Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval
Tilahun Yeshambel
, Josiane Mothe
and Yaregal Assabie
IT PhD Program, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
INSPE, Univ. de Toulouse, IRIT, UMR5505 CNRS, Toulouse, France
Department of Computer Science, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Keywords: Adhoc Retrieval, Amharic, Complex Morphology, Stem, Root.
Abstract: Amharic is the official language of the government of Ethiopia currently having an estimated population of
over 110 million. Like other Semitic languages, Amharic is characterized by complex morphology where
thousands of words are generated from a single root form through inflection and derivation. This has made
the development of tools for Amharic natural language processing a non-trivial task. Amharic adhoc
retrieval faces difficulties due to the complex morphological structure of the language. In this paper, the
impact of morphological features on the representation of Amharic documents and queries for adhoc
retrieval is investigated. We analyze the effects of stem-based and root-based approaches on Amharic adhoc
retrieval effectiveness. Various experiments are conducted on TREC-like Amharic information retrieval test
collection using standard evaluation framework and measures. The findings show that a root-based
approach outperforms the conventional stem-based approach that prevails in many other languages.
Searching digital information on the Web or
document collection has long become part of the
human daily life. Information Retrieval (IR) is the
task of searching relevant documents to a user query
from document collection. Both the research
community and the industry have been very active in
this field for more than 60 years (Sanderson and
Croft, 2012). Nowadays, IR has gained much
attention due to the explosion of digital data and the
need of accessing relevant information from huge
corpus quickly and accurately.
IR systems work based on documents
representing natural languages, and consequently,
the characteristics of a given language affects the
whole process of IR (Moukdad, 2002). Thus, natural
language processing (NLP) has attracted the
attention of IR community since a long time
(Smeaton, 1992; Jackson and Moulinier, 2007;
Cambria and White, 2014). For example, NLP
applications and resources provide a means to find
better representative terms for indexing and query
terms that improve search results. This calls for the
need of dealing with language specific issues to
improve the performance of IR systems. The
morphology, orthography, tokenization, syntax,
semantics, and compound splitting of a language are
some of the issues to be considered while
developing IR systems. It has long been understood
that linguistic variation has significant impact on IR
effectiveness as it leads to the omission of relevant
documents to users’ queries (Moukdad, 2002). Many
languages have different forms generated from a
single word due to morphology and orthography.
Identifying the basic units of words is more difficult
for morphologically complex languages than for
simple languages. Performing simple matching
between words generated from the same root is not
applicable to capture similarity.
Thus, in order to come up with an effective IR
system, one has to deal with the complex
characteristics of the language. One of the key
features of Amharic is its complex morphology
which itself leads to complex grammatical structure.
As a result, finding better representations for
documents and queries has been an issue of
theoretical discussion in Amharic IR. The forms that
can be considered for document and query
representation are stems and roots. In many
languages, the use of surface forms of words to
represent documents and queries is not taken into
consideration due to the proliferation of words that
can be generated from a single root form. This issue
Yeshambel, T., Mothe, J. and Assabie, Y.
Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0010177301240134
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 124-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is imperative in the development of Amharic IR.
Although some efforts have been made to develop
Amharic IR systems using stems, their effectiveness
with respect to the use of various forms has not been
systematically analyzed thus far. Therefore, this
research analyzes the use of stems and roots for
content representation and investigates their effects
on Amharic IR.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes Amharic language and its
morphology. Section 3 discusses related work and
Section 4 presents how documents and queries are
represented in Amharic IR system. Experimental
results and evaluation are discussed in Section 5. In
Section 6, we make conclusion along with the way
forward in Amharic IR.
2 Amharic LANGUAGE
Amharic is the official language of the government
of Ethiopia. Although several languages are spoken
in Ethiopia, Amharic is spoken as a mother tongue
by a sizeable proportion of the country's population
currently estimated to be over 110 million. Among
the Semitic language family, it is the second most
spoken language in the world, next to Arabic. Due to
its historical significance and official status,
Amharic has been serving as the lingua franca of the
country since a long time. As a result, many literary
works, government documents, educational
materials, religious literary works, etc. are
predominantly produced in Amharic. Amharic uses
Ethiopic script for writing having 34 base characters
(with a vowel /ə/), each of which are modified to
have six other orders representing vowels in the
order of /u/, /i/, /a/, /e/, /ɨ/, and /o/.
Like other Semitic languages, complex
morphological processes are carried out on Amharic
word classes such as verbs, nouns and adjectives
(Yimam, 2001). Amharic verbs are the most
complex word classes and can be generated by
attaching affixes on verbal stems. On the other hand,
verbal stems can be generated from verbal roots by
inserting vowels between radicals. For example, the
verbal stem ገደል- /gədəl-/ is derived from the verbal
root -- /g-d-l/. Moreover, verbal stems (e.g.
ተገደል- /təgədəl-/) can be derived from other verbal
stems (e.g. ገደል- /gəd
əl-/) by affixing morphemes.
The verb formation process is usually completed by
attaching a verbal stem with person, gender, number,
case, tense/aspect and mood markers. For example,
from the verbal stem ገደል- /gədəl-/ the following
verbs can be generated: ገደልኩ /gədəlku 'I killed'/,
ገደልኩህ /gədəlkuh 'I killed you'/, ገደልን /gədəln 'we
kill'/, ተገደልኩ /təgədəlku 'I was killed'/, ገደለች
/gədələtʃ 'she killed'/, etc. As verbs are marked for
subject and object, they alone can represent a
complete sentence. For example, the word አልሰበረንም
/ʔəlsəbərənɨm 'he did not break us'/, which is
constructed from the morphemes ʔəl-səbər-ə-nɨ-m
, is
a complete sentence with the following linguistic
information: ʔəl-…-m /not/, -səbər- /did break/, -ə-
/he/ and -nɨ- /us/. Accordingly, thousands of verbs
can be derived from a verbal root through a complex
morphological process carried out by attaching a
combination of person, case, gender, number, tense,
aspect, mood and others (Abate and Assabie, 2014;
Assabie, 2017).
Based on a morphological structure, Amharic
nouns and adjectives can be either derived or non-
derived. For example, the word መሬት /məret 'earth'/
and ዛፍ /zaf 'tree'/ are non-derived nouns whereas
words like ስብራት /sɨbɨrat 'the state of being broken'/
and ደግነት /dəgɨnət 'generosity'/ are nouns derived
from the verbal root -- /s-b-r 'to break'/ and the
adjective ደግ /dəg 'generous'/, respectively. Derived
nouns are generated from other word classes though
morphological processes. In general, Amharic nouns
can be derived from verbal roots, adjectives and
other nouns by affixing vowels or bound
morphemes. Derived adjectives can be formed from
verbal roots by infixing vowels between consonants
(e.g. -- /
k-b-d 'to become heavy'/ ከባድ /kəbad
'heavy'/), nouns by suffixing bound morphemes such
as -ኧኛ /ʔəɲa/ (e.g. ጉልበት /gulbət 'power'/ ጉልበተኛ
/gulbətəɲa 'powerful') and verbal stems by prefixing
or suffixing bound morphemes (e.g. ደካም- /dəkam-/
ደካማ /dəkama 'weak'/). Although the
morphological process of derivation of nouns and
adjectives is complex by itself, even more
complexity arises from their inflections. Amharic
nouns and adjectives are inflected for number by
suffixing -ኦች /-ʔotʃ/ or -ዎች /-wotʃ/, definiteness by
suffixing - /-ʔu/ or - /-wu/, objective case by
suffixing - /-n/, possessive case by suffixing
different morphemes depending on the subject, and
gender by suffixing -ኢት
/-ʔit/. These inflections can
appear alone or in combination at the same time,
along with prepositions and negation markers which
lead to the generation of thousands of word forms
from a single noun or adjective. For example,
ያለባለቤቶቹ /jaləbaləbetotʃu 'without the owners of the
house'/ is generated from the morphemes jə-ʔələ-
balə-bet-otʃ-u (jə preposition 'of/with', ʔəl negation
marker 'not/without', balə possessive marker 'owner
of', bet noun 'house', otʃ plural marker, and u definite
Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval
marker 'the') where the core morpheme is the noun
ቤት /bet 'house'/.
Semitic languages are known to pose unique
challenges in the development of NLP applications
due to their complex morphologies. These
challenges are propagated to the development of IR
systems since the effectiveness of IR systems
depends on the availability of various NLP tools and
resources. In this section, we discuss the techniques
and NLP resources used to develop IR systems for
Semitic languages in general.
Arabic is the largest of the Semitic language
family. Arabic IR systems have a long history
(Ambati et al., 2008; Larkey et al., 2007; Darwish
and Magdy, 2014). For example, Al-Hadid et al.
(2014) developed a neural network-based model
where documents and queries are represented using
stems and their similarity is computed using cosine
similarity. Musaid (2000) investigated the
effectiveness of word-based, stem-based, and root-
based representation of documents and queries. The
word-based and stem-based approaches miss
relevant documents while root-based approach
retrieves non-relevant documents. Moukdad (2002)
compared the effects of stem and root on Arabic IR.
The retrieval effectiveness of stem and root were
evaluated on search engine. The results of the
experiments indicate that stemming is more effective
than root. Larkey et al. (2007) investigated the
effects of light stemming (removal of prefix and
suffix) on Arabic IR. A comparasion was made
between stem-based and root-based retrieval. The
finding indicates that light stemmer outperforms
root analyzer and other stemmers which are based
on detailed morphological analysis. Abdusalam
(2008) presented an Arabic text retrieval technique
using lexicon-based light stemming. The study
evaluated the effectiveness of lexicon-based light
stemming, Arabic patterns, root, expanding query
and filtering foreign words using n-grams.
According to the results, the preprocessing
techniques like normalization, stopword removal
and light-stemming improve retrieval results
whereas n-grams and roots decrease the
performance. The lexicon-based stemming and the
relevance feedback approaches perform better than
light-stemming approach alone. Ali et al. (2020)
investigated the effect of morphological analysis on
Arabic IR. A rule-based stemmer was used to extract
the root/stem of words to be used as indexing and
searching terms. The results showed slight
improvement on IR effectiveness due to the
Hebrew is one of the Semitic languages spoken
mainly in Israel. Carmel and Maarek (1999)
presented a morphological disambiguator based on a
statistical approach that takes advantage of an
existing morphological analyzer. The approach is
context-free and was used for query analysis and
linguistic indexing of text documents. Instead of
words, the morphological patterns were used for
disambiguation. The statistical morphological
disambiguator returns only the best base form(s), or
lemma(s). It makes the decisions of the most likely
set of analyses based on the frequency of the
morphological patterns associated with the analyses
of the input word. The disambiguator was tested by
integrating with the Hebrew search engine. It
conflates all inflectional forms and the performance
of the search engine increased. Ornan (2002)
designed Hebrew search engine by applying a rule-
based morphological analysis. The design of the
search engine takes into account the construction of
a morphological, syntactic and semantics analyser.
The search engine eliminates words unsuited both to
the syntax and the semantic of a sentence.
Although Amharic is significantly used in
Ethiopia, the status of IR system development for
the language is relatively at rudimentary level.
Alemayehu and Willett (2003) studied the retrieval
effectiveness of word-based, stem-based, and root-
based approaches on Amharic language. The
experiments were carried out by running 40 queries
on 548 documents using OKAPI system and the
study concludes that stem-based retrieval is slightly
better than root-based. Similarly, Mindaye et al.
(2010) developed an Amharic search engine using
stems. The system was tested with 11 queries on 75
news documents. The average precision and recall
values were 0.65 and 0.95, respectively using OR
operator in between query terms, and 0.99 and 0.52,
respectively for AND operator. Argaw et al. (2004)
developed dictionary-based Amharic-English IR
system. Documents and queries were represented
using Bag-Of-Words (BOW). Stopwords were
removed using Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
and stopwords list. The average precisions of 0.3615
and 0.4009 were achieved using IDF and stopword
list, respectively. Argaw et al. (2006) also developed
dictionary-based Amharic-French IR system with
and without word sense discrimination using BOW
approach. Stemming was applied to remove prefix
and suffix. The experiments were conducted on
SICS and Lucene search engines. Stopwords were
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
removed by using IDF. The result of SICS is better
than Lucene. The word sense descrimination
performs slightly better than non-discrimination.
While there are several studies that focused on
the development of IR systems for Semitic
languages, most of them have followed the
techniques employed for morphologically simple
languages like English. This has not produced the
desired retrieval result as documents could not be
represented appropriately. Only few studies have
tried to consider the issue of document
representation in a systematic way. In our approach,
we address this crucial issue of document
representation in the development of Amharic IR.
4 DESIGN OF Amharic IR
The main objective of this work is to systematically
identify the optimal representations for documents
(and queries) in Amharic IR. It focuses on the
selection of the structures of terms and stopwords
based on the morphological characteristics of the
language. Taking these issues into account, we also
propose an Amharic retrieval system which is
slightly different from the basic architecture of IR
systems. In our case, stopwords are removed after
the application of morphological analysis on
documents and queries as shown in Figure 1. Both
documents and queries pass through the same
preprocessing tasks that involve language specific
tokenization, character normalization, and removal
of punctuation marks. Text preprocessing is
followed by morphological analysis which is
performed on documents and queries to select
appropriate terms for document representation.
Morphological analysis is among the key tasks in
our IR system as it helps to remove stopwords from
documents and queries.
4.1 Preprocessing
Preprocessing includes tags removal, tokenization,
character normalization and punctuation mark
removal. Tokenization is done using space and
punctuation marks as delimiters of words. Character
normalization is made to represent various
characters having similar pronunciation using a
single grapheme. Base characters having such
property are { /hə/, /hə/, /hə/ and /hə/}, {
/sə/ and /sə/}, { /tsʼə/ and /tsʼə/}, and { /ʔə/
and /ʔə/}. Furthermore, the fourth order characters
{ /ha/, /ha/, /ha/ and /ha/} and { /ʔa/ and
/ʔa/} have similar pronunciation with the
corresponding base character. Therefore, Amharic
character normalization involves mapping of
characters having similar pronunciation to a single
representative character. Accordingly, various orders
of ,
, and are used to represent the respective
characters with similar pronunciation. Forth order
characters having similar pronunciation with base
characters are mapped to their respective base
characters. For example, the words ሥለጸሀፊዋ,
ስለጸሐፊዋ, ሥለጸሐፊዋ, ሥለጸኀፊዋ, ስለጸኀፊዋ, ሥለጸሐፊዋ,
ስለፀሀፊዋ, ስለፀሐፊዋ, ሥለፀኃፊዋ, ስለፀኻፊዋ, etc. represent
the same pronunciation although some of them
rarely appear in a text. Thus, during character
normalization all of these are mapped to ስለጸሀፊዋ.
4.2 Morphological Analysis
Documents and user information need should be
represented appropriately using terms that will be
used later for matching query with document. It is to
be noted that indexing terms are weighted based on
the word frequency. In IR, most often, the variants
of a word are conflated during indexing into a single
form. It has the advantage of making the
Figure 1: Basic architecture of the proposed Amharic IR system.
Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval
calculation of indexing term frequency
straightforward. Therefore, in this research, we study
the feasibility of stem-based and root-based
document representation with respect to their
effectiveness for Amharic IR. Since well-designed
Amharic morphological analyzer is not available, we
design semi-automatic annotation to
morphologically segment words in documents.
4.2.1 Stem-based Morphological Analysis
One of the bases of Amharic words are stems. A
large number of words are formed by attaching
affixes to stems. Therefore, morphological analysis
should be carried out to extract the stem from the
rest of morphemes. For example, the morphological
structures of the primary noun በመንገዶቻችን
/bəməngədocatʃɨn 'by our roads'/ and the adjective
የደጋጎች /jədəgagotʃ 'of generous'/ are shown as
በመንገዶቻችን የደጋጎች
_መንገድ_ኦች_አችን _ደግ_ኦች
by-road-many-our of-generous-many
Similarly, variants of adjectives and nouns
derived from primary nouns are mapped into their
common stems of nouns. For example, the derived
noun ስለልጅነቴና /sɨləlɨdʒɨnətena 'and about my
childhood'/ and the derived adjective ዓለ
/ʔələmawi 'worldly'/ are morphologically segmented
as follows.
ስለልጅነቴና ዓለማዊ
ስለ_ልጅ_ነት__ ዓለም_አዊ
pre-stem-nom-1,s-con sem-adj
about-child-being-my-and world-suf
Amharic verbs undergo complex morphological
process. Verbs are marked for person, gender,
number, tense, subject, object, and negation by
attaching a series of affixes. For example, the word
ፈለገቻችሁ /fələgətʃatʃɨhu 'she wanted you'/ and the
verb ከአልተስማማናቸውም /kəʔəltəsmamanatʃəwɨm 'and
[focus] if we are not comfortable for them'/ is
analysed as follows.
1: first person, 2: second person, 3: third person, s:
singular, pl: plural, pre: preposition, suf: suffix, nom:
nominative, con: conjunction, neg: negative, gen: genitive,
def: definite marker, adj: adjectivizer, sub: subject, obj:
_አል _ስማም__አቸ_
search-she-you if-not-comfort-we-they-and [focus]
Amharic has both basic and derived (causative,
passive, infinitive and reduplicative) types of verbal
stems. Causative stems are formed using the prefixes
- /ʔə-/ and አስ- /ʔəs-/ whereas passive stems are
formed using the prefix - /tə-/. Infinitive stems are
also formed using the prefix - /mə-/ and
reduplicative stems are formed by duplicating the
middle consonant. For example, the words ከተሰበረ
/kətəsəbərə 'if it is broken'/ and ሰባበራችሁ
/səbabəratʃɨhu 'you repeatedly broke'/ have the
derived stems ተሰበር- /təsəbər-/ and ሰባበር- /səbabər-/,
respectively, but a common basic stem ሰበር- /səbər-/.
From the semantics point of view, there is no
conceptual difference between derived and basic
stems. Moreover, the derived stems are generated
from basic stems which are common forms for many
variants than derived stems. Therefore, in the case of
stem-based indexing and retrieval, variants of a
word are represented using their basic stems.
Stemming is usually applied since lemmatization
is more computationally consuming for just slight
effectiveness improvements (Balakrishnan and
Lloyd-Yemoh, 2014). Stemming has also been
applied in Amharic IR systems (Mindaye et
2010; Alemayehu and Willett, 2003). However,
stemming is not expected to produce the desired
result of term frequency in Amharic text.
Morphological variants of Amharic verbs can have
more than one stem. For example, morphological
variants such as ሰበረ /səbərə 'he broke'/, ተሰባሪ
/təsəbari 'broken'/, and አሳበረ /ʔəsabərə 'he helped to
break'/ have the basic stems ሰበር- /səbər-/, ሰባር-
/səbar-/ and ሳበር- /sabər-/, respectively. As a result,
stemming provides distorted frequency since each
stem of variants is counted differently though they
are semantically similar. Therefore, Amharic verbal
stems need one more reduction analysis to extract
root. Indeed, verbal stems are themselves formed
from roots.
4.2.2 Root-based Morphological Analysis
Roots are the basis for the formation of basic stems
and many other variants of the same Amharic word.
Though some words are derived from stems, their
origins are roots rather than stems. For example, the
morphological structures of the verb ከሰበርኳቸው
atʃəw 'if I break them'/, the derived noun
ስብራቴ /sɨbɨrate 'my broken belonging'/ are as follows.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ከሰበርኳቸው ስብራቴ
_ሰበር__አቸው ስብር_አት_
pre-stem-1,s-3,pl stem-nom-1,s
_--__አቸው --_አት_
pre-root-1,ps-3,pl root-nom-1,s
from-break-I-them break-nom-my
In the above example, stems of the two words have
different forms while they have the same root i.e.,
-- /s-b-r/. According to Yimam (2001), more
than 10 basic stems can be generated from a given
root. As depicted in Table 1, variants of words
describe similar concept, but they have different
stems. This affects the term frequency which has an
impact on ranking and retrieval of documents. On
the other hand, all variants have a single root.
Therefore, root-based representation maps
morphologically related words into one common
form. Accordingly, statistics information based on
root-based approach can be computed accurately so
that the actual term frequency can be known. The
actual number of variants will be equal to the
frequency of their common root. However, the
frequency of each stem will be less than the actual
occurrence of variants. Moreover, root form
increases the matching possibilities between query
terms and index terms. Thus, the root-based
approach becomes a better way to represent
documents and queries for Amharic IR. We have
also experimentally analyzed the viabilities of stem-
based and root-based approaches.
4.3 Stopword Removal
Stopwords are words that evenly occur in many
documents and serve as purpose rather than content.
Thus, they are removed from documents and query.
Stopwords can be removed either by applying a list
or IDF. In morphologically simple languages like
English, stopword identification and removal is
achieved by considering a list of words that are
identified to be stopwords. The conventional trend
applied so far for removing Amharic stopwords is
also to use a list. However, taking the characteristics
of language into consideration, this is certainly not
the most appropriate way. Indeed, Amharic
stopwords: (i) do not necessarily exist as standalone
words; (ii) can accept prefixes and suffixes; and (iii)
may exist as part of Amharic words and serve as
prefix or suffix. For these reasons, it is not possible
to find and remove all Amharic stopwords unless the
morphological structure of words is known. For
example, one may consider words like "the" a
stopword in English. Its Amharic equivalent is a
suffix "- /-u/" or "- /-w/" that does not appear as
a standalone word. Accordingly, "the house" and
"the student", for instance, are equivalent to ቤቱ
/betu/ (ቤት /bet/ + - /-u/) and ተማሪው /təmariw/
(ተማሪ /təmari/ + - /-w/), respectively. As there
could be several sequences of affixes representing
articles, prepositions, numbers, etc., words can
appear in various morphological structures. It means
that one could not work with surface forms of words
to identify and remove stopwords as most of the
stopwords in Amharic do not exist as standalone
words. This indicates that stopword identification
and term representation in Amharic IR demands a
different consideration than the conventional trend.
Yeshambel et al. (2020a) constructed root-based and
stem-based Amharic stopword lists by considering
the semantics of Amharic words and corpus
The values of frequency, variance, entropy and mean
in a large corpus were used while constructing the
stopword list. In both cases, it is shown that
stopwords significantly impact on retrieval
effectiveness, size of index, and term weighting of
non-stopwords. Experimental results also showed
that the root-based approach is better than the stem-
based approach in conflating all variants of a
stopword. The identified stopwords include
prepositions (e.g. ወደ /wədə
'to'/, ስለ /sɨlə 'about'/ እስከ
/ʔɨskə 'up to', - /bə- 'by'/, - /kə- 'from'/, etc.),
conjunctions (e.g. እና /ʔɨna 'and'/, ይሁን እንጅ /yɨhun,
ʔɨndʒɨ 'however'/, እዚህ /ʔɨzih 'here'/, etc.), negation
markers (አል /ʔəl…m 'not'/), indefinite articles
(አንድ /ʔənd 'an'/), auxiliary verbs (- /ʔ-l 'say'/, --
/n-b-r 'was'/, etc.), ወዘተ /wəzətə
'and so on'/, etc.
Table 1: Amharic root and stems of variants.
Root Basic stems Variants Concept
ትልቁ, ትልቃችን, ትልቃቸው, ትልልቅ, etc.
ታላቁ, የታላቁ, ከታላቁ, ታላላቆቹ, ታላቅ, etc.
ተለቀ, ተለቀች, ተለቁ, ተለቅን, ተለቃችሁ, etc.
መሰከረ, መሰከረች, መሰከሩ, ተመሰከረ, etc.
ተመሳከረ, አመሳከረ, ይመሳከራል, etc.
እናመሳክር, አመሳክር, አመሳክሪ, etc.
ይመስክር, እንመስክር, ልመስክር, etc.
እንመሰክራለን, ይመሰክራሉ, ትመሰክራለ, etc.
Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval
4.4 Indexing
To test the effect of morphological analysis on
Amharic IR, stem-based and root-based indexes are
created using Lemur toolkit. Lemur is also used for
retrieval purpose. The stem-based index was created
using the basic stems of words while the root-based
index was created using the root of words.
4.5 Matching
In the proposed system, document processing
involves text preprocessing, morphological analysis,
stopword removal and indexing. As a result of this
process, we obtain indexed documents. On the query
side, we apply similar processes except indexing.
Thus, query processing provides a set of terms
representing information needs of users. Searching
of relevant documents is carried out by matching
query terms (representing information need of users)
with index terms (representing documents). In this
work, we use exact vocabulary term matching. It
searches documents that contain the query terms
without analysing the semantics of words and
without considering the semantic connections
between them.
4.6 Ranking
We use lemur toolkit for ranking. For a given query
Q and a collection of retrieved documents D, the
Lemur toolkit ranks retrieval results based on their
relevance. The document length and number of
matching query terms are considered. OKAPI ranks
documents based on the following equation.
Score (D,Q)=
where f (qi,D) is q
's term frequency in the document
D, |D| is the length of the document D in words, and
avgdl is the average document length in the text
collection from which documents are drawn. k
b are free parameters. In this work, the value of k
1.2 and b = 0.75. IDF (q
) is the inverse document
frequency weight of the query term q
. In case of LM,
the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence ranking
function with default parameters was used. It
captures the term occurrence distributions and
computed as follows.
where d is document, w is word, p(w|θQ) is a query
model, is estimated query, p (w|C) is the collection
language model, ps (w|d) is the smoothed
probability of a word seen in the document, and αd
is a coefficient controlling.
5.1 Experimental Data
The experimental setup followed the format of the
Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). Experiments
were carried out using a scientifically built corpus
(Yeshambel et al., 2020b) and a stopword list
constructed by Yeshambel et al. (2020a). The test
collection has 12,538 documents and 240 queries
while the stopword list contains 222 stopwords.
