sis as inputs for the process of Ontology Knowledge
Discovery, showing how we query the ontology to
finding the concepts and properties represented in Ar-
chOnto that are related to the terms found at morpho-
logical and syntactic analysis level. The representa-
tion of different CIDOC-CMR concepts such as per-
sons, events, times, locations and documents is illus-
trated highlighting the migration process of baptism
Future work includes the evaluation of the Ar-
chOnto population quality. Traditionally this evalua-
tion is done recurring to precision and recall measures
as in Information Retrieval. However, for ontology’s
population the binary classification, yes/no, does not
take into account cases where the information is par-
tially captured, methods like Balanced Distance Met-
ric(Maynard et al., 2008) are more adequate to our
evaluation task. The EPISA project has the human re-
sources that will enable us to embrace this task. The
extension of the prototype to other documents types
will bring new challenges that still need good solu-
tions to be solved, for instance when a new person
shares some proprieties with a known person, shall
we consider that it is the same person? when a person
has the same names for its parents and grand parents
of a person known in ArchOnto, are they brothers?
should that relation be considered as a extension of
ArchOnto since it does not exists in CIDOC-CRM?
This work is financed by National Funds through
the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundac¸
para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia) within project
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KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development