Conversation Management in Task-oriented Turkish Dialogue Agents
with Dialogue Act Classification
O. Fatih Kilic
, Enes B. Dundar, Yusufcan Manav, Tolga Cekic and Onur Deniz
Natural Language Processing Department, Yapi Kredi Technology, Istanbul, Turkey
Dialogue Act, Text Classification, Dialogue Policy.
We study the problem of dialogue act classification to be used in conversation management of goal-oriented
dialogue systems. Online chat behavior in human-machine dialogue systems differs from human-human spoken
conversations. To this end, we develop 9 dialogue act classes by observing real-life human conversations
from a banking domain Turkish dialogue agent. We then propose a dialogue policy based on these classes to
correctly direct the users to their goals in a chatbot-human support hybrid dialogue system. To train a dialogue
act classifier, we annotate a corpus of human-machine dialogues consisting of 426 conversations and 5020
sentences. Using the annotated corpus, we train a self-attentive bi-directional LSTM dialogue act classifier,
which achieves 0.90 weighted F1-score on a sentence level classification performance. We deploy the trained
model in the conversation manager to maintain the designed dialogue policy.
Conversation behaviors of humans with machines in
online dialogue systems (e.g. chatbots) differ from
human-human social conversations. People tend to use
split utterances, several non-informative statements
before they convey their intents (Purver et al., 2009).
Also, they tend to use several feedback statements
to direct goal-oriented conversation agents towards a
desired intent.
Dialogue acts address these different behaviors by
capturing the intent of humans in generating an ut-
terance (Austin, 1975). The main dialogue acts that
people use in task oriented dialogue systems are giving
orders, asking questions, making informational state-
ments or making feedback statements (Jurafsky and
Martin, 2014). Dialogue systems must detect these di-
alogue acts to understand the users better and maintain
smoother conversations (Jurafsky and Martin, 2014).
For instance, distinguishing a user statement from a
directive can help agents collect information from the
statements and act according to the correct intent at a
directive state.
Although there exist several dialogue act class
schemes, human-machine dialogue systems that are
working on a specific domain and a language with dif-
ferent grammatical structures require labeling different
classes of dialogue acts for better management of the
conversation (Bunt, 2009; Jurafsky and Martin, 2014;
Jurafsky et al., 1997).
To this end, we analyze the interlocutor behavior in
real-life human-machine conversations collected from
the banking domain, Turkish dialogue agents. We
propose 9 core dialogue acts based on this behavior
analysis and a hybrid conversation management archi-
tecture, where human support agents and bot agents
work concurrently, for dialogue agents using these act
classes. We also propose a mapping from ISO 24617-2
dialogue act annotation scheme to designed classes for
consistency (Bunt et al., 2012). Finally, we manually
label 462 conversations collected according to pro-
posed classes and train a bi-directional self-attentive
LSTM model for automated tagging of user utterances
to be used in the conversation manager. We compare
the proposed model with several dialogue act tagging
architectures on our corpus, which shows the superior
performance of our model and states that each specific
domain and task should be handled explicitly.
We organize the paper as follows. In Section 2,
we present the earlier studies that are related to our
work. In Section 3, we show the development of 9 core
dialogue act classes that we propose with relational ex-
amples from data collected from the banking domain
Turkish dialogue agent. Then, in Section 4, we intro-
duce a dialogue management architecture for a hybrid
conversational agent based on the developed classes.
Kilic, O., Dundar, E., Manav, Y., Cekic, T. and Deniz, O.
Conversation Management in Task-oriented Turkish Dialogue Agents with Dialogue Act Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010020700290035
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 29-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Finally, in Section 5, we present the model architec-
ture we use for automated dialogue act tagging and we
compare the performance of the proposed model with
other baseline algorithms through experiments. We
conclude the paper with final remarks in Section 6.
The dialogue act (DA) captures the generation intent of
an utterance by the speaker in a conversation (Austin,
1975). Several studies have been conducted in ana-
lyzing these different type of intents and multitude of
taxonomies classifying the type of DAs have been pro-
posed (Jurafsky et al., 1997; Bunt, 2009; Bunt et al.,
2012; Paul et al., 2019). Corpora of human-human
social conversations have been annotated using these
different DA taxonomies. The Switchboard-DAMSL
corpus (Jurafsky et al., 1997), the ICSI meeting corpus
(Janin et al., 2003), the AMI meeting corpus (Carletta
et al., 2005), the Meeting Recorder Dialogue Act cor-
pus (Shriberg et al., 2004) and the HCRC MapTask
corpus (Anderson et al., 1991) present DA annotations
for multi-human conversations in English.
In (Bunt et al., 2012), authors introduced ISO
24617-2 standards, which is further developed in (Bunt
et al., 2017), for setting global standards on DA class
definitions and annotation. Multiple human-human
spoken corpora that are focusing on social conversa-
tions have since been annotated according to these
standards and presented in DialogBank (Bunt et al.,
In addition to human-human social conversation
DA annotations, core DA classes proposed for task-
oriented dialogue systems in recent works (Young,
2007; Shah et al., 2018). In (Paul et al., 2019), the
authors proposed a universal DA annotation scheme
in an effort to unify the DA classes for task-oriented
dialogue systems. They aim to train a universal DA
tagger using this scheme to later tag the human-human
task-oriented dialogues.
For the development and the evaluation of goal-
oriented DA tagging models and conversation track-
ing systems, large scale human-human goal-oriented
conversation corpora such as Frames and Multi-WOZ
are recently introduced in the literature (Asri et al.,
2017; Ramadan et al., 2018). We note that while the
released corpora for DA annotations and classifica-
tion are mostly in English, DA annotation corpora
is infrequently available in other languages as well.
The Czech Railways dialogue corpus contains DA an-
notations for task-oriented human-human dialogues
(Cerisara et al., 2018a). The French Emospeech cor-
pus consists of dialogues in the context of a serious
game between humans and machines along with the
corresponding DA annotations (Barahona et al., 2012).
The German VERBMOBIL corpus is especially inter-
esting for DA classification since it is prepared for a
morphologically rich language, where traditional sta-
tistical classification methods are harder to apply (Kay
et al., 1992).
Although presenting these universal taxonomies
for DA annotation is convenient, the specificity of do-
main and use case prevents the generalization of the
DA class types in certain cases (Chowdhury et al.,
2016). Thus, transferring the existing DA annotations
of a corpus or annotating a new corpus with the gener-
alized standards might hurt the performance of the dia-
logue system (Chowdhury et al., 2016). In this regard,
we study a DA annotation taxonomy and classification
for task-oriented dialogue systems along with a manu-
ally tagged corpus in the Turkish language, which also
features different morphological aspects, for the first
time in the literature.
The automated DA tagging of utterances in a con-
versation is also studied with mainly two different ap-
proaches. The first approach considers the traditional
statistical methods, which includes the use of Hid-
den Markov Models (HMMs) (Stolcke et al., 2000),
Maximum Entropy (Choi et al., 1999), Conditional
Bayesian Networks (Ji and Bilmes, 2005) and Support
Vector Machines (SVMs) (Quarteroni and Riccardi,
2010). The second approach, which is the widespread
approach in recent works, considers Machine Learning
(ML) based methods especially using deep learning
techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013), Recur-
rent Neural Networks (RNNs) (Lee and Dernoncourt,
2016) and neural embedding (Cerisara et al., 2018b)
models. Studies taking the second approach show su-
perior performance compared to traditional statistical
methods and present the current state-of-the-art in au-
tomated DA tagging.
Different type of dialogue systems that are working
on a particular domain or language requires labeling
of different DA classes considering the requirements
of the dialogue system (Jurafsky and Martin, 2014).
The DA taxonomies presented in literature include 30
or more DA classes for recognition (Jurafsky et al.,
1997; Bunt, 2009). However, these large DA tag-sets
are often reduced to smaller subsets or re-designed
with fewer classes that are convenient for the dialogue
system management. This is mainly due to some DA
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
classes occur rarely in certain domains (Cerisara et al.,
2018a). Thus, they do not have a significant effect on
the dialogue management system. Also, it is hard to
collect samples for the rare classes to design a recog-
nition system for all the DA classes presented in con-
temporary DA taxonomies.
In this regard, we analyze 426 conversations col-
lected from the banking domain Turkish chatbot of
Yapi Kredi that consists of 5079 user utterances. We
omit the system-side utterances since the dialogue sys-
tem was working only as a QA agent and did not fol-
low a dialogue policy considering the DA classes. We
develop 9 possible DA classes based on interlocutor
behavior presented in the collected data.
We observe that the users tend to use several state-
ment utterances or split sentences describing the con-
text before conveying an intent that requires an action
to be taken by the system. We tagged such utterances
as a descriptive statement (SD). After describing the
context, users either ask a question or gives an order.
We grouped such utterances requiring action in three
distinct DA classes: request statement (SR), yes/no
question (QY), and open question (QW).
We also realize that the users generate feedback
acts mainly in two distinct patterns. The one behav-
ior of feedback occurs when the system detects the
intent of the user incorrectly. The other behavior oc-
curs when the users are not satisfied with the response
provided by the system. Therefore, we generate 2
distinct DA classes for these feedback acts, feedback-
incorrect (FI) and feedback-weak (FW) respectively.
There were also opening and closing statements, which
we grouped under another DA class (OC). We devel-
oped the remaining two DA classes for answer-accept
(AA) and answer-reject (AR) behaviors. We present
the list of developed DA classes and example utter-
ances for each of the classes along with their English
translations in Table 1. Moreover, we give further
statistics about the class distributions of the corpus in
Table 2.
To be consistent with universal DA annotation tax-
onomies, we also present a loose mapping from ISO
24617-2 annotation scheme to the developed and re-
duced DA tag-set in Table 3.
We build a dialogue policy for conversation manage-
ment using the presented DA tag-set. We design the di-
alogue policy for hybrid conversational systems, where
Table 1: Example utterances for selected DA classes. We
present examples collected from banking domain Turkish
dialogue agents along with their English translations.
DA Class Example
SD Bug
un vade bitis¸
Today was the due
for my statement.
SR Bireysel ihtiyac¸
kredisi almak
I want to get a
personal loan.
QW Hesabımda ne
kadar para var?
How much savings
do I have in my
QY Yıl sonunda
siliniyor mu?
Will our points be
invalidated at the
end of the year?
FI Ben bunu
I was not asking
FW Ordan sorunumu
I could not solve
my problem there!
OC Merhaba! Hello!
AA Evet, l
utfen. Yes, please.
AR Yok, istemiyorum. No, I do not want.
Table 2: DA class distribution in manually tagged corpus.
DA Class Count DA Class Count
SD 1567 SR 634
QY 1020 QW 637
FI 506 FW 393
OC 292 AA 25
AR 5
Table 3: Developed DA tagset mappings from ISO 24617-2
DA Class ISO 24617-2 Mappings
QW, QY Question
SR Request
SD Inform
FW Instruct
FI Suggest
AA Accept Offer, Accept Request, Accept
AR Decilne Offer, Decline Request, Decline
OC Initialize Greeting, Initialize Goodbye,
Thanking, Return Greeting, Return
a machine-agent and human-agent works concurrently
such that when the capabilities of the machine agent
are insufficient regarding the user query, the human-
Conversation Management in Task-oriented Turkish Dialogue Agents with Dialogue Act Classification
Main action required
dialog acts
Response action
Inform Request Info
OCClosing Statement Opening Statement
Human Support
action required
dialog acts
Prob. threshold
Figure 1: The dialogue policy for the conversation manage-
ment with the use of DA classes is presented as a FSM.
agent takes over the conversation and completes it.
We present the dialogue policy in Figure 1 as a
finite state machine (FSM). We envision in this archi-
tecture, the user either starts with an OC act or an
SD act. This can be immediately followed with AD,
QY, or QW act where the user intent with its con-
text is conveyed. These acts can occur either in the
same utterance or in split utterances. When one of the
main-action requiring act occurs, the language under-
standing part of the conversation manager takes place
and detects the user intent. The manager then takes the
appropriate action, which can be generating an answer,
directing the user into a defined flow, or collecting
information from the user for using an external service.
We note that if the probability of the detected SD act
is low or time-threshold is passed, the manager takes
action with whatever context is collected so far.