5.2 Implementation and Measures
Python was used for the preprocessing tasks while
indexing and retrieval were performed using Lemur
toolkit, which is a search engine designed to support
research on language model (LM) for IR tasks
. The
retrieval effectiveness was evaluated automatically
using trec_eval tool which can compute many
evaluation measures
. LM and BM25 models were
used as retrieval models.
5.3 Results and Discussion
5.3.1 Results
To investigate the effectiveness of Amharic system
with respect to various word forms used for
document representation, we conducted three
retrieval experiments: word-based, stem-based, and
root-based retrieval. The retrieval effectiveness is
shown is Table 2.
Table 2: Retrieval effectiveness based on the three
P@5 P@10 P@15 P@20 MAP
Word 0.56 0.49 0.44 0.40 0.43
Stem 0.62 0.53 0.47 0.43 0.57
Root 0.79 0.70 0.61 0.55 0.70
The root-based approach retrieves more relevant
documents than stem-based and word-based
approaches. It has also rejected non-relevant
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
documents better than stem-based and word-based
approaches. The word-based and stem-based
methods miss more relevant documents since they
cannot handle some morphological variations. The
retrieval effectiveness of the three approaches
decreases from precision @5 documents to precision
@20 due to scarcity of relevant documents in the
test collection.
Figure 2: Recall-precision-curve of stem and root.
The recall and precision values of stem-based
and root-based approaches are shown in Figure 2.
The blue line depicts the root-based retrieval
effectiveness, whereas the red line represents the
stem-based retrieval results. It can be seen that the
retrieval effectiveness of root-based approach
outperforms stem-based approach.
5.3.2 Discussion
Comparison of Root and Stem for Retrieval.
Although the stem-based approach could not
conflate all variants, it improves retrieval
effectiveness to some extent. However, it affects the
actual term frequency of some word classes which
results in loss of the rank of retrieved relevant
documents. Some relevant documents which are not
retrieved with stem-based approach are retrieved
using root-based retrieval. Furthermore, some non-
relevant documents retrieved in the case of stem-
based approach are not retrieved with root-based
approach. There are three reasons behind this.
First, root can conflate all morphologically
variants to one common form, but not stem. For
example, the stems of variants ሰበረ /səbərə/, ስበር
/sɨbər/, ስብራት /sɨbɨrat/, አሳበረ /ʔəsabərə/, ሰባራ
/səbara/, አሳብራ /ʔəsabrat/, ተሰብሮ /təsəbro/ are ሰበር-
/səbər-/, ስበር- /sɨbər-/, ስብር- /sɨbɨr/, ሳባር-/sabar-/,
/səbar/, ሳብር- /sabr-/, and ሰብር- /səbr-/,
respectively. This creates term mismatch with each
other. However, all variants have one common root
-- /s-b-r/. Therefore, the root-based
representation increases the term frequency which
usually leads to better retrieval result.
Second, root forms do not conflate semantically
unrelated words to a common form. However, the
stem-based approach sometimes conflates
semantically unrelated words. For example, ገደል
/gədəl/ is the stem of the verb ገደለ /gədələ 'he killed'/
and the noun ገደሎች /gədəlotʃ 'cracks'/. However,
their roots are -- /g-d-l/ and ገደል /gədəl/,
respectively. The verb ሲገድል /sigədɨl
'as he kills'/
and the noun ገድል /gədɨl 'contending'/ have the same
stem ገድል /gədɨl/. However, their roots are -- /g-
d-l/ and ገድል /gədɨl/, respectively. This indicates that
the use of stems leads to retrieval of non-relevant
documents. Therefore, the stem-based approach is
not powerful to filter out non-relevant documents.
Third, the retrieval result of the stem-based
approach depends on the query word variants while
this is not the case with the root-based approach.
The root-based approach performs equally for all the
variants of the query terms. However, the stem-
based approach returns different results in different
ranks. In Amharic, different users will certainly
construct the same information need using different
word variants. For example, the query 'the causes of
air pollution' can be constructed as:
የአየር ንብረት ብክለት መንስኤወች /jəʔəjər nɨbrət
bɨklət mənsɨʔewətʃ/;
ለአየር ንብረት መበከል መንስኤወች /ləʔəjər nɨbrət
məbəkəl mənsɨʔewətʃ/;
የአየር ንብረት በካይ መንስኤወች /jəʔəjər nɨbrət bəkaj
tʃ/; etc.
After the stem-based morphological analysis, all the
three queries will have same query terms (አየር, ንብረት
and መንስኤ) except one (ብክል, በከል and በካይ). As a
result of variation of the third term, the system
returns different results in different ranks. Therefore,
stem-based approach performs differently for the
same test collection (see Figure 3). The top line (in
green) depicts root-based retrieval whereas the
remaining two lines represent stem-based retrieval.
Comparison with Previous Studies. In the previous
studies, a few Amharic IR systems have been
evaluated. Some of them are based on stems
(Mindaye et al., 2010; Munye and Atnafu, 2012)
while some others are based on citation forms
(Argaw et al., 2004) and root-based (Alemayehu and
Willett, 2003). However, due to the complexity of
the language the stem-based and n-gram models do
not work well. In this work, we have shown that the
roots are more powerful for Amharic IR than stems.
This is a new finding which was not looked in the
previous researches. Other authors suggested stem-
based as the best option. Alemayehu and Willett
Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval
(2003) investigated the effects of the stem and root-
based approaches on Amharic IR. Their finding was
that the stem-based approach is better than the root-
based one. The justification was that many Amharic
words have common root though they are
semantically unrelated. Their report states that stem-
based improves the root-based method in terms of
rejecting irrelevant documents that could be
retrieved by the use of roots. However, their
experiment was carried out on wrong representation
of roots. For example, the root of the word ዝናብ
/zɨnab 'rain'/ is misrepresented as ዝንብ which is the
same as ዝንብ /zɨnb 'fly'/. However, the correct root
representation is -- /z-n-b/. Another problem in
their approach is that they used root representation
for any types of words by removing vowels in non-
derived words as well. This method conflates many
semantically unrelated words. Furthermore, their
system wrongly extracts the root radicals of some
words. For example, ምት is considered as the root of
the words ሞተ /motə 'die'/ and መታ /məta 'hit'/. But,
their roots are
- and -, respectively. Such
cases are prevalent in Amharic. Thus, previous
studies that recommended the use of stems made
their conclusions without through investigation on
the applicability of roots.
Comparison with Google Amharic Retrieval. The
Google Amharic search engine is based on stem. It
returns different retrieval results in different ranks
for the same query using different variants of query
words. Similar results are obtained in our work
while we apply stem-based approach. For example,
Google search results of the queries የአጥንት ስብራት
/jəʔət'ɨnt sɨbɨrat 'being broken bone'/ and የአጥንት
መሰበር /jəʔət'ɨnt məsəbər 'the process of being broken
bone'/ are different though the same concept is
expressed via different variants. Our approach
differs from Google search engine into two ways.
i. Google searches based on both basic stems and
derived stems. It returns different retrieval results
for basic stems and derived stems queries though
they are semantically similar. However, in our
work, the stem-based approach is based on basic
stems only, providing the same retrieval results
for both basic stems and derived stems.
ii. Google does not employ roots to represent verbs
and words derived from them. However, we use
root-based approach as it conflates all variants of
words to a common form.
Comparison of LM and BM25. We also compared
the performance of LM and BM25. Although LM is
very popular and powerful for IR in different
languages, previous Amharic IR researches were
made based on classical IR models such as vector
space model (Mindaye et al. 2010; Argaw et al.,
2004; Argaw et al., 2006). Language modelling was
not employed for Amharic IR. In this study, the
impact of language modelling retrieval on Amharic
IR is also investigated. As depicted in Figure 4, the
blue line representing LM is above the red line
representing BM25. Both precision and recall values
of LM are better than that of BM25 at different
levels. This is because of the capability of LM to
capture the dependency of words and estimate the
probability distribution of a query in each document.
Figure 3: Recall-Precision curves based on stems and roots.
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
This means LM is a more suitable retrieval model
for Amharic language. The roots of verbs and words
derived from them and the basic-stems of other word
classes are robust to represent words not only in IR
but also in other applications such as machine
translation, information extraction, sentiment
analysis, etc.
The development of Amharic IR demands thorough
investigation of the characteristics of the language.
Its complex morphology affects the way documents
and queries are represented for the task of
information retrieval. In this work, we conducted
several experiments using various forms of words
for document representation. Experimental results
have shown that root forms of words provide better
results in representing documents. It is also shown
that, with the use of root forms, the LM retrieval is
better than BM25 model. As the proposed system is
based on exact vocabulary term matching, future
work needs to consider query expansion so as to take
into account synonyms, collocation words, name
identification, etc. Furthermore, the language has
many ambiguous words which have different
meaning in various contexts. Thus, this work may be
improved by handling ambiguity.
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