The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining
Simon Anderer
, Daniel Kreppein
, Bernd Scheuermann
and Sanaz Mostaghim
Faculty of Management Science and Engineering, Hochschule Karlsruhe, Moltkestrasse 30, Karlsruhe, Germany
Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems, Otto-von-Guericke Universit
at, Magdeburg, Germany
Role Bases Access Control, Role Mining Problem, Evolutionary Algorithm.
Role Based Access Control is an important feature of cyber security and authorization management. The
search of an optimum set of roles and their assignment to users can be modeled as an optimization problem,
which is known as the Role Mining Problem (RMP) and has been shown to be NP-complete. Thus, fast
heuristics are needed to search for solutions for the RMP in affordable time. This paper proposes a new
evolutionary algorithm for the RMP, which is based on iteratively adding and deleting roles, while avoiding
deviations from the original user-permission assignment. A range of experiments are presented which indicate
that the proposed EA performs well on established benchmarking problems.
In our increasingly digitized world, cyber security
plays an important role to protect data and informa-
tion systems. Especially, enterprise data are a likely
target of external attacks. In addition, erroneous and
fraudulent behavior of employees can lead to sub-
stantial damage (Verizon, 2019). To overcome these
issues, access control systems manage authorization
by assigning access rights to users, such that critical
data is only accessible by a restricted set of selected
users. While originally, permissions were directly as-
signed to users, nowadays they are combined to roles
as additional level of access control. This approach
is known as Role Based Access Control (RBAC). It
was defined by (Sandhu et al., 1996) and is now one
of the widest-spread access control models, as the
grouping of permissions to roles reduces complexity,
while increasing security comprehensibility and man-
ageability, thus leading to reduced security manage-
ment costs.
The task of defining roles is called role engi-
neering and can be realized in two ways: top-down
or bottom-up. The top-down approach consists in
mostly human analysis of business functions and pro-
cesses to define proper roles. Due to the large number
of users and permissions and the even larger num-
ber of possible combinations, this is a very time-
consuming and hardly scalable task. The bottom-up
approach is based on the user-permission assignment,
which, in most enterprises, is easily available (Mitra
et al., 2016). At this, data-mining techniques are used
to mine roles.
The corresponding optimization problem is called
the Role Mining Problem (RMP) and is NP-complete
(Vaidya et al., 2007). This paper presents an Evolu-
tionary Algorithm for the RMP, the addRole-EA. Ad-
ditionally, an overview of current work on the RMP is
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In Section 2, the formal framework of the RMP
is presented. Section 3 reviews different solution
strategies for the Role Mining Problem with more de-
tailed focus on EA-based approaches. Section 4 illus-
trates the setup and structure of the addRole-EA. In
Section 5, the proposed algorithm is evaluated. Sec-
tion 6 and 7 conclude the paper and present paths for
future research.
In this section, the Role Mining Problem and some
of its variants are presented. A first definition of the
RMP was given in (Vaidya et al., 2007). In the fol-
lowing, the standard notation of the main elements of
the RMP are introduced:
U = {u
, u
, ..., u
} a set of m = |U| users
P = {p
, p
, ..., p
} a set of n = |P| permissions
Anderer, S., Kreppein, D., Scheuermann, B. and Mostaghim, S.
The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0010025401550166
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2020), pages 155-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-475-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
R = {r
, r
, ..., r
} a set of k = |R| roles
U PA {0, 1}
the user-permission assignment
matrix, where U PA
i j
= 1 implies, that permission
is assigned to user u
UA {0, 1}
the user-role assignment matrix,
where UA
i j
= 1 implies, that role r
is assigned to
user u
PA {0, 1}
the role-permission assignment
matrix, where PA
i j
= 1 implies, that role r
tains permission p
From this, we can now give a definition of the Ba-
sic Role Mining Problem. Given a set of users U, a set
of permissions P and a user-permission assignment
UPA, find a minimal set of Roles R, a correspond-
ing user-role assignment UA and a role-permission as-
signment PA, such that each user has exactly the set
of permissions given by UPA:
|R| min (1)
= 0 (2)
denotes the L
-norm for matrices and
the Boolean Matrix Multiplication:
i j
l j
) (3)
A tuple
U, P, R, UA, PA
is called RBAC scheme.
