Following all given five steps after the application of
this measurement model, a company gets a structured
overview of their more and less knowledge-intensive
business processes to get an idea with which pro-
cesses to start the improvements according to any pro-
cess management initiatives or the application of a
quality management norm.
There is one obvious limitation to this presented
study: the missing application of the measurement
model in practice. The author tried to implement all
the necessary knowledge from practitioners and com-
bined it with a scientific background, but there is a
lack of practical evidence which should be improved
by the next step in this research project.
The next goal is to specify the lack of calibration
of the factors/restrictions and to substantiate this uti-
lizing additional studies. In this context, the diagnos-
tic model should be applied in companies, and a sec-
ond measurement should be carried out using other
methods. The two results can then be compared with
each other, and new insights can be gained to improve
the measurement ability and prove the whole concept.
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A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business Processes in SMEs