General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review
Ghaliya AlFarsi
, Ragad M. Tawafak
, Abdalla ElDow
, Sohail Iqbal Malik
, Jasiya Jabbar
Abir Al Sideiri
College of Graduate Studies, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Information Technology department, Malaysia
AlBuraimi University College, Buraimi, Oman
Faculty of Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pahang, Malaysia
Keywords: Game in learning; Artificial Intelligence; Academic Performance; Student motivation.
Abstract: We are living in the age of technology, where everything is developing and spreading fast around us. In
recent years, new technologies increased in the field of Education to develop and improve student
performance in every area of their program. However, still, games-based learning was not in a hotspot filed
of educations not profoundly discussed. The purpose of this study is to generate a literature review about the
different learning method which help students to enhance their learning study. The process is how many
studies motivated students to improve their performance by searching key focused on the game application
for learning because it's more fun for students. The paper outcome prove the needs to use game-based
learning that help students to share their information, knowledge, and feedback on the educational process.
As a result, this review paper reveals and have proven to be an effective way to provide a suitable
environment for motivating students to learn; it raises the student's level of Education.
An application game defined as an electronic game
where all joined participants follow certain policies
and clear rules. Chu, & Fowler, (2020) discusses
educational games that use games to support
education and learning as shown in Figure 1. The
game is a support tool that complements traditional
teaching methods to enhance the student skills and
experience as an assistance tool work in parallel
with normal teaching to improve critical thinking
and student creativity (Blanié, Amorim, &
Benhamou, 2020; AlFarsi, & ALSinani, 2017).
Figure 1: Game-Based Learning
Learning should not be considered boring and
does not mean that students learn concepts through
repetition or padding and memorize them with
understanding (Lameras, Arnab, Dunwell, Stewart,
Clarke, & Petridis, 2017). Some teachers have
started using online platforms to help with education
(Tawafak, Abir, Ghaliya, Maryam, Sohail, and
Jasiya, 2019; Tatnall, 2020) therefore, learners or
students can participate as online with a lot of
offered activities and use the peer-to-peer interaction
with students. This type of learning can improve a
student's educational performance, but it can be
difficult to increase educational motivation
(Tawafak, Awanis, and Ruzaini, 2019; Thawonmas,
Togelius, and Yannakakis, 2019.). Therefore, how
students are interested in the course and their
willingness to develop their knowledge has become
a new important field to the researchers and
From the previous studies using video game in
educations were found slightly effective instructions
for teaching mathematical course in schools (Tokac,
Novak, Thompson, 2019). Game-based learning
used and recommended for student who studies with
low self-esteem and they needs a lot of method to
improve their management skills (Vásquez, Peñafiel,
Cevallos, Zaldumbide, and Vásquez, 2017).
Alfarsi, G., Tawafak, R., ElDow, A., Malik, S., Jabbar, J. and Sideiri, A.
General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010304800003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 139-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
However, fewer applications related to games in the
educational fields? Therefore, this study tries to
decrease this gap and design a literature review to
highlights the applications related to the use of
games in education (Yorozu, Hirano, Oka, and
Tagawa. 1982).
In the traditional university courses at designed, still
follow the policy to constant memorization and
recitation when learning the course material for most
students, especially course programming that is a
bottleneck for students doing homework (ALFARSI,
M, & ALSINANI, 2017). Therefore, students lost
faith in the curriculum, and as a result, learning
incentives diminished, giving up Chu, & Fowler,
(2020). To overcome this collapse, this study will
investigate among studies that give attention to use
games as a tool to help students understanding and
motivating them to keep online learning as shown in
Figure 2 (Tawafak, Sohail, and Ghaliya. 2020;
Troussas, Krouska, and Sgouropoulou, 2020). Figure
2 shows a variety of technologies used to enhance
the learning and game-based learning is an essential
part of the educational process. This allows students
to self-learn their course-related knowledge, so they
can win the next game and improve their learning
Figure 2: Game-Based Learning applications and usability
in Life
Game-Based Learning in educational strategies
studies use this facility in learning especially with
complex courses Blanié, Amorim, & Benhamou,
(2020) Of these, education stimulus was often used
as an educational strategy to improve learning
outcomes (ALFarsi, Jasiya, Ragad, Sohail, Abir,
Maryam, and Hidayah, 2020). Also, game-based
learning aims to develop enthusiastic learners,
motivate and engage students, reduce monotonous
learning methods, and help students focus, self-
esteem, and memory. Various types of educational
games are applied and used in educational
institutions, schools, and homes (ALFARSI, M, &
ALSINANI, 2017). The use of games in education is
primarily focused on improving critical thinking
skills while teaching specific topics by allowing
students to think outside the box while adhering to
the rules. Other games can be used to limit the
improvement of knowledge on a particular topic,
and the most popular are math games (Frey, Fisher,
& Smith, 2019; Tawafak,., & Romli, Ruzaini , and
Sohail, 2019) .
