On the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Regarding
Transformed Input Images
Frederik Timme, Jochen Kerdels and Gabriele Peters
Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Hagen,
atsstraße 47, 58097 Hagen, Germany
Convolutional Neural Networks, Performance Evaluation, Transformations, Data Augmentation.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become the dominant and arguably most successful approach
for the task of image classification since the release of AlexNet in 2012. Despite their excellent performance,
CNNs continue to suffer from a still poorly understood lack of robustness when confronted with adversarial
attacks or particular forms of handcrafted datasets. Here we investigate how the recognition performance of
three widely used CNN architectures (AlexNet, VGG19 and ResNeXt) changes in response to certain input
data transformations. 10,000 images from the ILSVRC2012s validation dataset were systematically manipu-
lated by means of common transformations (translation, rotation, color change, background replacement) as
well as methods like image collages and jigsaw-like puzzles. Both the effect of single and combined transfor-
mations are investigated. Our results show that three of these input image manipulations (rotation, collage,
and puzzle) can cause a significant drop in classification accuracy in all evaluated architectures. In general, the
more recent VGG19 and ResNeXt displayed a higher robustness than AlexNet in our experiments indicating
that some progress has been made to harden the CNN approach against malicious or unforeseen input.
In the last decade Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) have successfully replaced traditional key-
point based detection methods like SIFT (Lowe,
2004) or SURF (Bay et al., 2006) as a standard ap-
proach for object recognition and image classifica-
tion (Zheng et al., 2018). On the one hand, these
networks repeatedly set new records regarding clas-
sification accuracy and performance on well estab-
lished test sets while, on the other hand, they still
tend to show limited robustness when being exposed
to input data that differs from their original training
and test data (Hendrycks and Dietterich, 2019) (Recht
et al., 2019). Several techniques have been proposed
to overcome this drawback including techniques for,
e.g., data augmentation (Shorten and Khoshgoftaar,
2019) in order to generate a larger collection of more
diverse training data. However, it is an open question
to what extent these efforts can lead to an increased
robustness regarding unexpected input data.
In this work, we systematically evaluate the
performance of three popular CNN architectures
(AlexNet, VGG19 and ResNeXt) in regard to their ro-
bustness against a broad range of input data transfor-
mations. The transformations we use are comprised
of well known transformations traditionally used for
training data augmentation as well as a number of
novel, more complex transformations like collages or
jigsaw-like puzzles.
The main contribution of this work is the sys-
tematic analysis of established and newly introduced
transformation methods, which allows a clear com-
parison of their effect on the accuracy of three widely
used CNN architectures.
Research on the performance degradation of CNNs
due to altered input data can be broadly divided into
two areas. One area concerns the design of adver-
sarial attacks (Wiyatno et al., 2019). Here it was
shown that precise, minimal changes to input images
both globally (Goodfellow et al., 2014) and locally
(Su et al., 2019) allow to fully control the classi-
fication output of a CNN. The other area concerns
the exploration of datasets that are structurally dif-
ferent from the training dataset in subtle ways, us-
ing these datasets to investigate how they affect the
performance of CNNs. It was shown that specifically
crafted datasets (Barbu et al., 2019) as well as careful
Timme, F., Kerdels, J. and Peters, G.
On the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Regarding Transformed Input Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0010107203960403
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2020), pages 396-403
ISBN: 978-989-758-475-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
selections of existing images (Hendrycks et al., 2020)
can cause large drops in classification accuracy.
One approach to mitigate this lack of robustness
consists in the augmentation of the training data by
a broad range of different image transformations.
These include simple (mostly affine) transformations
like translation (Krizhevsky et al., 2012), rotation and
cropping (Taylor and Nitschke, 2017), or color and
brightness adjustments (Howard, 2013). More elab-
orated approaches use, e.g., Generative Adversarial
Networks to generate style transferred images or to
construct entirely new images (Mikołajczyk and Gro-
chowski, 2018).
Evaluation of such approaches with a focus on
different types of transformations and their effect on
model accuracy – mostly dealing with a single type of
transformation and a narrow parameter range were
performed by, e.g., (Engstrom et al., 2018) and (Azu-
lay and Weiss, 2018).
We evaluated three widely known CNNs regarding
their robustness against modified input data: AlexNet
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012), ResNeXt50 32x4d (Xie
et al., 2017), and VGG19 (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2015). In our experiments we modified the input data
by a set of both established and novel types of trans-
formations. Table 1 shows the transformations used
as well as their parameters and value ranges. The se-
lected value ranges are comparable to those found in
other publications, but have been extended in some
cases to be able to estimate the performance of the
CNNs with regard to heavily modified input data. The
more traditional transformations used include trans-
lation, rotation, color change, and background re-
placement. As more novel transformations we imple-
mented puzzle and collage transformations.
The translation transformation moves an input im-
age in vertical and/or horizontal directions and fills
the resulting empty sections of the image with zeros
(black). The rotation transformation rotates an input
image around its center and fills resulting empty sec-
tions with zeros. The color change transformation
alters the proportion of the green color channel of
an input image via an intensity parameter. For val-
ues less than 1 the intensity values of all pixels in
the green color channel are multiplied by this fac-
tor, for values greater than 1 the intensity values of
the pixels in the other two channels are divided by
this value. The background transformation replaces
the non-object part of an input image with a constant
Figure 1: Puzzle transformations. The four images show
examples of the puzzle transformation applied to an input
image. 1: original image, 2: 2 × 2 puzzle, 3: 3 × 3 puzzle,
4: 4 × 4 puzzle. Tiles are shuffled randomly.
Figure 2: Collage transformation. The image shows a col-
lage build out of four source images each belonging to a
different image class.
The puzzle transformation (see Fig. 1) cuts an in-
put image into n × n rows or columns of equal height
or width. The resulting n
pieces are then randomly
rearranged. The collage transformation divides the
image area into 2 × 2 rows and columns of equal
height and width. Four input images, each from a dif-
ferent input class, are then inserted into one of the
four subareas (see Fig. 2). This way a collage with
four objects of different target classes is created al-
On the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Regarding Transformed Input Images
Table 1: Transformations with parameters and values. The transformations applied include traditional transformations (trans-
lation, rotation, background replacement, color change) as well as novel ones (collage, puzzle). For each transformation, the
parameters and value ranges as well as the step size is shown.
Transformations Parameters Values Step size
Translation Distance x [0%, 40%] 20%
Distance y [0%, 40%] 20%
Rotation Rotation angle [180
, +180
] 30
Background replacement Fill color {original, black, gray, white, red} -
Color change Intensity [0.5, 1.5] 0.25
Collage Number of rows and columns 2 -
Puzzle Number of rows and columns [1, 4] 1
lowing to investigate a CNNs’ ability to recognize ob-
jects from several target classes at the same time.
All transformations were examined individually
as well as in combination. In the latter case, two
transformations were applied consecutively to an in-
put image. In these cases, background replacement
was applied with black background only to reduce the
number of possible combinations.
About 10,000 images of the ILSVRC2012 valida-
tion set (Russakovsky et al., 2015) and their corre-
sponding bounding boxes served as input data. These
covered 200 classes represented by 50 images each.
