Implementation of Tax Ownership to Taxpayers with the Principles
of Justice
Steffi Yellow, Ahmad Feri Tanjung, Marolop Butar-butar, Kartina Pakpahan, Elvira Fitriyani
Magister of Laws, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip simpang Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Tax hostage, taxpayers, justice.
Abstract: Hostage-taking was an act of confiscation of the body against a taxpayer who does not carry out his
obligations. It was necessary to pay attention to the regulation and the impact of the pressure that will arise
from the hostage taking. Data collection techniques in the form of literature and interviews with government
officials at the Directorate General of Taxes, KPP Pratama Binjai area. The data were analyzed
qualitatively. Regulations for taking tax hostage against taxpayers with the principle of justice were
regulated based on Law Number 19 of 2000. The mechanism for implementing tax hostage against
taxpayers with the principle of justice at Binjai Pratama Tax Office was in accordance with existing
regulations. KPP Pratama Binjai has provided leeway for tax bearers and passes the change of year. Efforts
to increase compliance and awareness of taxpayers in carrying out tax obligations in the Binjai Pratama
KPP area was to educate taxpayers at the time of administration, made NPWP.
In line with the increasingly active development
carried out, the greater the budget for financing state
expenditures. For this reason, the government
requires a large enough fund to finance development
activities that take place continuously and
sustainably. The funds are expected to be obtained
from domestic revenues without having to rely on
foreign aid or loans.
Development financing issued by the
government was obtained from various sectors, in
this case, namely tax revenue and non-tax revenue.
Non-tax revenues include, among others, revenues
from the use of natural resources, management of
state assets and others. These revenues are very
unstable because of the large dependence of these
revenues on external factors. Therefore, the only
mainstay of the government today was revenue from
the taxation sector.
The tax sector plays a big role in state revenue.
Taxes are a means by which the government obtains
funds from the people. The proceeds from the tax
revenue are used to fill the state budget and at the
same time finance state spending needs. Apart from
being a source of funds to fill the state budget, taxes
are also used as a source of monetary and investment
policies which have an impact on increasing
economic growth, so that people's welfare was
getting better.
Based on the aforementioned provisions of
Article 23 A, there are 2 (two) main elements
contained in taxes and other levies that are
compelling: first, they must be regulated by law and
second, they are enforceable. Order to prevent the
tax evasion, the tax law can be enforced by tax
collection, tax assessment and tax investigation
Tax collection was a transfer of wealth from the
people to the state, the results of which will be
returned to the people. Therefore, tax collection
must get approval from the people, especially
regarding the types of taxes that will be collected
and how much the tax was collected. Of course, the
people's consent process can only be carried out by
means of a law. The juridical basis for answering
this question was by referring to Article 23A above.
In the framework of National Taxation reform, the
Government together with the House of
Representatives (DPR) succeeded in reforming tax
Based on the second element, namely the
enforceable nature of tax collection, it can be
explained that the funds collected from taxes will be
Yellow, S., Tanjung, A., Butar-butar, M., Pakpahan, K. and Pakpahan, E.
Implementation of Tax Ownership to Taxpayers with the Principles of Justice.
DOI: 10.5220/0010312700003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Her itage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 400-407
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
returned to the people in the form of development
and services provided by the government. In order to
create certainty in the process of collecting it and the
progress of development in a sustainable manner,
the nature of the coercion must exist because the
people themselves have agreed to it through the
provisions stipulated in law. The element of
coercion means that if the taxpayer does not want to
pay taxes, the government can take coercion, among
others, by issuing a letter of force so that the
taxpayer was willing to pay off his tax debt. That
there was an influence between the attitude of the
taxpayer and the application of land and building
taxes. This affects that it will facilitate the future
opportunities for the attitude of taxpayers
(Ramdhani, 2017).
That the philosophical and the restorative justice
principle has become the foundation for regulation
and tax enforcement rather than repressive or
retributive justice. Persuasive approach focused on
tax payers and officers’ consensus was the best
mechanism for tax evasion, not only related on civil
and criminal matters, but also for administrative.
The implementation of restorative justice principle
will be appropriate if the principle was accompanied
by good governance principles (Sarwirini, 2014).
In this case, the focus will be on tax collection by
the Directorate General of Taxes against taxpayers
who have tax arrears. Tax collection was carried out
based on Law No. 19 of 1997 as amended by Law
no. 19 of 2000 concerning tax collection by
compulsory letter. The forced letter has executorial
power and was the same as a court decision which
has permanent legal force. The coercive letter,
among others, gives the Directorate General of
Taxes the authority to take hostages against
taxpayers who have tax arrears.
Hostage-taking (gijzeling) was a compulsion to
carry out corporate confiscation of taxpayers who
have neglected their obligations, resulting in
substantial losses for the government. In this case
the government must do it selectively and carefully
because this concerns human rights. And the
implementation can only be done after going
through a series of other tax collection activities.
There was a relationship between taxation and the
application of the electronic filling system on
taxpayer compliance. So it was very important for
the application of taxpayers with the socialization of
this understanding with a new system that affects
how compliant taxpayers are with their obligations
(Sugiartini, 2020).
That in the statistical analysis there was a
relationship between taxpayer understanding and tax
awareness which has a significant relationship with
taxpayers, so it was very important for socialization
training on this so that it adds guidance on taxes
(Ida, 2019). A study was known to have a
relationship with taxpayers' knowledge of a positive
relationship with individual taxpayers (Ida, 2019).
The Regional Office of the Directorate General
of Taxes (DJP) North Sumatra (Sumut) I took
hostage on a tax arreater with the initials JH on
January 19, 2017. JH is registered at the Pratama
Binjai Tax Service Office (KPP) and was an
entrepreneur in the field of chicken farming. The
total tax arrears amounted to Rp 3.61 billion. JH was
held hostage because he was judged to be
uncooperative and ignored all the persuasive actions
he had taken. The hostage-taking was carried out
based on the Letter of the Minister of Finance of the
Republic of Indonesia Number SR-986 / MK.03 /
2016 dated 30 December 2016 regarding the
Granting of Permits to take hostages.
Based on the fact that there is an imbalance of
bargaining position of the parties. Although the
agreement has put forward the principle of freedom
of contract. Freedom of contract is based on the
assumption that the parties to the contract have a
balanced bargaining position, but in reality the
parties do not always have a balanced bargaining
position (Pakpahan, 2017). This research was to
look at the laws in Indonesia that regulate tax
hostage, how the tax hostage implementation
mechanism and the role in increasing taxpayer
compliance and awareness. Based on the
background explanation above, the researcher was
interested in conducting research on hostage-taking
which was compiled in this thesis with the title "The
Application of Tax Hostage to Taxpayers with the
Principle of Justice in the Binjai Primary Tax Office
From the existing problems, there are questions,
namely how positive law in Indonesia regulates the
application of tax hostage to taxpayers with the
principle of justice, how was the implementation
mechanism for implementing tax hostage to
taxpayers with the principle of justice in the area of
the Binjai Pratama Tax Service Office, and how are
efforts to improve taxpayer compliance in carrying
out tax obligations in the area of the Binjai Pratama
Tax Service Office. And diference than another
paper are this have seems problem and how do from
one city at North Sumatera.
Implementation of Tax Ownership to Taxpayers with the Principles of Justice
The research method in this research uses juridical
empirical research which looks for material in the
form of interviews to compare it with the right
positive law. The study used interviews with the
Directorate General of Taxes in the KPP Pratama
Binjai area to obtain an explanation of the hostage
cases that had occurred.
To analyze the data and draw from the research
results, the data will be analyzed qualitatively by
describing the data in the form of explanations or
sentence descriptions that are arranged
systematically from the results of data analysis.
Then, an analysis of the incident at the taxpayer
office in the Binjai area of North Sumatra was
analyzed and the results of the interview are
3.1 The Implementation Mechanism
for the Application of Tax Hostage
to Taxpayers with the Principle of
Justice in the Area of the Binjai
Primary Tax Office
The definition of tax according to Law Number 28
of 2007 concerning General Provisions and Tax
Procedures (UU KUP) was an obligatory
contribution to the state by an individual or entity
that was compelling under the Law. Taxes are a state
obligation which was clearly regulated in the 1945
Constitution. Article 23 (A) states that "taxes and
other levies which are forcing for state purposes are
regulated by law". In accordance with Article 27
paragraph (1).
Article 23 (A) of the 1945 Constitution
(Amendment IV) was the legal basis for tax
collection in Indonesia which reads: "Taxes and
other levies of a compelling nature for state purposes
are regulated by law". According to Machfud Sidik,
compliance with voluntary taxation obligations was
the backbone of the self-assessment system, where
taxpayers are responsible for determining their own
tax obligations and then accurately and timely pay
and report the tax (Rahayu, 2010).
According to Gunadi, the definition of taxpayer
compliance was: "In this case it means that
taxpayers have the willingness to fulfill their tax
obligations in accordance with applicable
regulations without the need for examination, careful
investigation, warnings or threats and application of
both legal and administrative sanctions" (Gunadi,
2013). Taxpayer compliance, namely guilt and
shame, taxpayers' perceptions of the fairness and
fairness of the tax burden they bear, and the effect of
satisfaction on government services (Nasucha,
The predicate of obedient taxpayers in the sense
of discipline and obedience, was not the same as
taxpayers who are predicated as large taxpayers,
there was no relationship between compliance with
the nominal amount of tax deposits paid to the State
treasury. Because, even the largest taxpayer does not
necessarily meet the criteria as a compliant taxpayer,
even though it makes a large contribution to the
state, if it still has arrears or delays in tax payment, it
cannot be given the title of obedient taxpayer
(Rahayu, 2010).
The billing action was divided into two, namely
passive billing and active billing. In passive billing
there are several actions taken, namely by using a
Tax Collection Letter (STP), Tax Underpayment
Assessment Letter (SKPKB), Additional Underpaid
Tax Assessment (SKPKBT), Correction Decree
(SKP), Objection Decree, Decree Appeal. If within
30 days it has not been paid, then 7 days after the
due date will be followed by active tax collection
starting with issuing warning letters, compulsory
warrants, confiscation orders, prevention, hostage
taking (Suandy, 2005).
The purpose of the tax collection was for the tax
bearer to pay off his tax debt. Thus, if the tax debt
was paid off, the series of actions will not be
continued. This collection action was one way of
forcing taxpayers to fulfill their obligations. The
collection function was as a law enforcement action
for taxpayers or tax bearers to comply with statutory
regulations and as a measure to safeguard tax
revenue (Zuraida & L. Y. Hari Sih Advianto, 2011).
Article 32 paragraph (1) of the General
Provisions of Taxation Law stipulates that in
exercising rights and obligations in accordance with
the provisions of taxation legislation, taxpayers are
represented in terms of:
a. agency by administrators
b. the agency declared bankrupt by the curator
c. body under dissolution by a person or body
assigned to make settlement
d. the agency was under liquidation by a
e. an inheritance that has not been divided by
one of the heirs, executor of his will or who
manages the inheritance; or
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
f. a child who was not an adult or someone who
was under interception by a guardian or
Representatives as referred to in Article 32
paragraph (1) of the Law on General Provisions of
Taxation are personally and / or jointly responsible
for the payment of taxes owed, unless they can
prove and convince the Directorate General of Taxes
that they are in a truly impossible position. to be
burdened with responsibility for the tax due.
Taxpayer awareness was the attitude of taxpayers
who have understood and are willing to carry out
their obligations to pay taxes and have reported all
their income without being hidden in accordance
with applicable regulations (Nasution, 2006).
Taxpayers on the implementation of state
functions by the government will move people to
comply with their obligations to pay taxes. Tax
awareness grows because people feel they are
involved in finding tax regulations (Safri Nurmantu,
The procedure for issuing tax assessments and
tax bills has been regulated in the Minister of
Finance Regulation which has undergone several
changes, with the latest amendment, namely
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 183 /
PMK.03 / 2015 concerning Procedures for Issuance
of Tax Assessment Letters and Tax Collection
Letters. Previous regulations, namely Minister of
Finance Regulation Number 145 / PMK.03 / 2012
concerning Procedures for Issuance of Tax
Assessment Letters and Tax Collection Letters,
Minister of Finance Regulation Number 84 /
PMK.03 / 2010 concerning Procedures for Issuance
of Tax Collection Letters, Minister of Finance
Regulation Number 83 /PMK.03/2010 concerning
Procedures for Issuance of Tax Assessment Letters,
Minister of Finance Regulation Number 189 /
PMK.03 / 2007 concerning Procedures for Issuance
of Tax Collection Letters and Regulation of the
Minister of Finance Number 23 / PMK.03 / 2008
concerning Procedures for Issuance of Assessment
Letters Tax.
