Blended Learning Quality Measurement System using Fuzzy Analytic
Hierarchy Process Method
Yeni Kustiyahningsih, Eka Mala Sari and Dwi Laras Asih
Departement of Informatics Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura
Keywords: Blended Learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, recommendations,
Abstract: Blended learning is appropriate learning in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Blended learning is a learning
process that integration face-to-face and online learning. The characteristics of blended learning are learning
that combines synchronous and asynchronous learning settings correctly to achieve learning objectives. The
indicators in this study are live synchronous, virtual synchronous, independent synchronous and collaborative
asynchronous. There are many indicators in the measurement of blended learning, so a method is needed to
determine recommendations for improvement in the implementation of blended learning. The method used in
this research is Fuzzy AHP. Fuzzy method can handle data that contains uncertainty and inaccuracy. The
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to determine the weighting of each blended learning
indicator. The purpose of this research is to build a decision support system software to determine
recommendations in implementing blended learning. Based on the research, that the indicators that most
influence the quality of blended learning are problem based learning, task collaboration and independent tasks.
The test results showed that the highest accuracy was obtained from a consistency ratio of 0.03627 with an
accuracy of 98%.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 has infected
millions of people worldwide and caused death. The
Coronavirus outbreak has been declared a pandemic
global by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The COVID-19 pandemic affects almost all aspects
of life, including education. In a pandemic like this,
the role and position of the educational aspect is very
crucial. Blended Learning is a learning strategy that
aims to achieve learning by combining face-to-face
learning and information technology-based learning
conducted online (Eniyati et al., 2010). Blended
learning means a integration of face to face with e-
learning that can be used by anyone (everyone),
anywhere, anytime (anytime) (Bruggeman et al.,
2019). The term blended learning means a
harmonious and ideal combination of learning or an
integraion of face-to-face and online learning
elements (Bruggeman et al., 2019).
Electronic Learning or E-Learning is an
independent learning process by utilizing information
and communication technology (ICT), or the internet
as a medium for knowledge transfer (Jeffrey et al.,
2014). The application of web-based learning (e-
learning) is one of the supports in supporting
conventional learning systems, because students and
educators do not have to meet face to face. The world
community has used e-learning a lot. the use of e-
learning in schools, training, universities and
industries, namely Cisco Systems, IBM, HP, Oracle,
and others (Kustiyahningsih et al., 2018). Previous
research e-Learning Quality Measurement based on
ISO 19796-1 with Fuzzy Analytic Network Process
Method (Kustiyahningsih et al., 2018)
The results of this study are recommendations for
e-learning improvements based on the smallest
weighting of the e-learning indicator value (Cahyani
et al., 2015). In this study, blended learning indicators
consist of Live Synchronous (Face-to-face, Problem
Based, learning and learning methods), Virtual
synchronous (online), Asynchronous standalone
(Independent Tasks) Asynchronous Collaborative
(Task Collaboration and Task Evaluation). Multi
criteria decision making technique is useful for
finding the best option from several alternatives. AHP
technique is a multi-criteria decision making
technique based on expert knowledge (Kaxancoglu et