(Mokryn et al., 2019) investigated the feature of prod-
uct trendiness on purchase prediction performance.
They found a significant difference when the prod-
uct trendiness was included. In addition, works in
(Wang et al., 2015) analysed the correlation between
devices that are connected to the users when visit-
ing an e-commerce website and their purchase be-
haviours. They found that there is a positive corre-
lation in their buying behaviour and the usage of mo-
bile devices to visit e-commerce websites. However,
they did not investigate the effect of using mobile de-
vices on purchase prediction using machine learning
algorithms. In our research, we conducted an exper-
imental analysis in order to analyse the effect of op-
erating systems and platform types on the prediction
of users’ purchase intention using machine learning
algorithms. The results showed that similar to con-
sidering product trendiness as feature (Mokryn et al.,
2019); there is a positive correlation on purchase pre-
diction performance in the sessions when the machine
learning algorithms are aware of users’ operating sys-
tems and platform types. The limitation of this work
is that we compared the difference of the machine
learning algorithms’ performance on purchase predic-
tion before and after adding both features however
one of the features(os or ff) could lead better corre-
lation result.
In this work, we investigated the effect of the op-
erating system and platform types that users use to
browse the e-commerce platforms on their purchase
behaviour. In order to identify their impact, we
run computational experiments with and without in-
cluding operating system and platform types as fea-
tures. The results showed that the users’ purchase be-
haviours are correlated with these features.
As future research, we will integrate the purchase
prediction results with session-based recommender
systems in order to improve personalisation when
users browse the products in a session.
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Analysing the Effect of Platform and Operating System Features on Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intent using Machine Learning