From a simple and straightforward experimental
came some not-so-very-simple-and-straightforward
answers. Along the way, we made some choices that
are well open for discussion. First of all, we stud-
ied just two interdependent PPA-parameters and there
is absolutely no reason to presume that these results
are stable under replacement of the tanh-function, dif-
ferent mutability rates, or a different population se-
lection procedure. Second, the choice of benchmark
test functions could matter. Does a ‘combination of
Schwefel and Rastrigin’ show an intermittent stabil-
ity pattern? Third, the measure of sensitivity could be
different, based on standard deviations, or based on
the number of evaluations required to reach a certain
target value v, as suggested in (Eiben and Smit, 2011).
It could also be seen as a measure of uncertainty rel-
ative to a run’s performance, which is in turn relative
to the budget of function evaluations (set to 10,000
in this study). Fourth, considering the difference in
sensitivity patterns for continuous benchmark func-
tions, bifurcated study into more real-life examples
such as the optimization of chemical plant parame-
terizations might provide useful insights. First, the
parameter sensitivity could be assessed, similar to the
study presented here. Second, an algebraic compari-
son between it parameterization-fitness projection and
the known benchmark functions could be made to fur-
ther our knowledge of the relation between parameter
sensitivity and the properties of the continuity it is try-
ing to minimize. Last but not least, the best-to-worst
order of individual heatmap cells could be studied; is
there a pattern to be found, even if just modest? All in
all, many possible roads lead into the future, and we
should make efforts to progress pedestrianally
Reitze Jansen (UvA), meticulous and accurate as ever,
was kind enough to pull some mistakes from this pa-
per. Thanks Reitze.
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ECTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications