Target Evaluation for Neural Language Model using
Japanese Case Frame
Kazuhito Tamura
, Ikumi Suzuki
and Kazuo Hara
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Yonezawa-shi, Yamagata, Japan
School of Information and Data Sciences, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki, Japan
Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata, Japan
Keywords: Neural Language Model, Target Evaluation, Japanese Case Frame, LSTM.
Abstract: Automatic text generation are widely used in various type of natural language processing systems. It is crucial
to capture correct grammar for these systems to work. According to the recent studies, neural language models
successfully acquire English grammar. However, it’s not thoroughly investigated why the neural language
models work. Therefore, fine-grained grammatical or syntactic analysis is important to assess neural language
models. In this paper, we constructed grammatical evaluation methods to assess Japanese grammatical ability
in neural language models by adopting a target evaluation approach. We especially focus on case marker and
verb match in Japanese case grammar. In experiments, we report the grammatical ability of neural language
model by comparing n-gram models. Neural language model performed better even some information lacks,
while n-gram performs poorly. Also, Neural language model exhibited more robust performance for low
frequency terms.
Many modern natural language processing systems
such as, summarization, machine translation,
question answering, dialogue systems, etc., employ
automatic text generation. Neural language model has
become mainstream and fundamental technique in
recent years.
For these systems to work, it is important that
automatically generated texts follow correct grammar.
In recent reports, the neural language model exhibits
the ability to capture the correct grammar. In case of
English, the neural language model obtained by
learning a large amount of English text has succeeded
in acquiring English grammar (Gulordava et al.,
2018; Marvin and Linzen, 2018).
In evaluating natural language processing systems,
perplexity, BLEU, and other systematic approaches
are widely applied (Papineni et al., 2002). However,
it’s desirable to assess the systems with fine-grained
grammatical or syntactic analysis to understand
performances in detail (Sennrich, 2017)
Target evaluation is one way to evaluate
grammatical and syntactic analysis (Marvin and
Linzen 2018). Marvin and Linzen (2018)
automatically constructed different variations of
structure-sensitive grammatical and ungrammatical
sentences to evaluate language models and compare
the probabilities the models assign to the sentences.
These works provide new informative ways of
fine-grained grammatical evaluation on language
models (Warstadt et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2019) and
further improvement on the language model by using
grammatical and ungrammatical sentences for
learning (Nochi and Takamura, 2019).
As evaluation methods for Japanese neural
language models, BLUE and human evaluation are
widely applied (Imamura et al., 2018; Miyazaki and
Shimizu, 2016; Hasegawa et al., 2017). However,
there is no fine-grained grammatical evaluation
method based on Japanese case grammar, to the best
of our knowledge.
In this paper, we investigate the ability of the
neural language model for Japanese grammar.
Especially, we focus on case marker and verb
relations in Japanese case grammar. To achieve this
goal, firstly we construct evaluation datasets.
Secondly, we examine the neural language model of
grammatical ability in Japanese by comparing n-gram
Tamura, K., Suzuki, I. and Hara, K.
Target Evaluation for Neural Language Model using Japanese Case Frame.
DOI: 10.5220/0010137702510258
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 251-258
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Evaluation on Language Model
Perplexity and target evaluation (Marvin and Linzen,
2018) were the methods for directly evaluating
language models. Perplexity represents the
complexity of the model. Generally, model
performance was judged on how high probability a
model can assign to test data. Target evaluation is
methods that focuses on the grammatical or syntactic
structure of the language, such as the numerical match
between a noun and a verb. More detail on target
evaluation for neural language models (Marvin and
Linzen, 2018) is described in the next section 2.2.
As a method of evaluating the text generated by
the language model, human evaluation and BLEU
(Papineni et al., 2002) are commonly used methods.
For Japanese evaluation on neural language
models, BLEU scores are applied for machine
translation tasks (Imamura et al., 2018) and image
captioning (Miyazaki and Shimizu, 2016). ROUGE
and human evaluation were applied for sentence
compression (Hasegawa et al., 2017). Many Japanese
evaluation methods for neural language models are
depend on BLEU, ROUGE and human evaluation.
2.2 Target Evaluation on Neural
Language Model
Target evaluation (Marvin and Linzen, 2018) is a
method for evaluating language models. When there
is specific type of interest to evaluate, target
evaluation is applicable.
For machine translation, Sennrich (2017) created
datasets which captures some type of translation error
automatically and reproducibly. In modeling
semantics, Zweig et al. (2011) created imposter
sentences to compare or evaluate semantic systems.
To evaluate performance of language models,
Linzen et al. (2016) mainly evaluated the language
model to judge whether the noun form and the verb
form match. For example, while a grammatical
sentence such as “The author laughs” was created, an
ungrammatical sentence “The author laugh” was
created as a pair of evaluation sentences. Then, it is
expected that the higher probability would be
assigned by the neural language model to a
grammatical sentence rather than an ungrammatical
sentence. Also, the effect of distance between noun
and verb by comparing likelihoods of each target
verbs were evaluated. Gulordava et al. (2018)
developed grammatically correct, but semantically
nonsensical sentences to purely evaluate syntactic
ability of the language modelsMarvin and Linzen
(2018) proposed to create datasets for grammatical
and ungrammatical sentence pair represent different
variations of structure-sensitive phenomena.
To evaluate Japanese grammatical ability in
neural language model, we propose target evaluation
by focusing on the case and verb relation in Japanese
case grammar. Before introducing our proposal, we
introduce Japanese grammar and Japanese case frame
in the following section 2.3 and 2.4.
2.3 Case Grammar
The case grammar analyze structure of sentences
based on the case (Fillmore, 1971). In Japanese case
grammar, nouns are associated with predicates with a
grammatical role. This grammatical role is called
“case”. Semantic relations of the case are called deep
cases, and syntactic relations are called surface cases.
While the surface case of English is expressed by
word order and preposition, the surface case of
Japanese is expressed by case particles (The National
Language Research Institute, 1997).
In case frame, case marker determines the case. In
Japanese, case particles mainly play the role of case
2.4 Japanese Grammar
Japanese is a head-final language, and the case
particle plays the role of case marker. Unlike English,
word order does not determine the case (Kawahara
and Kurohashi, 2002). In this paper, a case particle is
denoted as a case marker.
The structure of Japanese sentence is shown
below as an example;
(1) Kare ga eiga wo miru.
He movie watch
This sentence is composed of two cases, (Kare ga)
and (eiga wo), and a verb (miru). The noun (Kare) is
accompanied by the case marker (ga). The verb “miru”
takes “ga” as nominative case marker and “wo” as an
accusative case marker.
As shown in the above example, a verb co-occur
with cases and case marker indicates the case.
Therefore, the combination of verb and case marker
is important in Japanese grammar. To find out which
case marker co-occur with verb, we refer to case
frame dictionary.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2.5 Japanese Case Frame
Figure 1: An illustration of case frame dictionary. A verb
“miru (see/ watch)” (見る) takeswo” as a case marker .
The “wo” case marker appeared with nouns such as, eiga
映画, “terebi”(テレビ), etc. in corpus.
To collect verb and co-occur case markers examples,
we refer to the Kyoto University Case Frame
Dictionary (Kawahara and Kurohashi, 2006a, 2006b).
As resource, GSK2008-B Ver 2.0, was obtained from
GSK (Language Resources Association in Japan)
The Kyoto University Case Frame Dictionary
stores example-based case frames which was
constructed from a huge raw corpus. Verbs are
classified according to the case usage with examples.
For simplicity in this paper, the individual usages of
verbs are not distinguished, that is, the cases
distinguished by those usage are merged.
For each verb, case markers are listed which co-
occurred with the verb in the corpus. We define these
case markers as correct set of case markers for the
verb. And if case markers which are not co-occurred
with the verb are defined as incorrect case markers.
Note that the nouns which accompanied with case
markers are also recorded in the dictionary.
The case markers we use in this paper are “ga”,
wo”, “ni”, “de”, “to”, “he”, “kara”, “made”, “yori
and “no”. Since we focus on case markers, other cases
which are not case particles is omitted in this paper.
Figure. 1 shows an example of a case frame for
verb “miru (see/watch)”. From this example, the verb
“miru” takes “wo” as a case marker. And “wo” case
marker is appeared with the nouns such as “eiga”,
“terebi”, etc. in the corpus. The frequency of the verb
“miru” (see, watch) is 389,437 and the frequency of
the noun “eiga” (movie) is 104,776. This indicates
that there are 104,776 sentences in the corpus that
have each structure of “eiga wo miru” (watch movie).
We will refer these frequencies to construct target
evaluation dataset. More details are explained in
section 4.
Table1: Case markers occurred with the verbs. This table is
summarized from the Kyoto University Case Frame
dictionary. For example, the verb “miru” can take “ga”,
wo” as a case marker, but not “he”. The first column is the
list of verbs and the row corresponds to case markers.
Case marker ga wo ni he to de kara yori made no
Target evaluation is one of the ways to evaluate
grammatical and syntactic analysis. Especially, when
there is specific type of interest to evaluate, target
evaluation is applicable.
In this paper, we propose a target evaluation in
Japanese case grammar by assessing “match between
case marker and verb". To construct datasets, we
generate a pair of a grammatical and an
ungrammatical sentence. In target evaluation, the
model is evaluated whether the constructed language
model can distinguish between a grammatical and
ungrammatical sentence.
In this section, we briefly illustrate with a simple
example how to generate sentences with an example.
To generate a pair of grammatical and
ungrammatical sentence, case markers of verbs play
the key role. Table 1 shows summarization of case
markers for each verb recorded in The Kyoto
University Case Frame Dictionary. By referring to
Table 1, we can tell which case markers are included
in the correct set of case markers for a verb and which
case markers are not. As an example, when a sentence
with a verb “miru” (see/ watch) is generated, case
markers are selected from the correct set of case
markers for the verb. For the verb “miru” (see/ watch),
the correct set of case markers includes “ga” case,
wo” case, “ni” case and “to” case from Table 1. Then
a grammatical sentence for the verb “miru”
(see/watch) is generated as follows;
(2) ---- ga ---- wo ---- ni ---- to miru.
Target Evaluation for Neural Language Model using Japanese Case Frame
Each blank ---- is filled with an appropriate noun for
each case markers. More precise explanation, such as
how to choose the nouns and the order of the case, are
explained in section 4.
Ungrammatical sentence is generated by
replacing an arbitrary case marker in the generated
grammatical sentence with a case marker which is not
in the correct set of case markers for the verb. Since
the sentence contains an incorrect case marker, the
sentence is not considered as a correct Japanese
sentence. As an example, the verb “miru” (see/watch)
does not take the “he” case marker as shown in Table
1. Then, arbitrary case marker, such as “to” case in
the grammatical sentence (2) is replaced with “he
case marker to generate an ungrammatical sentence.
An example of ungrammatical sentence is as follows;
(3) ---- ga ---- wo ---- ni ---- he miru.
The only difference of sentence (2) and (3), where the
sentence (2) use “to case and the sentence (3) use “he
case, makes the difference of grammatical and
ungrammatical sentence in this example. Then the
language models are evaluated whether language
model can distinguish between a grammatical and
ungrammatical sentence.
In this section, we explain how to construct datasets,
the language models (LSTM) and n-grams to
compare and evaluation with the datasets for the
constructed language models.
4.1 Evaluation Dataset
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether
language model can distinguish between a
grammatical and ungrammatical sentence, that is,
match between case marker and verb. We investigate
whether language models will change prediction
depending on the amount of information before or
after the case marker in question. To do so, two type
of evaluation datasets are constructed.
Dataset 1. A sentence includes 5 case markers
and a verb.
Dataset 2. A sentence includes 1 to 5 case
markers and a verb.
To evaluate the effect of distance between case
marker and verb, the distance between incorrect case
marker and verb varies. When selecting one case
marker in a grammatical sentence to generate an
ungrammatical sentence, the case marker is selected
according to the distance from the verb and replaced
with incorrect one.
In Dataset 1, when generating an ungrammatical
sentence, one case marker with distance 1 to 5 from a
verb is replaced with an incorrect case marker which
is not included in a correct set of case markers. An
example of a grammatical and an ungrammatical
sentence is as follows.
Dataset 1
- A grammatical sentence;
---- ga ---- wo ---- ni ---- to ---- yori miru.
- An ungrammatical sentence with distance 4;
---- ga ---- he ---- ni ---- to ---- yori miru.
The blanks ---- are filled with an appropriate noun for
each case markers. In the grammatical sentence of the
fourth case “wo” from the verb “miru” in the
grammatical sentence is replaced with an incorrect
case marker “he” for the verb “miru”.
In Dataset 2, when generating an ungrammatical
sentence, one case marker which is the farthest from
a verb is replaced with an incorrect case marker which
is not included in a correct set of case markers. An
example of a grammatical and an ungrammatical
sentence is as follows.
Dataset 2
- A grammatical sentence with 4 case markers;
---- ga ---- to ---- de ---- yori miru.
- An ungrammatical sentence;
---- he ---- to ---- de ---- yori miru.
In the ungrammatical sentence, the farthest case
marker from the verb “miru” is replaced with an
incorrect case marker “he”.
The difference between Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 is
Dataset 1 is more informative rather than Dataset 2.
Because there are some noun and case marker before
the incorrect case marker in ungrammatical sentence
distance 1
distance 4
distance 4 (the farthest)
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
for Dataset 1, while there is no noun and case marker
before the incorrect case marker for Dataset 2. When
we evaluate the effect of distance, we can eliminate
the effect of previous information of the incorrect
case marker by applying Dataset 2.
For both Dataset 1 and Dataset 2, the verbs are
selected from the highest frequency verbs recorded in
the Kyoto University Case Frame Dictionary to
generate sentences. And once the verb is selected,
case markers are randomly selected from a correct set
of case markers for the verb as illustrated in section 3.
Also, when selecting appropriate nouns for the case
markers, we refer to The Kyoto University Case
Frame Dictionary where the noun and verb co-
occurrence frequency is recorded in the dictionary.
Then two highest frequency nouns are randomly
selected for each case markers.
The number of a pair of a grammatical and an
ungrammatical sentence are 320 in total for both
Dataset 1 and Dataset 2.
Datasets replaced nouns with <unk>
In order to measure the effect of presence of nouns,
we replace all the nouns accompanied by case
markers with unknown words, <unk>. By using the
example shown Dataset 1, we show an example blow.
Here, the blank ---- in Dataset 1 is replaced with
<unk>. Note that the blank ---- is filled with selected
nouns in experiments.
Dataset 1 with nouns are replaced with <unk>
- A grammatical sentence;
<unk>ga <unk>wo <unk>ni <unk>to <unk>yori miru.
- An ungrammatical sentence with distance 4;
<unk>ga <unk>he <unk>ni <unk>to <unk>yori miru.
When nouns are replaced with <unk>, the number of
sentence pair is reduced to 10 – 240 for some distance.
Because the combination of nouns, case marker, verb
is lessened by replacing nouns with <unk>. In some
datasets, by rearranging the case markers, the total
number of sentences pair is 1,200.
4.2 Training Language Models
In this paper, we employed LSTM (Long short-term
memory) for neural language model (Hochreiter et al.,
1997) and n-gram model.
The Language models were trained by randomly
selected 10,000 sentences from Japanese Wikipedia,
and it contained about 220,000 words. Low-
frequency words were replaced by the unknown word
For the n-gram model, the kneser-ney method
(Kneser and Ney, 1995) was applied for smoothing
and the parameter n of n-gram model was set 2 and 5.