If constraint (2) holds, the corresponding RBAC
scheme is said to be 0-consistent. In further variants
of the RMP, the 0-consistency-condition is relaxed,
which means that the definition of roles and their as-
signment to users may result in deviations compared
to the original UPA. Thus, we define the resulting
user-permission assignment DUPA := UA PA. The
different variants of the RMP can now be defined as
in Table 1.
Table 1: Different variants of the Role Mining Problem
based on (Saenko and Kotenko, 2016).
There are several other RMP-variants consider-
ing specific business-driven aspects of role mining
e.g. the interpretability or meaningfulness of roles
(Xu and Stoller, 2012), (Molloy et al., 2008), ad-
ministrative costs (Colantonio et al., 2008) or RBAC-
reconfiguration problems (Saenko and Kotenko,
2016). All variants of the RMP have been proved to
be NP-complete problems (Vaidya et al., 2007).
The Role Mining Problem and its different variants
are well-studied problems. Many solution techniques
have been applied in the last years e.g. cluster-
ing techniques, problem transformation, permission
grouping etc. Subsection 3.1 gives a short overview of
the applied methods. Subsequently, in subsection 3.2,
evolutionary algorithms in the context of role mining
are explained in more detail.
3.1 General Solution Strategies
One common approach consists in mapping the RMP
to other problems in data mining. Lu et al. con-
sider the different variants of the RMP as Matrix De-
composition Problems and use greedy algorithms to
solve the corresponding binary integer programming
problems (Lu et al., 2008). Huang et al. propose a
pre-processing step to reduce the input UPA by re-
moving similar users and users whose permission set
corresponds to the union of other users’ permission
sets. Furthermore, they show the equivalence of the
RMP and the Set Cover Problem and use greedy algo-
rithms (GA
, GA
, MR
) as solution strat-
egy for the latter (Huang et al., 2015). Vaidya et
al. map the RMP to the Minimum Tiling problem
and use greedy algorithms to mine tiles, which are
then converted into roles (Vaidya et al., 2007). In
(Ene et al., 2008) the equivalence of the Basic-RMP
and Minimum Biclique Cover Problem is shown and
again greedy algorithms are applied as solution strat-
egy. From this, the Role Minimization (RM), Edge
Concentration (EC) and Lattice Postprocessing (LP)
algorithms are derived. In addition, a set of real-world
datasets, the HP-Labs benchmark set, is described,
which now constitutes the standard benchmark for
role mining.
Zhang et al. use graph optimization (GO) to mine
roles (Zhang et al., 2007). They iteratively merge two
roles depending on their intersection to improve the
RBAC scheme. In (Zhang et al., 2010) roles are it-
eratively merged, created or deleted from the under-
lying graph to reduce the cost function. Dong et al.
propose the Network-Clique Finding Model to map
the Role Mining Problem onto problems of graph the-
ory, which enables the use of graph optimization tech-
niques for its solution (Dong et al., 2014).
One of the first role mining tools is ORCA
(Schlegelmilch and Steffens, 2005). Roles are ob-
tained by clustering permissions, thus obtaining a hi-
erarchy of permission clusters. One drawback of this
approach consists of the fact that overlapping of per-
missions is only allowed among roles that are hierar-
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
chically related. The work of (Kuhlmann et al., 2003)
is also based on a clustering approach. Kumar et al.
add an additional cardinality constraint to role min-
ing, which limits the number of permissions in each
role to a maximum number and propose the Con-
strained Role Miner (CRM), which is also based on
permission clustering (Kumar et al., 2010). Molloy
et al. propose the HierarchicalMiner (HM), which
is based on formal concept analysis by using a re-
duced concept lattice as initial role hierarchy and then
heuristically prunes it to obtain improved role con-
cepts (Molloy et al., 2008).
