of other sources of heterogeneous data from the wafer
fabrication line, such as text, in order to further re-
duce the annotation cost by partially automating the
process. Also, we are interested in developing novel
criteria for querying the most informative instances in
the dataset that will lead to more robust and accurate
predictive models.
This work has been supported by Pro
Future (FFG
under contract No. 854184). Pro
Future is funded
within the Austrian COMET Program -Competence
Centers for Excellent Technologies- under the aus-
pices of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Trans-
port, Innovation and Technology, the Austrian Fed-
eral Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and of
the Provinces of Upper Austria and Styria. COMET
is managed by the Austrian Research Promotion
Agency FFG. Tiago Santos was a recipient of a DOC
Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at
the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Sci-
ence of the Graz University of Technology. Michael
Wiedemann was with TDK Electronics, Austria and
now with RF360 Europe GmbH, Germany. Stefan
Thalmann is with the University of Graz and Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria.
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval