Industry-oriented Digital Transformation in Universities to Facilitate
Knowledge Transfer
Claudia Doering
and Holger Timinger
Institute for Data and Process Science, University of Applied Sciences, Landshut, Germany
Keywords: Enterprise Modeling, Knowledge Management, Modeling for Digitalization, Third Mission, Knowledge
Transfer, Digital Transformation.
Abstract: The industry faces nowadays major challenges in creating new and innovative business models. Especially
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lack own research departments and qualified personnel for new
technologies and business models. Simultaneously, SMEs are often unsure, if their needs are understood and
addressed by universities and hesitate to contact them. Actually, many universities do have very relevant
technologies for such companies and strive for an increase in joint research and transfer activities. However,
universities must change and simplify their inner structures in order to accomplish a structural embodiment
of transfer and become more customer-oriented and quicker.
The last decades have been characterized by a strong
shift in the way of how universities interact with their
environment. Besides their mission to teach and to
conduct research, a third mission is gaining
importance: knowledge transfer (Roessler et al.
2015). This transfer is described in multiple
theoretical frameworks, like the concept of
“entrepreneurial universities” (Clark 1998), the
“Triple Helix” (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 2000),
“Mode 2” (Gibbons et al. 1994) or the “Quintuple
Helix” (Carayannis and Campbell 2012). All of these
concepts comprise the idea that research, which is
conducted within universities, should be
communicated and transferred to the society and the
economy. In this way, universities are no longer seen
as “ivory towers” in which research is cut off from the
rest of the society, but rather as institutions with a
distinctive knowledge transfer (Doering and Seel
2019). Knowledge transfer has to be related to the
transfer of tactic knowledge, which is an important
function of universities (Ritesh Chugh, Santoso
Wibowo and Srimannarayana Grandhi 2015). Tactic
knowledge was first described by Polanyi (1958), but
nowadays this concept is of fundamental importance
for multiple knowledge management approaches
(Firestone and McElroy 2003). Tactic knowledge
cannot be codified, is generally implicit in its nature
and difficult to access (Busch 2008).
The mission to transfer expertise out of the
universities into to society relates mostly to a
pronounced knowledge transfer. The transfer of
knowledge has traditionally been defined as an
interface between science and economy (Froese
2014). Nowadays, it can be seen as all forms of
communication between an expert (sender) and a
layperson (receiver), whereby the transfer partners
can be individuals or collectives (Pircher 2014; Thiel
2002). Various definitions of knowledge transfer
constitute it as a synonym to the third mission of
universities (Henke et al. 2017; Noelting et al. 2018).
Currently, this third mission as knowledge transfer
between universities and the society is gaining
increasingly relevance due to the ongoing
digitalization of all areas of life. Digital
transformation has been an issue to many publications
and research as it has become a major research and
engineering challenge worldwide
(Wolan 2013).
Nevertheless, the economy is experiencing a
continuing pressure to act because of the
digitalization and strong technological developments
of mainly all business sectors. The speed of
Doering, C. and Timinger, H.
Industry-oriented Digital Transformation in Universities to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer.
DOI: 10.5220/0010144402120218
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 212-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
technological change and an increasing international
competition requires also smaller or medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) to engage in digitalization.
Especially these companies face the challenge to
develop new business models and/or products, as they
often lack own research and development
departments. Unfortunately, SMEs often hesitate to
contact universities, because of their preconceptions
that universities do not take their needs seriously or
do not have solutions, which are applicable for SMEs.
They typically need quick answers to urgent
challenges, which can be implemented with very
limited resources.
Universities have understood this need and are
now engaging even more in knowledge transfer
activities than prior to the digital transformation.
However, transfer has to be seen as a bidirectional
process, as also universities have to understand the
issues and needs of the companies and therefore can
also learn from the digital transformation of the
economy and the society.
Universities often have a deep understanding of
the processes of digitalization due to their experts and
research activities. Simultaneously, their own inner
structure still lacks digital work processes. Internal
work processes within universities are often only
modelled roughly to define and not to digitize work
procedures. The need for digitalization of universities
therefore arises not only from the constraint to
conduct third mission activities and the demand from
companies to engage in a deeper knowledge transfer,
but also from the need to digitize their inner work
Digitization can be defined as the transfer of
analogous extends to discrete (digital) values, in order
to safe or process this data electronically (Löbbecke
2006). Digitalization goes even further and can be
describes as the use of digital technologies which can
even change a business model. Therefore, it can be
seen as the process of moving to a digital business
(Bloomberg 2018). Recently also concepts of a
“Digital Revolution” or ”Digital Transformation”
arise, which describe the process of change in society
and economy caused by digitalization (Schallmo et al.
2018). There are multiple benefits of digitalization,
which not only apply to companies, but are also
relevant to universities. Digitalization requires the
extraction of tacit individual, interpersonal or
organizational knowledge from universities to
support external partners in the digitalization
activities. Therefore, the universities themselves have
to conduct a digital transformation within their own
organization. This article distinguishes between the
digital transfer product and the digital transfer
process of universities, which is needed to facilitate
collaboration between them and external partners.
Although the digital transfer product (e.g. the support
of universities for society/economy in digitalization)
is of great importance, this article focuses on the
digital transfer process of universities.
Therefore, a framework for digital transformation
within universities will be proposed to enable these
institutions to engage in knowledge transfer activities
with external partners, who face digitalization
challenges on their own.
Therefore, the following research questions arise:
RQ1. What are the needs for digitalization of
knowledge transfer as part of the third mission of
RQ2. How can the process of digitalization in
universities be presented in a structured framework to
facilitate knowledge transfer?
The goal is to propose a systematic process for
digitalization at universities in order to qualitatively
and quantitatively increase knowledge transfer with
the economy and society.
This article is divided in the following sections: at
first, the relevant research methodology is outlined.
RQ1 is then answered in the following section
Reasons for Digitalization in Universities. The next
sections covers RQ2 and demonstrates the process of
digitalization in universities in a structured
framework. An overview of the evaluation of the
results and an outlook completes this contribution.
A research methodology is determined by the chosen
research questions and the research aim. As the
research questions of this article aim to create new
methods and artefacts, the research methodology
follows the design science research paradigm by
EVNER et al. (2010). To ensure that the proposed
process for digitalization at universities displays the
reality adequately, expert interviews were conducted
(Meuser and Nagel 2009). The experts were chosen
because of their responsibility and experience in
knowledge transfer projects. To follow the guidelines
of Design Science, the iterative search process will be
ensured through the comparison of deductive and
inductive research findings (Hevner and Chatterjee
2010). The purpose of this article is to present the
research findings and to communicate them in this
way to the target audience.
Industry-oriented Digital Transformation in Universities to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer
Digitalization at universities addresses mainly the
internal processes and structures within these
institutions. As mentioned above, the impulse for
digitalization arrives both from the inside of
universities, but also from the outside
(economy/society). To adequately assess this
situation, the external and internal needs for
digitalization are shown in table 1. The list was
created as a result of expert interviews and research
within the project TRIO (Transfer and Innovation
East-Bavaria), without making claims in being
complete. The interviews were conducted in this
cross-university initiative of six universities in
Germany (TRIO). These universities have initiated a
joint alliance in January 2018. All chosen experts are
employees in technology and knowledge transfer
offices, research funding departments, finance and
legal departments. The experts were chosen due to
their responsibility and experience in knowledge
transfer projects and their possession of privileged
information (Meuser and Nagel 2009). The
interviews were conducted in a partly structured
manner, to allow for a generation of interpretive
knowledge (Przyborski and Wohlrab-Sahr 2014). In
total 8 expert interviews were conducted with a length
of 40min each. The expert interviews started with a
preliminary talk and a self-presentation of the expert.
Then the area of interest was introduced by an open
question (e.g.Please explain to me, why your
department in this university should engage more in
the process of internal digitalization?”, “What do
you think could improve within your department in
regards to internal digitalization?”). To generate
deeper insights, the experts were asked to name
examples for e.g. internal needs for digitalization.
To not only ask for facts, the experts were
requested to interpret their statements (e.g. “Why can
internal digitalization in universities improve the
handling of transfer projects?”). Finally, the experts
were asked to theorize their statements and to show
on a meta level, what needs for digitalization the
whole university could have. The results of the expert
interviews are displayed in table 1.
External needs for digitalization arise mainly in
the economy and the society. When collaborating
with universities, these stakeholders can demand
support in digitalization issues. Although this relates
in the first place to the digital transfer product, it can
lead to a digitalization process within the universities,
as they can learn from the digital transformation of
the economy and the society. This digital change
opens up new potential for universities to develop
their offerings and structures.
There are various internal needs for digitalization
as well. They include the need for a faster and easier
managing of transfer projects. This is mainly due to
the institutional inertia of the universities, which
results from their governance and administrative
structure. Strategy and development processes are
often too long-winded and innovative ideas from
students and staff are often not heard.
Table 1: Needs for digitalization of knowledge transfer as
part of the third mission of universities (cf. RQ1).
External Needs (from
Pull for digitalization from
external partners
Faster and easier knowledge
Understanding and handling
of needs
Internal Needs
(within universities)
Faster and easier knowledge
Improvement of internal
Structured documentation and
simplified reutilization of
Streamlining of processes
Reduction of errors
Improvement of quality
Lower process costs
Improvement of transparency
Up-to-date teaching contents
Up-to-date teaching methods
Safeguarding the future of
research and transfer at
A faster and easier handling of transfer projects
can be realized with the usage of a structured
documentation and streamlined processes for the
realization of transfer projects. This can lead to an
improvement of the services of universities, as the
quality and transparency of these processes will
increase through a digital handling of transfer
projects. A quick reply to external inquiries regarding
new transfer activities is also an important success
factor for the future. Universities are more and more
competing for external funding, which often is related
to transfer activities. Thus, a quick response, which is
facilitated by digital processes and workflows, can be
considered to be crucial to increase speed.
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
The digitalization can also lead to lower process costs
for the universities, as the rationalization of the
processes may lead to a reduced amount of errors. To
persist as a competent partner for the economy and
society, universities have to keep up with the times
and incorporate a digital transformation to safeguard
their own future of research and transfer.
Attractive digital services are a central prerequisite
for universities competing for the best projects,
scientists, students and employees in research and
administration (Gilch et al. 2019). Due to the high
complexity of the digital transformation, the
framework shown in figure 1 (cf. RQ2) was created.
This framework represents an artefact of the Design
Science process. The intended purpose of this
framework is to facilitate digitalization of knowledge
transfer in universities.
The digital transfer process within universities
begins with the usage of isolated digital structures and
data. Processes in the administration are not captured
or modelled and all data just exists in an isolated
digital form, which is not linked to workflows, yet.
To reach the next stage of digital transformation,
these processes and data need to be transferred into a
comprehensive digital structure. The information is
converted over several stages into a digital signal.
Yet, there is no content related change within the data
or processes. This allows for a process management,
which is digital but not automatized. At this step the
processes need to be newly defined, modelled and
responsibilities have to be assigned. The previous
isolated processes and procedures are not necessarily
transferred into the next stage. Instead, they need to
be rethought and potentially completely implemented
from scratch in order to meet the requirements of
digitalized processes and their customers. This is
often accompanied by a restructuring of the
organization of the university: responsibilities and the
roles of employees are being changed in the course of
the digital transformation. Old areas of responsibility
are being automated and new areas of responsibility
arise. For example, the calculation of a standard
transfer projects can be automatically be generated.
This leaves more time for project support and the
initiation of new transfer collaborations. The
comprehensive digitization requires standardization
of the processes, to simplify their automation. At this
stage also a digital evaluation and controlling of the
processes is possible. As processes and procedures
are increasingly being mapped by digital,
automatized workflows, the content work can now be
carried out digitally. To no longer just react to the
digital transformation, but to actively shape it, it is
essential that all processes are matched through clear
responsibilities, sustainable decision-making
structures and participation opportunities. In addition
to the commitment of the university management by
actively shaping strategic development, the university
must also establish sustainable decision-making
between the university management and
Figure 1: Framework for digital Transformation in Universities (cf. RQ2).
Industry-oriented Digital Transformation in Universities to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer
the faculties/departments and define responsibilities
at the various levels. Obviously, this point can be hard
to implement in practice, as faculties/departments and
researchers have a high degree of autonomy, whereas
university administrations are generally
hierarchically structured with clear procedural
approaches. Nevertheless, this internal collaboration
can be simplified through digital workflows, as
communication between the administration and the
knowledge carriers can be facilitated. This can also
help to overcome the silo mentality, which exist in
some universities (Bolden et al. 2009; Friedman and
Weiser Friedman 2018). Also, competences and
responsibilities can be displayed more transparently.
It is important that a viable continuation of the digital
development and implementation is also ensured in
the case of personnel changes, especially in the
university management, by means of role descriptions
that are detached from people. In addition, all
stakeholders as well as the central institutions and the
administrative bodies responsible for transfer and
teaching must be involved in the digital development
as far as possible.
As a final step in the digital transformation in
universities, the digitalization can enable an
occurrence of new business models or strategies for
universities. Digitalization can not only support
universities in safeguarding their future in research
and transfer, but also reinforces them to understand
and handle the needs from external partners better to
allow for faster and easier knowledge transfer.
The design science process aims to create artifacts to
solve practical problems (Hevner and Chatterjee
2010). One of the core activities of the Design
Science Process is the evaluation of the key findings
and the proof and justification of the artifacts. The
evaluation of the framework for digital
transformation of universities is going to be
conducted in a collaboration of six German
universities, which have merged to enable deeper
knowledge transfer with society and economy. As the
digitalization process is going to last over a long
period of time, the evaluation of this model will be
conducted in the meantime. Although the process of
digitalization is already initiated within those six
collaborating universities, it will take a serious
amount of time to fully implement it. Therefore, a
preliminary evaluation of this model was conducted.
The aim of this evaluation was to find out, whether all
identified external and internal needs are displayed
correctly through the framework for digital
transformation in universities.
5.1 Evaluation of External Needs
The needs from economy and society refer mostly to
an easier and faster handling of transfer projects and
their preconception that universities do not take their
needs seriously or do not have solutions, which are
applicable for SMEs. Especially, SMEs tend to
hesitate to contact universities, as they often need
quick solutions for their urgent problems. A practiced
digital transfer process within universities can ensure
a comprehensive handling of these needs, as defined
and automatized workflows allow for a faster internal
processing within the administration of universities.
5.2 Evaluation of Internal Needs
The needs from stakeholders within universities are
numerous and range from the organization and
implementation of transfer projects to the
safeguarding of the future of research and transfer.
Administrational and organizational issues within
universities can be reduced through defined and
automated workflows. A digital transfer process can
improve the internal and external services of
universities to make them an even more competent
and desired project partner. Process automation can
also facilitate the evaluation and controlling of
internal processes, which can lead to improved
internal services. Another indicator for the
correctness of the framework is that it provides a
general overview of the digital transfer process and
acts as a means for the rationalization and
streamlining of administrative processes. As
processes need to be defined and modelled very
clearly to automatize them in workflows, the
framework also allows for lower process costs, a
structured documentation and a higher process
In this article, the two research questions RQ1 and
RQ2 have been answered. The first question dealt
with the needs for digitalization of knowledge
transfer as part of the third mission of universities.
With the help of expert interviews, multiple external
and internal needs could be identified and structured
(cf. RQ1). It was found that the digital transfer
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
process needs to be displayed in a structural and
procedural framework. The created artefact, the
framework for digital Transformation in Universities,
shows the digital transfer process (cf. RQ2). The
framework was developed in a cross-university
initiative of six universities in Germany. In the past,
each university developed its own best practices and
resulting processes. The framework helps to reflect
the own degree of digitalization maturity and
facilitates the improvement of the own process map
regarding digitalization and automation.
However, the digital transformation is a
challenge, which holds true also for heterogeneous
and diverse organizations like universities. On the
one hand, the competition for research grants, transfer
projects, industry contacts, and students is increasing.
On the other hand, universities are used to manual and
at least partly long-lasting processes.
A structured approach to the digital
transformation as presented in this paper can help to
compete successfully, to implement reliable and fast-
automated processes, which facilitate transfer, and
saving resources for tasks which cannot be
automatized. Future work will include a deeper
testing of the suggested framework to assess its
efficacy. Furthermore, practical results of the
application of the structured approach to the digital
transformation will be presented in detail.
The transfer project "Transfer and Innovation East-
Bavaria" is funded by the "Innovative University of
Applied Sciences" East-Bavaria 2018 – 2022
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