Large Scale Intent Detection in Turkish Short Sentences with Contextual
Word Embeddings
Enes Burak D
undar, Osman Fatih Kılıc¸, Tolga C¸ ekic¸, Yusufcan Manav and Onur Deniz
Natural Language Processing Department, Yapi Kredi Technology, Istanbul, Turkey
Intent Detection, Text Classification, Chatbot, Language Modeling.
We have developed a large-scale intent detection method for our Turkish conversation system in banking do-
main to understand the problems of our customers. Recent advancements in natural language processing(NLP)
have allowed machines to understand the words in a context by using their low dimensional vector represen-
tations a.k.a. contextual word embeddings. Thus, we have decided to use two language model architectures
that provide contextual embeddings: ELMo and BERT. We trained ELMo on Turkish corpora while we used a
pretrained Turkish BERT model. To evaluate these models on an intent classification task, we have collected
and annotated 6453 customer messages in 148 intents. Furthermore, another Turkish document classification
dataset named Kemik News are used for comparing our method with the state-of-the-art models. Experimental
results have shown that using contextual word embeddings boost Turkish document classification performance
on various tasks. Moreover, converting Turkish characters to English counterparts results in a slightly better
performance. Lastly, an experiment is conducted to find out which BERT layer is more effective to use for
intent classification task.
Intent detection is a problem where messages are
assigned to a set of topics. In order to solve this
problem, messages are first converted to the features.
These features are then fed to a classifier. Intent de-
tection can be considered as a text classification task.
Moreover, this concept is widely utilized in conversa-
tional systems. In conversational systems, there are
two sides: an agent and a user. Therefore, It is highly
important to have a robust intent detection method for
making users feel they are talking to people not a ma-
We have developed a large scale intent detection
method for a Turkish chatbot in banking domain. A
chatbot should be able to understand user messages
so that users can express their problems in many dif-
ferent ways. The messages they write have different
characteristics. They are generally short and about
more than one topics. Therefore, it becomes a bit
harder to understand messages that do not have too
much distinctive information.
In (D
undar et al., 2018), a hybrid method is pro-
posed to understand what bank customers want to tell
about their problems in Turkish. The hybrid method
contains two approaches: a character based string
similarity and a cosine similarity between word vec-
tors. These similarity metrics are used for selecting
the most similar question among a set for a user ques-
tion if their similarity score is greater than a prede-
fined threshold value.
In (Shridhar et al., 2019), authors have pro-
posed a subword semantic hashing approach for
representing texts for intent detection. Thereby,
it deals with the out-of-vocabulary words since
they are not handled by word level language mod-
els such as Word2Vec(Mikolov et al., 2013) and
GloVe(Pennington et al., 2014). Also, the authors
mention that it deals with spelling errors by looking
words at subword level. They have conducted exper-
iments on small datasets: The Chatbot Corpus, The
AskUbuntu Corpus, and The Web Applications Cor-
pus. They have 206, 190, and 100 samples and 2, 5
and 8 intents respectively.
In (Liu and Lane, 2016), an attention-based RNN
model has been proposed in order to solve intent de-
tection and slot filling jointly. They also investigated
alignment-based RNN models since the slot filling
task requires an alignment between inputs and out-
puts. The authors have used a spoken language un-
derstanding dataset which contains approximately 6k
utterances for 18 different intents. Their proposed
Dündar, E., Kılıç, O., Çekiç, T., Manav, Y. and Deniz, O.
Large Scale Intent Detection in Turkish Short Sentences with Contextual Word Embeddings.
DOI: 10.5220/0010108301870192
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 187-192
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
method shows state-of-the-art performance for this
In the last decade, many language models
have been developed. Context independent lan-
guage models such as Word2Vec(Mikolov et al.,
2013), GloVe(Pennington et al., 2014), and fast-
Text(Bojanowski et al., 2017) have shown promising
results on various tasks such as machine translation,
named entity recognition, and so on. Word2vec gen-
erate word representations by looking its neighbour-
ing words. Therefore, it is too focused on local diver-
sity, and can miss relations in abstract level. On the
other hand, GloVe consider global co-occurences by
representing words. So, it differs from Word2Vec in
this way. Unlike these two methods, fastText is ca-
pable of handling subword information. Therefore, it
is also convenient to use for out-of-vocabulary words.
In (D
undar and Alpaydın, 2019), it is shown that fast-
Text is better for representing syntactic information in
Turkish, a morphologically rich language.
Thanks to advancements of computation power,
it has become possible to train much larger models
like ELMo (Peters et al., 2018), BERT(Kenton et al.,
2018), and so on whereas context information is han-
dled. Turkish is a low-resource but morphologically
rich language compared to English. And, the num-
ber of studies are also less. Therefore, we have also
investigated Turkish text classification methods in lit-
erature to understand the language specific problems.
In (D
undar and Alpaydın, 2019), language mod-
els: word2vec, fastText, and ELMo are trained on
Turkish corpora. Authors have conducted experi-
ments on document classification and word analogy
tasks. They have analyzed word embedding dimen-
sionality and corpora effect on word representations
by learning different language models. In (Sen and
Erdogan, 2014), word2vec is trained on Turkish and
tested on analogy tasks. Authors investigated the ef-
fect of word embedding spaces in different sizes on
these tasks.
In (Ayata et al., 2017), authors propose a senti-
ment classification model for Turkish tweets about
different topics. They have trained a word embed-
ding model in order to vectorizer these tweets. Then,
two classifiers, Support Vector Machine and Random
Forests, are used to decide their sentiments.
In (Sogancioglu et al., ), a two-stage classifica-
tion method is proposed to multi-label classification
of texts on banking domain. At the first stage, a bi-
nary classifier is used to determine whether or not a
message is about daily language. If it is not about
daily language, then it is classified by the second stage
method. That study does not utilize any language
models but traditional methods to vectorize texts like
bag-of-words. The number of intents is 9 which is too
few compared to our dataset.
In this study, we collected an intent detection
dataset on Turkish banking domain. Furthermore, we
have trained ELMo language model on Turkish cor-
pora. Also, we used a HuggingFace’s Transformer
library(Wolf et al., 2019) to conduct experiments on
BERTurk, a Turkish BERT model(Schweter, 2020).
Finally, a classifier model is trained on features
obtained by these language models to assign a mes-
sage to a intent. We have shown that it becomes possi-
ble to understand intents of short texts with large scale
intent categories even without using too complicated
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, our classifier models are presented. In Sec-
tion 3, experimental results are shown. Also contex-
tual word embedding models are discussed and com-
pared with each other. In Section 4, we summarize
the study, evaluate the results, and discuss about fu-
ture works.
2.1 Corpus
We have created a huge Turkish corpus by combin-
ing 3 different corpora: Bo
gazic¸i Web Corpus(Sak
et al., 2008), Turkish Wikipedia dump, and webchat
messages in banking domain. Bo
gazic¸i web corpus
contains nearly half a billion words. It is created
by crawling three newspapers and several web pages.
Additionally, Turkish Wikipedia dump contains more
than 50 million words. Our own webchat corpus
contains approximately 10 million dialogues between
customers and customer representatives. Total num-
ber of messages in these dialogues is more than 100
million. Thereby, we have created a corpus consisting
of nearly 650 million words.
2.2 Contextual Word Embeddings
As mentioned in Section 1, Word2vec and GloVe
does not consider subword information but FastText.
Moreover, they are not capable of handling contex-
tual information when representing words. Therefore,
they fail on representations of polysemous words. On
the other hand, ELMo and BERT which are men-
tioned in Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 can deal with this
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2.2.1 ELMo
A bidirectional language model, named ELMo(Peters
et al., 2018), has been developed for handling contex-
tual information in sequences. It has created a huge
impact on NLP community since using context for
creating word embeddings has never been applied so
well before. ELMo has shown that it can effectively
create quite good representations for the same word
when it is used for different contexts. Contrary to to-
ken based language models, ELMo is capable of han-
dling words in character level. Thereby, it can create
representations for words event if they are not seen
during training.
T1 T1 TN
Figure 1: ELMo architecture used in this study.
ELMo model has 3 layers: a convolutional neu-
ral network(CNN) and two bidirectional long short
term memory(biLSTM) layers. At first, CNN layer
is used to create context independent representations
for words in character level. Then, they are fed to biL-
STM layers so that it can obtain word representations
by considering the contextual information. Finally, it
predicts the target words. We used the original ELMo
architecture mentioned above in our study, and it is
shown in Figure 1. T
represents words. O
sents the outputs of the last biLSTM layer.
2.2.2 BERT
BERT is a transformer based language model trained
in unsupervised way (Kenton et al., 2018). The gen-
eral architecture of this model is presented in Figure
2. T
represents sub-words. O
represents the outputs
of the last transformer layer. The task used to pretrain
the language model is to predict masked words in se-
quences fed to itself by combining features from left
and right contexts. BERT has an unsupervised tok-
enizer that means tokenizer is learnt by a corpus be-
fore training. It can also split words into small pieces.
Thereby, the number of tokens of a text is greater than
the number of words.
Special tokens [CLS] and [SEP] are added into se-
quences. [CLS] is used to denote the beginning of a
sequence while [SEP] is put at the end of a sequence.
Also, the model learns whether or not the next sen-
tence is correct. Thus, it can create a better repre-
sentation for sequences. Authors have showed that it
outperforms ELMo on several tasks such as question
answering, sentence classification, and so on.
Compared to ELMo, BERT uses multi-head atten-
tion mechanism. That means it is not stateful. There-
fore, it requires more computational power to train on
large datasets.
T1 T1 TN
Figure 2: BERT architecture used in this study.
We have utilized 2 GPUs(GeForce GTX 1080 Ti) for
training language models and classifiers on a Linux
machine. Keras(Chollet et al., 2015) with Tensor-
flow(Abadi et al., 2015) backend, Pytorch(Paszke
et al., 2019) and HuggingFace(Wolf et al., 2019) li-
braries are utilized while developing models. Dur-
ing experiments, we have normalized words by low-
ercasing and converting Turkish characters to English
ones. Experiment using normalized texts are denoted
in ”Type” column as ”norm”. Detailed explanations
about models are given in Section 3.2.
3.1 Datasets
3.1.1 Intent Sentences
When we deployed our chatbot platform, we had a
dataset of predefined intent messages. Some of these
Large Scale Intent Detection in Turkish Short Sentences with Contextual Word Embeddings
messages are manually written or collected from we-
bchat conversations mentioned in Section 2.1. To in-
crease our dataset, incoming messages have been pe-
riodically analyzed and annotated. If there are lots
of messages related to a specific intent which is not
covered in our predefined intents, then a new intent is
created with these messages. Since labels are not bal-
anced, we subsample 20-50 messages for each intent.
After all, the dataset contains 6453 messages for 148
intents assigned by annotators.
3.1.2 Kemik News
Kemik News is one of the most popular datasets cre-
ated in Turkish. It contains approximately 20k doc-
uments for 7 classes. Documents are not distributed
to these classes equally. Therefore, we splitted the
dataset so that label distributions are similar among
train,validation, and test sets.
3.2 Models
In our experiments, we used two language models:
ELMo and BERT and a traditional method named
TF-IDF to extract features of texts. ELMo is trained
on Turkish corpora mentioned in Section 2.1. There-
fore, it is suitable to use with preprocessed texts men-
tioned in the beginning of this section. In the experi-
ments, 3 metrics have been determined: precision(P),
recall(R), and F1 score.
For ELMo model, we have used the original
architecture developed by Allen NLP(Peters et al.,
2018). It consists of one context-independent and two
context-dependent layers. In all experiments, we con-
catenated features obtained from these layers. Each
layer represents words in 512 dimensional space, con-
catenated features are 1536.
Two different classifiers are put on these features.
In the first one, they are fed to a bidirectional GRU
layer followed by a GlobalMaxPooling and a dense
layer with softmax activation. The second classi-
fier model does not have a bidirectional GRU layer.
Therefore, it can be considered as a linear classifier.
In Figure 4, the classifier model architecture is shown.
E represents token embeddings.
For BERT experiments, BERTurk(Schweter,
2020), a public HuggingFace model is utilized. It is
trained on a corpus(44,04,976,662 tokens) which is a
much larger than the corpus mentioned in Section 2.1.
The first token feature of a sequence at the last layer
is selected for representing a text. It is a special token,
[CLS] which is used in BERT. Then, its features
are fed to a dense layer with softmax activation. In
Figure 4, the classifier model architecture is shown.
represents token embeddings. O
represents the
E1 E1 EN
Global Max Pooling
Figure 3: ELMo classifier architecture for experiments.
E1 E1 EN
Figure 4: BERT classifier architecture for experiments.
outputs of the last transformer layer. O
which is the
output representation of special token([CLS]) is fed
to a linear classifier.
3.2.1 Intent Detection
Intent detection results are represented in Table 1. In
the models column, a multinomial naive bayes and
a support vectors machine classifiers are used for
baseline. They are fed with TF-IDF features. In
the type column, ”N” denotes whether or not texts
are normalized. ELMo model is trained with a nor-
malized corpus. Therefore, the classifier on top of
it is fed with normalized texts. Moreover, ”F” de-
notes when weights of BERT model is frozen. And,
”L” in the type column denotes features from the
last ELMO layer is used. When we look at the re-
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
sults of MNB and SVM, normalizing text shows bet-
ter performance. Using a linear classifier on top of
the ELMo model, named ELMo+L, reduces its per-
formance. Concatenating representations of the last
three ELMo layers results in better scores. Also, it
can be clearly seen that BERT results are better than
ELMo. Furthermore, freezing BERT weights results
in a better performance.
Table 1: Intent classification results.
Models Type P R F1
MNB 0.6847 0.6746 0.6437
MNB N 0.7107 0.6963 0.6674
SVM 0.7291 0.7190 0.7046
SVM N 0.7547 0.7386 0.7230
ELMo N 0.9019 0.8905 0.8866
ELMo N+L 0.8963 0.8832 0.8799
ELMo+L N 0.8769 0.8471 0.8441
ELMo+L N+L 0.8625 0.8450 0.8399
BERT 0.9084 0.8988 0.8941
BERT F 0.9133 0.9028 0.8995
3.2.2 Text Classification
The same models and feature types in intent detection
are also used for this task. The results of Kemik News
classification task are shown in Table 2. The best re-
sult is obtained by ELMo model even if it is trained
with much smaller corpus contrast to the one used for
training BERT. Documents used in these experiments
are much longer. This property of the dataset can
cause this performance difference between ELMo and
BERT since bidirectional GRU layers are not used in
BERT. Also, the number of classes may also affect it.
Similar to intent detection task, normalizing texts has
resulted in a better performance. In (D
undar and Al-
paydın, 2019), authors have conducted experiments
on Kemik News dataset by using accuracy metric.
Their best result has 94.44% accuracy with a model
which represents documents by averaging their word
embedding vectors.
3.2.3 Contributions of BERT Layers
We used the original BERT model consisting of 12
layers. Each layer contains information at a different
level. Some of them may contain more abstract in-
formation while the other ones do not. Therefore, we
have conducted an experiment to measure which layer
is more convenient for our task. BERT Layer perfor-
mances in terms of precision, recall and F1 score on
intent detection task are shown in Table 3.
We find out the last layer is the best one. Although
there seems to be a correlation between layer levels
Table 2: Kemik News classification results.
Models Type P R F1
MNB 0.7460 0.6348 0.5690
MNB N 0.7454 0.6349 0.5691
SVM 0.8995 0.8979 0.8919
SVM N 0.9021 0.9007 0.8949
ELMo N 0.9567 0.9568 0.9567
ELMo N+L 0.9562 0.9562 0.9562
ELMo+L N 0.9395 0.9391 0.9388
ELMo+L N+L 0.9399 0.9400 0.9399
BERT 0.9550 0.9551 0.9549
BERT F 0.9540 0.9542 0.9539
Table 3: Which BERT layer is more useful for intent classi-
Layer P R F1
1 0.7528 0.7479 0.7269
2 0.8363 0.8161 0.8081
3 0.8593 0.8409 0.8335
4 0.8754 0.8605 0.8535
5 0.8873 0.8729 0.8681
6 0.8853 0.8719 0.8657
7 0.8865 0.875 0.8704
8 0.8896 0.8781 0.8724
9 0.8969 0.8843 0.8802
10 0.9001 0.8895 0.8853
11 0.9052 0.8926 0.8892
12 0.9084 0.8988 0.8941
and performance, layer 5 scores are better than layer
6. In all our experiments, we have used BERT fea-
tures extracted by this layer. Also, the maximum se-
quence length is set to 256. During the experiment,
BERT layers are not frozen, and pooled outputs of
each layer representations are fed to a linear classi-
In this study, we have shown that using contextual
word embeddings cause the performance of the text
classification tasks to improve. Experiments have
shown that it is not possible to differentiate perfor-
mances of BERT and ELMo on Turkish text classifi-
cation tasks in terms of precision, recall and F1 score.
On the other hand, document lengths play an impor-
tant role for selecting the appropriate model architec-
ture since we have shown that longer documents are
classified better with a model having RNN structure.
In the future, the recent language models such as AL-
BERT(Lan et al., 2019), RoBERTa(Liu et al., 2019),
XLNet(Yang et al., 2019) and ELECTRA(Clark et al.,
Large Scale Intent Detection in Turkish Short Sentences with Contextual Word Embeddings
2020) can be applied to this study. Moreover, uncer-
tainty analysis can be applied to large scale intent de-
tection task since there are too many categories that
are difficult to distinguish from each other.
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval