A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business
Processes in SMEs
Christian Ploder
MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Universit
atsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Knowledge-intensive Business Process, Measurement Model, SME.
This paper is based on earlier work about the selection of knowledge-intensive business processes in SMEs
done by the author with the result of defining 15 different factors in four categories: process, people, task and
interdependencies. The developed factor model for describing the knowledge-intensive business process is
driven further within the last year to help small and medium sized enterprises to focus on their important busi-
ness processes if starting with process management initiatives. The developed factor model was enriched with
a measurement model that combined scientific and practical input. This paper presents the measurement model
that is at least able to divide between knowledge-intensive business processes and not knowledge-intensive
business processes in a company. It is essential to invest in the right business processes for improvement if
it comes to process management according adopting current challenges for SMEs, which are fulfilling any
quality management norm like ISO 9000 series.
Knowledge serves as the basis for a competitive ad-
vantage that can be maintained over the long term
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1998). It can thus be de-
duced that one way of securing corporate activity in
the long term could be for companies to learn faster
than their competitors (Senge, 1996). The efficiency
with which knowledge is processed in companies is
a decisive factor in ensuring a company’s continued
existence. The consistent cultivation of specific expe-
rience is developing into a priority management task
for companies (Probst et al., 2006).
The discussion on knowledge management has
mostly focused on large companies. Topics such as
corporate culture, stakeholder networking, organiza-
tional structures, and technologically based infras-
tructures were examined based on the implementa-
tion of knowledge management in large companies.
However, no focus was placed on the unique needs
of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (De-
lahaye, 2003). Knowledge management has also be-
come a crucial task in SMEs (Durst and Edvardsson,
2012) (Saloj
arvi et al., 2005). Desouza and Awazu
(Desouza and Awazu, 2006) believe that SMEs can
achieve their competitive advantage by actively man-
aging their knowledge. McAdam and Reid (McAdam
and Reid, 2001) also point out the importance of an
independent view of SMEs. A comparative empir-
ical study by the two authors shows that both large
companies and SMEs can benefit from implement-
ing knowledge management. Dunkelberg and Wade
(Dunkelberg and Wade, 2007) think that a conscious
and systematic implementation of knowledge man-
agement has a positive influence on the development
of a company.
According to Edwards and Kidd (Edwards and
Kidd, 2003), there are four possible approaches to
implementing knowledge management in companies:
(1) the ”Knowledge World” way, (2) the ”IT-driven”
way, (3) the ”Functional” way and (4) the ”Business
Process” way and some of the reasons for the ”Busi-
ness Process” way are already given. For this paper,
the focus on the ”Business Process” way selected be-
cause of the current developments regarding changes
in the area of auditing based on quality management
norms. Current developments in the area of ambidex-
terity and agile auditing are one of the main topics
of the author’s research unit, where the whole team is
currently doing much empirical work in. From a prac-
tical point of the changes in the last versions of quality
management norms like ISO 9001, ISO 14385, and so
on, develop into a more agile idea of auditing develop-
ing companies to the permanent audit readiness. Fur-
Ploder, C.
A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business Processes in SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010014601330139
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 133-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
thermore, this work should help companies to filter
their business processes by the most important ones
to put effort into these processes first to fulfill the ex-
ternal requirements and improve internal governance.
Based on this problem description, the follow-
ing research question can be determined: How can
a measurement model for knowledge-intensive busi-
ness processes look like for SMEs?
To answer this research question the theoretical
foundation will be built up in section 2 followed by a
short explanation of the related work in section 3. The
conducted empirical study will be explained in sec-
tion 4 followed by the results and a discussion given
in section 5. A conclusion is given in section 6 fol-
lowed by the limitation and future research in section
The two main concepts needed for this study are,
on the one hand, the model concept and the term of
the knowledge-intensive business processes. Both of
these concepts are described in the tow following sub-
2.1 The Model Concept
The formation of a model to describe a specific sec-
tion of reality is called modeling. Analysis and struc-
turing of the given data material lead to the forma-
tion of concepts and, thus, to a structural concept for
the model. The model subdivides the examined sec-
tion of reality by assigning a system of concepts to
the unstructured initial data and thus determines their
meaning and their relationships with each other. The
structural concept always considers only one particu-
lar view of the section of reality to be modeled (Hein-
rich et al., 2014, p. 437). The following statements
all refer to the model which is created in the course of
this work, and the forms of expression are explained
The object type is a process model. The model to
be created will describe the process of diagnosis.
The individual process steps can be derived from
the model and operationalized. It thus describes
the path of diagnosis in addition to the description
of the real-world object.
The degree of formalization of the model de-
scribes its description possibilities. The model to
be formed in this thesis can be described as for-
mal because it can be fully represented utilizing
mathematical symbols. However, this does not
exclude another form of representation but repre-
sents a minimum requirement.
A mathematical representation of the model is
decisive for a corresponding classification in the
criterion of the form of representation. The
model to be created serves as a possibility to dif-
ferentiate between knowledge-intensive and non-
knowledge-intensive business processes based on
evaluated criteria that can be put into a mathemati-
cal context. A mathematical representation, there-
fore, becomes inevitable. In order to present the
process of diagnosing in a more comprehensible
way, graphic forms of representation will also be
necessary. Thus, there is no double mention of
the form of representation in the special case of
the diagnosis model.
The model forms the basis for differentiating
whether a particular process is a knowledge-
intensive or a non-knowledge-intensive business
process - which is why a decision is ultimately
The causality structure can be assumed to be lin-
ear since a linear relationship can be established
between the elements with their characteristics
and their effects on the model. Furthermore, no
feedback on the elements is possible.
The model to be formed in work is not a meta-
model since it does not contain construction rules
and interpretation hints of models. These two re-
quirements would indicate a meta-model.
In summary, it can be said that the division, according
to Heinrich et al. (Heinrich et al., 2014) is a descrip-
tive model that is formed inductively. The require-
ment of structural similarity cannot be fulfilled due to
the exploratory character of the model and the asso-
ciated uncertainty about the number of elements and
their relations - however, structural similarity can be
assured based on empirical findings. The validity of
the model is ensured due to a methodically clean pro-
cedure in model building.
2.2 The Knowledge Intensive Business
Process Concept
Separate consideration of knowledge-intensive busi-
ness processes can be seen as positive from several
perspectives: A closer look at business processes (Du-
mas et al., 2013) and their supporting knowledge pro-
cesses gives knowledge management a much stronger
link to the value chain (Skyrme, 1998). Some au-
thor assume that a combined view has a positive ef-
fect on the design and implementation of knowledge
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
management systems through the gained process ref-
erence (Mentzas et al., 2001). A combination of busi-
ness process modeling with knowledge management
activities can support change processes and innova-
tion. Knowledge management is introduced for core
processes (Davenport and Prusak, 2000) and supports
them efficiently (Mertins et al., 2001). These and
other aspects of (Oesterle and Winter, 2000) can be
seen as important advantages of a combined approach
(Remus, 2002).
Since there is currently no clear definition for
knowledge-intensive business processes, the follow-
ing section presents some definitions that need to be
considered in a differentiated manner and from which
a definition that is useful for the work is worked out,
which will determine the further procedure. Finally,
as a result of the present work, a model will be de-
veloped, which tries to divide between knowledge-
intensive and non-knowledge-intensive business pro-
cesses possible using factors.
In a paper by Goesmann and Hoffmann (2000), a
definition of the term knowledge-intensive business
processes is presented as follows: ”Processes [...]
with a high proportion of information processing ac-
tivities, in which unpredictable information require-
ments arise and new information is frequently gener-
ated [...]. Further characteristics are [...] high adjust-
ment requirements and high decision-making leeway
of the employees” (Goesmann and Hoffmann, 2000).
This definition shows a technocratic understanding of
knowledge-intensive business processes.
With Remus (2002), on the other hand, a partial
aspect of knowledge-intensive business processes can
be seen as follows: ”...knowledge-intensive business
processes make greater use of knowledge in the pro-
duction of goods and services than conventional pro-
cesses (Remus, 2002, p. 38). This definition is based
on the concept of knowledge, which was coined from
knowledge management, without going into its fuzzi-
ness in detail. Richter-von Hagen et. al. (Richter-von
Hagen et al., 2005) offers a definition that also refers
to this knowledge: ”A process is knowledge-intensive
if its value can only be created through the fulfillment
of the knowledge requirements of the process partici-
pants. From this, it can be seen that the corresponding
process participants very often provide the required
process knowledge and that the human factor must not
be forgotten in a closer examination.
A further definition can be found in Maier (Maier
and Thalmann, 2007, p. 212f), following Allweyer
(Allweyer, 1998): ”This Term denotes a business pro-
cess that relies substantially more on knowledge in
order to perform the development of production of
goods and services than a ”traditional” business pro-
cess”. Furthermore, Maier (Maier and Thalmann,
2007) writes about knowledge-intensive business pro-
cesses: ”...every type of business process is a poten-
tial candidate for a knowledge-intensive business pro-
cess”. It is precisely this statement on the occurrence
of knowledge-intensive business processes that calls
for the elaboration of the present paper, the aim of
which is to achieve a classification into knowledge-
intensive and non-knowledge-intensive business pro-
As a summary of the different definitions pre-
sented here, it can be assumed that the description
of a knowledge-intensive business process can by no
means be dealt with in one sentence. The broad view
that the knowledge-intensive business process is char-
acterized by a higher knowledge share of the process
participants is also supported in this thesis. Other ad-
ditional factors which can be descriptive of the knowl-
edge intensity of business processes are found, among
others, in Eppler et al. (Eppler et al., 2008), Goess-
mann Hoffmann (Goesmann and Hoffmann, 2000),
Gronau et al. (Gronau et al., 2005) or Remus (Remus,
As mentioned in the introduction, the factor model
itself was developed and presented in earlier work
(Ploder and Kohlegger, 2018) by the author and will
only be described rough in this paper for better under-
standing of the measurement model. To build the fac-
tor model a study in Austrian SMEs was conducted
based on the structured case approach (Carroll and
Swatman, 2000) with the aim to find out which are the
relevant factors to filter the knowledge-intensive busi-
ness processes. Within three iteration steps the factor
model has been developed and is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Factor model by frequency of responses.
All the factors have first been elaborated from lit-
erature and later on expanded by expert interviews to
A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business Processes in SMEs
make a identification of the knowledge-intensive busi-
ness processes possible. But there was no weighting
and no calculation scheme available for the measure-
ment of different processes in SMEs. How this cal-
culation scheme was developed will be shown in the
section 4.
The empirical study was based on Austrian SMEs as
defined by the EU based on the three factors: (1)
headcount less than 250 employees, (2) transaction
volume less than 50 Mio. Euro and (3) a balance sheet
total of less than 43 Mio. Euro. However, there is a
second limiting factor that is essential to this study’s
validity. This factor is the certification of the respec-
tive companies according to the ISO 9001 standard
because these companies are familiar with the process
management idea and have to deal with current devel-
opments like permanent audit readiness. In contrast
to the first study, the data evaluation for this paper is
quantitative because it is all about setting the meas-
ruements for the categroies and the factors itself. For
this purpose, the results were transferred to a spread-
sheet program and analyzed through statistical proce-
dures (frequency analysis and concluding statistical
values to check the data material).
Based on the first empirical study explained in
Ploder and Kohlegger (Ploder and Kohlegger, 2018)
the same experts have been interviewed for a second
time in 2019 with a structured interview guideline to
get answers on the following questions: (1) how can
the measurement of the factors from the first three cy-
cles be described, (2) how can the directions of ac-
tion of the factors be described, (3) how can the dis-
tribution of the weightings of the four categories be
described and (4) how could a mathematical model
for evaluation look like. The generation of the ques-
tions was following the SPSS method to focus on the
most important questions during the strict guided in-
terviews (Helfferich, 2011).
To get answers on the four given questions, the in-
terview guide was designed to be a quantitative study.
In the first two questions, all 15 factors were given to
the experts, which were then ranked by the experts on
the one hand concerning their relevance (question 1)
for distinguishing between knowledge-intensive busi-
ness processes and non-knowledge-intensive business
processes. On the other hand, the direction of effect
(question 2) of the factors on the knowledge intensity
of a process was determined. The relevance check
was carried out using an ordinal scale from ”very rel-
evant” to ”not relevant” for each factor. It is also im-
portant to note that it is the relevance of the factor and
not its impact that is at issue.
The experts rated the direction of impact as pos-
itive or negative with maximum expression of the
factor. An example of a negative direction of ef-
fect would be: ”If the formalizability of a process
is rated very high, this would rather indicate a non-
knowledge-intensive business process”.
Question three in the expert interview guidelines
had to deal with the question of the weighting of
the categories (question 3) and a calculation (ques-
tion 4) based on this for the classification. For this
purpose, four different scenarios with two differenti-
ated approaches were chosen. These scenarios were
specified in order to make it easier for the experts to
make an assessment and to be able to determine a ten-
dency from the expert interviews, which of them are
suitable for the diagnosis model. The two differenti-
ated approaches differ in that only a minimum value at
achievable points of the 15 factors is decisive for the
classification, and it can, therefore, be the case that
a category is assessed as very low and yet an overall
value indicates a rather knowledge-intensive business
process. This approach has been given two different
values for overall rating of all factors: Scenario one
with 75 percent or scenario two with 50 percent.
Scenarios three and four, on the other hand, are
based on the approach that a minimum value must be
achieved both overall and in each category. To allow
the experts to make an individual proposal, scenario
5 provides the opportunity to present a particular sce-
The evaluation of data gained from question 1 show
that there is no factor which the experts consider to
be irrelevant and all of them are taken for the mea-
surement model as shown in table 1. The factors are
listed in the columns and assigned to the correspond-
ing categories. Based on the ordinal distributed data,
an aggregated measure of the relevance of the indi-
vidual factors is formed not with the mean value, but
with the median. For the coding from ”very relevant”
to ”not relevant, the numerical values were used in
steps of 1 from 3 to 0. This shows that the majority of
the factors were rated ”relevant” or better. There was
no factor which could be classified as ”not relevant”,
which means that all factors can be used to build the
model. The standard deviation of the respondents’
statements on factor relevance can also be classified
as appropriate from a statistical point of view. Very
small deviations can be explained by a partially differ-
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
entiated understanding of the factors by the experts.
The direction of action of every factor was also
answered in question two, evaluated using the mode
and is shown in table 1 (pos for positive / neg for neg-
ative). The direction of action of the factors provides
information on whether a high level of the factor is
a positive or negative indication of the business pro-
cess’s knowledge intensity under investigation. An
initial analysis of the direction of action was already
carried out during the first three cycles. Expert opin-
ions additionally check these results. For example, a
high standardization ability of a process is evaluated
negatively on its knowledge intensity, which means
that a process with a very high standardization ability
is more likely to be a non-knowledge-intensive busi-
ness process.
Table 1: Directions of effects for every factor.
Nr Factor Effect Weight
1 standardization ability neg 11%
2 formalization ability neg 8%
3 complexity pos 7%
4 needed information pos 7%
5 scope for decision pos 6%
6 malfunction pos 4%
7 degree of structuring neg 2%
8 knowledge of employees pos 12%
9 expertise pos 9%
10 experience pos 6%
11 adaptivity pos 7%
12 flexibility pos 2%
13 communication pos 11%
14 number of stakeholders pos 6%
15 interfaces pos 2%
The evaluation of question two showed that no ex-
pert developed his own scenario 5, and thus an eval-
uation of the four given scenarios can be made. This
evaluation of the data showed that scenario 3 emerged
as the most frequently chosen scenario. From this
output, two statements can now be set for measure-
ment purposes: (1) It is essential to the experts that
a step-by-step evaluation is carried out at category
level and overall level; (2) The following two restric-
tions can be taken as restrictions for a classification of
a knowledge-intensive business process: (a) at least
50% must be achieved per category and (b) in total at
least 75% of the possible maximum score.
Question 3 on the weighting of the individual cat-
egories was evaluated by the experts as given: (1) pro-
cess = 10%, (2) people = 50%, (3) task = 20% and (4)
interdependencies = 20% . The mode was also used
here as a statistical measure, which is represented in
the form of the percentage values per category. The
evaluation of this question leads to the conclusion that
the human category is the most relevant category for
this model, and the category of formal criteria is clas-
sified as the least relevant category.
Question 4 will be answered with the dedicated
calculation steps that have to be performed and are
given in section 6.
The author will point out that with the knowledge
gained in this work, it will not be possible to achieve
a clear separation between the two poles - thus, with
the help of this model, a direction can be diagnosed,
but no clear and precise separation can be established.
The first step is to look at the processes in a company,
and therefore, a list of all factors is necessary to ap-
ply the measurement model. The determination of the
factors is explained, and an example of the measure-
ment model is shown. In figure 2, the factor analysis
template is given to be filled out by the process eval-
uation responsible.
Figure 2: Measurement Example - Template.
All 15 factors are provided with a scale. This
ranges from ”completely correct” to ”not correct”
with the two intermediate steps ”partially correct” and
”not correct at all”. This type of scale has been used
because it has proved to be successful in practice to
use scales with an even number of scores. After all,
this forces the respondent to make a statement in one
A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business Processes in SMEs
direction. An alternative would be to use a scale with
an odd number of values, but which would then allow
the middle to be selected. However, since the present
study is a classification in the sense of ”Yes - the
process will be rather knowledge-intensive” or ”No -
the process will be rather non-knowledge-intensive”,
a selection of four points is preferred. The determi-
nation of the factor characteristics can then be carried
out. For each factor, its value is entered, and thus
the values of all factors for a process are recorded.
The respective values are converted using the coding
schemes listed in table 2. It is essential to differentiate
the influence concerning the direction of action.
Table 2: Coding of the scale.
effect entirely partly hardly not
true true true applicable
pos. 3 2 1 0
neg. 0 1 2 3
The assumption that the conversion sequence is
reversed in the case of an adverse effect relationship
can be explained by the fact that conversion by a
change of sign would influence the calculation, but
this does not describe the directional effect. It is,
therefore, merely a matter of including the opposite
direction as positive overall. This also offers the pos-
sibility to carry out the calculation relatively easily,
either manually or computer-aided. The weight of the
factor was mentioned in figure 3 and are combined
with the information given in table 2 per factor and
summed up per category. The last step is to rank the
categories sum and build an overall sum for this, re-
markably measured process, as shown in figure 3.
Knowledge management and business process man-
agement are not only theory-based concepts from sci-
ence but also practical possibilities to improve enter-
prises’ efficiency through the application orientation
of business informatics as a research discipline. In re-
cent years, it has also been recognized that combining
the two concepts, in the form of knowledge-intensive
business processes, can achieve specific synergy ef-
fects (Remus, 2002).
It is precisely these synergy effects that can also be
very beneficial for the long-term survival of a particu-
lar group of companies: small and medium-sized en-
terprises. This group of enterprises, with their specific
requirements that must be differentiated from those
of large enterprises, is mostly left out of the current
discussion about knowledge-intensive business pro-
Figure 3: Measurement Example - Calculation.
cesses. The present work is to be classified precisely
in this minimal researched area of business informat-
ics. The aim was to develop a model for the diagnos-
ing knowledge-intensive business processes in SMEs,
whereby the diagnosis can be understood as the de-
termination, examination, and classification of factors
with the aim to split the whole process landscape in
knowledge-intensive ones with a ranking and all the
others to focus on the knowledge-intensive ones first
if it comes to project management initiatives regard-
ing the fulfillment of quality management norms.
To perform this differentiation, the following steps
have to be performed for every process:
1. take the measurement template as given in figure
2 to evaluate the factors of a particular process
2. combine the information of the scale with the pos-
itive or negative coding given in table 1 and mul-
tiply that with the weight of the factor
3. take the sum of the values weighted and multiply
that with the category weight given in the answer
of question 3 and shown in the example in figure
3 - this leads to the category weighted values
4. sum up the category weighted and this represents
the overall rating of the particular process
5. redo the given steps for all processes in the land-
scape, take the two formulated restrictions into
consideration and build a ranking of all your busi-
ness processes
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Following all given five steps after the application of
this measurement model, a company gets a structured
overview of their more and less knowledge-intensive
business processes to get an idea with which pro-
cesses to start the improvements according to any pro-
cess management initiatives or the application of a
quality management norm.
There is one obvious limitation to this presented
study: the missing application of the measurement
model in practice. The author tried to implement all
the necessary knowledge from practitioners and com-
bined it with a scientific background, but there is a
lack of practical evidence which should be improved
by the next step in this research project.
The next goal is to specify the lack of calibration
of the factors/restrictions and to substantiate this uti-
lizing additional studies. In this context, the diagnos-
tic model should be applied in companies, and a sec-
ond measurement should be carried out using other
methods. The two results can then be compared with
each other, and new insights can be gained to improve
the measurement ability and prove the whole concept.
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A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business Processes in SMEs