based industries. It's not just computers, mobile
technology is endemic and almost everyone is
connected online. In this revolution, the role of
innovation is the competitiveness of a product in the
market and it turns out that there is a deliberation
between industries that depend on innovation and
the readiness of labor (Wicaksono 2019).
For example, if the data is faked, can the
computer know because the computer works like a
robot, then it cannot think that there is something
suspicious so that it cannot be used, also to make
contracts by lawyers or lawyers and making
evidence by a notary is not possible to just enter
data. The task of the Notary is to make written
evidence, namely authentic deeds and other
authorities as referred to by the Law (Article 1
paragraph 1 of Law Number 2 of 2014) to guarantee
certainty, order and protection of the law regarding
the act of agreement, stipulation and legal events
made in the presence or by an authorized official. A
Notary is an honorable position because it adheres to
laws and regulations, is professional because it is
based on knowledge and professional ethics because
it is based on morals.
In the speed of development in globalization
over challenges in the era of the industrial revolution
4.0, graduates of notary must be able to adapt to
information technology and at the same time for
future learning patterns. Technological
developments currently affect many professions, one
of which is the legal profession which requires
creativity in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is a
challenge to respond to future problems. Legal
professions such as lawyers and notaries are human
beings with the possibility of being irreplaceable
because they have experience and education that
may only enter data on computers and computers
can complete.
The opportunity for a notary in the industrial
revolution 4.0 actually exists if there are clear rules
regarding this cyber notary, there is adequate
infrastructure, the expertise of a notary in the field of
technology continues to develop. The challenge may
be on the quality of Notary's expertise in the use of
technology, not all are experts in technology. Notary
Dessy Hamrina, SH, MKn explained: "that the
readiness of notaries in the application of
information and communication technology in
making deeds, technically can be said to be
adequate, where in every notary office currently
available computer, printer, scan facilities. , fax, and
also the internet network ”(interview with Notary
Dessy Hamrina, SH, MKn, 2019). Notary Syafitri
Yanti, SH, MKn stated: "The readiness of notaries in
making electronic deeds is technically adequate, this
can be seen from the ability to use internet
applications, such as social media, email and others.
Most of the notaries currently available are able to
use internet applications” (interview with Notary
Syafitri Yanti, SH, MKn, 2019).
Human resources as profession bearers must
have expertise that is pleasing to their knowledge,
especially in their fields, because every professional
must independently fulfill the needs of professional
services in their field and have a personality that is
fully responsible for their professional services.
Thus, the quality of professionals is reflected in an
attitude that upholds honesty, truth and justice, is
clean and respectful and is responsible for
exemplary behavior.
The presence of legal professionals (legal
consultants / lawyers) is needed by a new generation
for those who deal with all legal matters. During its
development, in the field of law, the availability of
artificial intelligence which accommodates all legal
algorithms to provide opinions on various legal
issues, for example: the availability of artificial
itellegencia, which is capable of compiling a
complete contract design by processing data input,
the terms and conditions of the parties; the
availability of access to legal material information,
even the diversity of legal systems in the world that
exist increasingly joining the large legal family
which increasingly consistently equates the
principles to the normative model, thus facilitating
communication to reach an understanding of various
legal matters or issues that occur across
jurisdictions. This makes service users look for
efficiency in their costs, so using the services of a
legal consultant / lawyer is no longer attractive
because it can be taken over by artificial
intelligence, only complex legal services still require
a 'human touch' (lawyers) .
Looking at the development of the digital era
which is increasingly increasing its penetration. It is
fitting for all countries in the world, especially
Indonesia to prepare various strategies in facing the
challenges this era will pose. It must be admitted,
Indonesia is currently not strong enough to be able
to follow the flow of industry 4.0 because Indonesia
is still struggling with the problem of the lack of
quality of existing human resources. Indonesia
actually has the potential to be able to make industry
4.0 successful (interview with Notary Yola Ardiza,
SH, MKn.)
Thus the authors conclude some notaries'
opinions about the readiness of notaries in facing the
industrial revolution 4.0 is that notaries are not ready