Example 6
Question: What did a British study of the way women
search for medical information online indicate? (SAT
practice test 2 article 3)
Correct answer: An experienced Internet user can,
at least in some cases, assess the trustworthiness and
probable value of a Web page in a matter of seconds.
1. An experienced Supernet user can, at least in
some cases, assess the trustworthiness and prob-
able value of a Web page in a matter of seconds.
2. An experienced CogNet user can, at least in some
cases, assess the trustworthiness and probable
value of a Web page in a matter of seconds.
3. An inexperienced Internet user can, at least in
some cases, assess the trustworthiness and prob-
able value of a Web page in a matter of seconds.
Example 7
What does a woman know better than a man? (SAT
test 2 article 4)
Correct answer: the cost of life.
1. the cost of happiness.
2. the cost of experience.
3. the risk of life.
Example 8
This example presents a distractor without sufficient
Question: What are subject to egocentrism, social
projection, and multiple attribution errors?
Correct answer: their insights.
1. their perspectives.
2. their findings.
3. their valuables.
The last distractor can be spotted wrong by just look-
ing at the question: It is easy to tell that it is out of
place without the need to read the article.
We presented a novel method using various NLP tools
for generating adequate distractors for a QAP to form
an adequate MCQ on a given article. This is an in-
teresting area with important applications. Experi-
ments and evaluations on MCQs generated from the
SAT practice reading tests indicate that our approach
is promising.
A number of improvements can be explored. For
example, we may improve the ranking measure to
help select a better distractor for a target word from a
list of candidates. Another direction is explore how to
produce generative distractors using neural networks,
instead of just replacing a few target words in a given
This work was supported in part by funding from Eola
Solutions, Inc. We thank Hao Zhang and Changfeng
Yu for discussions.
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KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval