Anthropometric Body Dimensions Approach: Table Design
Cross-section on Tools Evaporation Rate
Rullie Annisa
, Hanifudin Sukri
, Hairil Budiarto
, Ach Dafid
Departement of Industrial Engineering, University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Departement of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Keywords: Anthropometric Body Dimensions, Ergonomic Design, Cross-section Table.
Abstract: The cross-section table is one of many support to the make the Evaporation Tools. The Function of the cross-
section table is to place the sensor devices. The differences topography of salt ponds is one of the factors that
must be considered in making the design of the table that oriented to user operation. Ergonomics that used to
makes the design of the table is the anthropometry body dimensions approach. Based on the 95% percentile
of Madurese anthropometry, then the table is designed flexibly. The flexibility can be seen in height control
features of the table the which has a maximum height of 159 cm and a minimum height of 88 cm based on
the D1 and D2 dimensions, the table foot locker features has a length dimension of 98 cm based on D1 , D2
and D3 in a row of 1715.5 mm, 1634.6 mm and 1437.1 mm for adjusting the height of the table cross-section
features a handle with a high of 11 cm and the handle of the ball diameter of 4 cm based on the dimensions
D28 and D29 to the 95th percentile male in a row at 185.6 mm and 95.5 mm for moving the position of the
table sectional pulling and pressing. The length and width of the table by 56 cm cross section are based on the
dimensions of 54cm by dimension D33 and D23, D24 and D25. The use of anthropometry is intended that
the user can be comfortable when use the evaporation of tools without difficulty because the table design was
made based on the operator dimensions using anthropometry approach.
The table is one of many support to the make the
Evaporation Tools. The function of the table is to
place the sensors or the other devices that support the
evaporation tools, therefore the table of the
evaporation tools are needs to designed. According to
the function. In addition, the design of the table. Also
needs to Consider the user's need Because it is
important to designing the product According to the
user antropometry. (Sutalaksana, 1999). It is intended
that the design of the table in accordance with user
needs in a functional, technical and technological,
economical, aesthetic and ergonomic.
A product design is said to be ergonomic when it
Consider various aspect, one of the which is the
anthropometric aspect. To obtain a proper
comparison between products made with the end user
needs anthropometric data, where the characteristics
of a country will show a variety of different (H. I.
Castellucci, 2019). According to the research results
of Yu-Chi Lee (2019) anthropometric data can be
used for a relevant consideration in the development
of ergonomic products, equipment, and design
workstations. The use of anthropometry for the
design of tools, equipment and working environment
that is well designed, can improve productivity,
safety, comfortable and work performances
(Klamklay et al, 2008). Pheasant (2003) also added
that the anthropometry is a very important part of
Anthropometry is a study relating to the
dimensions of the body that the body size, shape,
strength and capacity for work (S.Z.M. Dawal et al,
2012) relating to the design (J.J Shiru et al, 2012) and
composition of the human body / end user (J.
Majumder, 2014) that aims to improve productivity
and reduce musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
(P.Salunke et al, 2015). Anthropometry that the data
used in the design of to improve safety and comfort,
the design of equipment and facilities in the country
of Indonesia should take into account the ethnic
differences in anthropometric in Indonesia
(A.Widyanti, 2015).
Annisa, R., Sukri, H., Budiarto, H. and David, A.
Anthropometric Body Dimensions Approach: Table Design Cross-section on Tools Evaporation Rate.
DOI: 10.5220/0010307100003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 249-255
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on this, the table design as the evaporation
tools support is designed by considering the
functions, technical and ergonomic aspects with the
anthropometry approach. The table is the Madurese
male dimension. This is because the evaporation of
tools is designed for Madura salt farmers as the users
so that the table design accordance with the Madura
salt farmers dimension.
Ergonomics is one of the sciences that Identifies and
collects the informations about the data related human
or behaviors, abilities, limitations and the
characteristics. The information is used to design a
productive, safe and effective comfort of machine,
equipment, work systems and work environment.
Ergonomics is a systematic branch of science to
Utilize information about human behavior, abilities
and limitations in designing a system optimize work
so that goals can be Achieved Effectively, safely and
comfortably (Sutalaksana, 1999). To make products
by holding ergonomic principles in the design and
work system, anthropometry approach has been used
for a long time (I.W Taifa et al, 2017).
Kroemer and Grandjean (2005) define that
anthropometry as the science of measuring the
dimensions of the human body and an important
factor in considering the process of designing
facilities or equipment. Because anthropometry is
used as a task adjustment with humans. Three
principles of applying anthropometric data in
designing various products that depend on the type of
product. The first principle of the design principle for
extreme individuals, in the form of a design made can
be used by extreme individuals, which is too large or
small compared to the average to fulfill the target,
then a large percentile is used (90th, 95th or 99th
percentile) or a small percentile ( 1th, 5th or 10th
percentile). The second principle of the design
principle that can be adjusted, in the form of
designing products that can be adjusted to the wishes
of consumers like in the car seat. The last principle is
the principle of designing the average size, in the
form of design based on the average human size. This
principle is used if the design of designed must be
used for various sizes of the human body
(Wingnjosoebroto S, 2008).The dimensions of the
human body anthropometric have symbols in the
form of numbers that have Reviews their meanings to
make it Easier to write, Anthropometric dimensions
of the human body proposed by Pheasent (2003) there
are 36 body dimensions items, as show in Figure 1.
Figure 1: 36-dimensional image of the body.
Pulat (1992) offers a product design concept to
support the efficiency and safety in the use of product
design. The concept is designed for reliability,
comfort, duration of use, ease of use, and efficient in
use. So that each product design to meet the desires
of the wearer it should be done through several
approaches including:
a. Knowing the needs of the user. User
requirements can be defined based on the needs
and market orientation, interviews with
potential product users and uses personal
b. The function of the product in detail. Specific
function products that can satisfy the user must
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
be explained in detail through a list of items
each function of the product.
c. Perform analysis on product design tasks.
d. Developing products.
e. Test against the user of the product.
An ergonomic product design called when
attention to several aspects, among others;
anthropometric, physiological, biomechanical and
psychological compatible with human users. In
designing a product should be user-oriented
production, distribution friendly, friendly installation,
user operation and maintenance friendly. In the
design of a product that is very important to note is a
human-centered design of the wearer or the human
centered design (Sutalaksana, 1999).
This study took place in laboratory ergonomics and
system design work, starting in July up to August
2019. The need for a cross-table as one of the
supporting tools evaporation rate, according to the
functions and human needs as a user, then the cross-
section table design should pay attention to
ergonomic factors, one important aspect in designing
appropriate ergonomic factors that aspect of
anthropometry. Kroemer and Grandjean (2005)
defines as the science of measurement
anthropometric dimensions of the body and become
an important factor in considering the process of
designing facilities or equipment, because
anthropometry is used for adjustment with a human
task. Body dimensions are used as a cross-reference
table that manufacture body dimension data
Madurese man who quoted from research Fikri
(2017) in his research related Anthropometric
Measurement of Ethnicity Young Adult community
Madura. That is because the user of the tool brine
evaporation rate with the supporting cross-section
table that is still devoted to Madura. The dimensions
of the body of Madurese man who used to design the
cross-section of the table, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The dimensions of the body of Madurese man who
used to design the cross-section of the table.
No Notation
Dimensions Definition
1 D1 High Body The vertical
distance from the
floor to the top
of the hea
2 D2 high-Eye
The vertical
distance from the
floor to the
outside corner of
the right eye
3 D3 High Shoulder
The vertical
distance from the
floor to the top
of the right
(acromion) or
the tip of the
right shoulder
4 D23
The length of
the forearm
The horizontal
distance from the
forearm was
measured from
the back of the
right elbow to
the tip of the
middle finge
5 D24
arms forward
The distance
from the top of
the right
(acromion) to the
tip of the middle
finger right hand
elbow and right
wrist straight
6 D25
length grip
arms forward
The distance
from the top of
the right
(acromion) to the
center of the
cylinder rod is
gripped by the
right hand,
elbow and wrist
7 D28 light-fingered
Distance from
the wrist crease
to the tip of the
middle finger of
the right hand
with the hands
and all fingers
straight and
8 D29
The width of
the hand
The distance
between the two
sides outside the
four books right
hand fingers are
straight and
9 D33
The width of
the hand
The distance is
measured from
the tip of the
elbow right hand
to the left hand
end of the elbow.
Anthropometric Body Dimensions Approach: Table Design Cross-section on Tools Evaporation Rate
By using a percentile 95%, following the body
dimension data Madurese men, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: a percentile of the body dimensions data Madurese
man who used to design the cross-section of the table.
Average ST
5 50 95
D1 165.00 4:00 158.45 165.00 171.55
D2 155.70 4.73 147.94 155.70 163.46
D3 138.10 3:42 132.49 138.10 143.71
D23 46.59 0:51 45.76 46.59 47.42
D24 74.91 1:04 73.20 74.91 76.62
D25 65.96 1:08 64.18 65.96 67.74
D28 17:24 0.80 15.92 17:24 18:56
D29 8:54 0.61 7:54 8:54 9:55
D33 98.64 3:30 93.22 98.64 104.06
Based on data from the Madurese male body
dimensions, then the cross-sectional design table as a
support tool brine evaporation rate is made by a
production-oriented user, user distribution, user
installation, operation and maintenance user friendly,
human-centered users. As it is reflected in the design
Table cross-section has a minimum height of 88
cm to a maximum of 158. This is because the D1
dimension or dimensions of 171 cm height,
dimension D2 or high dimensional eye has a height of
163 cm. Salt ponds have sometimes erratic
topography of the land does not even mean that
results in the tool will have a slope so that the tool is
not optimal in performing functions and uses.
Anticipating that the tool brine evaporation rate
feature flexibility given that the legs can be added
height. The legs can be added height up to 70 cm so
that the total reaches a maximum height of 193 cm. A
secondary function of the flexibility features that can
be used to adjust the viewing distance between the
user with tools based on the user's body dimensions,
are presented in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Figure 2: The design of the high position of minimal cross-
section table.
Part A is a table of accessories that will be used as
the handle so as to facilitate the user to change the
position of the table. Part A has a diameter of 40 mm
and the circumference of 125.6 mm so as to facilitate
the operator or user that has the D28 and D29 to the
95th percentile male in a row at 185.6 mm and 95.5
mm for moving the position of the table sectional
pulling and pressing, are presented in Figure 5.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Figure 3: The design of the high position of minimal cross-
section table.
Figure 4: 3D Design sectional table.
Figure 5: 2D Design Part A.
Figure 6: 2D Design Part B.
Pedestal table is divided into the upper and lower
part pedestal table, which will be used as a place for
a container of salt water until the sensors are used on
the appliance, are presented in Figure 6. Pedestal
table has a length of 540 mm outside making it easier
for operators to D33, 95th percentile male of 1040.6
mm to reach all devices on top of it. Alas table also
has a width of 520 mm making it easier for operators
who have D23, D24 and D25 with a 95th percentile
male in a row at 474.2 mm, 766.2 mm and 677.4 mm
to reach all devices that are thereon or therein.
Anthropometric Body Dimensions Approach: Table Design Cross-section on Tools Evaporation Rate
Figure 7: 2D Design Part C.
Part C is an outer table legs that will be used as a
buffer table and as a place for part G so that the height
adjustable table. Part C has a height of 1000 mm so
as to facilitate the operator who has a D4 with a 95th
percentile male of 1056.8 mm to perform all
operations with a table in a state of minimum height.
Part C has a diameter of 25 mm and a circumference
of 78.5 mm so as to facilitate the operator who has a
D28 with a 95th percentile male of 185.6 mm for
moving the sectional table by holding the top, as
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 8. 2D Design Part D.
Figure 8 is Design Part D is the inner table leg that
will be used to set the height of the table so as to
facilitate the user to adjust the table so as not skewed
in areas with irregular topography. Part D has a length
of 980 mm so as to facilitate the users with D1, D2
and D3 with a 95th percentile male in a row of 1715.5
mm, 1634.6 mm and 1437.1 mm for adjusting the
height of the table cross-section.
One approach in manufacturing ergonomic table
design cross-section, is anthropometry body
dimensions. Based on anthropometric data base
Madurese percentile male with 95%, then the
table is designed with a flexible cross-section.
Flexibility can be seen from the design features
height adjustment table cross-section that is a
maximum height of 158cm and a minimum of
88cm based on the dimensions D1 and D2, this
is because the D1 dimension or dimensions of
171 cm height, dimension D2 or high
dimensional eye has a height of 163 cm. Lock
feature table leg cross-section has a length of 98
cm is based on the dimensions D1, D2, D3 in a
row of 1715.5 mm, 1634.6 mm and 1437.1 mm
for adjusting the height of the table cross-section
features a handle with a high of 11 cm and the
handle of the ball diameter of 4 cm based on the
dimensions D28 and D29 to the 95th percentile
male in a row at 185.6 mm and 95.5 mm for
moving the position of the table sectional pulling
and pressing. The length and width of the table
by 56 cm cross section are based on the
dimensions of 54cm by dimension D33 and D23,
D24 and D25.
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Anthropometric Body Dimensions Approach: Table Design Cross-section on Tools Evaporation Rate