2.1 Game-based Learning Advantages
1. Using games in educational education to help
students remember is to encourage students to
actively participate and to remember what
they have learned. Learning does not mean
memorizing, but students can use the game to
memorize important points that can be applied
in real situations through exams (Tawafak, &
Romli, Ruzaini and Sohail, 2019; Mathew,
Malik, & Tawafak, 2019; Alfarsi, Jasiya,
Ragad, Abir, and Maryam, 2019; Tawafak,
2. Because we live in a world dominated by
innovation, our ability to use optics and
computers is very important. Students can
prepare for the work world by learning visual
and computer skills through games (Pea,
3. Help to improve critical thinking and problem
solving through a sequence of rules and
conditions of the game (Mathew, Malik, &
Tawafak, 2019; Pea, 1992).
4. Using games that are useful for students with
attention disabilities is a fun way to learn, so it
can attract students' attention. Studies have
shown that web-based games can help with
children's attention problems (Clustering,
2019; Tatnall, 2020).
2.2 Game-based Learning
However, educational games have drawbacks that
need to be addressed (Tatnall, 2020; Tatnall, 2019).
1. If a teacher has no control over such an
environment, it becomes difficult to provide a
platform for students to play review games.
2. Students can access other harmful platforms.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
3. Some student can lose the interconnection and
interacting with normal life
4. Keep continuous use of these applications can
affected negatively to the health in risk with
eye strain and backbone pain.
5. Some kind of assistance equipment's can be an
expensive device.
This section will present some literature review
articles that belong to the paper title and only review
the papers related to game-based learning. (Khan,
Ahmad, & Malik, 2017). were mentioned several
experiences in research on game-based learning
applications to increase student engagement, and
students have done to measure the effectiveness of
games and education. therefore, give education to
students who don't have games and note the low
student engagement (Alfarsi, Sulaiman, Tawafak,
Malik, Jabbar, & Alsidiri, 2019; Calabor, Mora, and
Moya, 2019). Then, when some games were added
to the learning, many students participated, became
more active and interested in studying. Several
educational studies use game-based learning to help
students learn. Of these, education stimulus was
often used as an educational strategy to improve
learning outcomes. The purpose of this type of
game-based learning is to stimulate the learner's
learning motivation rather than the main focus of the
instructional instruction. (Ketelhut, & Schifter,
2011) said that in a recent educational environment,
the game-based learning environment has the
following characteristics:
1. Use the game method to motivate students to
rethink their original knowledge
2. This game provides instant feedback to help
teachers understand the student's actual
teaching progress and make various
suggestions promptly
3. Through the game, students can share a lot of
information and acquis knowledge.
4. Learning through games can ensure that
students are not bored by comfortably facing
5. The game usually comes with discussion and
social networking activities.
Figure 3 shows the usability of work with game-
based to improve the effectiveness of AI. Also,
Figure 3 highlights the powerful of technology
development especially in game-based learning to
influence significantly on social impact and
educational development. Competitive learning takes
place within the framework of organized activities,
where students compete with each other for a specific
purpose and can only be rewarded if they outperform
their peers in the competitive process (Stahl, & Stahl,
Figure 3: Artificial Intelligence in General
Competitive learning is suitable for students
especially with game-based learning that to compete
with each other and improve student learning
effectiveness (Tawafak, Awanis and Ruzaini, 2019).
To support the teaching and learning process,
teachers provide additional marks or other rewards
for those used game-based to enhance the student's
competitive needs (Tawafak, Awanis and Ruzaini,
2019). (Guillén-Nieto, & Aleson-Carbonell, 2012).
Discuss the importance of gaming in education as the
potential benefits of using educational entertainment
to complement the trends of the regular semester are
guaranteed. The basic rule for developing an
educational game plan is to revive motivation
(Guillén-Nieto, & Aleson-Carbonell, 2012).
The placement of the educational game is a
special effort to achieve the goal of the educational
game to ensure that the educational activity can be
used for educational activities together with the
coordinating part of the educational process. The
most important thing in preparing an educational
game is to gather reasons for training, refine the
educational spirit, and separate the game (Tawafak,
Awanis, Sohail, Mohanaad, and Ghaliya, 2019).
(Tawafak, Awanis, and Maryam, 2019; Tokac,
Novak, and Thompson, 2019). Most researchers
discuss the importance of games in education as they
help to enhance student learning by competing with
other students to enhance student love for learning
and achieve more success (Tawafak, Awanis, and
Maryam, 2019; Calabor, Mora, and Moya, 2019).
In conclusion, all these studies used game-based
learning as the first indicator to motivate students to
General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review
increase their knowledge and to enhance their
academic performance. however, still these studies
missed the easy mechanism of presenting a course to
encourage the students to engage in game-based
learning. also, what's are the general factors
determined to highlight the learning process towards
game-based learning.
This mission aims to avoid tedious routine
educational resources for students, maximize
students' desire for study, and provide a pleasant
learning environment that fits their game style. This
method activates the Google engine has used and got
numerous books and studies related to the topic
(Games for Education Enhancement).
The total collected papers reached more than
3000 articles and 600 books on the selected subject.
after filtering them from duplications, reports,
catalogs, at the final step 6 papers used in the above
literature review. Some studies include a student
questionnaire explaining the importance of
motivating students through games that support
education. A pilot study used in each article to test
and validate the student's motivation and enhance
their performance (Tawafak, Awanis and Maryam,
All surveys derived from strongly related papers,
revised by experts in the game programming field
and grammatical languages (Tawafak, Awanis and
Ruzaini, 2018; Pellas, Fotaris, Kazanidis, and Wells,
2019). Then survey validation by checking the
quality and the connection between the questions and
the level of understanding the main point from each
question is clear enough to give the right feedback.
Figure 4 show the steps of collecting data and the
ways of finalizing the work in each step of 6 phases
of development. The method started by
understanding the business requirements determined
by scheduling planning and identifying the problem
of the project that is to identify papers to conduct a
literature review on game based learning. Next phase
is data collection that is searching related papers in
game based learning. Third, data preparation,
modelling data to which type of method and most
common used through parallel versions development
to get sufficient outcomes in a proper time schedule.
Then analyse these collected data through evaluation
process where the sample of papers were selected
from about fifty related works.. Finally, deployment
of the results as a review on all papers related to the
aim of this paper.
Figure 4: General Method of AI relevant data
The use of digital games has great potential in higher
education as a way to provide active, fun, and
engaging online education. According to the previous
research data analysis, the results show the
improvement of students' interest in using game-
based. Even though the participants were limited in
that universities with its student of selected courses
and sections.
The improvement level was about 15% more than
the normal class in programming courses, while the
improvement limited to less than7% in complex
courses even in mathematical courses (Tawafak,
Muamer, Ruzaini, Mohanaad, and Vitaliy. 2018;
Pellas, Fotaris, Kazanidis, and Wells, 2019). Both
students and teachers have found an effective way for
this game to develop and enhance a lecture-themed
situation and encourage experimentation with new
Another beneficial result from the gaming
experience helped build the relationship and cohesion
of the student team, which was especially valuable
since the start of the game early in the semester and
there was a lot of team activity and results later in the
course (Alfarsi, Sulaiman, Tawafak, Malik, Jabbar,
& Alsidiri, 2019).
For example, in the financial cycle, a place can be
a bank and an ATM, in a marketing cycle it can be a
retail seller, and in the liberal arts, you can choose
historical monuments and libraries. After that,
teachers must carefully build challenges that meet the
course's learning goals. The fun and competitive
aspect of the game should translate well into other
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
fields. The authors also believe that the approach and
results are relevant and beneficial outside of the
higher education sector, for example in areas such as
the company environment, new employee education,
and employment (Alfarsi, Jasiya, Ragad, Sohail,
Abir, and Maryam, 2019).
Portable digital games can improve both "hard"
skills (eg skills or job-specific skills) and "soft" (eg
teamwork) by adding complementary motivational
elements (eg fun and competitive). Official training
method. Alternatively, this particular game can be
played by an individual or student pairs. This reduces
coordination issues for large teams (Ketelhut, &
Schifter, 2011; Brezovszky, McMullen, Veermans,
Hannula-Sormunen, Rodríguez-Aflecht, Pongsakdi,
Laakkonen, and Lehtinen, 2019).
If the coach sets a large and continuous-time at
his disposal, such as a 3-hour time slot, you can even
play the game at the same time. However, teachers
should be careful when estimating how long it will
take for the time to play the game to complete until it
is needed to complete the game task. Finally, for all
digital games, it's important to pay attention to the
learning curves that students face when using
technology and take appropriate steps to reduce
technical barriers.
There are many opportunities to implement the
concept of the game in education, and there are many
types of games available in the learning process,
including problem-solving, practice, simulation,
puzzle, and educational games. In this paper, the
main purpose was to highlights some of the literature
reviews by analyzing 6 core-papers. Also, the
literature review determined the studies related to
game-based focused on the rapidly emerging learning
paradigm and practice using computer games and
encouraging the learning process, which determined
positively for both of students and teachers in their
This review of general game-based learning
summarizes some of the benefits of applying game-
based learning to improve student performance.
Social game mechanics increase student motivation
and learning needs, develop stronger relationships
with team members and colleagues, and ultimately
help the knowledge discovery process. The
methodology, explained in common figure to show
the six phases to follow through any system
development to enhance a game-based. In general,
we need to combine traditional gaming frameworks
with clear pedagogical elements to help students
achieve their full educational potential. In
conclusion, we hope that educational institutions will
introduce game applications to improve learning.
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General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review