Moving towards a General Metadata Extraction Solution for Research
Data with State-of-the-Art Methods
Benedikt Heinrichs
and Marius Politze
IT Center, RWTH Aachen University, Seffenter Weg 23, Aachen, Germany
Research Data Management, Metadata Extraction, Metadata Generation, Linked Data.
Many research data management processes, especially those defined by the FAIR Guiding Principles, rely on
metadata for making it findable and re-usable. Most Metadata workflows however require the researcher to
describe their data manually, a tedious process which is one of the reasons it is sometimes not done. Therefore,
automatic solutions have to be used in order to ensure the findability and re-usability. Current solutions only
focus and are effective on extracting metadata in single disciplines using domain knowledge. This paper aims,
therefore, at identifying the gaps in current metadata extraction processes and defining a model for a general
extraction pipeline for research data. The results of implementing such a model are discussed and a proof-of-
concept is shown in the case of video-based data. This model is basis for future research as a testbed to build
and evaluate discipline-specific automatic metadata extraction workflows.
Research Data Management (RDM) is a central field
in today’s universities and is something every re-
searcher should come across. With current state-of-
the-art methods institutions are trying to up their field
in providing good ways for researchers to make their
data findable, accessible, re-usable and accessible ac-
cording to the FAIR Guiding Principles described by
(Wilkinson et al., 2016). Recent works like the cre-
ation of a draft for an interoperability framework by
the EOSC, described by (Corcho et al., 2020), show
the interest and necessity of standards. They describe
the need of fulfilling the FAIR Guiding Principles
even when focusing on semantic interoperability for
describing data in a way that other machines can un-
derstand its purpose and meaning. Especially looking
at re-usability, there is therefore a clear need of hav-
ing a description of the content of data, so that people
or machines finding it know what they are looking at.
The current state on what such a person will find is
however administrative things like when the data was
created, to which organization it is assigned or who
holds the rights to it as schemas like Dublin Core, de-
scribed by (DCMI Usage Board, 2002), are widely
used standards for it. While this information can be
very useful, it does not help in making the data search-
able or understandable on a deeper level. The only
way of figuring out what it is about is by looking at the
data directly, contacting the creator or with some luck
stumbling across some documentation file or paper
that describes it. This further creates an issue when
looking at the research data-life-cycle research data
moves through shown in figure 1 and described by
(Schmitz and Politze, 2018). Since data moves with-
out trace between some of those phases it becomes
even more important to have a good representation of
the data whenever the opportunity presents itself for
having some chance to try and understand the path it
took. Therefore, there is a clear need for descriptive
research data that has a description of the content for
tackling these problems. Since this is furthermore a
very tedious or near impossible task to do manually,
automatic ways would greatly reduce the workload on
a researcher and improve the quality of research data.
However, research data is not uniformly, so while
domain-dependent automatic methods might work on
some research data, a general automatic method that
can include domain-dependent methods is necessary
in tackling the issues for every data type. This paper
therefore will focus on the general automatic creation
of so-called metadata that also describes the content
in hopes of being a start to solve the mentioned is-
Heinrichs, B. and Politze, M.
Moving towards a General Metadata Extraction Solution for Research Data with State-of-the-Art Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0010129502270234
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 227-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Research data-life-cycle of the RWTH Aachen
The creation of metadata is a significant task to make
the described research data re-usable and findable.
Metadata can mean many things, however in this case
it is meant as the description of an entity in the re-
search data or the accumulation of any number of
such descriptions. In this paper, metadata is divided
into three distinct types: administrative, technical and
descriptive. The definitions are described by (Lubas
et al., 2013) and detailed in the following:
Administrative Metadata.
Description of the administrative elements that are
necessary in determining e.g. who is responsible
for a certain data entity.
Technical Metadata.
Description of the necessary information that de-
scribes how a data entity came about, where it is
currently located and how to use it.
Descriptive Metadata.