Algorithms like the Simple Role Mining Algorithm
(SMA) (Blundo and Cimato, 2010), CompleteMiner
(CM) and FastMiner (FM) (Vaidya et al., 2010) or
Pair Count (PC) (Molloy et al., 2009) are based on the
concept of permission grouping. A set of candidate
roles is obtained by grouping permissions to roles.
This is often done by intersecting the permission sets
of two or more users. Subsequently, the roles in
the candidate set are ranked by different prioritization
functions and then assigned to users. Zhang et al. use
permission utilization counts to be able to also con-
sider top-down information in their Data-Driven Role
Evolution approach (DDRE) (Zhang et al., 2013).
Lu et al. consider different sets of candidate roles.
One set (IT) consists exactly of the user-permission-
assignment defined by UPA. Hence, this corresponds
to the Discrete Basis Problem. For the other set (INT),
all intersections of two user permission sets are added.
In both cases greedy algorithms are applied to obtain
the final RBAC scheme (Lu et al., 2014).
A more detailed description of the different al-
gorithms for the RMP can be found in (Mitra et al.,
3.2 Evolutionary Algorithms in Role
Even if evolutionary algorithms seem to be a straight-
forward approach in solving the Role Mining Prob-
lem, not much research has been conducted in this
Hu et al. apply evolutionary algorithms in the
RBAC context. However, instead of mining roles to
improve RBAC schemes, the EA is used for insider
threat detection by mining role-action mapping rules
connecting roles to processes. Based on these map-
pings, discrepancies in process execution can be de-
tected, which results in a reduction of internal fraud-
ulent behaviors in enterprises (Hu et al., 2006).
Suganthy and Chithralekha examine the structural
change in organizations including employees chang-
ing their compartment, new employees joining or ex-
isting employees leaving the organization (Suganthy
and Chithralekha, 2018). From this, they derive the-
oretical methods for role evolution to adapt the out-
dated RBAC scheme to the new organization struc-
ture, comprising the creation of new roles, deletion
of existing roles, merging and splitting of roles and
delegation/revocation of permissions, which implies
extending/reducing existing roles by a set of per-
missions. Although not having been directly imple-
mented by the authors, these methods provide a good
basis of evolutionary operators for evolutionary algo-
rithms in the RBAC context.
Saenko and Kotenko are the first to apply EAs for
Role Mining (Saenko and Kotenko, 2011). This ap-
proach assumes exactly k = m roles at all times of the
optimization process. This is due to the observation
that the Role Mining Problem has a trivial solution
in which each of the m users gets assigned only one
role, that contains all of the user’s permissions given
by UPA. Each individual is represented by three chro-
mosomes: the matrices Chr[X] := UA
{0, 1}
and Chr[Y ] := PA {0, 1}
, and an an additional
vector Chr[Z] {0, 1}
. Note that the UA matrix is
quadratic and transposed, such that the columns of
both matrices correspond to roles. For an example
see Figure 1.
Figure 1: Representation of the individuals in (Saenko and
Kotenko, 2011).
The entries of Z describe which role is active in
the RBAC scheme corresponding to the individual. In
the evolutionary loop, crossover is done by applying
one-point-crossover to Z, UA and PA, while mutation
on these elements is based on bit flip. A weighted
sum of the number of active roles
and the
number of deviations between DUPA = UA PA and
the original U PA is used as fitness function. Finally,
this approach is evaluated on synthetic data based on
randomly generated binary matrices.
In (Saenko and Kotenko, 2012), the authors
present an improved version of their EA. It is based on
a new representation of individuals and the omission
of passive roles. Each individual gets assigned one
chromosome Chr := hr
, r
, ..., r
i, where each r
responds to one role. Further, r
:= hL
, L
i, where
is the list of users and L
the list of permissions
of role r
, implying that each permission in L
is as-
The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining Problem
signed to each user in L
. For crossover, the one-
point-crossover method is adapted to the new repre-
sentation of the individuals (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: One-Point-Crossover adapted to the new repre-
sentation of individuals in (Saenko and Kotenko, 2012).
Mutation is realized by adding, deleting or chang-
ing values in L
and L
according to the given prob-
ability of mutation. The fitness function remains as
in (Saenko and Kotenko, 2011). The authors show
that the new representation of the individuals and es-
pecially the variable-length list of roles (containing
only roles that are active in the sense of (Saenko and
Kotenko, 2011)) result in a performance gain.
In (Kotenko and Saenko, 2015) the developed EAs
are applied to the problem of finding optimal access
control schemes in virtual local networks.
In (Saenko and Kotenko, 2016) (Saenko and
Kotenko, 2017a) and (Saenko and Kotenko, 2017b)
the RBAC Scheme Reconfiguration Problem, which
is based on dynamically changing access con-
trol policies, is defined. Given an access con-
trol policy UPA
, a corresponding RBAC scheme
U, P, R
, UA
, PA
and a new policy U PA
the Reconfiguration Problem aims at finding a new
RBAC scheme
U, P, R
, UA
, PA
that on the
one hand satisfies the requirement of the new policy
as good as possible (4), while on the other hand has
minimal differences to the initial RBAC scheme (5):
min (4)
min. (5)
At this, EAs are used for mining the initial RBAC
U, P, R
, UA
, PA
as well as the re-
configured RBAC scheme
U, P, R
, UA
, PA
Furthermore, a new representation of individuals is
presented, where the columns of UA and PA are inter-
preted as binary numbers (see Figure 3).
In (Saenko and Kotenko, 2018), the authors ex-
tend their work on RBAC to other domains of ac-
Figure 3: Representation of the individuals in (Saenko and
Kotenko, 2017a).
cess control (VPN- and VLAN-problems) and eval-
uate their methods in a real-world case study on data
derived from enterprise resource planning systems.
In (Dong et al., 2011) a definition of the δ-approx
Least Privilege Mining Problem is given. This is,
given a set of users, a fixed set of roles in PA and a
user-permission-assignment U PA, to find a user-role-
assignment UA such that
The authors apply an EA as solution strategy. In this
approach, a role is defined by its users and permis-
sions as in (Saenko and Kotenko, 2012), while the
combination of different roles constitutes the chro-
mosome of an individual. Subsequently, a series of
crossover, mutation and selection operations, which
are not further specified by the authors, are applied
iteratively to improve the solution quality.
Du and Chang also use EAs to solve the Role Min-
ing Problem (Du and Chang, 2014). Firstly, a set
of candidate roles CR is created based on (Xu and
Stoller, 2012), in which a role is again defined by the
contained permissions and the set of users to which
the role is assigned. Choosing a role r
to be acti-
vated in an RBAC scheme implies assigning each of
its contained permissions to each user in r
. Secondly,
an initial population of RBAC schemes is created ran-
domly. Each individual has assigned two binary vec-
tors S
and H
, where:
:= hs
, s
, ..., s
:= hh
, h
, ..., h
At this, s
( j)
= 1 means that role j is activated in the
RBAC scheme corresponding to individual i, while
( j)
= 0 implies deactivation of role j in individual i
in the next generation (only if possible without creat-
ing deviations compared to the original UPA). In the
evolutionary loop, new individuals are created by one-
point crossover and bit flip mutation of the H
and the corresponding update of S
. A 2-tuple consist-
ing of a weighted sum to describe the structural com-
plexity of an RBAC scheme and an interpretability-
measure to describe the meaningfulness of the con-
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
tained roles (Xu and Stoller, 2012) constitutes the fit-
ness function.
One main drawback of the presented algorithms
is the violation of the 0-consistency property as the
proposed mutation and crossover methods are de-
signed in a way that causes deviations between the
DUPA = UA PA and the original user-permission
assignment UPA. Furthermore, instead of the com-
monly used HP-Labs benchmark set, random matri-
ces are used for evaluation, which complicates per-
formance comparison.
In this section, a new evolutionary algorithm for the
Role Mining Problem, the addRole-EA, is presented.
It is based on a new technique for addition and conse-
quential deletion of roles to UA and PA, such that the
0-consistency property is fulfilled at all times.
At first, a pre-processing procedure, which is ap-
plied to initial input data of the EA to reduce the prob-
lem dimension, is presented. Subsequently, the main
aspects of the addRole-EA are outlined. This com-
prises the representation of individuals, the addRole-
method as primary method of the algorithm as well as
the typical evolutionary components like fitness, mu-
tation and crossover.
To provide an overview of the proposed role-
mining algorithm, its components and their order,
the operational course of the addRole-EA in Pseudo-
Code is given below:
Input: Users U, Permissions P,
User-Permission Assignment UPA
Output: User-Role Assignment UA,
Role-Permission Assignment PA
Begin addRole-EA
Pre-Processing of initial UPA;
Evaluation of Fitness();
Repeat (Until stopping condition met)
Evaluation of Fitness();
End Repeat.
Post-Processing of resulting UA and PA.
4.1 Pre-processing
Simplification of input data, in our case, means dele-
tion of redundant data in the UPA matrix, resulting
in the reduction of the initial number users and per-
missions without effecting the solution of the corre-
sponding RMP (see (Huang et al., 2015)). For this,
we apply a four-step procedure:
(PP1): Deletion of Empty Rows and Columns.
Deletion of permissions that are assigned to no
user respectively users that have an empty permis-
sion set. This equals the deletion of columns and
rows of the UPA matrix that contain only zero-
(PP2): Aggregation of Permissions.
Aggregation of permissions that are assigned to
exactly the same users. This corresponds to the
deletion of all columns, which are identical copies
of another column, except for one representative.
(PP3): Aggregation of Users 1.
Aggregation of all users that have exactly the
same permission sets. This corresponds to the
deletion of all rows, which are identical copies of
another row, except for one representative.
(PP4): Aggregation of Users 2.
Deletion of users whose permission set is equal to
the union of other users’ permission sets.
By applying the inverse of (PP1-4) to the resulting
UA and PA matrices in a post-processing step, the pro-
posed solutions can easily be extended to the original
user and permission sets.
4.2 Chromosome Encoding
Each individual is represented by two chromosomes:
its UA matrix and its PA matrix. In real-world use
cases, the number of users and permissions is usu-
ally very large, whereas the number of roles per user
and the number of permissions per role is quite low.
Thus, the UA and PA matrices are of high dimension,
but rather sparsely populated. This leads to a dispro-
portionally high occupation of memory space, if the
classical representation as binary matrices is utilized.
As a consequence, we use binary sparse matrices to
represent the pre-processed UPA as well as the cor-
responding UA and PA matrices in the addRole-EA.
Unlike ordinary binary matrices, binary sparse ma-
trices only store the position of the one-elements in
each row, as illustrated in Figure 4. Thus, the zero-
elements, which constitute the majority of the matri-
ces’ elements, are omitted, resulting in huge savings
of memory space.
The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining Problem
Figure 4: Representation of individuals in the addRole-EA.
4.3 Initialization
The initialization of the individuals is conducted in
two steps. In the first step, an initial population of
identical individuals are generated. We start
from n different roles, each containing exactly one of
the n permissions. Thus, PA = I
, where I
the n × n identity-matrix. To ensure the 0-consistency
property of the initial population, we set UA = UPA
(see Figure 5). In a second step, we use a series of
mutation operations, which are explained in Section
4.7, to ensure diversity among the population. The
selection of the mutation operations is conducted ran-
domly, based on the uniform distribution.
