibnu Artadi, Sudarminto dan
Wulansari Partinah, 2018).
The Financing Company that carries out
financing for consumer upon motorized
vehicles, with the imposition that the concerned
Fiduciary Security must be registered to the
fiduciary registration office.The Fiduciary
Security registration requirement is also
applicable to the financing companies who
conduct sharia-based financing for the motor
vehicle consumers and/or the financing for
motorized vehicle consumer whose execution is
performed through channeling or joint
The Legal Impact of Delaying Fiduciary Security Registration in Terms of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Security and
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130/PMK.010/2012
Financing companies must register the
Fiduciary Security at the fiduciary registration
office no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days
from the date of the consumer financing
Financing companies are prohibited to
withdraw fiduciary collateral in the form of
motorized vehicles if the fiduciary registration
office has not issued a Fiduciary Security
certificate, and they should hand it over to the
financing company.
Withdrawal of fiduciary collateral objects in
the form of motorized vehicles, which will be
performed by financing companies, must fulfill
the terms and conditions as regulated in the
Fiduciary Security Act and have been agreed by
the parties involved in the motorized vehicle
consumer financing agreement. Article 5 of the
Minister of Finance Regulation Number 130 /
PMK.010 / 2012 stipulates that if a financing
company violates this obligation, then
administrative sanctions shall be imposed in the
form of: (Ibnu Artadi, Sudarminto and
Wulansari Partinah, 2018)
a. Warning;
b. freezing of business activities, or
c. revocation of business license
Fiduciary Security Certificates which is issued after
the period of 30 days from the date of the Consumer
Financing Agreement shall have no legal force, for
they have passed the time specified in the
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130 /
PMK.010 / 2012. Although the Fiduciary Security
Certificate is no longer possessing legal force, it
does not mean that the Consumer Financing
Agreement will also be considered as null and void.
Therefore, if a breach of contract occurs, the
execution of fiduciary security can be carried out by:
Submitting a civil suit to the District Court until
the verdict with permanent legal force is
Conducting private sales based on the consent
of the Fiduciary provider and Receiver 1 (one)
month after they notified the concerned parties
and announced it in 2 (two) newspapers
published in the concerned area.
asking the help of Alternative Dispute
Resolution agencies.
The purpose of fiduciary security registration is to
provide legal certainty to fiduciary the receiver and
provider, and the interested third parties, because,
with this registration, a Fiduciary Guarantee
certificate will have the right to possess executorial
power which is likened to a court ruling with
permanent legal force, meaning that, with a
Certificate of Guarantee, this fiduciary can be
directly executed or carried out without going
through a trial and examination process in a court,
and this fiduciary is deemed final and binding to the
parties, requiring them to carry out the decision.
(Yurizal, 2015).
Based on the above description, it can be concluded
that legal impact of delaying fiduciary Securities
registration, in terms of Law Number 42 of 1999
Concerning Fiduciary Securities and Regulation of
the Minister of Finance No. 130 / PMK.010 / 2012,
will be the incapability, suffered by business doers,
in executing fiduciary security whenever the debtor
performs defaults, since there is no fiduciary security
certificate that possesses executorial power just like
a court decision with its permanent legal force, so
the business actor can only file a civil law to the
District Court and the position of the financial
institution only as the concurrent creditor.
Supervision from the Financial Services Authority is
required so that financing companies will be willing
to carry out the obligations of registering fiduciary
security. In addition, Fiduciary Security Law
Socialization still needs to be socialized.
Eva Andari Ramadhina, 2017, Penerapan Asas Jaminan
Fidusia dan Perjanjian Pada Pendaftaran Jaminan
Fidusia Dalam Pembiayaan Konsumen, Privat Law,
Vol. V No. 1, Januari 2017
Gunawan Widjaja & Ahmad Yani, 2007, Jaminan Fidusia,
PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007.
Grace P. Nugroho, “Eksekusi Terhadap Benda Objek
Perjanjian Fidusia dengan Akta di Bawah Tangan”,
Ibnu Artadi, Sudarminto dan Wulansari Partinah, 2018,
Hermeneutika, Vol. 2 Nomor 2.
J. Satrio, 2007, Hukum Jaminan Hak Jaminan Kebendaan,
PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung.
Maria S.W. Sumardjono, 1989, Pedoman Pembuatan
Usulan Penelitian, Fakultas Hukum UGM,
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, 1990, Metodologi Penelitian
Hukum dan Juritmetri, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
Soerjono Soekanto, 1986, Pengantar Penelitian Hukum,
Universitas Indonesia Pers, Jakarta.
Tan Kamelo, 2006, Hukum Jaminan Fidusia Suatu
Kebutuhan Yang Didambakan, Alumni, Bandung.
Yurizal, 2015, Aspek Pidana dalam Undang-Undang
Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 Tentang Jaminan Fidusia,
Media Nusa Creative, Malang.
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata.
Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 Tentang Jaminan
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 130/PMK.010/2012
Tentang Pendaftaran Jaminan Fidusia Bagi Perusahaan
Pembiayaan yang Melakukan Pembiayaan Konsumen
Untuk Kendaraan Bermotor Dengan Pembebanan
Jaminan Fidusia.
The Legal Impact of Delaying Fiduciary Security Registration in Terms of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Security and
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130/PMK.010/2012