Regulations that further regulate tax hostage are
in the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number
PER - 03 / PJ / 2018 concerning Guidelines for
Implementing Hostage-Taking and Providing
Rehabilitation of the Good Name of Tax Bearers
Hosted. The previous regulation, namely the Decree
of the Director General of Taxes Number KEP-218 /
PJ / 2003 concerning Guidelines for the
Implementation of Hostage-taking and Granting of
Rehabilitation of the Good Name of Tax Bearers
who are Hosted. Rules regarding hostage-taking are
also regulated by Government Regulation Number
137 of 2000 concerning Places and Procedures for
Hostage Hostage, Rehabilitation of Tax Bearers'
Good Name, and Providing Compensation in the
Context of Collecting Tax with a Warrant.
Technically also contained in the Joint Decree of the
Minister of Finance and Minister of Justice and
Human Rights No. M-02.UM.09.01 Year 2003, No.
294 / KMK.03 / 2003 concerning the Custodian of
Tax Bearers Held in a Detention Center in the
Context of Collecting Tax with a Warrant.
According to Law Number 19 of 1997 as lastly
amended by Law Number 19 of 2000 concerning
Tax Collection by Force Letter in Article 33
Paragraph 2, hostage-taking can only be carried out
based on a Hostage Warrant issued by an official
after obtaining written permission from the Minister
Finance for central tax collection or from the
Governor for local tax collection. However, if the
official was unavailable and a replacement for the
official has not been appointed, the superior officer
can apply for a permit to take hostage.
Based on Law Number 19 of 1997 as lastly
amended by Law Number 19 of 2000 concerning
Tax Collection by Force Letter in Article 33
Paragraph 3, the period for holding tax bearers of
hostage was a maximum of six months from the time
the tax bearer was placed in place. hostage and can
be extended for a maximum of six months.
Taxpayer awareness of taxation was needed to
increase taxpayer compliance. The level of tax
awareness shows how much a person's
understanding of the meaning, function and role of
taxes. The higher the level of taxpayer awareness,
the better the understanding and implementation of
tax obligations so that it can increase compliance.
This statement was also supported by the results
of research conducted by Siti Musyarofah and Adi
Purnomo whose research results show that taxpayer
awareness has a positive effect on taxpayer
compliance. The results of this study are supported
by research results from Hangga Wicaksono, Murti,
Jullie Sondakh, and Harijanto Sabijono which state
that taxpayer awareness has a significant positive
effect on taxpayer compliance.
This was also obtained from the research of Ni
Ketut Muliari and Putu Ery Setiawan, which affects
taxpayer compliance. This was due to the awareness
of taxpayers due to understanding and implementing
high voluntary taxation provisions regarding taxes,
so that taxpayer compliance will increase.
Law Number 19 of 1997 as lastly amended by
Law Number 19 of 2000 concerning Tax Collection
by Force Letter in article 33 paragraph 5 stipulates
Implementation of Tax Ownership to Taxpayers with the Principles of Justice
that hostage-taking may not be carried out if the tax
bearer was in worship, was attending an official
hearing, or was attending general election.
Based on Law Number 19 Year 1997 as last
amended by Law Number 19 Year 2000 concerning
Tax Collection by Force Letter article 34 paragraph
3, tax bearers who are held hostage can file a lawsuit
against the implementation of hostage taking only to
the district court. The right to file a lawsuit was to
provide justice for tax bearers in the event of an
error in the implementation of hostage taking which
was of course detrimental to the tax bearer
Law Number 19 of 1997 as lastly amended by
Law Number 19 of 2000 concerning Tax Collection
by Force Letter article 34 paragraph 4 states that tax
bearers can apply for rehabilitation of good name
and compensation if the tax bearer's claim was
granted by the District Court. and court decisions
have permanent legal force.
The amount of compensation provided by an
official to a taxpayer or a tax bearer was IDR
100,000.00 (one hundred thousand rupiah) per day
during the period of detention he has served. This
value was stated in Law Number 19 Year 1997 as
last amended by Law Number 19 Year 2000
concerning Tax Collection by Force Letter article 34
paragraph 5 letter a. The amount of compensation
for the tax bearer who was held hostage may change
and was determined by a decree of the Minister of
In Law Number 19 Year 1997, as lastly amended
by Law Number 19 Year 2000 concerning Tax
Collection by Force Letter Article 35, it was
stipulated that taking taxpayers hostage does not
result in the elimination of tax debts and the
cessation of tax collection. Thus, taking tax bearers
as hostage does not result in the write-off of the tax
debt. Therefore, even though the tax bearer has been
taken hostage, the tax collection action does not stop
and continues to be carried out.
The Binjai Pratama Tax Office has the following
work areas:
1. Binjai Municipality includes the districts of
East Binjai, Binjai Kota, Binjai Utara, Binjai
Barat and Binjai Selatan
2. Langkat District includes, Pangkalan Susu,
Gebang, Hinai, Secanggang, Sawit Seberang,
Babalan, Sei Lepan, Stabat, Sirapit, Binjai,
Besitang, Tanjung Pura, Wampu, Pematang
Jaya, West Brandan, Kuala, Finish, Bahorok,
Kutambaru districts , Sei Bingai, Batang
Serangan and Wal Api
The Binjai Pratama Tax Service Office was
located at Jalan Jambi number 1 Rambung Barat,
Binjai Selatan. Based on the Regulation of the
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 210 / PMK.01 / 2017 concerning the
Organization and Work Procedures of the
Directorate General of Taxes Vertical Agency in
article 58, KPP Pratama has the task of carrying out
services, counseling, supervision and law
enforcement for Taxpayers in the field of Income
Tax, Taxes. Value Added, Sales Tax on Luxury
Goods, Other Indirect Taxes, and Land and Building
Tax within their jurisdiction based on laws and
The Directorate General of Taxes has carried out
a series of investigations and reconnaissance assisted
by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and tax
intelligence. Based on these data, it is stated that the
tax bearer does not have good intentions because he
does not want to pay taxes, not because he was
unable to pay taxes. That was the basis for the tax
hostage decision to be implemented.
According to Mr. Ivon Indardi, the case of JH's
tax bearer tax debt must be resolved immediately
before March 31, 2017, given the tax amnesty
program. By taking advantage of the tax amnesty
program, taxpayers are only required to pay the
principal tax owed. Interest penalties and tax
penalties will be removed.
The Binjai Primary Tax Office has told JH tax
bearers to take advantage of this tax amnesty
program. However, JH's tax bearer was still not
willing to pay his tax debt. This tax debt that has
been incurred since 2008 was finally taken hostage.
The hostage-taking was the last resort that had to be
Based on the interview conducted with Mr.
Diyarto, the tax bailiff who was directly on duty at
the time the implementation of the tax hostage
against the JH tax bearer was carried out, the
researcher was given a clear explanation of the stage
of hostage being carried out up to the stage of
releasing the hostages. The hostage-taking was
carried out based on the Letter of the Minister of
Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number SR-
986 / MK.03 / 2016 dated 30 December 2016
regarding the Granting of Permits to take hostages.
The hostage-taking was not immediately carried
out at that time because surveillance was carried out
first. Surveillance was carried out to determine the
whereabouts of taxpayers. Reconnaissance was
carried out by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
and inteldik.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
The tax hostage was carried out against JH on
January 19, 2017 at his residence. The process of
taking hostages was carried out by the tax bailiff and
the police, namely the North Sumatra Regional
Police. After that, the JH tax bearer was taken to the
hospital for a health check in order to get a medical
certificate from the hospital which states that the tax
bearer was in good health. Furthermore, JH tax
bearers are entrusted to the Class I State Detention
Center (Rutan), Medan. JH tax bearers are placed in
a separate room from other inmates.
The period of hostage taking can be carried out
for a maximum of 6 (six) months and can be
extended for a maximum of 6 (six) months.
However, the taxpayer JH paid the tax debt and also
joined the tax amnesty program on January 20,
2017, the day after the hostage taking was carried
out. JH's tax bearer paid off all his tax payable
amounting to Rp 2,444,436,937.
JH tax bearers are released from hostage on
January 20, 2017 after fulfilling the provisions for
cessation of hostages in accordance with KEP-218/
PJ / 2003 concerning Implementation Guidelines for
Hostage-taking and Granting Rehabilitation of the
Good Name of Tax Bearers Who Are Hostaged. Tax
bearers who have paid tax debt of 50% or more of
the amount of tax debt / remaining tax debt, and the
rest will be paid in installments released from the
state detention center based on certain
considerations from the Minister of Finance with a
Letter of Recommendation / Notification of the
Minister of Finance to the Director General of
Decisions made on tax hostage against taxpayers
need to go through various stages of collection. This
action cannot be done immediately because it
involves a person's psychological problems.
Economic observer from Medan State University, M
Ishak admitted that he did not agree with the steps
taken by the Directorate General of Taxes hostage.
This aspect will affect the taxpayer psychologically.
In the case of JH tax bearers, the Binjai Pratama
Tax Service Office has given a very long period of
time, namely since 2008 and only taking hostages in
early 2017. During that time, the Binjai Pratama Tax
Service Office was also not passive, but active in
nature. in doing billing as regulated.