Figure 5: Initial individual before mutation.
4.4 The addRole-method
The principle method of the addRole-EA is the
addRole-method, in which a new role is added to the
UA and PA of a given individual. An example of
the operating principle of the addRole-method can be
found in Figure 6.
The addition of the new role to the PA matrix can
easily be done by attaching a new row to the PA ma-
trix, containing the permissions of the new role (aR-
1). For the addition of the new role to the UA matrix,
the permissions of the new role are compared to the
permission sets of the users defined by the UPA ma-
trix. If all permissions of the new role are contained
in a user’s permission set, the new role is assigned to
that user (aR-2). As a result of adding new roles to an
individual, an old role may become obsolete, in the
sense that it can be removed from a user’s role list,
while the remaining roles of the user still cover all
of the permissions contained in his permission set. If
this holds for all users in the individual, the old role is
deleted from its UA and PA matrix (aR3-5).
Figure 6: The addRole-method (example).
4.5 Fitness Function
The fact, that new roles are only assigned to users
whose permission sets completely cover the permis-
sions contained in the new role and old roles are only
deleted if they became obsolete by adding the new
role, ensures the 0-consistency property at all time of
the EA. Thus, the constraint of the Basic Role Mining
= 0 is always fulfilled
and no penalty costs are required, when modeling the
fitness function, which is therefore equivalent to the
total number of roles f itness = |R|.
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
4.6 Replacement
Based on the values of the previously defined fitness
function, next generations’ individuals are chosen by
the elitist selection scheme. This implies the survival
of the best elitismRate·N
individuals, while the re-
maining (1 elitismRate) · N
individuals are cho-
sen randomly to maintain diversity.
4.7 Mutation
In each evolutionary step, a new role is created for
each individual and then added to its UA and PA ma-
trix using the addRole-method. The creation of roles
is based on the permission grouping concept (see Sec-
tion 3.1). To reduce the search space, only such per-
missions are grouped to roles that form a subset of at
least one user’s permission set. For this, the following
role-creation methods are available:
(M1): Intersection of Permission Sets.
This role-creation method creates a new role by
intersecting the permission sets of different users.
For this, a random subset of all users is selected
for permission set intersection. As a result, the
new role can be assigned to at least all of the
selected users. To avoid the creation of empty
roles, the number of selected users is limited by
(M2): Merging of Two Roles.
Creating one new role from two old roles may di-
rectly decrease the total role number. To ensure
that the new role is assigned to at least one user,
this role-creation method selects a random user
and two random roles of this user’s role set to de-
rive a new role. The role is then created by the
union of the permissions of the two selected roles.
(M3): Role Setminus other Role.
Contrarily, reducing the number of permissions
contained in a role, increases the probability that
this role can be assigned to more users. For this,
two roles r
, r
of one user are selected randomly.
If they have non-empty intersection, all permis-
sions of r
are removed from r
to create the new
(M4): Permission Set of a User.
Whenever a user’s permission set has little inter-
section with the permission sets of other users,
it may be reasonable, to assign one role to this
user that contains all of his permissions given by
the user-permission assignment. Therefore, a new
role is created that equals the permission set of a
randomly chosen user.
(M5): Permission Set Setminus Union of Roles.
In practice, RBAC schemes are often constructed
by distributing a set of predefined roles to users.
In addition, special permissions which are not
covered by an explicit role are given to selected
users like managers or administrators. Thus, this
role-creation method tries to gather the permis-
sions, that cannot be covered by regular roles
(roles derived from (M1-4)), in an extra role. For
this, a user and a subset of this user’s role set are
selected randomly. Then, a new role is created
containing all permissions of the user’s permis-
sion set, except the ones contained in one of the
selected roles.
An example of the different role-creation methods
for mutation is illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 7: The role-creation methods (example).
