BHHO-2Stage approach to other well-known GS ap-
proaches using the same fitness function.
This paper presents a new GS method based on the
BHHO algorithm and KNN classifier. Two new fit-
ness functions are proposed. The first fitness function
combines the classification performance and the size
of the genes subset in one formula. A linear weight
is used to balance these components together. The
second one is a two-stage fitness function. This fo-
cuses on optimizing the classification performance in
the first stage and optimizing the number of genes in
the second stage. The new two fitness functions were
compared with a common fitness function that uses
the classification performance only in a BHHO based-
wrapper GS approach. The results show that BHHO
with the fitness function that uses the classification
performance only can improve the classification per-
formance using all genes. In almost all the data sets,
BHHO with either of the two proposed fitness func-
tions could achieve higher classification performance.
Besides, they could achieve a fewer number of genes
than BHHO with overall classification performance as
the fitness function. BHHO with the two-stage fitness
function outperforms the linearly changing weights
fitness function in most problems based on the clas-
sification performance and the number of genes se-
lected. BHHO with the proposed fitness functions can
successfully reduce the number of genes and achieve
higher classification performance. In the future, we
will investigate a BHHO-based evolutionary multi-
objective GS approach to explore the Pareto front of
non-dominated solutions.
This work is supported by the Ministerio espa
nol de
ıa y Competitividad under project TIN2017-
85727-C4-2-P (UGR-DeepBio).
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ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications