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sary because of the increasing data growth in this do-
main and also the importance of this domain. In this
paper, we present an effective NER model specifi-
cally engineered for the satellite domain called Satel-
liteNER. To build this model, we generate training,
validation, and testing datasets in an automated man-
ner. By doing this, the dataset annotation can happen
at a fast pace without the need for a human to manu-
ally perform the annotation task. Experiments using
three different testing strategies show the benefit of
SatelliteNER over existing NER tools. In the future,
we plan to improve accuracy by including human-in-
the-loop in the labeling process and by fine-tuning the
underlying neural network parameters. Furthermore,
we intend to build transformer-based custom models
that can achieve a higher accuracy.
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SatelliteNER: An Effective Named Entity Recognition Model for the Satellite Domain