Legal Protection of Oukup Karo Treatment as a Form of Communal
Intellectual Property Rights
Ellieka Sari and Runtung Sitepu
Doctoral Program in Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Traditional Knowledge, Oukup Karo, Regulations, Legal protection.
Abstract: Traditional knowledge of medical treatment is a Communal Intellectual Property Right (Communal
Intellectual Property Rights) which must be legally protected. Communal Intellectual Property Rights
according to Law No. 28 of 2014, no. 5 of 2017, and no. 20 of 2016 concerning Copyright, Promoting
Culture, and Brands and Geographical Indications, respectively. This study examines the openness of works
of traditional knowledge related to medicine enough. Alignment and harmonization of national and
international instruments. The government has begun to curb businesses through cooperatives, industry and
trade services in order to run businesses through cooperatives. In 1982 Indonesia adopted the tunis model
law and established the 1982 copyright law, including including sufficient traditional knowledge as a legal
umbrella for protection from the perspective of communal intellectual property rights. This research is a
normative legal research: Normative legal methods refer to legal norms in various laws and regulations.
Data collection was carried out through literature review and supported by empirical data through
interviews with business owners, sellers of basic ingredients, consumers, and the department of
cooperatives, industry and trade. Data were analyzed qualitatively using a legal theory approach.
Indonesia has a variety of cultures and religions,
beliefs, ethnicities, languages and customs. There
are five ethnic Bataks, one of the ethnic groups in
North Sumatra is the Karo Batak customary law
community. They prefer to be called "Karo". They
are located in Karo district, as well as expansion
areas such as Deli Serdang, Langkat, Simalungun,
and Medan and Binjai municipalities. In other areas
throughout North Sumatra and Indonesia in small
numbers to date it has spread throughout Indonesia.
Indonesia is blessed with quite unique culture
and customs that produce traditional traditional
works, one of which is the work of traditional
knowledge which is the nation's identity and assets.
The traditional knowledge that was studied was that
it became the Karo ethnic identity. Oukup is an
intellectual work in the field of traditional
knowledge and technology that contains
characteristics of traditional inheritance that are
produced, developed and maintained by indigenous
peoples, including: Technical skills (know how),
skills, innovation, concepts, learning and other
habitual practices that shape lifestyles traditional
societies include agricultural knowledge, technical
knowledge, ecological knowledge, medical
knowledge including medicine related to healing
procedures (Erni Widhyastari, 2019).Selama ribuan
tahun, masyarakat adat di seluruh dunia telah hidup
secara berkelanjutan di wilayah mereka (Clarkson et
al. LaDuke, 1994). The knowledge that indigenous
peoples develop to ensure their survival has changed
over time to meet new challenges; in many ways it
remains as relevant today as it is historically.
(Deborah Mc.Gregor, 2020)
Traditional knowledge, as a cumulative
accumulation of knowledge, practice and belief, is
essential for the maintenance of the homeland and
agricultural resources on which people depend and
enter into the decision-making process at almost
every stage of production, management, distribution
and consumption of these resources. (Berkes, 2004).
The integrity of traditional knowledge has become a
world debate on its valuable contribution to climate
change strategies (Ford et al., 2016). Traditional
Knowledge (TK) is well known for its contribution
to climate change adaptation strategies and based
natural resource conservation. (Bernadette
Montanari et al, 2019). Traditional Knowledge (TK)
Sari, E. and Sitepu, R.
Legal Protection of Oukup Karo Treatment as a Form of Communal Intellectual Property Rights.
DOI: 10.5220/0010294600003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 57-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is a community-based knowledge system that has
been developed, preserved and maintained from
generation to generation by local and indigenous
communities through continuous interaction,
observation and experimentation with the
surrounding environment (Pushpangadan P, et al,
2005), AICRPE (Ethnobiology Project coordinated
by All India) Final Technical Report 1992-1998).
Traditional knowledge related to biodiversity
developed and held in indigenous and local
communities was thus found to be the most valuable
clues to modern technological innovation and in
developing new foods (functional foods, medicinal
foods, and nutraceuticals), pharmaceuticals
(pharmaceuticals). ). (Pushpangadan et al, 2018).
Traditional medicine has long served humanity
as the main source of therapeutic aids. The
significance of research in traditional medicine is
increasingly being recognized because there is
substantial evidence that explains the prospects for
further research based on the use of traditional
medicinal plants (WHO, 2002). The scope and
usefulness of traditional medicine research are
considered to be of greater importance in the field of
human health care. (West R, 1984). A trip to
pharmacology: curare in medicine). Ultimately,
traditional knowledge and skills must be
approached, in a respectful and ethnically
appropriate manner that benefits the communities
involved, without disturbing the community
ecosystem. The research design must have social
value and instill awareness to improve the health and
socio-economic development of the community.
(Garima Pandey *, 2017). It is quite beneficial for
the recovery of health for those who are recovering
from illness and post-partum normal mothers (who
undergo cesarean section according to doctor's
instructions or midwife). Sauna baths bring about
many acute changes in hormone levels, some similar
to other stressful situations, some specifically for
saunas. (Ilpo T. Huhtaniemi1 et al, 2019). Sauna
bathing is a popular recreational activity. (Min
Zhuo1 et al, 2018). Most importantly, it provides
legal protection for business actors with "sauna
baths" in managing adequate business places. They
are the ones who develop a modern sauna bath.
Because the development of this Sauna Bath will
bring income for the local government. Meanwhile,
the development of a sauna bath for everyone,
especially the Karo tribe, is only for the
development of the Cultural Aspects. Because this is
a cultural preservation and the development of
traditional sauna baths. Because you feel the benefits
of sauna bathing for people who are recovering from
illness or for mothers who give birth it makes
stamina better. Also, business actors who sell basic
materials need legal protection in obtaining
sufficient basic materials. Because there are still
many of these materials that have not been
cultivated and must be looked for in the forest
around the village on Karo land. So to keep getting
the basic ingredients of oukup, the plants must be
reproduced. So to make this happen, cooperation can
be made with the Department of Agriculture and the
Forestry Service, of course, in the cultivation of
planting the basic materials for this purpose. In this
case, it is considered important that it is important to
provide legal protection for business actors in
managing adequate business premises.
Every business must think of profit (benefit), as
well as business ventures. Expected protection is
from the legal aspect (legality) so that businesses
can be formed on a legal basis such as cooperatives
in accordance with government recommendations
through the ministries of cooperatives, industry and
trade. In this case, Oukup Business Actors are
expected to be assisted to be more advanced in doing
business, still. Traditional knowledge includes
intellectual property rights so legal protection must
be made so that certainty and justice for the
communal is created.
The complexity of the issue of legal protection of
intellectual property rights in the era of globalization
is followed by various discourses. (Pulung Widhi
Hari Hananto *, et al, 2019). The correlation
between the economic benefits enjoyed and the
inherent economic value fosters the concept of
property from intellectual work (Escudero, 2012).
The interview results with the Department of
Cooperatives, Industry and Trade of Karo Regency
in the field of SMEs (Small and Medium
Enterprises), the type of Oukup, has not yet formed a
union in one container "Legal Entity namely
Cooperatives" implemented in practice. Based on
the results of interviews with the cooperative,
industry and trade offices of the Karo district in the
field of small and medium businesses (SME), it was
found that legal protection for the types of oil has
not yet been implemented in practice. So far,
traditional industries such as Oukup are still under
the ministry of tourism and the creative economy
makes it difficult for local governments to regulate
them. However, currently it is controlled by the
Ministry of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade in the
SME sector. However, for the protection of
consumers, business actors must have permission
from several related agencies, including: Health
Service, High Prosecutor's Office, Regional / City
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Governments through the Civil Service Police Unit.
In the future, the Actors and sellers of basic
materials must be able to be protected legally so that
they can be fostered and developed sustainably
(Interview with UKM staff, 2020). Furthermore,
business actors will receive legal protection,
certainty and fairness in operations and
development. On the other hand, the sellers of basic
materials also need to be protected in terms of
getting basic ingredients that are indeed difficult to
obtain. If they are protected by the law, plant
material can be propagated and they are no longer
looking for forests in the forest. Business Actors
hope there is legal protection for them. Because the
business they have founded is required to obtain
permits from several related agencies, including: 1.
Health Service, Traditional Medicine Permit, 2.
High Prosecutor's Office in the form of a spiritual /
traditional treatment registration form., 3. The
Cooperative, Industry and Trade Office
accommodates actors Business in the form of a
business association in the form of a Cooperative
Business Entity. 4. Civil Service Police Unit Order
license from the local regional / city government. As
a good citizen and business actor, those who already
have a business license are sufficient to support the
government in obtaining non-tax local revenue.
However, business actors have not received any
protection from the government. Specifically for
capital assistance, the Business Actor has not yet
received (Interview with a number of business
operators, 2020).
So far, the government has been impressed by
letting business people manage business ventures
without going through legal entities. One of the
impacts of a business without legal umbrella is the
potential for misuse of business forms in illegal
activities. If this business is run according to rules
such as by establishing a Cooperative as a place for
adequate business and other traditional medicines,
both the business actor and the product will be
protected. One of them is that business actors can
avoid illegal levies which have always been
deposited. So they are legally protected. One of the
things that disturbs business actors is extortion
(illegal levies) which they have had to pay to certain
parties and are not responsible.
The author concludes from the opinion of
business actors, both sellers of basic ingredients and
business actors in the sauna bath therapy section.
The most important thing is legal protection for
them is the cultural aspect. Because the legal aspect
already has related parties, the local government
through the Cooperative Health Service, the
Cooperative, Industry and Trade Office, the High
Court and the Civil Service Police Unit. In practice,
there is no good cooperation between Oukup
Business Actors and Local / City Governments. If it
is managed properly, if it is made like a Bali Spa or
Sauna Bath from Japan, it can certainly increase the
benefits that can generate income for the Regional /
City Government.
Some of the national journals have examined the
adequacy of the field of ecotourism and
environmental services as well as
anthropology.Jurnal Internasional yang mengkaji
tentang oukup Karo belum ada tapi seperti Mandi
Sauna (Sauna Bath) di daerah lain sudah ada masih
seputar bidang Kesehatan dan Farmasi. The legal
theory that becomes the knife of analysis used in this
paper is the theory of legal protection, the theory of
certainty and justice and the theory of traditional law
haar. Some things that were discussed in this
research were the opportunity for traditional
knowledge works to be sufficiently protected by law
and efforts to prepare a legal umbrella for the
harmony and harmonization of national and
international instruments from the perspective of
communal intellectual property rights.
The author conducted research in Medan, Pancur
Batu and Kabanjahe. Data were obtained from
several business operators on the Jamin Ginting
Road in Medan, several sellers of basic ingredients
in the traditional market in Pancur Batu, and
interviews with the Karo District Cooperative,
Industry and Trade Office in the SME level.
The type of literature used is reference literature
that refers to secondary data materials for normative
legal research. Based on the binding power,
normative law is divided into primary, secondary,
and tertiary legal material. These materials are
obtained through library studies to be further
analysed qualitatively, holistically, and
comprehensively (Lexy j Moelon).
In addition to literature, direct interviews were
also conducted with one intellectual expert from the
USU academy, one expert on customary law among
academics at USU, three from the Cooperative
Office, Karo Regency Trade Industry, namely the
Head of Office, Head of Division and Head of UKM
Section, three Actors Oukup business is on the road
Jamin Ginting, Padang Bulan Medan, three sellers of
basic ingredients in Pancur Batu, Deli Serdang
Regency, and nine good enough recovered
Legal Protection of Oukup Karo Treatment as a Form of Communal Intellectual Property Rights
Consumers and post-partum mothers and normal
cesareans. Interviews were conducted with a model
providing questions that have been prepared by
telephone are guided free.
Data analysis in this study was conducted in a
series of activities starting from data collection to
drawing conclusions. The analytical method is
carried out with a qualitative method that is focused
on the depth of study between the concepts used or
found in research. This research is normative (Jhony
Ibrahim, 2008) empirical using secondary and
primary data. (Soerjono Soekamto, 1990) The
implementation of research is limited only to the
issue of protecting the legal knowledge of traditional
3.1 Legal Protection of Traditional
Medical Works
Referring to the Law No. 6 of 1982 revised with
Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, Number
5 of 2017 concerning Cultural Promotion, and
Number 20 of 2016 concerning brands and
geographical indications. The Ministry of Law states
that traditional knowledge includes: Technical skills
(know how), skills, innovations, concepts, learning
and other habitual practices that shape the lifestyles
of traditional communities including agricultural
knowledge, technical knowledge, ecological
knowledge, medical knowledge including medicine
related healing procedures.
Traditional knowledge in detail including:
Customs of the people, rituals (magic) and
celebrations, traditional economic systems, social
organization systems, knowledge and behavioral
habits about nature and the universe, and traditional
medicine, skills in making traditional crafts,
traditional food / drinks, and modes traditional
transport (Dewa Putu Gede, 2019).
Oukup as traditional medical knowledge of the
Karo traditional law community was mixed by
predecessors about hundreds of years ago. The
method is a steam bath (Sauna Bath), the prepared
mixture of oukup is boiled in a cooking container
(pot) on the stove with a fire temperature that is hot
enough. Then the steam from the boiled water from
the mixture is used as a treatment called oukup.
Karo. Initially traditional knowledge was discovered
or mixed by ancestors who did not have a religion
(who had a profession as a shaman / sibaso teacher).
Some of the goals of traditional medicine are
recovery for those who are recovering from illness,
recovery of extra energy for mothers after childbirth
normally. But for mothers who give birth a cesarean
section need advice and instructions from the
obstetrician or midwife who handles labor.
The treatment procedure is sufficiently divided
into several stages: Before doing the oil, the patient
must be spotted / massaged first; When undergoing
o adequate, the patient is treated from the steam of
the herbs that have been boiled; and after it is
finished, the patient takes a warm bath which is
given yellow or parem. These stages are usually
carried out for four consecutive days. The remaining
warm enough concoction water can also be bathed
by the patient.
The benefits of medication have been tried and
felt by many users both in the city and in the region.
Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to
be very useful to legally protect sufficient
knowledge that exists with business actors, sellers of
basic ingredients, consumers and no less important
is the government, in this case the Karo district
government as its guardian. Upholding traditional
communal knowledge is very beneficial for all
parties, especially the government and community
activists and users to legally protect the Intellectual
Property Rights in the traditional work.
One of the bad habits in Indonesia is that if there
is an original then there is always a fake. One effect
of this habit is the lack of government appreciation
for one's work. Another impact of this custom is that
there are many Indonesian works that are claimed by
foreign countries such as the gondang Sembilan
Mandailing claimed by the State of Malaysia.
Luckily Malaysia cannot make patent rights except
for the right to use.
In designing communal property rights many
obstacles are often found. There are two reasons
why most indigenous peoples cannot accept the
unpleasant reality in which their work is claimed by
others, namely: 1) The authors, artists, and creators
of traditional societies very rarely receive adequate
financial rewards for intellectual property in the
form of exploited traditional knowledge. 2) The
unauthorized use of exploited traditional knowledge
works is considered to offend the creator community
such as commercialization which is prohibited by
religion or custom (Tim Linsey, 2001). Based on
these obstacles, in this study steps were taken to
protect traditional knowledge so that one day it
could be a geographical indication of the Karo
Regency to support the Tourism and Economy of the
local area.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
3.2 Legal Umbrella Efforts against
Communal Intellectual Property
Protection of traditional knowledge refers to the
National Legal Instrument, henceforth referring to
the International Legal Instrument. The National
Legal Instrument was started in Law 6 of 1982
revised through No.6 of 1982, and revised Number
28 of 2014 concerning Copyrights, Number 5 of
2017 concerning Cultural Promotion, and Law
Number 20 of 2016 concerning Brands and
Geographical Indications. (Saidin, 2016). Whereas
the International Law Instrument began in 1976
through the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) and progressed to the Tunis
Model Law on Copy Right (Tunis Model Law).
Then The Tunis Model Law and the United Nation
on Education Social and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) arrange The Model of Provocation for
National Media Againts Illicit Explotation and Other
Prejudicial Actions (Model Provisions) (Saidin,
The instruments governing National Law and
International Law Instruments are in harmony and
harmony. But the rules governing traditional medical
knowledge about oukup have not yet been regulated
in the form of regional regulations. In this case, the
national instrument is assumed to be in harmony and
harmony with international instruments. The
reference for harmonization and harmonization of
regional regulations to national legal instruments is
the recruitment of laws and regulations of the
Republic of Indonesia. The law must remain a
guideline for the regulations below such as the
protection of communal intellectual property rights.
According to Rob Edger, it is found that the
object of geographical indication protection is part
of the common property, which is basically the use
of the object carried out jointly by the parties
concerned in the region. Common property
ownership is inherent in the nature of communal
rights. Collective rights or group rights are
formulated by Rob Edger, as "are rights held by
groups or sets, rather than by individuals" l. A
'group' is generally a set of individuals with strong
racial, state, religious, or linguistic ties. (Rob Edger,
2009). The collective rights formulated by Rob
Edger give meaning as the rights possessed by a
group in relation to the power of race, state, region
or language. The course of history shows that
collective rights are more directed towards issues
that concern the public interest. While the use of the
term ownership for the regime of geographical
indications, is more appropriate as a right that is not
only collective but refers to the communal nature
(based on local communities) (Djulaeka, 2014).
In the perspective of intellectual property rights,
the communal ownership system is unknown or not
even recognized. (WTO Member Agreement as part
of legal protection based on community rights).
Customary Law introduces the attitude of
togetherness and mutual cooperation as a mirror of
the creation of a peaceful, prosperous, just and
prosperous society. Customary Law has its roots in
traditional culture and the law that lives among
people incarnates the real legal feelings of the
people (Soepomo, 2003). History shows that both
Van Vollen Hoven and Ter Haar strive to maintain
and implement customary law as appropriate for
Indonesian people (Nurul Barizah, 2010).
With a starting point on the mindset of the
concept of Customary Law, I Gede A.B Wiranata
revealed, that in the order of communal thinking,
individuals will always place a pattern of behavior
prioritizing the group ego and personal ego will be
defeated by group superiority. (I Gede A.B
Wiranata, 2005).
Movable objects can be recognized as tangible
and non-tangible objects. In the perspective of the
study of property law (assets) and its relation to
intellectual property rights, the territorial jurisdiction
is more appropriate. In accordance with the law of
wealth in the perspective of private law (Civil), the
law governs the possession of rights over objects
other than land (Iman Sudiyat, 1981). Legal
transplants that can adopt customary law with
international legal instruments can be assessed from
a different answer in the form of comparative law
(methods or techniques of learning and research)
(Alan Watson Translation, 1993). Legal
transplantation then refers to civil law adopted from
the Netherlands.
4.1 Conclusions
Indigenous and tribal peoples' laws require the
protection of traditional works as ancestral heritage.
This is because the customary law community wants
to show their existence and identity as a social group
in the midst of a larger social life. The openness of
works of traditional knowledge in this case o Karo
as an alternative treatment needs to be protected.
Legal Protection of Oukup Karo Treatment as a Form of Communal Intellectual Property Rights
Indonesia adopted the Tunis Model Law which
refers to Law No. 6 of 1982 revised No. 28 of 2014
concerning Copyright, No.5 of 2017 concerning the
Advancement of Culture, No.20 of 2016 concerning
Brands and Geographical Indications. But in good
practice the rules that protect business actors, sellers
of basic ingredients are sufficient and consumers do
not have definite rules. However, in good practice,
the rules protecting Oukup Business and Sufficient
Basic ingredients Actors, and Consumers have no
definite / specific rules.
4.2 Recommendations
Implementation of the protection of traditional
knowledge specifically o Karo needs to get attention
in its own regulations. The Government, in this case
the Karo Level II Regional Government Karo
through the Department of Cooperatives, Industry
and Trade and the Ministry, Health Service, High
Court, Regional / City Government through the Civil
Service Police Unit, are expected to be able to make
traditional knowledge rules in the form of regional
regulations and to socialize the cooperative business
form as a legal entity and to think about the
cultivation of basic ingredients, in particular the
making of Karo oukup, of course.
From history it is clear that harmony and
harmonization began in 1982, the UUHC adopte`d
the Tunis Model Law. National Legal Instruments
and International Legal Instruments can be used as a
basis for Traditional Knowledge. At the national
level the basis for traditional knowledge protection
refers to Law No. 6 of 1982 (UUHC) revision No.28
of 2014 concerning Copyright, Law. No.5 of 2017
concerning the Advancement of Culture and Law
No.20 of 2016 concerning Brands and Geographical
Indications. The North Sumatra Ministry of Law and
Human Rights continues to try to divideento enough
Karo to be preserved. Implementers to curb business
operators are carried out by cooperatives, industry
and trade services. Health Service, High Prosecutor's
Office and Local / Municipal Government through
the Civil Service Police. According to the author,
this regulation on Oukup Karo, at least can issue a
"Circular" issued by the Karo Adat Association /
Institution. Collected in one forum called BABKI
(Indonesian Karo Cultural Customary Center).
Chaired by Drs. Sarjani Tarigan, MSP. Because if
you have to wait to make a Regional Regulation on
oukup, it can wait quite a long time. Meanwhile, the
problem regarding the Karo oukup business has long
been rolling in the business actors and the people of
Medan in particular. Especially about the dilemma
of "plus-plus" which is very unsettling for the
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Legal Protection of Oukup Karo Treatment as a Form of Communal Intellectual Property Rights