choosing the right embedding for the first one. It is
well known that the perfect ML model does not exist
because each one possesses its own peculiar charac-
teristics. In our case the EM algorithm is fast and
the best GMM model obtained on the current ACEA
data set has a low computational complexity in terms
of the number of components, working with a shared
covariance matrix. As concerns the OCC System, it
reaches very good results in terms of accuracy, yield-
ing also classification models characterized by a low
number of clusters, even if the evolutionary procedure
slows down the training process. It is the price for ob-
taining a robust model where the weights of the cus-
tom based dissimilarity measures can be also inter-
preted as the importance of each feature in the clas-
sification task. This interesting feature, together with
clusters content analysis, allows knowledge discov-
ery applications. Moreover, some applications require
calibrated probabilities as output scores and both the
compared techniques show a weak calibration degree.
Future works will be grounded on the study and on the
application of several classical and newly proposed
calibration techniques for OCC System output scores,
as requested by the objectives of the main project.
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S.p.A. for providing the data and for their continu-
ous support during the design and test phases. Spe-
cial thanks to Ing. Stefano Liotta, Chief Network Op-
eration Division, to Ing. Silvio Alessandroni, Chief
Electric Power Distribution, and to Ing. Maurizio
Paschero, Chief Remote Control Division.
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CI4EMS 2020 - Special Session on Computational Intelligence for Energy Management and Storage