each company. Investors generally want the
distribution of dividends that are relatively stable or
tend to increase, where the stability of dividend
distribution can foster investor confidence in a
company because it can minimize the uncertainty of
investors to invest their funds”.
There are two types of dividends that can be
obtained by investors, namely cash dividends and
non-cash dividends. Cash dividends are dividends
that companies will give to investors in cash.
Whereas non-cash dividends are dividends given to
investors in the form of shares with a certain size
distribution, for example assets dividends and stock
dividends. However, in reality investors tend to
prefer the provision of dividends in the form of cash
dividends, because this can reduce the risk of
uncertainty that must be faced by investors for
investments made in a company”.
According to Darmawan (2020), “The
development of the business world today, coupled
with the uncertainty of the global economic
situation, causes increasingly fierce competition
between companies. This competition makes each
company increasingly competing to improve its
performance to increase the welfare of shareholders
and attract the interest of potential investors to buy
company shares. A company with excellent
prospects can be characterized by the amount of
interest from investors to invest their shares in a
One of the most desirable companies by
investors is companies in the manufacturing industry
sector. The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) noted
that investment in the manufacturing industry sector
continues to grow significantly. One factor that
causes high investor interest in manufacturing
companies is due to the company's excellent
performance. The performance of manufacturing
companies continues to show positive performance
throughout February 2019, with the Purchasing
Managers Index (PMI) data of Indonesian
manufacturing companies at the level of 50.1. This
figure is up from the previous month's level, which
was 49.9. Furthermore, it indicates that the
manufacturing industry sector is increasing. This
year, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) projects
manufacturing industry growth of 5.4%. Subsectors
that are expected to grow high include the food and
beverage industry, the machinery industry, the
textile and apparel industry, the leather industry, the
footwear industry, the metal goods industry,
computers, and electronics goods.
Manufacturing companies are companies
engaged in processing raw goods into finished goods
to add value to the goods. Of course, there are many
manufacturing companies in Indonesia, one of which
is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Nevertheless, investors are not just arbitrary in
choosing. Investors will consider many factors
before making an investment decision. One of the
considerations of investors to invest is to consider
the value of the company.
According to Sondakh (2019), “Firms that go
public have a goal to increase value of firm because
it is a factor that is considered by investors to name
their capital. Firm value is an indicator of financial
performance because if a high corporate value can
indicate prosperity for shareholders. In choosing a
good firm, investors certainly do not just choose
companies to invest their capital, because investors
see the value of the firm as reflected in the price of
their shares. The market price of the firm's shares
formed between buyers and sellers when a
transaction is called is called the firm's market value,
the stock market price is considered a reflection of
the value of the firm's assets. The value of a firm
formed through indicators of stock market value is
strongly influenced by investment opportunities. The
existence of investment opportunities will provide a
positive signal about firm's growth in the future, so
that it will increase stock prices and by increasing of
stock prices then value of firm will increase”.
Every firm that goes public certainly wants to
show investors that their firm is one of the best
alternatives to invest. There are many factors that
can affect firm value. In this study four factors were
used, namely dividend policy, liquidity, profitability
and firm size. This study aims to analyze the effect
of dividend, liquidity, profitability and firm size
policies on firm value. Based on the background
described above, the formulation of the problem in
this study is to analyze the effect of dividend policy,
liquidity, profitability and firm size on firm value.
This study uses financial services companies listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange over period 2015
to 2018 as sample where 12 firms meet the
According to Fajaria (2018), “Each company
must take into account the advantages obtained, as
well as with investors who want to profit from the
capital that they grow in the company. A company
can be said to be included in the company an
attractive one from the company's ability not only
generate a profit, but also able to maintain and
increase profits. This advantage is known as
corporate profits. Management of the company
believes and is confident that consistent profits to
attract and retain investors to invest in the company,