development and is expressed through the design
option Start of Production.
An increasing number of companies is implementing
agile development processes to meet the challenges
of increasing innovation pressure. But in the world
of physical product development, with its
significantly decreased depths of added value over
the last decades, an implementation of agile
approaches can only be beneficial if suppliers are
successfully integrated into these new processes. As
discussed in this paper, a needs oriented design of
the customer-supplier-relationship and the
integration form is mandatory for an effective and
efficient supplier integration. The presented model
in this paper therefore seeks to provide a first
solution for the design space of the supplier
integration into agile development processes. Based
on an evaluation of existing approaches in literature
and the authors’ experience from own agile
development projects the developed model
summarizes the relevant design dimensions and their
different design options, suitable for the use in agile
development projects. The developed description
model of the design space is thereby just a partial
model of an overall method for the situational design
of supplier integration forms. Dependent on the
respective procurement object and the prevailing
situation in the development project the most
suitable design options have to be selected for an
effective and efficient development project. Both the
time and monetary expenditure for implementation
and the associated added value or influence on the
overall development project differ greatly between
the various design options. Thus, to complete this
method, especially a logic to select the most suitable
design options according to the concrete situation
has to be developed in future research. A useful
application of the presented design options in
operational practice is therefore only possible in
combination with this logic.
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