ond, the construction of seed graph can adopt the En-
terprise Architecture, which provides a comprehen-
sive view of business; and the last, expert knowledge
needs crowd sourcing too, especially when the knowl-
edge are cross different domains. And the validation
of expert driven crowd sourcing is another challenge.
This paper proposes a framework to solve enterprise
knowledge graph cold start problem. The proposed
framework takes the advantage of graph-formed ex-
pert knowledge, and use it to guide the clustering
method, which integrates expert knowledge with data
driven clustering.
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linkage are adopted base on entity vectorization. In-
cremental validation is used to gradually add the
words in graph. The framework is validated through
an enterprise finance knowledge graph to support rea-
sonable knowledge consumption. Search engines and
Q&A apps will be constructed base on this graph, and
the current available data-driven techniques will be
used to expand and fine tune the graph.
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KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems