Figure 4 Result of Sharp Images using Blur Detection
Techniques; Result of (a) Fast Fourier Transform; (b)
Laplacian Operator; (c) Modified Laplacian;
(d)Tenengrad; and (e) HaarWavelett Transform.
Table 2: This caption has one line so it is centered.
FN TP Accura
cy (%)
FFT 10
0 13 87 93.5% 6.2001
LAP 73 2
2 98 85.5% 1.1482
MLAP 95 5 27 73 84% 0.8951
TEN 94 6 6 94 94% 5.6921
HWT 99 1 5 95 97% 6.0370
Table 2 shows the confusion matrix results of the
performance comparison of different blur detection
techniques. Provided the assessment results, in terms
of accuracy rate, HWT leads the best results follows
by TEN, FFT, LAP, and MLAP sequentially. In
terms of execution time, MLAP leads the best results
follows by LAP, TEN, HWT, and FFT sequentially.
Table 3: Comparison of Blur Detection Techniques.
n Score
Score (%)
FFT 1.0 0.87 0.93048 6.2001
LAP 0.784 0.98 0.87111 1.1482
MLAP 0.9358 0.73 0.82022 0.8951
TEN 0.94 0.94 0.94 5.6921
HWT 0.9895 0.95 0.96938 6.0370
Table 3 shows the summary results of the
performance comparison of different blur detection
techniques. Provided the assessment results to
measure the scores are the precision score, recall
score, and F-measure score. Also, we considered the
total processing time (execution time) of each
technique. FFT got the highest precision score, while
LAP got the highest recall score, and HWT got the
highest f-measure score. In terms of execution time,
MLAP performs the fastest processing time.
The study aims to conduct comparative analysis
about the different image blur detection techniques.
Based on the results, in terms of accuracy rate, HWT
leads the best result. Based on the computed scores,
FFT got the highest precision score, while LAP got
the highest recall score, and HWT got the highest f-
measure score. In terms of execution time, MLAP
performs the fastest processing time among them all.
The next stage, as part of our long term project
goal, we planned to conduct a comparative analysis
of the different image restoration or deblurring
techniques that can be used in our long term goal.
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