Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games
Malika Grim-Yefsah
1,2 a
, Badamassi Jadi
, Petiet Thibault
and Vignais Arthur
Université Gustave Eiffel - ENSG, 6-8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77420 Champs sur Marne, France
IGN, 73 avenue de Paris, 94165Saint Mandé, France
Keywords: Conceptual Model, Capitalization, Knowledge, Legacy, Mega Sport Event, Sport Event, Olympic Games.
Abstract: This article presents a conceptual model of sport events legacy based on the Olympic and Paralympic Games
as a reference. The legacy of mega sport events has gained ever more importance during recent years for both
academics and practitioners. The International Olympic Committee looked at the concept of legacy, as it is
the best argument with which to illustrate the lasting benefits that are derived from the Olympic Games. The
Legacy is the way to structure the capitalization of the benefits and lessons related to the organization of major
sporting events. So, our motivation is to develop a tool of the sport events legacy. The aims of the article are
first, to investigate the legacy sport events literature, second, to propose a Legacy Conceptual Model (LCM)
and to transpose it to a database which will be support to analyse the changes related to legacy. This research
target also has a practical implication. So, we investigate how the LCM helps to analyze the legacy left by a
sport event using a case study.
The number of sport events organized around the
world continues to grow. In this dynamic context,
France occupies a leading position and has hosted
many major competitions. (CNDS, 2016) has
identified 41 Major International Sports Events
organized on French territory between 2015 and 2018
(see figure 1). In 2024, France will host Olympic and
Paralympic Games. Indeed, these sport events have
economic, environmental and societal issues.
Organizers and stakeholders look at how positive
legacy can be achieved by hosting these sport events,
specifically the Olympic Games.
Figure 1: Typology of Sport Events organised in France
between 2015 and 2018 (CNDS, 2016).
Generally speaking, the legacy is any outcomes
that affect people or space caused by structural
changes that stem from sport events as Olympic and
Paralympic Games. The organization of events, by a
sports federation, aims to promote high level sport,
attract new licensees and energizes the federation.
However, the stakeholders want to generate income,
attract tourists, and develop the local economy,
among others. Our motivation is to characterize and
classify the legacies of sport events and to improve
the previously built legacy sport event system. This
system was presented by (Grim-Yefsah and Bucher,
According to the Knowledge Principle of (Lenat
and Feigenbaum, 1991) “If a program is to perform a
complex task well, it must know a great deal about
the world in which it operates. In the absence of
knowledge, all you have left is search and reasoning,
and that isn't enough”, the modelling of knowledge
that describe the environment in which applications
are operating; allow them to reach their full potential.
So, we focus our research work on modelling of the
concept of legacy of the Olympic Games. The
Olympic Games are the most visible representation of
all sports events.
In this paper we propose a Legacy Conceptual
Model (LCM) and transpose it to a database which
Grim-Yefsah, M., Jadi, B., Thibault, P. and Arthur, V.
Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0010144602190225
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 219-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
will be the support to analyse the changes related to
legacy. This paper is organized as follow: The
literature review on legacy sport event is outlined in
section 2. The proposed Legacy Conceptual Model
(LCM) is described in section 3. In section 4, we
propose an approach, based on LCM, which defines
the actions to be implemented to evaluate the legacy
left by a sport event for the territory hosting the sport
. In section 5, we show how the LCM helps to
analyse the legacy left by a sport event using a case
study. At the last, in section 6, we recall the
contributions and outline limitations and some
of this work.
This section deals with concepts that are employed in
this paper regarding to context and elements of mega
sporting events such as Olympic and Paralympic
Games and the benefit to be gained from the legacy
that will be left behind.
Mega sport events like the Olympic Games have
become flagship events generating considerable and
varied structural and tourist impacts on the urban
fabric of the host territories (Ritchie, 1984; Harada,
2005). Timothy (2011) argues that sport has played a
central role in various cultures and societies for
millennia, while the relics, events and locations of
sporting past are celebrated, venerated and protected
like any other heritage. Preuss, (2015) considers that
staging a mega event transforms a city”. In this
logic, we looked at the definitions of the legacy and
specifically sport event legacy.
The first use of the word legacy in regard of the
Olympic Games was for the 1956 Melbourne
Olympic Games. The term legacy has different
meanings for different people, languages and
cultures. Preuss (2019) has largely investigated this
concept of legacy.
Cashman (2005) considers that legacy is often
assumed to be self-evident, so that there is no need to
define precisely what it is.
Preuss (2007) proposes the following definition
Irrespective of time of production and space, legacy
is all planned and unplanned, positive and negative,
tangible and intangible structures created for and by
a sport event that remain longer than the event itself”.
Preuss (2007) has identified also some impacts of
mega sport events: economic impact, urban
development, employment impacts, environmental
and social impacts. He argues that the sport events
accelerate city development by built some sport
infrastructures, training sites, villages of athletes,
technical officials and media. In another hand, the
supervisors of technical structure developed power
plants, telecommunication networks, and cultural
Chappelet (2012) proposes this definition “The
legacy of a mega sport event is all that remains and
may be considered as consequences of the event in its
environment”. Please, note in this definition the
association between sport events and legacy. Hinch
and Ramshaw (2014) highlight a first explicit
association between sports events and legacy
(heritage) through the concept of ‘Sport Heritage
Attractions’. The IOC (2017) proposes this definition
Olympic legacy is the result of a vision. It
encompasses all the tangible and intangible long-
term benefits initiated or accelerated by the hosting
of the Olympic Games/sport events for people,
cities/territories and the Olympic Movement.” and
outlines some Games legacies : Sport Practices
enhancement, Social development through sport,
Urban development, Culture and creative
development, Culture and creative development,
Economic, Environment enhancement. Please, note
that the scope of Olympic Games legacy varies for
each edition, according to the specificities of the city
and the territory vision.
In this section, we propose a Legacy Conceptual
Model (LCM) based on the domain literature.
Grim-Yefsah and Bucher (2019) propose the
conceptual model for sport events (see figure 2).
Figure 2: Conceptual Model for Sport Events (Grim-Yefsah
and Bucher, 2019).
In this conceptual model, three dimensions are
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
expressed: the temporality, the location and the
uniqueness. This uniqueness is considered in several
Interactions between the environments; their
internal organization which can include the
budget, the goals targeted by the event, etc. (see
Figure 3, “Organization” Class)
Interactions between people; the personalities
organizing the events, (“Stakeholders” Class)
The management systems for these events,
namely the design, planning and programming
elements they generate, and the communication
(“Governance” Class)
The concept of the sport event, i.e. practices and
their infrastructures (“Practices” Class).
The two others dimension ‘temporality’ and
‘location’ are attributes of ‘Identification’ Class.
Please, note here the important distinction between
principle and secondary location.
Figure 3: Class Diagram of “Infrastructure”.
Principle location represents the hosting country
(see Figure 2, “Identification” Class). Example: In
2024, France will host Olympic and Paralympic
Secondary locations represent the all cities where
each sport takes place. Each infrastructure is
located in “communes” Class. The term
“commune” (see Figure 3) designs the
From the definitions of the previous section (c.f.
§ 2), we retain firstly the association between sport
events and legacy (see Figure 4). The legacy is any
outcomes that affect people or space caused by
structural changes that stem from sport events.
Figure 4: The association between sport events and legacy.
Now that legacy is relatively developed topic, we
propose the Legacy Conceptual Model (see Figure 5).
The definition of (Preuss, 2007) highlights five
dimensions (space, time, tangible/intangible,
planned/unplanned, positive/negative). According to
this definition, we retain those elements:
Dimension1: Space.
Dimension2: Time of the event. We don’t
consider the duration of a legacy.
Space and time are intrinsically linked to the mega
sport event.
Figure 5: Legacy Conceptual Model.
Dimension3: Tangible/ Intangible
Tangible is easily captured by images and tends
to dominate the public debate around the subject.
Firstly, tangible legacy are sports infrastructure and
others urban infrastructures as hotel, housing,
transport infrastructure, neighborhood renovation. In
another hand tangible legacy are the measurable
quantitative quantities, example increase in tennis
practice, new business sector development.
Intangible is not as easy to identify, define or
measure, and has been less present in the public
debate, although it is likely the most relevant in
regard to actual benefits to people and society., i.e.
better skilled people, knowledge and sport
Dimension4: The outcome can be neutral, positive
or negative.
Dimension5: The outcome can be planned or
The Legacy Conceptual Model (LCM) aims to
provide knowledge for analysing the legacy of the
Olympic Games. To model each kind of legacy, the
LCM should be expanded. We realize that this
conceptual model becomes complex. In order to
Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games
achieve at a readable model, we break the LCM down
into manageable units (class diagrams). For each
diagram we inventory appropriates classes and model
We agree with (Parent, MacDonald, and Goulet,
2014) which showed that hosting sports events
requires organizers to learn from past events to not
repeat mistakes. So, we focus on building a
capitalization system for sport events legacy. This
section describes the approach to implement a process
of validation of the use of our Legacy Conceptual
The Legacy Modelling Approach (LMA) consists
of three main steps. The previously Legacy
Conceptual Model (LCM) built will be expanded by
adding the model of each type of legacy
progressively. The following steps show the
implementation of this process
Table 1: Types of Legacy (Extract).
Legacy Items
Level of competitive sports development in
local up since the hosting of Olympic
Games; New/upgraded sports venues used
for training and competition;
Transport and mobility infrastructure
development (metro or train system,
airport); Basic urban infrastructure (housing,
Increased global profile and visibility of
city/territory; Tourism and event industry
development ;
Sustainable sports infrastructures;
Transition to low-carbon technologies;
through sport
Health and well-being benefits from the
practice of recreational sport and physical
activity; Olympic values and sport;
1. At the first step, we choose one type of legacy
based on the LCM (see Figure 5). Then, we proceed
to know a great deal about the domain. Thus, we
proceed, firstly to requirements gathering which
encompasses the following tasks: interviewing
federations and clubs, organizers, sponsors,
managers, participants, volunteers and spectators,
browsing through sports databases. In other hand, we
use the scope of sport practices legacy, defined by
IOC (see Table 1). The result of this step is the
Conceptual Model of the topic legacy.
2. At the second step, we use a tool which is based
on model-driven approach to carry out this step
automatically. The model obtained in the first step
will be automatically translated towards a customized
relational schema. This structure helps us to collect
the data and instantiate the database.
3. So at the third step we deal with ‘transform data
into information’, ‘derive new information from
existing’ using analytics tooling and creation of
storyboards. Finally, we proceed to analyse the legacy
left by a sport event, both for the territory hosting the
sport event and for future sport events.
Because the Legacy is thinking by cities interested
in hosting the Olympic Games as early as the dialogue
stage, we focus on the candidature to find the
elements for their verification and validation of
changes. However, we focus also on the existing
literature, the capture of the legacy of past Olympic
Games and the scope of Olympic Games Legacy
defined by International Olympic committee to list
fundamental questions.
In fact, we use a case study, in the following
section, to implement the Legacy modelling
In this section, we choose to focus on sport practices
5.1 Building Conceptual Model
We first proceeded to know a great deal about the
domain. Thus, we proceeded, firstly to requirements
gathering which encompasses the following tasks:
interviewing federations and clubs, browsing through
sports databases
. In other hand, we have used the
scope of sport practices legacy, defined by IOC (see
Table 1), which includes these items:
Competitive sports development in local up
Organised grassroots sports development (sports
initiation, clubs, etc.)
Discovered and practice of less known sports
Improved efficiency of the organised sports
system (federations, support and governing
New/upgraded sports venues used for training and
New Sports equipment
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
We propose the Conceptual Model of Sport
Practices Legacy (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: The Conceptual Model of Sport Practices Legacy.
This conceptual model can also be expanded by
the previously model built to sport event (see Figure
3). The classes “CentreHebergement”, “Parking”, and
“accessibility” characterize “Sports_Insfrastructure”
Class of our conceptual model (see figure 6).
Finally, we realize that the vision of sports
practice overlaps with the vision of urban
development, specifically the sport infrastructure.
The Urban development topic includes:
Transport and mobility infrastructure
development (airport, metro, train, etc.)
Basic urban infrastructure (housing, water,
sanitation, etc.)
Advanced urban services and infrastructure
(technology, smart buildings, etc.)
Upgraded/new venues for multiple
social/economic uses Economic
New/upgraded sports infrastructure/ Sports
Remember, we have broken the LCM down into
manageable units (class diagrams). Then this overlap
makes sense.
5.2 Mapping the Conceptual Model to
Relational Database
To carry out this step automatically, we used a tool
which is based on model-driven approach. We obtain
the following relational schema.
Finally, we instantiate the database previously
created with data obtained from
5.3 Analyse the Legacy
Now, we have to evaluate the changes related to
sports practice. Thus, to validate a legacy, one needs
to consider the before and after of the Olympic
Games. We propose some queries (see Table 2).
Table 2: Types of queries.
What is the level of competitive sports development in
local up since the hosting of Olympic Games?
Is there organised grassroots sports development (sports
initiation, clubs, etc.)?
The hosting of Olympic Games do it allows of the
discovered and practice of less known sports?
The organised sports system (federations, support and
governing bodies) is there improved?
The new (upgraded) sports venues are there used for
training and competition?
How the new sports equipment are there used by citizens
and clubs?
These queries show how we succeed in capturing
the changes related to the hosting of Olympic Games,
through the sport practice vision.
Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games
According to scholars and practitioners the legacy
is embedded through the Olympic Games lifecycle.
Thus, to provide direction of how this approach can
be used in practice with real data we focus on the data
of JO' 2024 preparation stage.
In the case of the 2024 Olympic Games in France,
we have to consider three intervals.
[2010, 2015]: precedes the acceptance of the
candidature of France in the Olympic Games;
[2015, 2023]: concerns the Olympic Games
preparation stage;
[2025, 2030]: concerns the after the hosting of the
Olympic Games.
In this study, we focus on data between 2010 and
2018 and specifically the data of the ‘Ile de France’.
The ‘Ile de France’ includes Paris and its suburbs.
In first, we have selected the data from the
Olympic uni-sport federations approved in Ile de
France ( We have retrieved
detailed data on licenses and sports groups from
annual censuses from approved sports federations.
The second work consists in treatment of this
data, using R language. Its return the following results
Figure 7: Evolution of the number of sports licenses by
Overall, there is a net increase in licenses across
the ‘Ile France’, despite the decrease in certain
departments. From a statistical point of view, the
analysis on the basis of a single factor does not
however allow conclusions to be drawn on the
interaction between the announcement in 2015 of the
candidature for the Olympic Games and the growth in
the number of athletes. Indeed, further studies are
needed with relevant indicators in order to conclude
to a possible link between the candidature for the
Olympic Games and the increase in the number of
professional athletes. This study is in progress. The
answers of questions in table2 depend on data and
authorities. Funding of studies on the legacy Olympic
Games is ensured through authorities but the
financing is falling. In fact, other studies are
conducted by students in master degree to show how
use the LCM to implement a process of validation
with stakeholders.
The Legacy of sport events is the lasting benefits
which can considerably change a territory, its image
and its infrastructure. So modeling the legacy sport
events can share the common understanding of the
knowledge for actors of federations and clubs,
organizers, sponsors, etc. Therefore, this paper
proposes a modeling approach to sport events legacy
based on the Olympic and Paralympic Games as a
reference. This reference is selected because of the
most visible representation of the Olympic Games
compared to all sports events. This Legacy modelling
approach consists of three successive steps: building
conceptual model, mapping the conceptual model
towards a relational database, and analyse the
changes related to legacy.
As a starting point of our work, we propose a
generic legacy conceptual model based on the
literature using the UML diagrams. The aim is to
propose a uniform way to represent several sport
events legacy. Then we expanded it by a specific
model of the sports practice legacy.
We illustrate the application of the approach with
the sports practice legacy, we obtained the conceptual
model, the database and we propose some questions
to analyse this type of Legacy demonstrating the
ability of the approach to find the tangible elements
of each legacy. Observe that our approach is not
dedicated to the sports practice legacy field but can
also be deployed in other tangible legacy. Indeed,
other studies are doing with students in master degree
to implement the LMA with environmental legacy
and urban legacy.
In this work, we help stakeholders to perceive the
effects of the Olympic Games as the increasing of
licenses, the improvement of sports practice by citizens
but we don’t assess the legacy. Thus, the main
limitation of this work is about the legacy
measurement. As an outlook, the next step is the real
measurement of a legacy. (Koenigstorfer, 2017) has
KMIS 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
proven that only very few scholarly papers investigated
how to measure the different legacies. Our idea is to
measure the different legacies following a goal-
question-metric approach (Van Solingen et al, 2002):
as case study, we associate metrics at each question of
sport practice legacy (see table 2).
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Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games