Description of the elements that describe a data
entity directly. This means that these elements can
be file attributes like file size, file name and other
delivered properties like creation date or more de-
tailed information like creator and title. Further-
more, for this paper especially the content infor-
mation as metadata is significant to be described
in logical triples like subject “Sample AS001”,
predicate “uses chemical” and object “Tetraethy-
lorthosilicate” which are derived from a data en-
tity and currently manually described in projects
like (Politze et al., 2019b).
Following the discussed problems, the metadata type
being focused on is descriptive metadata. However,
it can be noted that certain created information as de-
scriptive metadata can help the creation of adminis-
trative or technical metadata.
2.1 Current State on Metadata
Current methods of metadata extraction more than
often focus on the researchers to describe their re-
search data manually as described in (Politze et al.,
2019a). Such values can be discipline-specific and
include what title a research project has, who has
the rights to it or what subject area it belongs to but
can also specify e.g. the microscope which was be-
ing used, depending on the schema. In (Jane Green-
berg, 2004) and (Mattmann and Zitting, 2011) the re-
searchers even create descriptive metadata automat-
ically based on the attributes of data as files or us-
ing META tags. This however leads to the content
of research data being largely ignored in the process.
Therefore, a lot of information that could be derived
by a description of the content as metadata is lost. For
this reason, researchers in single domains try to look
into the issue of extracting more descriptive metadata
from their research data by analyzing the content. In
(Burgess and Mattmann, 2014), (Rodrigo et al., 2018)
and (Grunzke et al., 2018) the researchers present
their success in their specific domains by creating spe-
cific models and generating descriptive metadata for
their use-case. The problem with this however is, that
this works as long as the research data being analyzed
is uniformly similar. In the broad context of research
data management this however is not the case, which
is why the case for general metadata extraction is be-
ing made, so that metadata can be extracted from ev-
ery research data entity.
2.1.1 Current State on Metadata Representation
Metadata can be represented in widely different ways
and be in different shapes or forms. However, looking
specifically at research data, a trend can be detected
in the usage of linked data and representing metadata
in the RDF (Resource Description Framework) for-
mat, described by (Cyganiak et al., 2014). Standards,
like Dublin Core described in (DCMI Usage Board,
2002) or EngMeta which is specifically created for
research data from the Engineering Sciences and de-
scribed in (Iglezakis and Schembera, 2019), are orga-
nized in this format, giving an additional benefit for
using it. Furthermore, metadata in this format can be
seen as a knowledge graph that can be searched and
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
contains information about the represented data en-
tity. In this paper, metadata will be therefore looked
as represented by RDF.
2.2 Automatic Metadata Extraction
Since there are multiple methods metadata can be
extracted from different types of data, some general
methods are discussed in the following.
2.2.1 Generic Metadata Extraction
Generic metadata extraction is here currently under-
stood as the extraction of descriptive metadata based
on file attributes. This means the focus lies on fields
like creator, creation date and many more. One tool
for extracting this kind of metadata is called Apache
Tika. It was first presented by (Mattmann and Zitting,
2011) and is a tool that can extract the attributes of
a file and represent them in a JSON format. Further-
more, given a text-based format, or a suitable adapter
for a format, it can extract the text content of a file.
The output however does not conform to the RDF for-
mat and has to be transformed to be represented as
linked data.
2.2.2 Metadata Extraction from Text
Since the representation of a file can be at many times
a text or at least understood as text, methods which
create metadata based on text are significant and one
is called Pikes. It is a tool which was first presented by
(Corcoglioniti et al., 2016) and uses natural language
processing techniques to convert text to a rich meta-
data representation in RDF as linked data. This rep-
resentation includes the content relation using NLP
(natural language processing) techniques, links from
entities to DBPedia described by (Lehmann et al.,
2015) and much more. Such metadata can make the
text understandable by machines and can be seen as a
representation of descriptive metadata which contains
the content information.
2.3 Text Extraction
Since a metadata extraction method that can create
the wanted descriptive metadata from text is estab-
lished, methods that represent other data types as text
are looked at to retrieve further descriptive metadata
from them. Research and work has already been done
on certain types and is presented in the following.
2.3.1 Image Text Extraction
Images, for example from microscopes, might con-
tain hints on the current state of the microscope or the
looked entity during an experiment. Therefore, it is
important to extract the text from such images. This
is not a new task and solutions exist for this prob-
lem. One solution is a tool called Tesseract which
was first presented by (R. Smith, 2007) and provides
a so called OCR engine that can extract text from
images. Training this engine correctly can result in
a good method for this and further use cases. Fur-
thermore, Tesseract can be integrated in Apache Tika,
which was described in section 2.2.1, and be used to
get the text representation of an image file.
2.3.2 Audio Text Extraction
With a lot of focus on text-to-speech services, the
other speech-to-text way is also being explored
more and more. In (Kumar and Singh, 2019)
the researchers look at different models and repre-
sent the current state-of-the-art. Furthermore, with
cloud providers like Google (
com/speech-to-text) presenting the option, it was
never so simple to use such a method and work with
the results.
2.4 Challenges
The aim of this paper is to build a general workflow
to extract machine-readable metadata from the con-
tent of a research data entity. From the description of
the current state-of-the-art and this aim, the following
challenges could be detected:
Manual metadata creation for every data entity is
not a feasible task
Solutions for some domain-dependent metadata
extraction exist, but there is no solution which
tries to combine them
There are many data formats where no specific
metadata extraction method exists
Even if text can be represented as descriptive
metadata, the challenge still remains to see how
some data formats can be represented as text
Generic metadata extraction solutions like
Apache Tika do not produce an output which is
represented as linked data
Moving towards a General Metadata Extraction Solution for Research Data with State-of-the-Art Methods
Based on the current state-of-the-art and identified
research gaps in this chapter a highly configurable
model is proposed for extracting descriptive meta-
data. The idea is that a pipeline is created which
receives a data entity, represented as any number of
files, as an input and stores the collected metadata
as the output directly in a metadata store. Since re-
search data in particular can be unique and many data
types are necessary to consider, even application spe-
cific data types, the model is intended to be as config-
urable and generic as possible so that custom extrac-
tors can be used to extend the pipeline with custom
data formats. This in particular tackles the issue of
previous research only tackling very specific use cases
by opening this method up to any data type imagin-
able. Furthermore, since a lot of data can be repre-
sented as text, a custom extraction method does only
have to provide the text representation and not even
deal with the metadata representation since a meta-
data from text extraction method can always be added
to the pipeline. However, if in any step metadata is
produced, it is important the corresponding RDF for-
mat is added as an output as well, so that it can be
processed in the last step. The proposed model goes
through the following steps:
1. The data entity starts with the generic extraction
step, extracting metadata based on file attributes
and text, if possible, by any number of config-
urable extractors.
2. Based on the data type any number of config-
urable MIME-Type-based extraction methods are
called for extracting metadata and a text represen-
tation of the input.
3. The text representation runs through any number
of configurable text-based metadata extractors for
getting the final content-based metadata.
4. The produced metadata gets mapped to a defined
format and verified for correctness (e.g. missing
A visualization of this model can be seen in figure 2
and the concrete steps are described in the following.
Figure 2: Data Entity Extraction Pipeline.
3.1 Generic Extraction
The generic extraction step is initially the most impor-
tant step in the pipeline, since this step shapes all fur-
ther steps. The requirements for a generic extraction
method are that it accepts as input a file, an identifier
and a collection of configuration values. Furthermore,
a generic extraction method has to fulfill multiple re-
quirements for the outputs it has to return, which are:
Extract the descriptive metadata from a file using
the file attributes.
This means that elements which a file might al-
ready provide information for, like creator, cre-
ation date, file name and many more, are collected
and represented in a metadata schema.
Detecting the MIME-Type of a file.
The MIME-Type of a file represents in what for-
mat the data is structured. Detecting this is es-
sential for continuing the process since it deter-
mines which MIME-Type-based extractors will
be called next.
Extracting the text from text-based MIME-Types.
This is optional, however it greatly reduces com-
plexity in the next steps when the generic extrac-
tion method already extracts the textual elements
it finds from text-based MIME-Types.
3.2 MIME-Type-based Extraction
The specific custom implementations all follow the
same interface which requires them to register their
targeted MIME-Types to the pipeline. Depending on
if any of their targeted MIME-Types are represented
by the current data entity, they are executed. They re-
ceive as input a file, an identifier and a collection of
configuration values. The main goal of an extraction
method is either to extract text from the data by using
domain knowledge or extracting metadata directly.
As examples there can be text in images which can
be extracted, an image can be described with the dis-
played objects or audio which contains speech can be
converted to text by state-of-the-art methods. These
results, especially the text representation of the cer-
tain input type, are used and moved to the last step
and therefore that representation becomes even more
important to be extracted by the MIME-Type-based
extraction method.
3.3 Text-based Extraction
The final extraction step is the text-based metadata
extraction. The idea here is that after the data en-
tity has passed through the other steps, a text repre-
sentation of some kind for the content exists, even if
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
the input was not textual data before. Therefore, ev-
ery text-based extraction method receives additionally
to the file, an identifier and a collection of configura-
tion values also the currently extracted text. A lot of
research has been done on extracting metadata, espe-
cially as linked data, from text, therefore this property
can be exploited in this step. Such methods make use
of natural language processing and in general use of
the relations and grammar in a text. An implementa-
tion here should use the text and convert it to a meta-
data representation that describes what important in-
formation the content contains. An example can be to
retrieve the most important topics using topic extrac-
tion or describing the relations of certain nouns in the
text by utilizing the natural language grammar.
3.4 Metadata Representation
The final resulting metadata has to be represented uni-
formly, so that any use can be drawn out of it by ma-
chines. The input for this final step are a number of
metadata sets in any RDF format that first have to be
merged into a singular metadata set. As previously
discussed, the metadata is represented as linked data
and therefore as triples which have a subject, predi-
cate and object. Every entry in the metadata is linked
to the subject that describes the incoming file. How-
ever, a filename is not a unique identifier, so the model
requires an additional identifier to be present, other-
wise a random identifier will be generated. Using a
combination of some specified prefix and the iden-
tifier, the subject is created. This creates a linked
data knowledge graph about the input data entity. It
is however not possible for every extraction method
to create metadata with the same quality or quantity
since different data types and extraction methods pro-
duce vastly different results. Therefore, it is necessary
for every extraction method to produce and describe
their representation of data following commonly ac-
cepted structures. Furthermore, certain fields can be
defined in there as requirements for the metadata set,
so that some common ground can exist between cre-
ated metadata sets. An option for such a require-
ment enforcement is the Shapes Constraint Language
(SHACL) which was specified by (Knublauch and
Kontokostas, 2017). This language can be used to
form a so-called application profile which defines the
requirements on the metadata set and with it, the re-
sulting graph can be verified. Since the graph might
not be in the needed structure, an implementation can
be provided to restructure and map the triples in the
graph to the needed ones. There are a couple of
entries from the Dublin Core schema which should
be always present like
1/creator, or http:
// so it is checked,
if they exist in the graph. Then furthermore, a config-
ured ruleset as application profile can be taken and ap-
plied to the graph for verifying if the resulting meta-
data conforms to what is required. If this is true, the
metadata should be stored.
This section will discuss the first implementation of
the proposed model as a proof-of-concept and the pre-
liminary results of it. The used tools for each step
will be discussed and the usage of them and modifi-
cations on them will be explained. It is to be noted
that this will not cover every single implementation,
only the most general one and one concrete example
in the case of video files.
4.1 Current Concrete File Extraction
Figure 3: Concrete File Extraction Pipeline.
In figure 3 the concrete implementation of the pro-
posed model is shown. There are two concrete imple-
mentations listed which replace the proposed steps,
Apache Tika” for “Generic Extractors” and “Pikes”
for “Text-Based Extraction” since both of them follow
the requirements. The MIME-Type-based Extraction
still remains open, since this ensures compatibility to
every data type.
4.2 Case Study - Video
Figure 4: Video File Extraction Pipeline.
As a proof-of-concept a video file is used which con-
tains text and spoken audio for showing the steps in
a realistic scenario. For choosing a video, research
Moving towards a General Metadata Extraction Solution for Research Data with State-of-the-Art Methods
results from a recent published work is being used.
The concrete video file being used is from the work
of (Heilmann et al., 2020) and is available as the sec-
ond supplement material at
asha.12456719.v1. The resulting pipeline of using a
video file can be seen in figure 4. The MIME-Type-
based Extraction step utilizes Tesseract and Speech
Recognition. Each step and what the output is, will
be discussed in the following.
4.2.1 Usage of Apache Tika
As described in section 2.2.1, Apache Tika can make
an ideal fit for the generic extraction. How it performs
regarding the requirements is discussed in the follow-
Extract the descriptive metadata from a file using
the file attributes.
When passing a file to Apache Tika, it lo-
cates all descriptive metadata a file has to of-
fer using the file attributes and returns them.
This is in this proof-of-concept information
like “dcterms:created” with its value “2014-05-
Detecting the MIME-Type of a file.
Apache Tika returns the MIME-Type of a file,
even if it was not specified by the filename exten-
sion. In this proof-of-concept it is “video/mp4”.
Extracting the text from text-based MIME-Types.
One of the return values from Apache Tika is the
content which represents the file as text. Further-
more, with the use of technologies like Tesser-
act, text can also be retrieved from images with
Apache Tika. Since for this proof-of-concept a
video file is being used, there is however no text
The requirements are therefore all fulfilled. One thing
which however still needs to be done is to trans-
form the output. Apache Tika produces a JSON
structure which does not completely conform to the
RDF format. There are however some links which
are done by some keys that represent an ontol-
ogy like Dublin Core. For utilizing this, the val-
ues containing such a key are linked to the sub-
ject of the file directly as predicate (key) and object
(value). In this proof-of-concept one such triple can
look like: “file:{identifier} dcterms:created ’2014-05-
30T16:13:18Z”’ where “file” is an example prefix.
A challenge is to convert every other key-value-pair
so that it can be described in the RDF format and
stored in a metadata store. One idea here for the
proof-of-concept is that the keys which do not con-
form to an ontology and are not URLs are added to a
constant prefix, e.g. “{key}”.
This can then be used in the proof-of-concept with
a triple like: “file:{identifier} tika:Content Type
video/mp4”’. Further work still has to be done on
mapping the results from Apache Tika accurately to
an ontology and verifying the results using an applica-
tion profile. After the conversion, a concrete metadata
entry can be pushed further to the metadata store.
4.2.2 Usage of Tesseract and Speech Recognition
It is a difficult task to extract metadata from video
files normally, since the information can only be dis-
tinguished frame by frame, but even then there is the
issue of audio and images which need to be analyzed.
For this proof-of-concept, the model gets split into
an audio and image part so that the input can still
be processed. First the audio gets analyzed by spe-
cific audio file extractors which transform the audio
into a text representation of the spoken text by using
speech-to-text methods. This results in sentences be-
ing extracted like “This short video is an example of
[...]”. Next, the images of every frame are passed
to image file extractors which extract e.g. the text
shown in an image with Tesseract and describe the
objects shown in an image in a metadata representa-
tion. With respect to frames being similar over the
cause of time, the metadata and text representations
of the images are combined. In this proof-of-concept
this results in extracted text like “CONVERSATION -
SCHOOL AGE” as seen in figure 5 and metadata like
“file:{identifier} foaf:depicts imageobject:clock” and
“imageobject:clock imageobject:count 1” where “im-
ageobject” is an example prefix and links to the frame
shown in figure 6.
Figure 5: Video frame with the text “‘CONVERSATION -
Figure 6: Video frame with a clock.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
4.2.3 Usage of Pikes
As a text-based extraction method, the tool Pikes
is being used as described in section 2.2.2. The
accumulated text gets pushed to Pikes either all at
once, or depending on the number of sentences and
a pre-configured threshold per batch. The received
output contains the content relations, however also
includes a lot of grammar information and definitions
on where the words are placed in the text. Since
the interest is here on describing the content and
the value is low on the natural language semantics
and concrete position of something, the output
is filtered to only include the content relations,
e.g. subject “”, predicate
and object “attr:school-age”, and definitions for
certain entities e.g. for “”
a DBPedia entry (“dbpedia:Mathematics”) exists
and is linked to it. Every relation is represented
by Pikes in fact graphs, however storing them as
numerous fact graphs and linking them to a file is
creating a large number of triples without much
benefit. Therefore, the fact graphs are merged into
one fact graph with the prefix being a static one e.g.
“” combined with the
file identifier. This factgraph is then linked to the file,
completing text-based extraction.
4.2.4 Metadata Representation
In this proof-of-concept the created metadata does
not have to be further modified and can be validated
against an application profile which requires certain
Dublin Core values to be present but is open to any
number of further triples. This succeeds and the meta-
data is stored. Therefore, the model allows describ-
ing information extracted from a video as structured
metadata that could be indexed by semantic search en-
This paper describes the need of a general way to ex-
tract descriptive metadata which works regardless of
the type and can be extended. As a starting point,
a pipeline is proposed that allows the extraction of
RDF-based descriptive metadata to represent a pro-
vided data entity. It offers extension points to become
agnostic to the representation of the information in
the data entity, ranging from textual data to audiovi-
sual representations. The proposed model provides
a solution in generalizing the ways metadata can be
extracted and clear requirements, necessary modules
and a structure for making it work are discussed. A
first implementation of the model is shown with state-
of-the-art technology and the case of video files is
shown as a proof-of-concept.
5.1 Identified Research Gaps
The created pipeline was an experimental setup which
can now be tried in practice. This paper describes the
setting and provides the model as a first way of deal-
ing with the current challenges. However, some fur-
ther gaps which need to be looked into were discov-
ered and are formulated as questions in the following:
1. Following the generic extraction methods, how
should the resulting metadata look like and how
should the results be represented or mapped?
2. How can such a proposed pipeline be evaluated?
3. There are many data types which such a proposed
pipeline could support, but which data types really
are the ones which are needed for strictly working
with research data?
4. The here used proof-of-concept extracts metadata
from a video file. During this process the pipeline
extracts images and extracts text and metadata
from them. How can such a video file be com-
pared to an image using the metadata and how can
it be detected that they are similar and one is stem-
ming from the other?
5. Since there is a large variety of data, how can a
mapping of the resulting metadata to an applica-
tion profile be created?
5.2 Future Work
Building on this work, the extraction methods will be
enhanced so that more and more data types are sup-
ported. Deep learning could furthermore be used if a
model can be created which represents research data
as an input and metadata about it as an output. In
an analysis it shows that specifically source code and
numerical data are significant aspects for current re-
search data and therefore should be included. Fur-
thermore, the nature of the created pipeline allows
for previous discipline-specific methods to be inte-
grated. Looking at the resulted metadata, methods to
map them more accurately to application profiles and
specifying a concept in which often occurring pred-
icates are mapped using specified rules to common
standards will greatly increase the quality of the out-
put. This can help to utilize the produced metadata in
other domains like checking with such a representa-
tion the similarity to another data entity without the
Moving towards a General Metadata Extraction Solution for Research Data with State-of-the-Art Methods
need of looking at the whole content. Furthermore,
reducing the produced metadata to only the most rele-
vant and uniquely representing parts will increase the
interpretability and comparability. Lastly, collecting
such metadata on research data for a research project
could be used to act as a knowledge graph of the
whole research to identify what the research is actu-
ally about and discovering the novelty of it.
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval