Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for
Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Xander Wilcke
1 a
, Maurice de Kleijn
2 b
, Victor de Boer
1 c
, Henk Scholten
and Frank van Harmelen
1 d
Dept. of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dept. of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Knowledge Graphs, Data Validation, Data Quality, Constraints, Pattern Mining.
As knowledge graphs are getting increasingly adopted, the question of how to maintain the validity and ac-
curacy of our knowledge becomes ever more relevant. We introduce context-aware constraints as a means to
help preserve knowledge integrity. Context-aware constraints offer a more fine-grained control of the domain
onto which we impose restrictions. We also introduce a bottom-up anytime algorithm to discover context-
aware constraint directly from heterogeneous knowledge graphs—graphs made up from entities and literals of
various (data) types which are linked using various relations. Our method is embarrassingly parallel and can
exploit prior knowledge in the form of schemas to reduce computation time. We demonstrate our method on
three different datasets and evaluate its effectiveness by letting experts on knowledge validation and manage-
ment assess candidate constraints in a real-world knowledge validation use case. Our results show that overall,
context-aware constraints are to an extent useful for knowledge validation tasks, and that the majority of the
generated constraints are well balanced with respect to complexity.
Knowledge graphs have ceased to be the academic
experiment that they once were. They are now
confidently present in the working environment of
many different institutes, museums, and businesses
around the globe, such as the Smithsonian museum
of American art (Szekely et al., 2013), taxi service
Uber (Hamad et al., 2018), and even internet giants
such as Google (Singhal, 2012) and Facebook (Sun
and Iyer, 2013) have firmly embedded knowledge
graphs into their services. With this newly conquered
position it becomes ever more important to not only
look at how to engineer this knowledge, but also how
to maintain the quality of this knowledge across its
entire life cycle, every step of which is prone to suffer
from a loss in said quality by the introduction of var-
ious artefacts (F
urber, 2015). These artefacts come in
many forms, ranging from false, illegal, and missing
attribute values to incorrect, inconsistent, and contra-
dictory relationships. Failure to correct these artefacts
can have severe negative effects on the operations and
decision making processes, which is why quality con-
trol is a vital step in any knowledge management pro-
cess (Tayi and Ballou, 1998).
A key component of a modern quality control pro-
cess is the quality constraint: an externally given
rule which specifies criteria that correspond to high-
quality knowledge, and which can be used to validate
a knowledge base in an automated fashion (F
and Hepp, 2011). For knowledge graphs, simple qual-
ity constraints can be defined using OWL
, or, if more
sophisticated constraints are needed, by using con-
straint languages such as ShEx
or the more recent
. Constraint languages such as these apply re-
strictions on the schema level, for instance to all mem-
bers of a certain class or to every value of a certain at-
tribute. This is analogous to constraint languages for
relational databases, and works well if the members
of a class form a single homogeneous group. If this is
not the case however, and the members within a class
Wilcke, X., de Kleijn, M., de Boer, V., Scholten, H. and van Harmelen, F.
Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010113500810092
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 81-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Figure 1: Two example subgraphs from the asset manage-
ment domain, with Left) a steel bridge crossing a salt-water
river, and Right) a section of road on the highway. Circles
represent entities, with open circles depicting focal entities.
Literals are shown as strings.
form two or more distinct clusters with their own pe-
culiarities, it may occur that constraints which apply
to one cluster do not necessarily apply to the other(s).
Consider for example the two subgraphs in fig-
ure 1 from a knowledge graph about asset manage-
ment. On the left we can see a steel bridge which
crosses a salt-water river, whereas on the right we can
see a section of road on a highway which is made
from WMA (a type of asphalt) and which has a certain
load-bearing capacity (in metric tons). For the bridge
example, a schema level constraint might state that all
bridges must be constructed from a certain building
material. Similarly, a schema-level constraint for the
road example might tell us that the value of attribute
max load must lie between zero and one hundred,
and must be of the data type float. Constraints such
as these work well for identifying illegal or missing
values and relationships, but at the same time over-
look the different characteristics that the members of
a class are likely to have: a bridge might have differ-
ent material demands depending on the salinity levels
of its environment, and the load-bearing capacity of
roads might vary depending on its material and usage.
To impose restrictions on this more fine-grained
level it is necessary to condition constraints not on
the schema level, but rather on level of the clusters
whose members share similar characteristics (Bohan-
non et al., 2007). This can be achieved by gen-
eralizing constraints over nodes with similar con-
texts. We call such constraints context aware. In
this work, we introduce a new formalism to define
context-aware quality constraints on heterogeneous
knowledge graphs. Constraints of this kind offer a
fine-grained control over the domain upon which to
impose restrictions. This domain is determined by a
so-called contextual pattern that describes a special
graph motif that the nodes need to match. Contex-
tual patterns can contain entities (by IRI) and/or lit-
erals (by value), and also offer means to generalize
to classes, data types, and value patterns (e.g. ranges
and regular expressions). These same options are also
available to restrictions.
Context-aware constraints can be defined by hand,
or top down, but doing so quickly becomes infeasibly
as the dimensions and the diversity of the knowledge
grow. An alternative is to learn suitable quality con-
straints from the knowledge itself, or bottom up, by
mining frequent patterns in the graph and by encoding
these patterns as constraints (Tayi and Ballou, 1998).
This works on the supposition that the large major-
ity of the knowledge is valid and accurate, and that
these qualities can be captured in a set of patterns.
We apply this approach in this paper. For this pur-
pose, we introduce a bottom-up anytime algorithm to
discover context-aware constraints directly from het-
erogeneous knowledge graphs. Our algorithm is em-
barrassingly parallel and generates constraints by ex-
ploring and testing increasingly more complex con-
textual patterns in a breadth-first fashion. Special
attention is given to the multimodal nature of many
knowledge graphs by enabling our algorithm to learn
patterns over various data types, such as dates, num-
bers, and texts.
We evaluate our method in two ways. Firstly, from
an algorithmic perspective for which we demonstrate
and test an implementation of our method on three
different datasets and evaluate the constraints it is able
to generate. Secondly, from a user perspective by let-
ting knowledge management experts asses the gener-
ated constraints in a real-world knowledge validation
To summarize, our main contributions are 1) a
novel graph-based constraint formalism to define re-
strictions on the contextual level, 2) an anytime algo-
rithm for the bottom-up generation of context-aware
constraints from heterogeneous knowledge graphs,
and 3) a user-driven evaluation of the method and
constraints by experts in a real-world knowledge val-
idation use case.
Several mature standards exist with which constraints
for knowledge graph can be defined. One of these
standards is the Web Ontology Language, better
known as OWL, which supports simple value and car-
dinality constraints. More expressive constraints can
be defined using dedicated constraint languages such
as ShEx or SHACL, which offer capabilities similar
to their counterparts for relational databases. A sub-
set of these capabilities is also supported by our work,
such as placing restrictions on values and datatypes.
However, ShEx and SHACL are designed around a
different paradigm in which the focus lies on schema-
level constraints, whereas the constraints proposed in
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: All five variants of assertion patterns with their corresponding domains in set-builder notation. In all cases, the
left-hand side object-type variable can be substituted for υ
, which matches all types.
Assertion Pattern Domain
1 p
, e
) {e
E | type(e
,t) (e
E) [ p
, e
) ]}
2 p
, υ
) {e
E | type(e
,t) (e
E) [ p
, e
) type(e
) ]}
3 p
, l
) {e
E | type(e
,t) (l
L) [ p
, l
) ]}
4 p
, υ
) {e
E | type(e
,t) (l
L) [ p
, l
) dtype(l
) ]}
5 p
, υ
) {e
E | type(e
,t) (l
L) [ p
, l
) match(l
, s) ]}
this work operate on the contextual level. A behaviour
similar to context-aware constraints can nevertheless
be achieved using SHACL by specifying the filter
shapes introduced by SHACLs advanced features.
While ShEx and SHACL managed to grow into
mature standards, they are not the first to introduce
more expressive constraints for knowledge graphs.
The work in (Cort
es-Calabuig and Paredaens, 2012)
already discusses the different types of constraints
that can be defined on knowledge graphs from a the-
oretical perspective, together with their satisfaction
and entailment problems. In (Lausen et al., 2008),
the authors show how the popular query language
SPARQL can be used to retain knowledge integrity
when converting relational databases to knowledge
graphs. Both these studies consider only schema-level
constraints similar to those of ShEx and SHACL.
Association rules have been the interest of several
works trying to adapt them to knowledge graphs. As-
sociation rules are implications of the form X = y,
where the presence of a set of instances X implies
the presence of another instance y. Generalized as-
sociation rules works largely the same, except that X
holds the types associated with these instances. Both
variants can be expressed using context-aware con-
straints. A straightforward approach to bring associ-
ation rules to knowledge graphs is shown in (Anbu-
tamilazhagan and Selvaraj, 2014), which flattens the
graph into transactions and feeds these to the Apriori
algorithm. This is different from the approach used in
our work, which is specifically tailored to graphs. A
more similar method is presented in (Ramezani et al.,
2014), which operates directly on graphs and which
allows for multi-relational patterns. Such patterns can
be seen as selective contexts, whereas context-aware
constraints consider the entire context. In (Barati
et al., 2016), the authors introduce a graph-based ap-
proach which can exploit common RDF and RDFS
semantics to infer type hierarchies. Exploiting com-
mon semantics is also part of our method, but is used
to infer direct types and datatypes rather than gener-
alizations thereof.
Quite some work is done in bringing functional
dependencies (FD) to knowledge graphs, e.g. (Akhtar
et al., 2010; Calvanese et al., 2014; Hellings et al.,
2016). A FD X Y expresses that entities with the
same values for all attributes in X must also have
the same values for those in Y . This behaviour can
be approached by context-aware constraints, but only
for values which are already present in the graph.
In (He et al., 2014; Yu and Heflin, 2011), the au-
thors extend FDs with paths, which can be thought
of as selective or pruned contexts. The work in (Fan
and Lu, 2017; Fan et al., 2016) is closest to context-
aware constraints by letting FDs consist of graph mo-
tifs with support for entities, literals, and variables.
In (Yu and Heflin, 2011), the authors introduce FDs
with numeric patterns by clustering values using k-
means. We employ a similar strategy to learn patterns
for numbers, dates, and strings (see Sc. 4.1.1).
Some work has been done on automatic constraint
discovery from knowledge graphs. In (He et al.,
2014), the authors accomplish this by first flatten-
ing a graph into transactions, from which they mine
frequent patterns that are fed to an off-the-shelf al-
gorithm for discovering FDs. This differs from our
approach, which is specifically developed for graphs.
More similar methods are used by (Fan et al., 2018;
Yu and Heflin, 2011), which start out with minimal
constraints and extend these iteratively until all op-
tions are exhausted. However, these algorithms only
consider FDs.
General rule miners based on inductive logic pro-
gramming (Tresp et al., 2008) or frequent-pattern
mining (e.g. (Gal
arraga et al., 2013; Meilicke et al.,
2019)) can also be used to discover constraints. How-
ever, these methods generally focus on the relational
structure of a graph and its underlying schemas with-
out considering contextual dependencies and/or literal
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to
evaluate work of this kind from a user perspective.
All other reviewed work employs a theoretical and/or
data-driven evaluation.
Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Algorithm 1: Initialization of generation forest—simplified. Returns all constraints of size 1 with minimal support and
confidence. Support for object/data type and value patterns are omitted here, but are similar to line 7–10 with an additional
few steps. In line 10, υ
is used as shorthand for type(·, t), and a dummy self relation is added which is needed in Alg. 2.
, con f
2: types = {t E | (e E ) [type(e,t)]}
3: for type t in types do
4: (t, 0) :=
5: if |{e E | type(e,t)}| supp
6: for p P do
7: S := {p(e, r) | (e E , r R ) [p(e, r) A type(e,t)]}
8: for p(·, r) S do
9: if |p(·, r) S| con f
10: φ := p(υ
, r) {sel f (υ
, υ
11: (t, 0) := (t, 0) {φ}
12: return
In this section, we provide a definition of context-
aware constraints. Let G = (R , P , A) be a knowledge
graph with the set of all resources R = E L, the set
of all predicates P , and with A the set of all assertions
, r
) that make up G, with p
P , e
E , and
R . Disjoint sets E and L consist of all entities
and literals in R , respectively.
A constraint φ = c A states that every entity
e E which satisfies antecedent A = a
must also satisfy consequent c. We can more intu-
itively think of this as the restriction c we wish to
impose upon the domain E
E , with E
passing all entities that satisfy the condition(s) in A.
Restriction c and every condition a in A take the form
of assertion patterns p
(·, ·), which generalize the as-
sertions in A by substituting the left and/or right-hand
side resource with a pattern variable υ. Pattern vari-
ables match any resource which fit their pattern and
come in three different flavours: object-type patterns
which match all entities of type t (e.g. Bridge or
Road), data-type patterns υ
which match all literals
of data type t
(e.g. String or Geometry), and value
patterns υ
which match all literals with a value that
falls within regular expression s (e.g. “[:digit:]{2} or
“ˆ[:alnum:]$”). We also introduce the syntactic short-
hand υ
which matches entities of any type.
Together with the existing resources the three pat-
terns variable allow us to construct five different as-
sertion patterns (Table 1). In all cases, the left-hand
side is an object-type variable because placing literals
(or variables thereof) or entities in that spot results in
illegal or unnecessary assertion patterns. For literals
and data-type/value variables this is because these can
never be the subject of an assertion. For entities, the
resulting assertions would either apply to a single en-
tity if they are used as consequent c, or, if used in an-
tecedent A, they would not help us reduce the domain
any further than if we would just omit them (compare
, e
) p
, ·) to only p
, e
Antecedent A can consist of one or more condi-
tions. These conditions can apply directly to arbi-
trary entities (i.e. p
, ·)) in which case we call
them depth-1 conditions. If the right-hand side of a
depth-1 condition is an object-type variable we can
also chain two or more conditions to form depth-n
conditions: p
, υ
) p
, ·) . . .. The longest
chain is called the depth of A, whereas its width equals
the maximum number of conditions per variable. The
size of A is the total number of conditions.
Each constraint φ is accompanied by two mea-
sures of relevance: its support and confidence. The
support tells us the size of the domain, and equals the
number of entities which satisfy A. The confidence
tells us for how many members of the domain the re-
striction holds as well, and equals the number of enti-
ties which satisfy both A and c.
We only consider constraints with a single restric-
tion c because this offers more flexibility when choos-
ing which restrictions to apply and because it makes
the measures of relevance more easily interpretable.
If constraints with more than one restriction are de-
sired we can obtain this by grouping constraints that
have the same domain.
Where in the previous section we provide a defini-
tion of context-aware constraints, we here provide a
bottom-up anytime algorithm to efficiently discover
said constraints. To do so, our algorithm starts out
with all constraints that have a single condition (|A| =
1), which are then used as parents from which more
complex constraints (|A| > 1) are derived by adding
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
new conditions. This second step is the main loop
of our algorithm and operates by exploring, for ev-
ery parent constraints, all sensible diagonal combi-
nations of candidate endpoints and candidate exten-
sions. Candidate endpoints are assertion patterns with
an object-type variable on the right-hand side (Tab 1,
pattern 2) which represent the leaf nodes to which we
can connect another assertion pattern. This other as-
sertion pattern is the candidate extension and can take
the form of any of the assertion patterns listed in Ta-
ble 1.
Constraints are derived breadth first, which en-
sures that we only derive new constraints from par-
ents that meet the minimal requirements, preventing
unnecessary work, and that the complexity of these
new constraints increases linearly. This latter charac-
teristic gives our algorithm an anytime property, al-
though rather than finding “better” answers when left
running, it finds ever smaller domains as more condi-
tions are added. Differently put: the longer we let the
algorithm run, the more fine grained the constraints
Our algorithm is embarrassingly parallel because
every constraint creates a new branch of which the
vertices can be computed independent of each other.
The only caveat is that we need the original graph
to calculate the measures of relevance for each con-
straint we mine. However, because the domain of
child constraints is always a subsets of their parents’
domain, we can largely avoid this problem by letting
parents keep a record of the entities in their domain
and calculate the measures using only these.
For the remainder of this work we let all con-
straints be specific to object-type variables. For this
reason, we will omit condition type(υ
,t) from A
and change the left-hand side of restriction c from
to υ
. This effectively fixes the type to which
constraints can apply, irrespective of their conditions.
We limit ourselves to these cases because validation
workflows are typically designed around object types.
From here on, we consider A as a set of conditions
, a
, . . . , a
} that all need to be satisfied.
4.1 Components
We can identify three main components in our al-
: the main loop (Sc. 4.1.2), the exploration
stage (Sc. 4.1.3), and the generation forest which
helps us keep track of the constraints we discover
(Sc. 4.1.1). We will discuss each of these next. We
also provide a simplified pseudocode which omits
pruning and most optimization steps, and which does
not show the generation of constraints with pattern
variables (cases 2, 3, and 5 in Table 1). However,
these parts are slight variations to those shown and
can easily be derived from them.
4.1.1 Generation Forest
The generation forest is a data structure (e.g. a map
or dictionary) which holds all discovered constraints
divided over numerous generation trees. Each gener-
ation tree has a different constraint of size 1 as root,
with depth d + 1 of the tree containing the children
constraints that are obtained by adding new condi-
tions to their parent constraints of depth d. Root con-
straints are of the form p
, ·) {sel f (υ
, υ
and are generated for each entity type t for which as-
sertion pattern p
, ·) meets the minimal support
and confidence. An identity condition sel f (·, ·) is
added to serve as initial candidate endpoint for Al-
gorithm 2 (Alg 2, line 9).
The initialization of the generation forest is shown
in Algorithm 1. For each entity type in a graph of
which the number of members meets the minimal
support, we collect the assertions p
(·, r) which occur
for at least as many members as the minimal confi-
dence requires. The assertion patterns corresponding
to these assertions are combined with the entity types
to form the root constraints. Algorithm 1 only shows
this for assertion patterns of the form p
, e
) and
, l
Type and value constraints (cases 2 and 3 in Ta-
ble 1) are generated similarly, but add an additional
step. For type constraints, this step involves infer-
ring the type of object r. For entities, this is achieved
by exploiting the rdf:type relations, whereas the
xsd:datatype declarations are used for literals. If
no (data) type is found we default to super type
rdfs:Class and datatype xsd:anyType for entities
and literals, respectively.
Value pattern constraints (case 5 in Table 1) are
generated by clustering all values r using k-means and
by translating these clusters into patterns. The opti-
mal number of clusters is automatically determined
using the elbow method. How the patterns are gener-
ated depends on the datatype. For numerical values,
these patterns take the form of a range between the
two outer values of a cluster. Ranges are also used
for dates and timecodes, which we convert to natural
numbers by encoding these as unix timestamps. For
strings, the patterns consist of regular expressions that
match all values in a certain cluster.
Available at
Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Algorithm 2: The main loop of the algorithm to discover
constraints—simplified. Returns all constraints up to depth
with minimal support and confidence. Pruning and
optimization steps are omitted. The longest path in A to
variable u is given by
1: function DISCOVER(G, d
, supp
, con f
2: =InitGenerationForest(G, supp
, con f
3: d := 0
4: while d < d
5: for type t in .types() do
6: E :=
7: for φ = c A in (t, d) do
8: C :=
9: I := {a A | a = p
(·, υ
) = d}
10: for a
= p
(·, υ
) I do
11: J := {a | ψ (t
, 0) ψ = a A
12: for a
= p
, ·) J do
13: C := C {(a
, a
14: E := E Explore(φ,C)
15: (t, d + 1) := E
16: d := d + 1
17: return
4.1.2 Main Loop
The algorithm begins by generating the root con-
straints, which are then extended by a single level
each iteration until the maximum depth is reached
(Alg. 2). To do so, we begin each iteration by retriev-
ing the previously-generated generation of constraints
of depth d, which form the parents from which we de-
rive new constraints of depth d +1. The result of each
iteration E is stored back in the generation forest to be
used by the next iteration.
To derive new constraints from parent constraints
we first retrieve the set of candidate endpoints I of a
parent. The endpoints of a constraint φ = c A are
the assertion patterns in A that are leafs and have an
object-type variable p
(·, υ
) as object (and thus can
be extended). For each of the endpoints, the matching
candidate extensions J are the consequents p
, ·)
of the root constraints for type t
. These have been
generated during initialization and are therefore en-
sured to have the required support and confident. To-
gether with the endpoints, the candidate extentions
are passed as pairs C to Algorithm 3 where they are
used to extend the parent constraints.
4.1.3 Explore
The exploration step searches through all possible
diagonal combinations of parent constraint φ and
its candidate extensions in a breadth-first fashion
(Alg. 3). Concretely, if A has size n, we first explore
derivatives of size n + 1 by adding a single extension,
Algorithm 3: Explore and extend all candidate endpoints a
of parent constraint φ with candidate extensions a
to create
derived constraint χ—simplified.
1: function EXPLORE(φ,C)
2: E := empty set
3: Q := empty queue
4: Q.enqueue(φ)
5: while Q 6=
0 do
6: ψ := Q.dequeue() ψ := c A
7: for a
, a
C do
8: A
:= A {a
} a
and a
are incident
9: χ := c A
10: if supp(χ) supp
conf(χ) con f
11: then
12: E := E {χ}
13: Q.enqueue(χ)
14: return E
of which the resulting constraints form the parents
from which to explore size n + 2. This continuous
until all combinations are exhausted, after which the
results are returned.
A new constraint χ is generated by adding the
candidate extension a
= p
(·, υ
) to the parent con-
straint at the corresponding endpoint a
= p
, ·).
The derived constraint is only returned if it meets the
minimum support and confidence, and if these val-
ues are not equal to that of the parent (not shown in
Alg. 3).
4.2 Optimization
Our algorithm includes several optimization steps to
reduce the search space. The most important steps are
listed below:
Constraints which apply to the same entities as
their parent are pruned. This follows from the
intuition that if the less restricted constraint has
the same domain as the more restricted constraint,
then the latter does not add anything over the for-
Constraints which have already been tried via an-
other route are excluded from creation. This can
occur when their parents differ on exactly the con-
ditions that these constraints now include.
Sibling constraints that all have the same support
and confidence values are pruned. This follows
from the intuition that if the same restriction ap-
plies to overlapping domains which differ only by
a single condition, then this separation between
domains does not add any new information.
Conditions that equal the restriction exactly or
which are variations thereof (e.g. p
, e
) and
, υ
) where type(e
)) are never added.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
The same holds for conditions that are incident on
Combinations of candidate endpoints and exten-
sions for which we know (from a previous itera-
tion) that they do not meet the minimal require-
ments are skipped. Assertion patterns for which
this is the case are already filtered during the ini-
tialization of the generation tree.
Constraints considered for pruning are not removed
immediately. Instead, we still allow these constraints
to become parents for the next iteration before re-
moval because we would otherwise lose potentially
interesting (grand) children further down the branch.
We call this delayed pruning.
We evaluate our method in two ways: firstly, from an
algorithmic perspective during which we test an im-
plementation of our method on the constraints it is
able to generate, and secondly, from a user perspec-
tive by generating constraints from an in-use dataset
and by letting experts asses them in a real-world
knowledge validation use case.
5.1 Datasets
The constraints in our experiments are generated from
three different datasets. We here provide a concise de-
scription of each of them. Table 2 lists basic statistics
for each dataset.
AIFB. The AIFB dataset is a benchmark datasets
for machine learning on knowledge graphs (Ristoski
et al., 2016), and contains information about the staff
and publications of a research institute. This dataset
is the smallest of the three. Note that a modified ver-
is used in this paper, which includes the datatype
declarations needed to accurately determine the liter-
als’ modalities. These declarations are missing in the
original version.
MUTAG. The MUTAG dataset is another bench-
mark dataset from (Ristoski et al., 2016), and de-
scribes complex molecules by their characteristics
and shape, with the focus on their carcinogenic prop-
erties. This is the largest of the three datasets used in
this paper.
Available at
Table 2: Datasets used in the experiments. AIFB is modi-
fied to include data type declarations.
Assertions 29,219 56,364 74,567
Relations 45 305 23
Entities 6,072 3,895 32,621
Literals 5,468 12,844 1,104
RWS. The RWS dataset contains detailed knowl-
edge about road and water constructions, including
interchanges, bridges, tunnels, and many more (See
e.g. Fig 1). This knowledge consists, among others, of
general characteristics (year of construction, dimen-
sions, location, etc.), maintenance reports, and ad-
ministrative information. The dataset contains legacy
data and has been, and still actively is, worked on
by many people from several departments Rijkswater-
, the Dutch government agency responsible for
the construction and management of major infrastruc-
ture facilities in the Netherlands. Because of its long
and active use, it is prone to artefacts caused by in-
valid or inaccurate entries, by changes in procedures
over time, or by past integration or conversion issues.
These aspects make this dataset a suitable choice for
the task of knowledge validation.
Due to the sensitive nature of this information we
are unfortunately prohibited from sharing this dataset.
5.2 Constraint Discovery
With this experiment we demonstrate our algorithm’s
ability to discover context-aware constraints from het-
erogeneous knowledge graphs, with the intend to
show the trade off between the chosen support and
confidence values, and the resulting number of con-
straints. It is also shown what the effect of pruning has
on this number. An analysis on the computation time
of our algorithm is omitted due to unreliable numbers
caused by running the experiments in a shared envi-
ronment outside our control.
Each of the datasets listed in Table 2 is run for
constraints up to depth 3 and with several different
support and confidence requirements. In each case,
the support and confidence values are varied between
300 and 500 with a 100-step increment, resulting in 6
combinations. These combinations are chosen based
on preliminary tests, which indicated that this range
was supported by all three datasets without resulting
in cases where no suitable constraints can be found or
where the number of constraints exceeded unmanage-
able amounts. No limits are placed on the width and
restrictions of constraints.
Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Table 3: Number of generated constraints for AIFB as func-
tion of chosen support and confidence values. Number of
pruned constraints is listed between parenthesis.
500 400 300
500 79 (64) 112 (102) 193 (206)
400 234 (186) 315 (290)
300 498 (476)
Table 4: Number of generated constraints for MUTAG as
function of chosen support and confidence values. Number
of pruned constraints is listed between parenthesis.
500 400 300
500 10 (0) 11 (0) 13 (0)
400 11 (0) 14 (0)
300 28 (22)
5.2.1 Results & Discussion
Tables 3, 4, and 5 list the number of generated con-
straints as function of chosen support and confidence
values for AIFB, MUTAG, and RWS, respectively. A
stark difference is visible in the number of constraints
generated for each dataset. Where this number is
rather small for MUTAG and slightly larger for AIFB,
it far exceeds the amount deemed as manageable for
RWS at confidence values lower than 500.
The results indicate that there is a strong posi-
tive relation between the number of generated con-
straints and the used support and confidence values,
as expected. However, there seems to be no direct
relationship between these numbers and the size of
the datasets: MUTAG, the largest dataset, has very
few constraints whereas RWS, which is considerably
smaller, has the largest number of constraints. In-
stead, the statistics in Table 2 suggest that the number
of relations is more likely an indicator for the number
of generated constraints.
The number of pruned constraints grows as the
number of generated constraints rise, and with a sim-
ilar factor. This is an expected outcome of our prun-
ing strategy and suggests that this strategy is to an
extent effective. Noteworthy is again the difference
between datasets. With MUTAG and AIFB, the num-
ber of constraints generated exceeds those which are
pruned, whereas the reverse is true for RWS.
Table 6 shows five constraints that were sampled
from the AIFB and MUTAG output sets. The first
example has a value pattern as consequent (shown
simplified as range) and tells us that
= 0.76%
of all entities of the type Carbon-22 have a charge
which lies between 0.158 and 0.063. The sec-
ond example shows that 79% of the publications
about ID70Instance (a certain individual) are also
about ID69Instance (another individual). Examples
3 and 4 tell us that a compound that is mutagenic
has a carbon-10 atom in 92% of the cases, while a
compound which is not mutagenic has a hydrogen-
3 atom in an equal number of cases. The final con-
straint shows a value pattern with a regular expression
(matching e.g. “123-456”), which holds for 30% of all
manuscripts that are listed in titled proceedings. The
relatively low confidence to support ratio of this last
example limits its usefulness and makes it a candidate
for removal.
5.3 User Study
The user study takes the form of a half-day work-
shop with a questionnaire at the end. Participants con-
sist of experts on knowledge management and valida-
tion who are employed at Rijkswaterstaat. During the
workshop, these participants are given a presentation
which explains the constraints generation process as
well as the constraints themselves. After the presen-
tation, participants are provided with a questionnaire
and asked to fill it in individually.
The questionnaire is designed to investigate the
trade off between the context granularity of the gen-
erated constraints and their perceived effectiveness in
capturing relevant patterns in the knowledge. Con-
straints with increasingly finer-grained contexts are
generated and presented to the participants, who are
asked to rate these constraints on how relevant they
are for the task of knowledge quality control in the
domain of asset management. Here, relevancy ques-
tioned whether the presented constraints were too fine
grained, too coarse grained, or whether they were
somewhere in between.
Too fine-grained constraints have a relatively large
number of conditions which translates to a relatively
small domain. Constraints such as these are unde-
sirable because their use is limited to only few data
points. These constraints are also more likely to
capture outliers, are difficult to transfer to unseen
data, and can increase the total number of constraints
to unmanageable amounts. Too coarse-grained con-
straints have few conditions and apply to a relatively
large domain, and are undesirable because they limit
our ability to distinguish between subsets of similar
data points and can result in an increase in the num-
ber of false positives and/or negatives. Between too
fine-grained and too coarse-grained lie the constraints
which our participants perceive as balanced and most
effective for knowledge maintenance.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 5: Number of generated constraints for RWS as function of chosen support and confidence values. Number of pruned
constraints is listed between parenthesis.
500 400 300
500 27 (56,769) 27 (56,769) 28 (58,725)
400 76,490 (446,109) 76,491 (448,065)
300 375,326 (732,497)
Table 6: A sample of five hand-picked context-aware constraints with their support and confidence values. All examples are
simplified by omitting URIs and identity conditions, and are ordered by depth.
Supp. Conf. Constraint
1 1841 1403 charge(υ
, [0.158 v 0.063])
, Carbon-22)
2 127 100 about(υ
, ID69Instance)
, Publication e) about(e, ID70Instance)
3 129 119 hasAtom(υ
, Hydrogen-3)
, Compound e) isMutagenic(e, False)
4 129 119 hasAtom(υ
, Carbon-10)
, Compound e) isMutagenic(e, True)
5 431 131 pages(υ
, “ˆ[:digit:]{3}[:punct:]{1}[:digit:]{3}$”)
, InProceedings e) bookTitle(e, dtype
) type(dtype
, [XSD:string])
In addition to the above, participants are also
asked about their familiarity with relevant topics, and
about their opinion on the usefulness of context-aware
constraints as a whole.
The questionnaire contains 3×4 constraints. Each
group of 4 represents a different level of granularity,
and is sampled by dividing the full set of constraints,
generated from the RWS dataset, in groups of low,
average, and high complexity. Low-complexity con-
straints are of depth 1, whereas average- and high-
complexity constraints are of depth 2 and 3, respec-
tively. In all cases, the context width varies between
1 and 4. No limit is placed on the type of restriction:
any of those listed in Table 1 is allowed to occur. A
5-point Likert scale is used for all questions, with an
additional sixth option unsure for the constraint gran-
ularity questions to prevent unreliable answers.
All constraint are presented as if-then business
rules in natural language to prevent unfamiliarity with
knowledge graph terminology and/or the constraint
syntax to confound the results.
5.3.1 Results & Discussion
A total of 21 experts on knowledge management and
validation participated in our user study. Table 7 lists
the median and mode familiarity of these participants
with relevant topics, and ranges from fully disagree
to fully agree. Krippendorffs alpha is used to as-
sess inter-rater agreement. Overall, the participants
are moderately to very confident with their familiarity
with any of the topics, but, having only a fair agree-
ment (α = 0.26), it seems that this level of confidence
is not uniformly distributed over all participants. Irre-
spective, the confidence is especially strong for their
knowledge of database terminology. In contrast, par-
ticipants seem only moderately confident about their
familiarity with the domain, which can be explained
by the different departments the participants works at
and the different subsets of the data these departments
focus on. Nevertheless, the overall and individual
confidence level(s) are strong enough to ensure that
we can trust the answers our participants provide.
Table 8 shows the perceived complexity as portion
of the scores for our 12 constraints combined, and
for each of the three complexity groups separately.
We left out the unsure answers to improve reliabil-
ity. Overall, slightly more than half of the partici-
pants thought the complexity was well balanced, with
the other four score levels dividing the remaining por-
tion roughly equally with values between 0.08 to 0.16
each. This suggests that the generated constraints are
to an extent suited for the task of knowledge valida-
A indifference between low-, average-, and high-
complexity constraints is visible for all five score lev-
els, with a minimal and maximal difference between
Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Table 7: Familiarity of the participants (α = 0.26) with
the domain, with data validation and data quality rules (of
any form), with database terminology, and with knowledge
graphs. Last column shows correlation (Kendall’s tau) with
perceived usefulness (Tab. 10).
Familiarity Median Mode τ
Domain neutral agree 0.45
Data Val. agree agree 0.32
Data QR agree agree 0.41
DB Terms fully agree fully agree 0.07
Kn. Graphs agree agree 0.25
Table 8: Relevance shown as portions of scores given by
participants for constraints of low, average, and high com-
plexity, and for all forms combined. Scores range from far
too fine grain (FG) to far too coarse grain (CG). Mode and
median are balanced for all cases. Unsure scores are omit-
Score Low Average High Comb.
far too FG 0.07 0.16 0.14 0.12
sl. too FG 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.16
balanced 0.51 0.53 0.57 0.53
sl. too CG 0.13 0.08 0.11 0.11
far too CG 0.11 0.08 0.04 0.08
groups of 0.03 for slightly too fine grained and 0.09
for far too fine grained, respectively. This minor dif-
ference implies that complexity does not affect the
relevance of the constraints, or that the different com-
plexity groups differ too slightly to have an impact
on said relevance. This indifference is supported by
significance tests (Tab 9), indicating little to no differ-
ence in distributions.
There is an overall fair to moderate agreement
(α = 0.34) on relevancy between participants when
looking at the combined scores (Tab. 9). However,
this agreement varies significantly when we take the
complexity group into account, with only a slight to
fair agreement for low-complexity constraints (α =
0.16) to a substantial agreement for high-complexity
constraints (α = 0.63). This stark difference seems
to contrast with the minor difference seen in Ta-
ble 8, which suggests that more participants answered
unsure (which were filtered) as the complexity in-
Participants have a neutral to agreeable stance
with respect to the overall usefulness of our method
(Tab. 10). However, a considerable portion of the par-
ticipants seems unsure about this usefulness, which
supports our earlier assumption that participants be-
came less confident as the complexity increased. Cor-
relation analysis (Tab. 7) suggests that this effect may
be part caused by (the lack of) participants’ familiar-
Table 9: Inter-rater agreement (Krippendorffs alpha) and
p-values (Kruskal-Wallis at significance level 0.05) for con-
straints of low, average, and high complexity, and for all
forms combined. Unsure scores are omitted.
Complexity α p-value
Low 0.16 0.20
Average 0.42 0.43
High 0.63 0.58
Combined 0.34 -
Table 10: Usefulness of the method as perceived by partici-
pants in relative numbers.
Score Portion
fully disagree 0.00
disagree 0.10
neutral 0.24
agree 0.24
fully agree 0.05
unsure 0.38
ity with the domain and with quality rules, both of
which have a moderate positive relationship with the
perceived usefulness. Because unsure has the lowest
position on our Likert scale, this suggests that partic-
ipants that are unfamiliar with the domain and with
quality rules are also more likely to be unsure about
the usefulness of the method.
In this work, we introduced context-aware constraints
for knowledge quality control which offer a more
fine-grained control over the domains on which we
want to impose restrictions. We also introduced a
bottom-up anytime and easily to parallelize algorithm
to discover context-aware constraint directly from
heterogeneous knowledge graphs.
We demonstrated our method on three different
datasets, which showed that there is no direct rela-
tionship between the size of a dataset and the number
of generated constraints, making it difficult to apply
a rule of thumb to the chosen support and confidence
values. However, our results do suggest a positive cor-
relation between the relation count and the number of
generated constraints.
Our evaluation consisted of a user study amongst
experts on knowledge engineering and maintenance,
which were invited to a workshop and asked to assess
various constraints on asset management. Their an-
swers indicate that, overall, context-aware constraints
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
are to an extent useful for knowledge validation tasks,
and that the majority of the constraints were well bal-
anced with respect to complexity. However, a consid-
erable number of participants were nevertheless un-
sure about the usefulness of the method. Our analysis
suggests that the lack of familiarity with the domain
and quality rules might be the cause, although more
in-depth study is needed.
Our algorithm contains a few noteworthy limita-
tions. A practical limitation concern scalability as our
algorithm needs to evaluate a great deal of combina-
tions. This problem is slightly reduced by our prun-
ing and other optimization methods, and can also be
alleviated by parallelizing the task, but will neverthe-
less remain a challenge to deal with as the dataset in-
creases in size and, most particularly, the number of
relations. Another possible limitation lies with our as-
sumption that the majority of the knowledge is valid
and accurate. An insufficiently large enough ratio
between valid/accurate and invalid/inaccurate knowl-
edge can result in a relatively high number of false
positives and negatives, reducing the usefulness of our
method. A final noteworthy limitation is the high sen-
sitivity of the provided support and confidence values,
which, depending on the characteristics of the dataset,
can result in too few or in an unmanageable amount
of constraints. However, this is a common problem in
this field of research.
We identified several potential extensions to our
method which we offer as suggestions for future
work. Firstly, our algorithm currently only generates
a proper subset of those expressible by constraint lan-
guages such as ShEx and SHACL, missing support for
e.g. cardinality restrictions. Adding support for these
constraints would make our method more useful for
real-world knowledge validation tasks. Another angle
worth pursuing but which fell out of our current scope
is the analysis of our algorithm’s time complexity, the
theoretical speed up which can be obtained through
parallelization, and how it deals with the satisfaction
and entailment problems.
We express our gratitude to Jaap Bakker, coordinating
specialist advisor on asset management and data inte-
gration at Rijkswaterstaat, for providing us access to
the data infrastructure, experts, and facilities needed
to complete our research. This research was made
possible with the help of Rijkswaterstaat, The Nether-
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval