subspace of features and restricts the expansion of
clusters to a priori constraints. Incorporating a pri-
ori knowledge into the clustering process can signif-
icantly improve the clustering results and can align
the outcome of the clustering process with the ob-
jective of the data analysis, as demonstrated in Sec-
tion 4. Our approach combines different techniques
form subspace, correlation and constrained cluster-
ing. Specifically, we introduce two user-defined pa-
rameters to the original DBSCAN algorithm, one to
define the dimensions of the subspace to be used to
discover density-based clusters, and one to define the
dimensions of the subspace to be used to apply con-
straints to the cluster expansion. Further, we modify
the cluster expansion step in the original DBSCAN
algorithm to be restricted to these user-defined con-
straints. Our validation of the algorithm on an ex-
perimental and real-world dataset demonstrates, that
our algorithm is especially suited for spatio-temporal
data, where one subspace of features defines the spa-
tial extent of the data and another correlations be-
tween features.
In the future, we plan to evaluate different con-
straints in terms of their feasibility and added over-
head compared to the improvement of the clustering
results, as well as propose a machine learning based
selection of suitable constraints, according to the in-
herent structure of the data. In addition, we plan
to work on an optimized implementation of the al-
gorithm that allows us to provide additional runtime
measurements and detailed comparison studies with
other algorithms in the field of subspace, correlation
and constrained clustering.
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval