On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO
Mariana Rosa
, Sérgio Guerreiro
and Rúben Pereira
INESC-ID, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal
DEMO, Essential Model, IT RM, Ontology, SLR.
Nowadays, organisations use and rely on Information Technology (IT) solutions. However, despite their ben-
efits, IT solutions induct risks. Consequently, organisations implement Risk Management (RM), more specif-
ically Information Technology Risk Management (IT RM), in order to maximize the effectiveness of IT usage
while dealing with IT risks. Nevertheless, IT RM’s implementation is not easy, since numerous standards and
frameworks propose multiple RM processes to deal with IT risks. Moreover, these processes are composed
of different activities causing confusion. In the end, organisations are not capable of managing risks success-
fully due to IT RM’s complexity. To overcome IT RM diversity, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was
conducted. The goal is to identify which are the most essential IT RM activities. The SLR results were then
integrated with ISO 31000 and PMBOK standards in the form of an ontology using Design and Engineering
Methodology Ontology (DEMO). The contributions of this study are: the aggregate analysis of IT RM activ-
ities through the SLR; the identification of reasons and benefits of using DEMO; a description of an IT RM’s
essential model designed as an ontology; and a critical view of the benefits of the ontological model proposed.
Organisations depend on Information Technology
(IT) to survive in the current market. Despite the ben-
efits of this dependency, it inducts risks that can af-
fect the achievement of corporate goals. To maximize
the effectiveness of IT usage and to manage the risks
associated with it, organisations implement a speciali-
sation of Risk Management (RM) - Information Tech-
nology Risk Management (IT RM) (Ernawati and Nu-
groho, 2012). RM is defined as "coordinated activi-
ties to direct and control an organisation with regard
to risk" (ISO, 2018). In IT RM, RM activities are ap-
plied to IT so as to manage IT risks, such as security
breaches (T. Yaqoob et al., 2019), loss of computer
system data, among others (S. A. Torabi, 2016).
If an organisation has the ability to successfully
manage risk, it can modify it so that the organisa-
tion is more likely to meet its goals. Therefore it is
crucial for organisations to perform IT RM (Purdy,
2010). However, organisations face difficulties in im-
plementing IT RM. There are numerous standards,
frameworks and related literature that propose differ-
ent RM processes to deal with IT risks, causing some
confusion regarding the concepts/relationships of IT
RM. Furthermore, these standards and frameworks
have their own limitations, so the research commu-
nity is continuously proposing new frameworks(S. Is-
lam, 2014). To overcome IT RM’s diversity, this re-
search used the Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
methodology, based on the guidelines of Kitchen-
ham (2004), in order to answer the following research
question: Which are the concepts/relationships of IT
RM that should compose an ontology of this process?
Besides this process’s diversity, IT RM’s domain
is complex since it encompasses many processes and
concepts. Therefore, a well-defined IT RM ontology
that captures IT RM concepts/relations would create
a great step forward in simplifying and clarifying IT
RM, thus facilitating IT RM’s implementation.
By searching for the topic of interest "risk man-
agement" AND "ontology" in the databases of Web
of Science Core Collection, KCI-Korean Journal
Database, Russian Science Citation Index, Current
Contents Connect and SciELO Citation Index, 73 ar-
ticles reaching as far back as 2019 (included) were
found. This number is considerably low when con-
sidering that the solo interest topic "risk management"
results in 55203 articles in the same databases. More-
over, the 73 articles related with ontology are applied
to multiple research areas and not as an abstract risk
Rosa, M., Guerreiro, S. and Pereira, R.
On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO.
DOI: 10.5220/0010146002580266
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 258-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
management approach. Therefore, it is hypothesized
that an RM ontology is still an open research area
and the domain-specific applications are preferred. IT
RM is a well-defined domain-specific RM application
where many of the frameworks and standards avail-
able demand a consensus ontological definition effort.
The main goal of this research is to produce an
ontology of IT RM, using as input the results of the
SLR conducted. Design and Engineering Methodol-
ogy Ontology (DEMO) was used to produce the IT
RM ontology (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The structure of this study is as follows. Section
2 provides a brief summary of the SLR methodology
applied to gather information and the results achieved.
The SLR offers a clear and comprehensive overview
regarding IT RM, that was used as a basis for defin-
ing an IT RM’s ontology. The procedure of producing
the ontology and the models that constitute the ontol-
ogy itself are described and presented in Section 3.
Finally, the conclusions and directions for further re-
search are described in Section 4.
When we started to study the literature related to
IT RM, we found out that this process encompasses
several concepts and processes, and that there is
some confusion regarding IT RM concepts/relations,
more specifically the IT RM activities. Standards
such as the International organisation for Standard-
ization (ISO) 31000, Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK), among others, are not con-
sensual regarding IT RM activities. Moreover, the re-
search community is continuously proposing new RM
frameworks due to the limitations of such standards.
The goal of performing this SLR is to gather data
concerning IT RM activities and their relationships,
proposed or not by known standards and frameworks,
in order to find out the essential activities of IT RM.
2.1 SLR Process
This work’s SLR is based on the guidelines of
Kitchenham (2004). The tasks taken to conduct this
review are shown in Table 1.
Four electronical repositories were used to obtain
information about the IT RM activities: IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, ACM, AIS, ScienceDirect.
This review was first based on a search with the
chosen keywords in each repository and without any
filter, resulting in a total of 4074 articles. Then, five
filters were created following this order:
Table 1: Systematic Literature Review main phases.
Planning Systematic
Literature Review
Conducting Systematic
Literature Review
Reporting the Review
The need for a systematic review:
- IT RM is complex and diverse,
with no consensus regarding this
process activities.
Filters’ application and final
- 50 articles.
Findings report:
- Discussion about
gathered data and
draw conclusions.
Research question:
- Which are the concepts and
relationships of IT RM that
should compose an ontology of
this process?
Data extraction and analysis:
- Reading and further analysis
of the articles resulted in a
final set of 44 articles;
- Sample characteristics;
- Information extraction
regarding IT RM
Review protocol:
- Search string;
- Filters;
- Repositories;
- Inclusion criterion.
1. Searching for the keywords in the article’s title, or
abstract, or in the authors’ keywords;
2. Removing duplicate articles in the same reposi-
tory and between repositories;
3. Removing articles that were not in English, arti-
cles that were not published in Journals or Con-
ferences, and articles prior to 2009. Given that
IT RM is a topic that has evolved and has been
highly studied in the past 10 years, this restricted
period guarantees that the set of articles analysed
only considers recent publications;
4. Deletion of articles published in lower-ranked
publications/journals, which were assessed by
using Scimago (https://www.scimagojr.com) and
Conference Ranks (http://www.conferenceranks.
com/#data). For conferences, only A, B, A1, A2,
B1 and B2 ranks of ERA and Qualis rankings
were considered. When an article was assessed
by both rankings, Qualis prevailed. For journals,
only Q1 and Q2 ranks were accepted;
5. Finally, manual assessment of article abstracts and
introductions. Only articles covering the imple-
mentation of RM to IT risks were selected.
The keywords used to do the research were: “IT
Risk Management” AND (“activities” OR “process”
OR “stages” OR “frameworks” OR “standards”).
2.2 Results
After applying the filters, the set was composed of
50 articles, which were subject to further analysis.
For each article, the following data was extracted: IT
RM activities and, if applicable, which standard or
framework proposed those activities. Subsequently,
six articles were then removed since these: focused
on IT problems after the IT risks occurred; described
methods that in future search might integrate IT RM,
not yet specifying the activities; made reference to IT
risks but not to an IT RM process applied to those.
On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO
The final set of articles analysed is composed of
44 articles, forming the basis of the SLR results
During the data extraction, it was observed that
there is a big diversity of activities that can inte-
grate IT RM since 74 different activities were iden-
tified. When analysing the definitions and purposes
of these activities, it was noticed that many activities
with different names from different articles had the
same meaning, decreasing then the number of differ-
ent activities identified. Some articles proposed ac-
tivities into their IT RM based on known standards
and frameworks while others suggested new frame-
works. In total 23 different standards or frameworks
were mentioned on the articles analysed
After identifying the IT RM activities and their
relevance, relationships between the most defended
activities were established, in order to find out which
of them are essential. After this extensive analysis,
and taking into account if the IT RM activities are de-
fended by known standards, a set of essential IT RM
activities is determined. The SLR results are based on
ISO 31000:2009 and PMBOK 5: Communication and
consultation; Context Establishment; Risk Identifica-
tion; Risk Analysis; Risk Response Planning; Moni-
tor and Control Risk; Recording and Reporting.
To be aligned with the latest versions of the stan-
dards, we study and establish relationships between
ISO 31000:2009 and ISO 31000:2018, and PMBOK
5 and PMBOK 6, in order to check if the activities
from the previous versions still match the activities
proposed by the latest versions. After analysing, and
knowing that the literature covering the latest versions
is still scarce, we opt for a process based on the lat-
est version of the standards since these are simply
updated versions. For example, ISO 31000:2018 de-
scribes activities in a simpler and more concise man-
ner, since it contains less RM jargon and less defined
terms, and also expands some activities, but it does
not change the basic structure and fundamentals of
the activities’ purpose and definition.
The final IT RM process is composed of nine
activities: Communication and consultation; Scope,
context and criteria; Identify Risks; Perform Qualita-
tive Risk Analysis; Perform Quantitative Risk Analy-
sis; Plan Risk Responses; Implement Risk Responses;
Monitor Risks; Recording and Reporting. These ac-
tivities’ definitions will be presented in section 3.2.
The SLR performed provides the IT RM activities’
definitions based on ISO 31000:2018 and PMBOK 6,
plus their relationships, dependencies and who is re-
sponsible for what. This information serves as input,
as shown in Figure 1, for defining an ontology of IT
RM using DEMO. An IT RM’s ontology is defined
in order to facilitate the implementation of IT RM, by
dealing with the complexity of this process.
Figure 1: From an SLR to an ontology of IT RM.
3.1 Design and Engineering
Methodology Ontology
We chose DEMO because it is a widely accepted
methodology that can produce the IT RM’s ontology
in a systematic way and by simplifying the process.
Thus, DEMO facilitates IT RM’s implementation and
provides explicit and unambiguous concepts for the
constructs used in the models (P. Huysmans, 2010).
DEMO comprises a Way of Thinking that con-
sists of Enterprise Engineering (EE) theories, a Way
of Modelling containing aspect models, and a Way of
Working which supports the making of essential mod-
els. This implies that DEMO is mainly about Enter-
prise Ontology (EO) (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
EO has a strong scientific foundation and provides
abstract and high-quality models since it focuses on
the organisation’s essence regardless all implementa-
tion and realisation aspects (Perinforma, 2012). Thus,
it facilitates the comprehension of organisations and
their operations (Hoogervorst, 2009).
Every organisation is a social system, which
means that the system elements are social individu-
als (actors). An actor is a human being that fulfills
an actor role. The actor role stipulates the author-
ity that the actor may exercise and the responsibility
to do so. Commitments are raised in Coordination
acts (C-acts) and these are always about Production
facts (P-facts), for example one may request, promise,
state, and accept the P-fact Alice has got the best pa-
per award of LAP’02. The outcome of performing a
C-act is the creation of the corresponding Coordina-
tion fact (C-fact) (J. L. Dietz, 2020). C-acts/facts al-
ways occur in specific patterns of interaction between
two actors called transactions, and every transaction
is of a particular transaction kind (J. L. Dietz, 2017).
An organisation’s actors can be divided into
three layers: the O-organisation (O from Origi-
nal), the I-organisation (I from Informational), and
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
the D-organisation (D from Documental). The
I-organisation supports the O-organisation by re-
membering, sharing, and deriving facts. The D-
organisation supports the I-organisation by storing
and fetching documents, or data. An organisation’s
essence is captured in its O-organisation and the on-
tological model of an organisation’s O-organisation is
called its essential model (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
In the O-organisation, Original Production acts
(P-acts) generate original, new P-facts (J. L. Dietz,
2017). A P-act can be the preparation of a cup of
tea and the corresponding P-fact is the cup of tea
(J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The core elements of an organisation’s essen-
tial model are the actor roles, C-acts/facts and
P-acts/facts. In DEMO Specification Language
(DEMOSL)-3, the essential model of an organisation
consists of four aspect models: Construction Model
(CM), Action Model (AM), Process Model (PM) and
Fact Model (FM) (J. L. Dietz, 2017).
The CM is the ontological model of an organisa-
tion’s construction: contains the actor roles, the trans-
action kinds between actor roles and the information
exchanging between actor roles. In DEMOSL-3, the
CM is represented in an Organisation Construction
Diagram (OCD), a Transaction Product Table (TPT),
and a Bank Contents Table (BCT) (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The AM is the ontological model of an organisa-
tion’s operation, it comprises action rules that spec-
ify the P/C-acts that must be carried out, along with
the P/C-facts that must be assessed. In DEMOSL-3,
the AM is represented in Action Rule Specifications
(ARS) (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The PM is the ontological model of an organi-
sation’s state space and transition space of the Co-
ordination World. Concerning the state space, the
PM contains the process step kinds and the applica-
ble existence laws of transaction kinds. Regarding
the transition space, the PM comprises the coordina-
tion event kinds along with the applicable occurrence
laws. In DEMOSL-3, the PM is represented in a Pro-
cess Structure Diagram (PSD) (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The FM is the ontological model of an organisa-
tion’s state space and the transition space of the Pro-
duction World. Concerning the state space, the FM
comprises all identified P-fact types. Regarding the
transition space, the FM contains the production event
types. In DEMOSL-3, the FM is represented in an
Object Fact Diagram (OFD) (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
3.2 IT RM Activities Analysis
The essential model will be based on the IT RM ac-
tivities’ definitions provided by the ISO 31000:2018
and PMBOK 6. The standards were analysed in order
to identify the O-organisation transaction kinds (O-
transactions) and actor roles, following DEMO.
When analysing the activities’ definitions, all
realisation aspects of an organisation were ig-
nored. These are I-organisation transaction kinds
(I-transactions) and D-organisation transaction kinds
(D-transactions). All implementation aspects are dis-
regarded, i.e., the technologies that perform the P-acts
and C-acts. Additionally, we abstracted the specific
subjects that fulfil the actor roles (Perinforma, 2012).
To identify the O-transactions of IT RM we con-
sider the following criteria: Original P-acts/facts en-
compass manufacturing, transporting, observing, de-
ciding, and judging (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
In the definitions of the activities, their O-, I- and
D-transactions are highlighted in italics.
Communication and Consultation, as stated by
ISO 31000:2018, is defined as "Communication seeks
to promote awareness and understanding of risk and
the means to respond to it, whereas consultation in-
volves obtaining feedback and information ..." (ISO,
2018). Only I-transactions were identified, since
these are about sharing and remembering facts.
According to ISO 31000:2018, Scope, context and
criteria starts with "The organisation should define the
scope of its risk management activities", then "The
context of the risk management process should be es-
tablished ...", and finally "... define criteria to eval-
uate the significance of risk and to support decision-
making processes" (ISO, 2018). Three O-transactions
were identified, since they are related to creating
something new: T1 scope defining, the actor role is
A1 scope definer; T2 context establishing, the actor
role is A2 context establisher; T3 risk criteria defin-
ing, the actor role is A3 risk criteria definer. These
three transactions access organisation data.
Identify Risks, according to PMBOK 6 is about
"identifying individual project risks as well as sources
of overall project risk ...". This standard advises the
involvement of experts, so that "Individual project
risks and sources of overall project risk can be iden-
tified..."(PMI, 2017). Two O-transactions were iden-
tified, since they are about creating something new:
T4 risks identifying, the actor role is A4 risks identi-
fier; T5 individual risks and sources of overall activity
risk identifying, the actor roles are A4 and A5 subject
matter proficient. During the process of carrying out
T4, the corresponding T5 is initiated, therefore is said
that T5 is enclosed in T4, implying that A4 starts T5.
In order to identify risks correctly, it is necessary to
access information that resulted from T1, T2, T3 and
also to access data from the organisation.
According to PMBOK 6, Perform Qualitative
On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO
Risk Analysis is about "... prioritizing individual
project risks ... by assessing their probability of oc-
currence and impact...". To successfully assess risks
probability of occurrence and their impact, "Risk data
quality may be assessed ...". Assessing the risks’ oc-
currence probability and impact is subjective, since
these assessments are based on perceptions of risk by
stakeholders and that is why these are O-transactions.
The assessment of risk data quality is also an O-
transaction, because a judgement is being made re-
garding the data available. This activity also "... iden-
tifies a risk owner for each risk ..." (PMI, 2017). This
is an O-transaction, since decisions about who will
be responsible for what are being made. In total, five
O-transactions were identified: T6 risks priority as-
sessment, the actor role is A6 risks analyser; T7 risks
probability of occurrence assessment, the actor roles
are A6 and A7 risks probability of occurrence asses-
sor; T8 risks impact assessment, the actor roles are A6
and A8 risks impact assessor; T9 quality of risks in-
formation evaluating, the actor roles are A7 and A8,
and A9 risks information quality evaluator; T10 risk
owner identification, the actor role is A10 risks own-
ers’ identifier. The transactions T7 and T8 are en-
closed in T6, and T9 is enclosed in T7 and T8. To
perform T6, T7 and T8, the actors need information
from T4, and to identify the risk owner, it is neces-
sary to access information that resulted from T1, T2
and also to access data from the organisation.
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, as stated
by PMBOK 6, is the "... process of numerically
analysing the combined effect of identified individ-
ual project risks and other sources of uncertainty..."
(PMI, 2017). This is an I-transaction, since it is about
computing, calculating and analysing data.
According to PMBOK 6, Plan Risk Responses is
where "... plans should be developed by the nomi-
nated risk owner" to address risks. Also, "The strat-
egy or mix of strategies most likely to be effective
should be selected for each risk" and where "... ac-
tions are developed to implement the agreed-upon
risk response strategy ...". If necessary, "A contin-
gency plan...can be developed ...". "Secondary risks
should also be identified ..." (PMI, 2017). The previ-
ous descriptions correspond to O-transactions, since
they are about developing something and deciding:
T11 risk responses planning, the actor role is A11
risk owner; T12 risk responses strategies selecting,
the actor roles are A11 and A12 strategies selector;
T13 actions developing, the actor roles are A11 and
A13 actions developer; T4 risks identifying, the actor
roles are A11 and A4; T14 contingency plan devel-
oping, the actor roles are A11 and A14 contingency
plan developer. The transactions T12, T13 and T14
are all enclosed in T11. To plan risk responses, it is
required to take into account the priority of risks, so it
is necessary to access T6.
Implement Risk Responses, as stated by PMBOK
6, "Expertise should be considered... to validate or
modify risk responses...and decide how to implement
them...". Also, "Project documents that may be up-
dated as a result of carrying out this process", up-
dating outcomes of previous transactions(PMI, 2017).
Two O-transactions were identified, where one re-
gards decisions and the other relates to updates that
cannot be re-computed, since these depend on new
decisions: T15 risks profile updating, the actor role is
A15 risk responses implementer; T16 risk responses
implementation deciding, the actor roles are A15 and
A16 subject matter expert. The transaction T16 is
enclosed in T15. To implement risk responses, it is
required to know which are the agreed-upon risk re-
sponses, so T15 and T16 actors access T11.
According to PMBOK 6, Monitor Risks relates to
"...monitoring the implementation of agreed-upon risk
response plans, identifying and analysing new risks,
and evaluating risk process effectiveness..." (PMI,
2017). These are all O-transactions, since they are
about observing and creating something new: T17 im-
plementation of risk responses monitoring, the actor
role is A17 risk monitor; T18 risk management pro-
cess effectiveness evaluating, the actor roles are A17
and A18 RM process effectiveness evaluator; T4 risks
identifying, the actor roles are A17 and A4; T6 risks
priority assessment, the actor roles are A17 and A6.
The transactions T4, T6 and T18 are enclosed in T17.
To monitor the implementation of risk responses, it is
necessary to access T15.
The last activity is Recording and Reporting, and
according to ISO 31000:2018 "The risk management
process and its outcomes should be documented and
reported..." (ISO, 2018). These are both I and D-
3.3 Essential Model of IT RM
Based on the previous analysis, the essential model of
the IT RM process was produced
The CM was the first model to be produced and
it is represented by the TPT, presented in Table 2. It
shows the transaction kinds, identified in the subsec-
tion 3.2, and corresponding product kinds.
The CM is also represented by the OCD, exhibited
in Figure 2. In the OCD the solid lines without a black
diamond, between actor roles (squares) and transac-
tion kinds (discs with a red diamond), are called ini-
tiator link. These mean that the actors in the actor role
(e.g. A6) are an authorised initiator in transactions of
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: Transaction Product Table of IT RM.
Transaction Kind Product Kind
T1 scope defining P1 Scope is defined
T2 context establishing P2 Context is established
T3 risk criteria defining P3 Risk criteria is defined
T4 risks identifying P4 Risk is identified
T5 individual risks and sources
of overall activity risk identifying
P5 Individual risk and source of
overall activity risk is identified
T6 risks priority assessment P6 the priority of Risk is assessed
T7 risks probability of
occurrence assessment
P7 the probability of occurrence
of Risk is assessed
T8 risks impact assessment P8 the impact of Risk is assessed
T9 quality of risks information
P9 the information’s quality of
Risk is evaluated
T10 risks owner identification P10 Risk Owner is identified
T11 risk responses planning P11 Risk Response is planned
T12 risk responses strategies
P12 the risk responses strategy
of Risk Response is selected
T13 actions developing
P13 the action of Risk Response
is developed
T14 contingency plan
P14 the contingency plan of
Risk Response is developed
T15 risks profile updating P15 Risk Profile is updated
T16 risk responses
implementation deciding
P16 Risk Response
Implementation is decided
T17 implementation of risk
responses monitoring
P17 Risk Response
Implementation is monitored
T18 risk management process
effectiveness evaluating
P18 Risk Management Process
Effectiveness is reported
the transaction kind (e.g. T8). The solid lines with
a black diamond, between actor roles and transaction
kinds, represent executor links. These indicate that
actors in the actor role (e.g. A8) are an authorised
executor in transactions of the transaction kind (e.g.
T8). Dashed lines between actor roles and transaction
kinds represent information links, the transactions are
now conceived as transaction banks. This means that
the actors in the connected actor role (e.g. A4) have
access to the facts of the transaction bank of the trans-
action kind (e.g. T1) (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The next model produced was the PM and is rep-
resented by the PSD (Figure 3). It shows the de-
pendencies between the identified processes and in
which way a transaction kind is enclosed in another
one (Perinforma, 2012).
In the PSD the solid lines represent response links,
for example the C-act [+rq] is performed in response
to the occurrence of the C-fact (+pm). The dashed
lines represent wait links, for example performing the
P-act [+ex] must wait for having reached status C-fact
(+ac). The discs of the transaction kind shapes are
‘stretched’ horizontally.
In responding to (T6/rq) A6 performs two acts:
one [T6/pm] and [T6/rq]. Next, in response to
(T6/pm) A6 initiates T7 and T8. This means that, in
order to assess the risks priority, the A6 risks analyser
first needs to request for the risks probability of oc-
currence and the risks impact of occurrence. As soon
as the assessments are finished, T6 can be executed.
Notice that the brackets "(" and ")" represent C-facts
and square brackets "[" and "]" represent C-acts.
In both Figure 2 and 3, the terms “+rq”, “+pm”,
“+ex” and “+ac” mean, respectively request, promise,
execute and accept. (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
The next model produced was the FM, represented
in an OFD (Figure 4). It specifies which facts are rel-
evant in the Production world (Perinforma, 2012).
In the OFD, the roundangles represent classes, for
example RISK. The production event types are repre-
sented by red diamonds. For example, the event type
“the priority of Risk is assessed” concerns the entity
type Risk (or the entity class RISK). Property types
are expressed by lines between classes, for instance
the property type “the risk profile of Risk is Risk Pro-
file” is a function that maps RISK to RISK PROFILE.
The “>” indicates that RISK is the domain of the func-
tion and RISK OWNER the range. The class RISK is
the core concept of IT RM, and the domain of five
product kinds, P4, P6, P7, P8 and P9.
After producing the FM, the BCT (Table 3) was
built, completing the CM. It relates all transaction
kinds in the CM with the P-fact types in the FM.
Table 3: Bank Contents Table of IT RM.
bank Independent/dependent facts
Scope is defined
Context is established
Risk criteria is defined
Risk is identified
the risk owner of Risk is Risk Owner
the risk response of Risk is Risk Response
the risk profile of Risk is Risk Profile
Individual risk and source of overall activity risk
is identified
the priority of Risk is assessed
the priority level of Risk is Float
the probability of occurrence of Risk is assessed
the risk probability of Risk is Float
the impact of Risk is assessed
the risk impact of Risk is Float
T9 the information’s quality of Risk is evaluated
Risk Owner is identified
Risk Response is planned
the risk response implementation of Risk Response
is Risk Response Implementation
the risk responses strategy of Risk Response is
T13 the action of Risk Response is developed
T14 the contingency plan of Risk Response is developed
Risk Profile is updated
Risk Response Implementation is decided
T17 Risk Response Implementation is monitored
T18 Risk Management Process Effectiveness is reported
the data of organisation
The AM, consisting of a set of ARS, was the last
model to be produced. Action rules are guidelines
for actors when dealing with events that they must re-
spond to, and are divided into three parts: the event
On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO
Figure 2: Organisation Construction Diagram of IT RM.
Figure 3: Process Structure Diagram of IT RM, regarding
T6. The Plena tool produces a PSD for each transaction.
Complete PM at https://rb.gy/9e0lhj.
part, the assess part, and the response part (J. L. Di-
etz, 2020). One transaction has multiple actions rules,
as an example one ARS for T6 is shown in Figure 5.
In Figure 5 the event to respond to is risks prior-
ity assessment being promised (T6/pm), however the
events in the while clause must also have occurred. In
this case, the actual settlement of the event must wait
until the events in the while-clause (T7/ac and T8/ac)
has occurred. In the assess part, we assess the event
and check if the actor has the authority to take the role
A6 risks analyser. After assessing the conditions, the
response part is entered. After checking the intention
of promise, if the addressee considers that the inten-
tion is valid the addressee will proceed with the event
[T6/ex] followed by [T6/st]. The addressee and per-
former of the promise is the same actor, because T6 is
a self-initiating transaction.
The acceptance of risks impact assessment (or
risks probability of occurrence assessment) is the oc-
currence of the C-fact “accept”. A6 only executes
risks priority assessment after accepting the outcomes
of risks impact assessment and risks probability of oc-
currence assessment. A6 can only assess the priority
of a risk after assessing its probability of occurrence
and its impact. So, A6 accepts the result of T7 and T8.
The dependency between the execution of T6 with the
acceptance of T7 and T8 is shown in Figure 2.
Organisations face difficulties in implementing IT
RM, due to its diversity and complexity. When we
started studying IT RM, we found out that there is
a lack of consensus regarding the IT RM activities.
Therefore, an SLR was undertaken to study and anal-
yse RM processes applied to IT risks in order to iden-
tify the most essential IT RM activities.
With the main goal of dealing with the complexity
of IT RM, an essential model of IT RM using DEMO
was produced. The IT RM’s activities definitions, re-
sulting from the SLR, were used as an input to pro-
duce the ontology. By having its roots on EO the-
ory, when producing an essential model using DEMO
one acquires an understanding of the organisation’s
essence that is comprehensive, coherent, consistent,
and concise (J. L. Dietz, 2020).
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 4: Object Fact Diagram of IT RM.
Figure 5: Action Rule Specification for T6. Complete ARS
at https://rb.gy/r3c1a7.
EO provides clear definitions for the constructs
used in the aspect models, hence reducing the
degrees-of-freedom for the modeler, ensuring that
only one correct model can be developed. DEMO
also provides clear guidelines, by having a solid the-
oretical foundation, thus restricting the subjectivity in
the modeling process(P. Huysmans, 2010). By being
based on the Performance in Social Interaction theory,
DEMO models are coherent and consistent.
At first glance, the models produced may be hard
to understand by those unfamiliar with the notation.
Nevertheless, DEMO models use a limited number
of constructs (simplicity) and follow the transaction
pattern (completeness and integrity). This limits the
number of concepts that someone must learn in order
to understand DEMO models(P. Huysmans, 2010).
Additionally, DEMO models do not contain any
implementation-related details. Even though this can
be considered an advantage regarding flexibility and
integration, it is not advised to use DEMO as a stan-
dalone for communicating and reenacting IT RM
models to other parties. Hence the need to comple-
ment it with other techniques and models(P. Huys-
mans, 2010).
This research contributes to the simplification and
clarification of IT RM by facilitating its design, im-
plementation and assessment. Consequently, we in-
crease the chances of successfully implementing an
essential IT RM process that is less expensive, either
in terms of human and financial resources.
As future work, the IT RM’s essential model will
On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO
be validated through its application to a real case
study, and we will evaluate its completeness. We will
then discuss if the IT RM’s ontology meets or does
not meet the desired objectives, through an analysis
and assessment of key performance indicators regard-
ing the outcomes from applying the ontology.
This work was supported by the European Com-
mission program H2020 under the grant agreement
822404 (project QualiChain) and by national funds
through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia with
reference UIDB/50021/2020 (INESC-ID).
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Consult the articles’ references at https://rb.gy/6fdtkz.
Consult the IT RM activities, and frameworks and stan-
dards at https://rb.gy/m24gqg
The Plena tool (https://www.teec2.nl/plenaen/
plena-the-tool/) that runs on the Enterprise Architect
software was used to produce the essential model. The
previous sections of this paper refer to DEMOSL-3 because
Plena currently supports DEMO version 3.7.
KEOD 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development