To ensure that all transformations were identity
preserving with respect to the input data, we applied
them on a sample of images. Rotation, color change,
background replacement and collage turned out to be
unproblematic. The translation, however, carried the
danger of shifting the main parts of the object(s) out
of the image area. Therefore, we evaluated the part
of the object that was still visible after applying the
translation. With a translation distance of 20% (si-
multaneously in x and y direction), for more than 90%
of the objects contained in the dataset, the amount of
pixels still visible exceeded 40%, which we assume
to be easily recognizable for humans. Whether the
puzzle transformation keeps the identity of the image
class and should still be recognized by a neural net-
work is a matter of discussion. However, this trans-
formation can give hints about whether a network rec-
ognizes objects based on their microstructure or their
The analysis was performed on a Python envi-
ronment within the package manager software Ana-
conda. Apart from Python3, the packages numpy,
Pytorch, Torchvision, PIL, matplotlib and scimage
were used. The analysis was run on an Intel Core
i5-6400 CPU (2.7 GHz) with 8 Gigabyte RAM. From
Torchvision we took the pretrained CNN architectures
as well as the build-in transformations translation and
rotation. The remaining transformations were imple-
mented by the authors.
All pretrained CNN architectures from Torchvi-
sion had been trained on the same data, which is the
training subset from the ImageNet dataset. Similarly,
the same data augmentations had been applied to all
models during training: first a crop of the input image
with random size (between 0.08 and 1.0 of the origi-
nal image size) and of random ratio (between 3/4 and
4/3) had been resized to a size of 224 pixel. After-
wards a horizontal flip had been applied with a prob-
ability of 50%. Because of this similar training pro-
cedure we assume that differences in the accuracy re-
sults reported below are caused by the differences in
the model architectures only.
4.1 Traditional Transformations
Figure 3 shows the results for the translation trans-
formation. All models show a stronger degradation of
classification accuracy for translations in the horizon-
tal x-axis than in the vertical y-axis. This difference
is particularly noticeable for AlexNet, where a shift of
40% in the x-direction yields about six percent worse
results than in the y-direction. The combination of
both directions again significantly reduces the perfor-
mance of all models: The decrease here ranges from
18 (ResNeXt) up to 43 percentage points (AlexNet).
The partial disappearance of objects due to translation
discussed above may explain the overall decrease to
some extend, but the differences between the archi-
tectures remain remarkable.
The results of the rotation transformation
shown in figure 4. Here, the rotation of the input data
leads to a similar pattern of performance degradation
in all three models. As expected, the classification
accuracy has its global maximum at a rotation of 0
while local maxima are noticeable at 90
, 90
. Between these maxima there is a significantly
reduced accuracy with minima at around 120
The given angles refer to counterclockwise rotations.
NCTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Change of accuracy when input images are translated. Each matrix shows the accuracy for one model in regard to
the translation distance in x- and y-direction as percentage of image size.
Figure 4: Change of accuracy when input images are ro-
tated. The plot shows the classification accuracy of each
model regarding input images rotated by the given angle.
respectively. The decrease in detection perfor-
mance ranges from 55% (VGG19) to 39% (AlexNet).
Figure 5 shows the results of modifying the in-
put images with a color change transformation. For
all evaluated models the classification accuracy drops
with higher intensity values. Note that the perfor-
mance degradation is not uniform. A decrease in
the intensity of the green color channel i.e., a red-
blueish tint of the images affected the recognition
performance more than an increase of the green color
channel. The overall change in accuracy across inten-
sity values from 0.5 to 1.5 ranges from 8% (ResNeXt)
to 23% (AlexNet).
The changes in classification accuracy due to a re-
placement of the input images’ background are shown
in figure 6. Here, VGG19 and ResNeXt appear to be
less affected by the background replacement transfor-
mation than AlexNet. The former are largely invariant
to the specific color used and show a 10% decrease
of accuracy across all cases. In contrast, the results for
AlexNet display clear differences in the degree of per-
formance degradation depending on the specific back-
ground color. Note the particularly strong degradation
in case of a red background color.
Figure 5: Change of accuracy when input images have al-
tered colors. The plot shows the classification accuracy of
each model for input images with varying intensity values
of the green color channel. A value of 1 represents an unal-
tered image.
4.2 Novel Transformations
Figure 7 shows the recognition performance of all
three models with respect to the collage transforma-
tion. It shows how well each network was able to rec-
ognize one, two, three, or all four of the image classes
present in the collage images. For this purpose the k
classes with the highest probability values were con-
sidered as guesses of the network, with 1 k 9.
Comparing the top1-accuracy (k = 1) with that for un-
altered input images, the percentage of correctly clas-
sified images
is significantly lower for AlexNet and
VGG19 (from 59% and 73% to 9% and 42%, respec-
tively). In case of ResNeXt the percentage of cor-
rectly recognized class labels drops by 8% from 78%
to 70%. The collage transformation results also offer
some insight into the ability of each model to recog-
nize more than one object class at a time. Even with
increasing values of k AlexNet is not able to recognize
An image counts as correctly classified as soon as one
of the four classes in the collage is the top1.
On the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Regarding Transformed Input Images
Figure 6: Change of accuracy when input images have an
altered background. The graph shows the accuracy of each
model for input images with replaced backgrounds. Unal-
tered input images are indicated by “original”. In all other
cases the non-object part of the image has been replaced by
the respective color.
more than one object class per collage image in most
cases. VGG19 appears to be limited to recognize two
out of the four object classes present in the collage. In
contrast, ResNeXt seems to have fewer difficulties to
recognize multiple object classes in a collage image.
In more than 20% of the input images two of the four
object classes are in the top2 predictions (k = 2). For
k > 3, ResNeXt manages to put all four image classes
among the predictions. For k = 10 ResNeXt detects
one or more of the four object classes in over 98% of
the images.
Figure 8 shows the accuracy of the evaluated net-
works with respect to the puzzle transformation. The
x-axis shows n, the number of rows and columns used
for constructing the puzzle, i.e., n = 1 refers to an
unchanged input image, n = 2 refers to a 2 × 2 puz-
zle, and so on. All three models show a decreas-
ing accuracy with an increase in image fragmentation.
Overall, AlexNet appears to be significantly more af-
fected by the puzzle transformation than VGG19 and
4.3 Combined Transformations
Figure 9 shows the results of combining the rota-
tion transformation with a black color background re-
placement. In contrast to the sole application of ro-
tations evaluated above, in which areas of different
size have to be filled in with black due to different
rotation angles, the combination of rotation and back-
ground replacement results in the same ratio of useful
information (the object) and pixels filled in (the back-
ground) independent of the rotation angle
. The com-
bination of both transformations results in a similar
This does not hold true for the rare cases in which the
object to be recognized lies very close to the images edge
pattern as seen for the rotation transformation above.
The recognition performance continues to be signifi-
cantly higher at multiples of ±90
than for other ro-
tation angles, while the overall accuracy is further re-
duced compared to the sole application of the rotation
Figure 10 shows the results of combining the puz-
zle and background replacement transformations. The
results display a high degree of consistency with the
sole application of the puzzle transformation (Fig. 8).
Adding the background replacement transformation
reduced the performance by 10% to 20% across the
parameter range.
The presented results reveal a clear trend regarding
the comparison of the three models: across almost
all of the evaluated transformations, the accuracy of
ResNeXt remains higher than that of the VGG19
network, which in turn has a higher accuracy than
AlexNet. There are some minor exceptions to this
observation. For instance, for some rotational trans-
formations VGG19’s accuracy drops below that of
Overall, there is a clear gap between AlexNet’s
performance compared to the other two networks.
This gap manifests itself not only in terms of abso-
lute performance, but also regarding the robustness
against the degree with which the individual trans-
formations were applied. This difference is particu-
larly prominent in the background replacement and
color change transformations: even with heavily mod-
ified input data, the more recent models VGG19 and
ResNeXt continue to show relatively high recogni-
tion rates that remain higher than the performance of
AlexNet for unaltered input material. Interestingly,
AlexNet’s robustness seems to fail especially with re-
gard to red color components, which is visible in both
the background replacement and color change trans-
In general, it appears that the increased network
complexity and the increased detection performance
of VGG19 and ResNeXt correlates with a higher ro-
bustness against different types of transformations.
This holds true especially in case of the color change,
background replacement, and translation transforma-
tions. Thus, it might be the case that VGG19 and
ResNeXt perform better than AlexNet in real-world
applications where backgrounds or object environ-
ments change a lot or objects are shifted in the im-
and its rotation results in parts of the object becoming invis-
NCTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Change of accuracy when collage input images are used. Colors indicate the number of correctly recognized classes
per collage (one, two, three, or all four). A class is considered to be correctly classified if it is present in the k classes with
highest probability predicted by each model, with 1 k 9.
Figure 8: Change of accuracy when input images are trans-
formed by the puzzle transformation. The graph shows the
accuracy of each model for an increasing number of tiles. 1
represents the original image, whereas 4 represents a puzzle
with 4 × 4 = 16 tiles. The tiles are arranged randomly.
age plane. Future research based on real-world data
should be able to illuminate this aspect further.
Despite the progress shown by VGG19 and
Figure 9: Change of accuracy when input images are trans-
formed by background replacement and rotation. First the
non-object part of the images have been replaced by a black
color. Afterwards the rotation transformation has been ap-
plied with rotation angles ranging from -180 to 180 degrees.
ResNeXt, a simple rotation of the input data can
still cause a noticeable decrease in performance of all
evaluated models. This is particularly surprising since
On the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Regarding Transformed Input Images
Figure 10: Change of accuracy when input images are trans-
formed by background replacement and puzzle. First the
non-object part of the images have been replaced by a black
color. Afterwards the puzzle transformation has been ap-
plied with puzzle resolutions ranging from 1 (original im-
age) to 4 (4 × 4 puzzle).
rotations are widely used as data augmentation meth-
ods. On the other hand, this observation is consistent
with the results of (Engstrom et al., 2018), although
they evaluated much smaller rotation angles. Given
the relatively good performance of the evaluated net-
works at multiples of ±90
one might suspect that the
lack of blank image areas at these angles might be the
underlying cause for these irregularities. However,
the results obtained from the combination of rotation
and background replacement contradict this assump-
Regarding the results obtained by the collage
transformation experiment, ResNeXt’s high accuracy
suggests that this model has an improved ability to
recognize the patterns of an object independent of the
object’s environment or background. This is consis-
tent with the good performance of ResNeXt in the
background replacement experiment. AlexNet on the
other hand is hardly able to detect more than one ob-
ject class simultaneously. This might indicate that
AlexNet depends more heavily on patterns that are
present in the image background to perform a correct
With regard to the puzzle transformation experi-
ment, the more recent models show a higher robust-
ness as well. This may be related to the fact that they
are already more robust against translations of objects
in the image plane and therefore have less problems
with a changed spatial arrangement of the image. Yet,
this could also be an indication for a detection behav-
ior that is more specialized in local patterns. For fur-
ther insights, puzzles with an even smaller fragmen-
tation of the input images could be constructed, while
simultaneously controlling the extend of fragmenta-
tion of the object itself.
Further, more extensive experiments may use re-
duced step sizes for the transformation parameters to
facilitate a more fine grained comparison with previ-
ous publications. For instance, (Azulay and Weiss,
2018) have shown that translations of even a few pix-
els can lead to significant performance drops in some
architectures. Therefore, using smaller step sizes on
the transformations evaluated in our work may facili-
tate a more detailed reasoning about the robustness of
the networks.
Our results show that the more recent architectures
VGG19 and ResNeXt appear to have an increased ro-
bustness against many kinds of image transformations
including color changes and background replacement.
However, invariance towards rotational transforma-
tions of the input appears to remain problematic as
these transformations cause a significant decrease in
recognition performance of all evaluated models.
The collage and puzzle transformations intro-
duced here appear to be suitable benchmarks to
further investigate the strengths and weaknesses of
CNNs as they were able to reveal markedly different
abilities among the evaluated architectures.
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On the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Regarding Transformed Input Images