that the agreement will benefit the parties, neither
party feels defeated in the dispute.
3.2 Effectiveness of the Application of
Dispute Resolution through
Arbitration in the Consumer
Protection Perspective in Indonesia
The patterns of settlement of consumer disputes
outside the court desired by the UUPK, are the right
choice, because the formulated solution contains a
solution that satisfies the disputing party. According
to IBR Supancana (2006), among the factors that
constitute weaknesses in competitiveness to attract
direct investment in a country is the existence of an
effective dispute resolution mechanism which is one
of the factors taken into account before deciding to
undertake investment activities.
The effective dispute resolution mechanism
involves: a) Dispute resolution forums, whether
through national courts, national and international
arbitration bodies, or other alternative dispute
resolution forums; b) Effectiveness of the validity of
the law applied in the dispute; c) Fast decision making
process and reasonable cost; d) The neutrality and
professionalism of judges, arbitrators or third parties
involved in the decision making process; e) The
effectiveness of the implementation or
implementation of court decisions, arbitration bodies
and other dispute resolution bodies; f) Compliance of
the parties to the decisions made.
The parties to the dispute can choose other ways
in resolving the dispute they face, if the litigation path
makes their dispute takes a long time, namely by
Settling through a non-litigation route or Alternative
Dispute Resolution as set out in Law Number 30 of
1999 Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
(hereinafter abbreviated as Arbitration Law and
APS). Alternative Dispute Resolution (hereinafter
abbreviated as APS) is a dispute resolution process
carried out outside the court (Nurhayati, 2009).
The effectiveness of the application of arbitration
over the court can at least be seen in terms of: First,
the Parties to the dispute can choose their own
arbitrators. Second, the implementation of the arbitral
tribunal guarantees unwanted secrecy and publicity.
Third, the Final and Binding Arbitration Award.
Fourth, fast and cheap. Fifth, the parties can
determine the choice of law, as well as the process or
arbitration held. Sixth, Arbitration procedures are
more informal than court procedures. Seventh, the
Arbitrator is also not obliged to follow the arbitrator's
previous decision. Eighth, the arbitration decision has
the power of the Executorial through the District
The UUPK Law also regulates dispute resolution
through the court and outside the court. One way to
resolve disputes is through arbitration and alternative
dispute resolution is regulated in Law No. 30 of 1999.
There are several ways to resolve disputes, namely
Arbitration, Consultation, Negotiation, Conciliation
Mediation, and Expert Assessment. The length of the
settlement process through Arbitration is 180
working days, the Verdict is Final and Binding, so
that legal certainty and a sense of justice obtained by
the Parties are more secure in the Consumer
Protection perspective.
Effectiveness of the implementation of arbitration
in the context of Consumer Protection is more
effective, efficient, fast and low cost compared to
settlement through the Court because it is vulnerable
to a long settlement time due to a burdensome case
load, besides that the parties who disagree can make
an Appeal, Cassation or Review Effort Back.
The Suggestions in this article is: a) There is a
need for legal certainty that when the parties in
choosing a dispute resolution between the business
actors of the community or consumers through
Arbitration or BPSK, the results of the decision can
not be tested in other Judicial institutions; b) For
Settlement through Arbitration or Consumer Dispute
Settlement Agency (BPSK) the results of the
Decision issued through the dispute settlement
agency can be done by the Executorial itself not
through the Court.
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