interactions between companies and consumers.
CRM is a system of how companies work with
customers, solve problems for their customers, attract
customers to buy goods and services offered and
continue to make transactions. CRM that is built is a
system that can record any menu that is frequently
visited by users, help provide promo information to
users, the survey features to find out what are the
advantages and disadvantages of the homestay and
tourism visited, and can manage complaints from
customers. The system was built using the Laravel
framework, the programming language PHP, and
MySQL database using the Rapid Application
Development (RAD) method. The reason for using
the RAD method because it has several advantages
such as relatively fast application development time
focus on values that can be added value for software
quality that is tailored to the needs of the user and the
coding that is done so that it can be reused. With the
development of services by adding a CRM module,
it is expected to be able to attract prospective
customers to become customers and maintain good
customer relations in order to keep doing transactions
2.1 Customer Relationship
Management (CRM)
According to (Turban et al, 2015), CRM is a customer
service approach that focuses on building long-term
and continuous relationships with customers who can
provide added value for both customers and
companies. According to (Strauss, 2014), CRM is the
process of targeting, acquiring, transacting, serving,
maintaining and building long-term relationships
with customers. So it can be concluded that Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) is a process in
obtaining, maintaining and improving profitable
customer relationships with the aim of creating
customer value. It can be concluded that Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) is a process in
obtaining, maintaining and improving profitable
customer relationships with the aim of creating
customer value. There are 3 phases in building good
relationships with customers. Each phase supports
increasing company relationships with customers.
According to (Kalakota, 2001) there are three phases
of CRM, namely (1) acquiring new customers, (2)
enhancing the profitability of existing customers and
(3) retaining profitable customers for life.
2.2 Rapid Application Development
RAD is a software process model that emphasizes the
short life cycle of development. RAD is a rapid
adaptation version of the waterfall model, using the
component construction approach (Putri& Effendi,
2018). RAD is a combination of various structured
techniques with prototyping techniques and joint
application development techniques to accelerate
system/application development (Putri& Effendi,
2018). From the definition of the RAD concept, it can
be seen that application development using the RAD
method can be done in a relatively faster time. The
RAD method has 3 (three) main stages as follows
(Aswati& Siagian, 2016):
• Plan Requirements ¬ At this stage, users and
analysts conduct a kind of meeting to identify
the purpose of the application or system and
identify information needs to achieve the goal.
• Design Process - At this stage is to carry out the
design process and make improvements if there
are still design mismatches between users and
• Implementation - At this stage, the programmer
develops the design into a program. After the
program is completed in part or in whole, then
the testing process is carried out on the program
whether there is an error or not before being
applied to an organization.
2.3 Black Box Testing
Black Box testing is a testing technique without
having knowledge of internal application work. It
only discusses the fundamental aspects of the system
and has little relevance to the internal logical structure
of the system (Khan, 2012).
Figure 1: Black Box Testing
(Khan, 2012)
Figure 1 illustrates that black box testing treats
software as a "Black Box" that is without knowledge
of internal work and only examines the fundamental
aspects of the system (Khan, 2012). When a tester
tests a black box, the tester must know the
architecture of the system. Black box testing has
sixteen testing techniques. But what is used in this