The tax debt value must be paid by the tax bearer
in accordance with existing regulations. However,
with the opportunity to take advantage of the tax
amnesty program, the nominal tax debt paid was
only 70% of the initial nominal tax debt. The Binjai
Primary Tax Office has a good role in taking action
by reducing the nominal tax debt to ease the burden
on JH tax bearers.
In the process of holding the JH tax bearer
hostage has been carried out in accordance with
existing implementing regulations. All rights and
obligations of tax hostages have been fulfilled. The
Binjai Primary Tax Office has also provided leeway
for tax bearers to go through the new year. The
Hostage Permit Granting Letter was issued on 31
December 2016 and the implementation of the new
hostage-taking took place on 19 January 2017.
3.3 Efforts to Improve Taxpayer
Compliance in Carrying Out
Tax Obligations in the Binjai
Pratama Tax Office Area
The researcher conducted an interview with Mr.
Sahrul Alam as the Head of the Extensification and
Counseling Section of the Binjai Pratama Tax Office
about the work program of the Binjai Pratama Tax
Service Office. Based on the Director General of
Taxes Regulation Number PER-21 / PJ / 2015 and
last amended by Number PER-08 / PJ / 2018
concerning the Implementation of Duties and
Functions of the Director General of Taxes
Extension and Counseling Section 2, the duties and
functions of the Extensification and Extension
Section include:
a. Implementation of Extensification;
b. New Taxpayer Supervision;
c. Implementation of Taxation Counseling; and
d. Administration of PBB P3.
In line with the Directorate General of Taxes, the
Extensification and Counseling Section of the Binjai
Pratama Tax Office also carries out work programs
to improve taxpayer compliance, namely:
1. Conduct initial education to taxpayers who
have just applied for a taxpayer identification
number (NPWP). Taxpayers will be given
instructions on how to make tax payments to
tax reporting.
2. Provide appeals to prospective taxpayers from
field analysis data.
3. Provide regular counseling to taxpayers. The
objectives of the extension are:
a. Future Taxpayers
Extension was carried out in tertiary
institutions and vocational / high
schools with the aim of providing an
understanding of early tax awareness.
b. Potential Taxpayers
Counseling was provided to taxpayers
on the type of business being run.
Implementation of Tax Ownership to Taxpayers with the Principles of Justice
c. Government agencies
Counseling was given to state
treasurers, which was usually done at
the beginning of the year to provide
information related to fulfilling the
obligation to fill out the annual tax
4. Organizing Mobile Tax Unit (MTU) activities.
The Mobile Tax Unit was a series of activities
to test the effectiveness and efficiency of
using a tax car as a vehicle that was used to
serve as a means of tax education and services
for the public and / or taxpayers in carrying
out their tax obligations. MTU activities are
held in two places, namely:
a. Merdeka Binjai Field, held every
b. Jl. Commerce No. 124 Stabat (in front
of Bank BRI Stabat Branch Office),
held every Wednesday.
Mr. Sahrul Alam also emphasized that the Binjai
Pratama Tax Service Office will also be happy to
provide counseling based on the taxpayer's own
request. For example, corporate taxpayers who want
to provide counseling to employees.
The implementation mechanism for applying tax
hostage to taxpayers with the principle of justice in
the area of the Binjai Pratama Tax Service Office
has been implemented in accordance with existing
implementing regulations. All rights and obligations
of tax hostages have been fulfilled. The Binjai
Pratama Tax Office provides a solution for utilizing
the tax amnesty program in reducing tax debt
without violating existing regulations. The Binjai
Primary Tax Office has also provided a leeway from
the beginning of the active collection action until the
time of taking hostage where the tax bearer was
given time to pass through the new year. The
Hostage Permit Granting Letter was issued on 31
December 2016 and the implementation of the new
hostage-taking took place on 19 January 2017.
The Directorate General of Taxes actively seeks
to increase taxpayer compliance. All aspects that
affect the level of taxpayer compliance are the
targets of the Directorate General of Taxes work
program. Efforts to increase taxpayer compliance
and awareness in carrying out tax obligations in the
Binjai Pratama Tax Office area are in line with the
work program of the Directorate General of Taxes.
The Binjai Primary Tax Office conducts initial
education to new taxpayers, provides appeals to
prospective taxpayers from field analysis data,
provides periodic counseling to taxpayers and
conducts Mobile Tax Unit (MTU) activities.
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