The user might provide feedback about the given
answer by following the FI and the FW acts. If the
user states that the generated answer is not related to
their intent (FI state), then the dialogue system asks
for further clarification for their intent. On the other
hand, if the generated answer is correct, but does not
fully satisfy the user (FW state), then the human-agent
in the hybrid conversation system takes over. The
human-agent further helps the user considering their
intent. The generated answer might require additional
approval from the user. In such a case, the user gener-
ates an utterance with the AA or the AR act. According
Table 4: An example conversation between a user and the
conversation agent. The agent handles context collection by
detecting the statement utterances. It also detects the user
feedback DA and asks user to direct it to the correct intent.
System side utterances are not classified into any DA class,
thus they are tagged as ‘na’.
Turn Utterance Translation DA Class
User Hemen her ay
do¸nem faizi
olarak kartıma ek
ucret yansıtılıyor.
Almost every
month, a monthly
interest is being
reflected to my
User Sebebi nedir? What is the
reason for that?
Agent Yıllık
hakkında detaylı
bilgi ic¸in linki
takip ediniz.
You can learn
about the yearly
subscription rates
from the link
User Bahsetti
gim s¸ey
bu de
I was not talking
about this!
Agent Size bas¸ka nasıl
What else can I
help you with?
to the class of the act, the dialogue system either ends
the conversation or continues to generate utterances
according to the initial intent.
The dialogue policy presented in Figure 1 is de-
signed for task-oriented conversation systems. It does
not consider the system side DAs and generates pre-
defined utterances based on user intents. It takes the
user from context defining states to fulfill their intents
with feedback loops to improve their experience with
the detection of DA classes at every utterance. There-
fore in Section 5, we present a DA classifier to conduct
the dialogue policy presented in this section.
We present an example dialogues collected from
the real-life human-machine conversations in Table
4 that are managed according to the dialogue policy
presented in 1. We collected this example after we
deployed the automated DA classifier and employed
the presented dialogue policy on banking domain con-
versational agents.
We observe the dialogue agent can handle several
informative statements and split utterances as context
collection. We note that the agent can also handle
the feedback acts of users considering the presented
dialogue policy by either directing them to the human
customer representative for further help or by asking
the user for clarification about their correct intent.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
In this section, we propose a model for automated DA
tagging of user utterances. In this regard, we use a
deep learning approach for the multi-class sentence
classification task that is DA tagging. We compare
different architectures and propose the bi-directional
LSTM with the attention network model in detail. We
choose the proposed model because Turkish being an
agglutinative language the proposed DA classes can
be identified according the use of certain morphemes
and words. In this regard, the proposed self attentive
bi-LSTM model can focus on the characters and words
that can properly discriminate the certain DA classes.
Therefore, we expect this architecture to work well
with an agglutinative language on DA classification
task, e.g. Turkish. We observe the proposed model is
superior compared to other architectures in our experi-
The proposed model is composed of the following
components, as shown in Figure 2:
Input Layer; inputs sentences to the model.
Embedding Layer; maps each word into low di-
mensional vectors. We use pre-trained ELMo em-
beddings for this layer.
bi-LSTM Layer; produces forward and backward
LSTM features extracted from the embedding se-
Attention Layer; learns weight vectors to extract
sentence level features from word level sequence
Output Layer; concatenates side information about
the input sentence with attention layer features
and produces the classification output of the model
through a dense network with softmax activation.
The input layer takes sequence of word tokens
, x
, · · ·, x
, where
n = 20
and left-zero padding is
used for the sentences with less than 20 token length.
We trained ELMo language model with BOUN
Turkish web corpus and Turkish Wikipedia dump
extended with human-human chat conversations col-
lected from the banking domain (Sak et al., 2008;
Peters et al., 2018). BOUN web corpus is created
by crawling three Turkish newspapers and web pages
which contains 491 million tokens. Moreover, the
Turkish Wikipedia dump contains more than 50 mil-
lion tokens and the human-human chat conversations
are collected from customer service conversations of
the bank which contains more than 100 million tokens
collected from 10 million conversations. Therefore,
Figure 2: DA Classifier Structure.
we use a corpus of 650 million tokens in total for the
training of ELMo language model.
The embedding layer produces a 1536 dimensional
feature vector for each token following the default
ELMo embedding architecture (Peters et al., 2018).
The bi-LSTM layer contains 128 hidden units in each
direction and the attention weights are calculated for
both directions. We employ a dense layer with softmax
activation for the output layer. To increase the gener-
alization performance of the model, we also employ
dropout at the embedding layer and the output layer
with rates 0.1 and 0.24 respectively.
We perform the weight updates with Adam opti-
mizer with 0.02 learning rate and 0.002 decay (Kingma
and Ba, 2014). We select
= 0.83
= 0.92
the optimizer and we use categorical-cross entropy as
the objective function.
The side information used in the output layer con-
sists of the character length of the utterance, the num-
ber of tokens used, and one-hot encoded representa-
tions of the punctuation used in the sentence.
Considering the class distributions, we randomly
split the collected data into train, validation, and test
sets with
, and
proportional amounts
respectively. We use the validation set for hyper-
parameter selection and early-stopping in the train-
ing phase. We compare the performance of different
models using the held-out test data.
During the comparison, we experiment with CNN,
CNN+LSTM, and contextual LSTM (Ctx. LSTM)
models. CNN model follows the method presented in
(Kim, 2014) considering the task as a sentence classifi-
Conversation Management in Task-oriented Turkish Dialogue Agents with Dialogue Act Classification
Table 5: Performance comparison of different DA classifier
models with the proposed model.
Method Train Test
Prec. Rec. AUC Prec. Rec. AUC
bi-LSTM Atn. 0.984 0.984 0.999 0.899 0.899 0.984
CNN 0.711 0.696 0.916 0.635 0.645 0.87
CNN+LSTM 0.96 0.96 0.996 0.88 0.879 0.982
Ctx. LSTM 0.761 0.65 0.894 0.707 0.607 0.84
cation. CNN+LSTM model uses a CNN and an LSTM
auto-encoder for feature extraction on top of an em-
bedding layer. It uses a dense layer with both features
concatenated as input for the classification task. The
contextual LSTM model uses the utterance sequences
in conversations as inputs. It takes a window of utter-
ances from the same conversation sequentially. It then
generates sentence representation for each utterance
in the window using the embedding layer. It then fur-
ther employs an LSTM classifier using the sentence
representations in a conversation sequentially.
We present the train and test performance of the
models considering Precision, Recall, and Area-under-
Curve (AUC) metrics in Table 5. We observe that
the proposed bi-LSTM Attention model shows supe-
rior performance both during train and test phases
compared to the other architectures and selected this
architecture for the deployment.
This is mainly due to the use of the contextual
embedding layer and sequential processing of word
features using the bi-LSTM layer. We also observe
that the CNN+LSTM model shows comparable per-
formance with the proposed model again due to the
aforementioned reasons.
In light of these experiments, we decide to deploy
bi-LSTM with Attention model as the automated DA
tagger for implementing the dialogue policy presented
in Figure 1. We deploy the DA classifier such that
every user utterance is classified into one of 9 DA
classes with the confidence score being the output
of the dense layer. We act according to the policy
described in Figure 1 if the confidence level of the DA
classifier is higher than a certain threshold. We ignore
the detected DA class if confidence level is below the
decided threshold and we act only according to the
intent detected in the utterance.
In this paper, we introduced a dialogue policy along
with a DA tag-set for task-oriented Turkish dialogue
agents. We first analyzed real-life conversations col-
lected from a banking domain chatbot and developed
9 DA classes based on interlocutor behavior observed.
We presented a dialogue policy based on this tag-set
that improves the user experience. We designed it for
human-machine hybrid agents in a way that it can han-
dle split utterances, better understand the context, and
accept feedback from the user. We trained a DA clas-
sifier using the annotated corpus collected according
to the proposed DA tag-set. Through a series of exper-
iments, we showed the self-attentive bi-LSTM model
performs the best on sentence-level classification met-
rics. We have currently deployed the dialogue policy
presented in this paper with the trained DA classifier
in chatbots of Yapi Kredi that are helping the users
with their questions, needs, applications, and financial
Authors would like to thank Secil Arslan and Atilberk
Celebi for their fruitful discussions and insights they
provided about the paper.
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