Certificate of Ownership has been issued for almost
40 years and if we refer to Article 32 paragraph (1)
GR No. 24 of 1997, the Heirs of the Sultan have lost
their right to sue in court, even though control of the
land is based on bad faith.
The State as the holder of power can have legal
relationships with objects, such as individual objects
with humans as their owners. The legal relationship
of the State with the land belongs to the category of
objects or land used for public use (res publicae), the
consequences are that public roads etc. are State-
owned for reasons, such as the special legal
relationship between the state and the lands that are
in the category of objects that become the general
public’s wealth, the power that the State exercises to
other lands that used infinitely and the land that is
used for public services.
The land registration activity is further described
in Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997, consists
of land registration activity for the first time (Opzet)
and data maintenance activities. This land
registration activities were done by implementing
simplified principle, safety principle, affordable
principle, cutting-edge principle and open principle.
The land registration used in Indonesia is a negative
system with positive tendency. This means that the
weaknesses of the negative system are reduced in
such ways, so that legal certainty can be achieved.
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