as aerospace and automotive. This can be traced to
the fact that these specific sectors deal with the de-
sign of safety critical and complex systems that need
to adopt new technologies to remain competitive. All
this while under the pressure to use less resources,
to shorten the time-to-market of the products, and
to satisfy a large and continuously evolving set of
requirements. KBE proves to be a good methodol-
ogy for front-loading knowledge in the design pro-
cess, thereby creating a better foundation for design-
decisions that have to be made early in the product
life-cycle, which often have significant influence on
the product performance (Kulkarni et al., 2017).
Managing knowledge in multi-domain environ-
ments, such as product development, requires a col-
laborative framework that is well aligned with the
knowledge engineering process. Creating such a
framework for knowledge representation is one of
the fundamental aspects in designing a KBE applica-
tion (Sanya and Shehab, 2014). The KBE tools avail-
able on the market all adopt OOP as the core mod-
eling approach. We argue that OOP has its limita-
tions when it comes to fully capturing and integrating
experts’ knowledge as it limits possibility for meta-
modeling to frame-based structures. Our research
proposes a novel approach to knowledge formaliza-
tion in KBE applications, in which a more generic
knowledge structure using Semantic Web Technolo-
gies (SWT) (World Wide Web Consortium, 2015) is
adopted in an effort to remove these limitations.
The Codex framework is currently being devel-
oped at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), aim-
ing to overcome a large part of the aforementioned
burdens. It targets to ease the creation of knowledge-
based engineering tools, which can be easily inte-
grated in a digitally coupled overarching product de-
velopment process for aeronautical vehicle design.
Codex is a continued development of the model gen-
erator (Zamfir et al., 2018) and it aims to improve the
accessibility, extendability, and ease of cross-domain
knowledge reuse.
The following section will highlight the chal-
lenges of collaboration in multi-domain environments
and present possible solution to these. Section 3 fo-
cuses on human-machine interaction, the importance
of the meta-modelling environment and its impact on
knowledge formalization. Thereafter, section 4 will
present the current state of the Codex framework and
provide an example of multi-domain integration. This
paper concluded with a summary and an outlook on
future goals of this framework.
One reason for the aforementioned low adoption of
the KBE methodology can be be found in the large
difference between the abstract, high-level language
used in these applications compared to the highly
specific domain languages and tools generally used
within each discipline. Specific domain languages
and environments allow for a high level of expres-
siveness, since the semantics are tailored to enable
very precise modeling while using a set of vocabu-
lary and concepts that the domain-expert is already
familiar with. In contrast, to allow for integration
and high-degree linking of knowledge from all stake-
holders within a coherent knowledge base, a very ab-
stract modeling language is required, which makes no
assumptions on the domain it is used for and there-
fore features low expressiveness for specific domains.
Therefore, the choice of the modeling language for
a collaborative KBE application requires a trade-off
between applicability to different domains (abstrac-
tion/generality of the language) and expressiveness
within the domain itself.
Two examples of KBE tools used in the aerospace
sector are Pacelab APD (TXT Group, 2020) and
ParaPy (ParaPy B.V., 2019). The choice of mod-
eling languages are C# for APD and Python with
a specific flavor of annotations for Parapy, which
makes knowledge-formalization straight-forward for
programmers with experience in these languages. In
both tools the meta-model is defined in a frame-
like structure (Minsky, 1974), resulting from the ne-
cessity to create the model in the particular object-
oriented programming language used by the applica-
tion. Moreover, the model is defined in a hierarchical
way as this structure is commonly used when mod-
eling a product and its sub-parts within the engineer-
ing domain. Describing relationships among parame-
ters from the same discipline or in the same system of
components is fairly easy thanks to the inherent con-
nections of this type of structure (e.g. parent and child
An issue that may arise from a frame-based and
hierarchical structured knowledge capture approach
is that higher complexity, especially via cross-branch
connections, tends to increase rigidity of the knowl-
edge base and makes it more complicated to use. This
over-coupling diminishes the potential of knowledge
re-usability since the coupled knowledge is not en-
capsulated anymore and its usage introduces many
more (unwanted) dependencies. In fact, the hierarchi-
cal structure often does not even reflect the naturally
emerging structure of collaboration, which resembles
Semantic Knowledge-Based-Engineering: The Codex Framework