For the LSTM model, we employed the Keras for
implementation. The middle layer consisted of two
layers and each layer consisted of 650 nodes. The
input was 30 string of words, and the words were
embedded in 200 dimensions by using the Japanese
Wikipedia entity vector by word2vec (Suzuki et al.,
2016). RMSProp was applied for the gradient method,
the learning rate was set to 0.001 and the dropout rate
was 0.2. The number of epochs was set to 6 which is
selected with the small datasets created for epoch
evaluation, aside from the datasets for overall test
evaluation reported in section 5.
4.3 Evaluation Language Models
A pair of a grammatical and ungrammatical sentence
were applied to test the language models. Each word
in a sentence was treated as an input to the models,
then the generation probability of next word is
calculated. After calculating the generation
probability of the sentences, that is the joint
probability of sequence of words, the generation
probabilities for a pair of grammatical and
ungrammatical sentences are compared. If the higher
probability is assigned to the grammatical sentence
than ungrammatical sentence, then the model
prediction for the pair is correct. On the other hand, if
the higher probability is assigned to the
ungrammatical sentence than grammatical sentence,
then the model prediction for the pair is wrong.
We report overall accuracies which count the
number of correctly predicted pair of sentences
divided by the total number of pair of sentences. We
conducted this evaluation process for four datasets
(Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 1 replaced the nouns
with <unk> and Dataset 2 replaced the nouns with
<unk>) and for LSTM and n-gram learning models.
In this section, we evaluate neural language model
(LSTM) with our evaluation datasets by comparing
with n-gram models. We have four evaluation
datasets, Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 1 replaced
nouns with <unk> and Dataset 2 replaced nouns with
<unk>. Figure 2 show the results.
Target Evaluation for Neural Language Model using Japanese Case Frame
Figure 2: Evaluation performance for (a) Dataset 1, (b)
Dataset 2, (c) Dataset 1 replaced nouns with <unk> and (d)
Dataset 2 replaced nouns with <unk>. The distance 1 to 5
denotes the distance between the incorrect case marker and
a verb.
Comparison of LSTM and 5-gram model
Figure 2 (a) and Figure 2 (b) corresponds to the results
evaluated by datasets of Dataset 1 and Dataset 2. The
Dataset 1 is fixed the number of case markers with 5
for each grammatical and ungrammatical sentence.
For the Dataset 2, the number of case markers varies
from 1 to 5. In Figure 2, the distance 1 to 5 refers to
the distance of incorrect case marker from a verb in
ungrammatical sentence.
As for the distance of incorrect case marker,
distance 3-4 tend to exhibit better performance than
other distance for both LSTM and n-grams models.
This implies that to predict the incorrect case marker,
it's should not be too close to the verb nor too far. For
example, in distance 1, the predictions become worse
because there is no information between the incorrect
case and the verb. On the other hand, if it’s too far,
such as distance 5, the information can be deteriorated
between the incorrect case and the verb.
The accuracies are the number of pairs which have
correct answers divided by the total number of pairs.
The Dataset 1 results exhibit better accuracies then
Dataset 2. This indicates that even though Japanese
sentence is head-final language, that is, the verb
resides at the end of sentence and decides the case
markers in the sentence, the previous information
before the incorrect case marker, contributed to the
prediction of case markers. Because the incorrect case
is farthest position (resides as the first words in a
sentence) in Dataset 2, so there is no information
before for the incorrect case marker. On the other
hand, in Dataset 1, there are several cases before the
incorrect case marker and theses cases contributed for
predicting the incorrect case even though proper case
markers are determined by the verb grammatically.
As for the language models, LSTM tends to
exhibit better or equal performance compared to n-
gram models.
Figure 2 (c) and Figure 2 (d) are results for the
Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 when the nouns are replaced
with <unk>. When the nouns are all replaced with
<unk>, then the 5-gram model largely drop their
It indicates that the nouns are important keys to
determine case. And when the nouns are not available,
it’s difficult for the n-grams to determine the case. On
the other hand, LSTM performs better than 5-gram
model even when the nouns are not available as clues
to determine the case markers. LSTM can capture the
case marker and verb relation, while n-gram models
deteriorate their performance.
Problem of 2-gram model
In case of 2-gram, the performance seems to
outperform LSTM and other n-gram models for all
distances. However, 2-gram tend to return popular
case markers, that is, case markers appeared in a
corpus with high frequencies. For example, when we
have a pair of sentences;
<unk> ga <unk> to miru.
(grammatical sentence)
<unk> he <unk> to miru.
(ungrammatical sentence)
The generation probabilities are compared with 2-
gram of {(<unk>, ga) and (ga, <unk>)} and {(ga,
<unk>) and (he, <unk>)} between sentences. Other 2-
grams are same so that they don’t contribute the
difference on probabilities. Then, the 2-gram with ga
case marker is higher probability than the 2-gram
with he case markers, since ga case marker appears
more often than he case marker in a corpus. In total,
2-gram is quite biased towards high frequency cases
and this phenomenon contributed high accuracies in
this experiment.
We examined above mentioned hypothesis that 2-
gram tends to return high frequency case markers and
obtains high accuracies. We observe the situation
when low frequency case markers are assigned as
grammatical sentences. If the 2-gram reject these
grammatical sentences just because low frequency,
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Evaluation of the low frequency case markers, “he”, “made” and “yori”. The figures show the performance measured
by (a) accuracy, (b) F score, (c) Recall and (d) Precision, respectively.
then the performance should be worse for theses case
For low frequency case markers, “he”, “made”,
yori” case markers are selected. We put all dataset
and distance together because the size of dataset
become too small to compare for these case markers.
We compare the performance with F score, recall and
precision for these case markers.
Figure 3 shows the result. We compared 2-gram
with LSTM. While 2-gram performed better or equal
to LSTM in accuracy, when compared in F score or
recall for the low frequency case markers, the
performance does not always outperform LSTM.
This indicates that LSTM does not always return the
popular cases and when looked at the low frequency
case markers, LSTM tend to exhibit better in F score
and recall.
In precision, “made” case marker exhibits highest
accuracies for both LSTM and 2-gram. It is because
the generation probability of the sentence which
includes “made” becomes low, due to the low
frequency of “made” case marker. This results in high
precision and low recall as show in Figure 3. And this
tendency is more obvious with 2-gram models than
LSTM. So, 2-gram is more affected by the word
frequency than LSTM. Overall, LSTM is more robust
with low frequency words than n-gram models.
In order to evaluate the language model in Japanese,
we proposed a language model evaluation method to
assess Japanese grammar. We especially focused on
Japanese case grammar of surface cases. We
constructed evaluation datasets to assess case marker
and verb matches in a sentence. To do so, we adopt
target evaluation methods by generating
grammatically correct sentence (grammatical
sentence) and ungrammatical sentence as a pair of
evaluation set.
Once the evaluation dataset is constructed, the
learning models, neural language model (LSTM) and
n-grams, are applied to the datasets and evaluate
whether the language models could correctly estimate
the relationship between the case marker and verb.
In the experiment, we also examined the effect of
other information, such as nouns appear along the
case markers. To remove the noun effect, we
constructed the datasets by replacing all nouns with
<unk>. When predicting the case marker and verb
match, these nouns contributed for prediction
performances. However, LSTM is less affected than
n-grams by removing informative words. In this sense,
LSTM is more robust than n-gram models.
LSTM is also less affected by frequent words than
n-gram models. N-gram models, especially 2-gram,
are almost only predicts the frequent words (case
markers) as the correct ones. It can achieve high
accuracy, however results in low F score or recall
performance. When precise analysis is required, such
as, good performance for low frequent words (or case
markers), LSTM is better learning model.
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