Mutation-Method in Pseudo-Code:
Input: Individual
Output: mutated Individual
Begin Mutation
Choose role-creation method from (M1-5)
randomly based on uniform distribution;
Create new Role r based on chosen method;
Mutate Individual by addition of r to
individual using addRole-method;
4.8 Crossover
The crossover method of the addRole-EA consists in
reciprocal exchange of roles between individuals. At
The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining Problem
first, two parent individuals parent
and parent
selected for crossover. From these, two child indi-
viduals child
and child
are derived as copies of the
corresponding parent. For each of the child individ-
uals, a set of roles from the role set of the other par-
ent is selected by one of the following role-selection
methods and added to its PA and UA matrix by the
addRole-method. As a consequence, roles are not
only exchanged, but old roles that became obsolete
are deleted from the UA and PA matrix of the child
individuals. The main difference compared to the mu-
tation method consists in the fact, that no new roles
are created, but taken from already existing roles in
the PA matrix of the other individual. There are three
different methods for crossover role-selection:
(C1): Random-role Selection.
At this, a random set of roles is chosen from each
parent individual’s role set and then added to the
opposed child individual by the addRole-method.
(C2): User-role Set Selection 1.
Instead of choosing random roles, one user is se-
lected randomly. The roles for exchange are then
determined by the roles assigned to this user in the
respective parent individual.
(C3): User-role Set Selection 2.
This method again exchanges the roles of one
user. Selection of the user is carried out by com-
paring the number of assigned roles to this user in
the parent individuals, choosing the user with the
highest difference.
Crossover-Method in Pseudo-Code:
Input: Individual parent_1, parent_2
Output: Individual child_1, child_2
Begin Crossover
Choose role-selection method from (C1-3)
randomly based on uniform distribution;
Initialize child_1 (copy of parent_1);
Initialize child_2 (copy of parent_2);
Select set of roles R2 from parent_2
by chosen method;
Select set of roles R1 from parent_1
by chosen method;
Add R2 to child_1 by addRole-method;
Add R1 to child_2 by addRole-method;
The evaluation of the proposed approach is conducted
in two steps. At first, the pre-processing procedure,
defined in Section 4.1, is applied to the HP-Labs
benchmark set. In a second step, these benchmarks
are used to evaluate the performance of the addRole-
EA. For more detailed information on the different
benchmark instances see (Ene et al., 2008).
5.1 Pre-procession of Benchmark Data
In the first step of the addRole-EA, redundancies are
removed from the input data, as outlined in Section
4.1. To examine the degree of redundancy, the four
steps of the pre-processing procedure (PP1-4) are ap-
plied to the HP-Labs benchmarks. The results can
be seen in Table 2, where the first line corresponding
to each benchmark shows the original data sizes. As
(PP2) only reduces the number of permissions, while
(PP3) only influences the number of users, the results
of those two steps are summarized in one line in the
table. It is visible, that the application of (PP1) has no
influence on the benchmark data. However, in real-
world cases, it remains important to detect users with-
out permissions or permissions that are assigned to no
Table 2: Pre-Processing of benchmark data.
ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
The results show that the pre-processing proce-
dure can significantly reduce the size of the input
data. Furthermore, comparing the lower bound of
roles given in Table 3 to the remaining number of
users after applying all pre-processing steps, reveals,
that for EMEA, Domino and Firewall 2 the optimum
number of roles can already be attained by defining
one role for each of the remaining users containing
the corresponding permissions.
For the other benchmarks, Table 3 indicates that
the difference between the number of remaining users
and the role lower bound leaves little room for proper
evaluation of role mining algorithms. Thus, future re-
search should focus on the creation and provision of
new and more conclusive benchmarks.
Table 3: Number of users after pre-processing compared to
role lower bounds based on (Ene et al., 2008).
5.2 Performance Evaluation
For performance evaluation, the addRole-EA was
tested 20 times on each of the eight bench-
mark instances of the HP-Labs benchmark set.
Each run was terminated if one of the two stop-
ping conditions was met: either a total num-
ber of iterations iterations total
was reached
or no improvement of the current best solution
could be attained for a given number of iterations
iterations without improvement
The values of the relevant parameters were deter-
mined by parameter performance tests based on dif-
ferent parameter value sets. These tests were per-
formed on one medium-sized instance of the HP-Labs
benchmarks, namely Firewall 1 as well as the largest
instance America Large. As the derived parameters
also showed good performance on the other bench-
mark instances they were adopted for the final test
setup as shown in Table 4.
In Table 5 and Table 6 the different mutation and
crossover methods are examined. For this, the number
of cases in which the application of one mutation or
crossover method on one individual led directly to an
Table 4: Test parameters.
improvement of the fitness function is divided by the
method’s total application count. The positive rates
in Table 5 show that all set operations performed by
the different mutation methods lead to the creation
of roles that contribute to the reduction of the total
role number during the evolutionary process. Table 6
shows that the exchange of roles during crossover can
further decrease the total number of roles.
Table 5: Evaluation of mutation.
Table 6: Evaluation of crossover.
The results of the conducted tests, in terms of the
resulting number of proposed roles, are displayed in
Table 7. At this, addRole
denotes the best re-
sult attained in each instance, while addRole
notes the average number of resulting roles across
all test runs and addRole
denotes the correspond-
ing standard deviation. Furthermore, the results of
the addRole-EA are compared to the results attained
by different role mining algorithms found in litera-
ture (see Section 3).
denotes the deviation be-
tween the average results obtained from the applica-
The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining Problem
Table 7: Evaluation of addRole-EA in comparison with other role-mining algorithms based on (Mitra et al., 2016).
tion of the addRole-EA addRole
and the best so-
lution found by the other role-mining algorithms. It
is noticeable, that in each benchmark instance, the
currently best solution is attained in at least one run.
For America Small and Firewall 1, the best solution
can even be improved by nine, respectively one role.
The average values attained by the addRole-EA range
from 3.03% to +0.46% of the best solution known
in literature. This emphasizes the high performance
of the addRole-EA.
In this paper, a new evolutionary algorithm for the
Role Mining Problem was proposed. It is mainly
based on a new method for adding roles to the chro-
mosomes of an individual and the implicit deletion
of roles that became obsolete due to the new role.
This ensures the 0-consistency of the created RBAC
scheme and the initial user permission assignment at
all times of the algorithm. Furthermore, methods for
the creation of new roles (mutation) and the exchange
of existing roles between individuals (crossover) were
presented. Evaluation shows, that the proposed algo-
rithm can compete with current state-of-the-art algo-
rithms in terms of the number of generated roles.
The current implementation of the addRole-EA con-
tains many components which are based on random
decisions. Role-creation methods during mutation
or role-selection methods for role exchange during
crossover are chosen randomly. Hence, the exten-
sion of the addRole-EA by more specific operators
like the consideration of similarity measures between
users or roles or the application of prioritization func-
tions for more focused addition of roles are subject
to further investigation. The analysis of the HP-
Labs benchmark set shows, that the contained bench-
mark instances leave little space for detailed evalua-
tion of role-mining algorithms. Thus, new standard-
ized benchmarks have to be developed.
Choosing an evolutionary approach for solving
the Role Mining Problem has many advantages. Its
scalability allows for easy application in enterprise-
driven use cases. In this context, further require-
ments, like the consideration of role hierarchies, com-
pliance constraints or the semantic quality of roles,
gain focus. Thus, these business aspects have to be
included in a future version of the addRole-EA. In
addition, academic benchmarks covering those fea-
tures have to be derived. Furthermore, as evolution-
ary algorithms are able to handle dynamic events, it
is desirable to adapt our approach to the dynamic sur-
roundings of enterprises by the development of real-
time-event-handling methods for common events like
permission-requests, employees joining or leaving the
company or employees changing departments within
one enterprise.
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