two major bottlenecks of current methods by using
a divisive approach to reduce effects of Gaussian Pro-
cesses’ cubic runtime complexity as well as employ-
ing a purposive strategy to generate fewer candidate
Our performance evaluation has revealed that
GPMs resulting from the proposed TAGR algorithm
deliver similar model quality in comparison to those
models produced by state-of-the-art algorithms. In
addition, runtime of the retrieval process is reduced
significantly especially for larger time series, where
we achieve a speed-up factor of approximately 500
with regards to existing methods such as CKS, ABCD
and SKC.
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mations an opportunity for further optimizing our ap-
proach. We therefore plan to address the opportuni-
ties of low-rank approximations such as the Nystr
method (Hensman et al., 2013) in our future work.
In addition, we plan to develop GPM retrieval algo-
rithms for big data processing frameworks in order to
scale GPM retrieval to very large and even multidi-
mensional datasets.
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Large-scale Retrieval of Bayesian Machine Learning Models for Time Series Data via Gaussian Processes