The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behavior on
Career Development of Civil Service Police Officers
Manahan P. Tampubolon, Erni Murniarti, Nourma F. Sidabutar
Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Keywords: Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behaviour, Career Development.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation, work skills, on career development, with variables
controlling cognitive behaviour. The independent variables are: work motivation (X1), work skills (X2),
cognitive behaviour (X3) and the dependent variable career development (Y). This research was conducted
at the Civil Service Police Unit of Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta City Administration during March-
June 2019. Population and employee samples totalling 50 employees with saturated sampling techniques. The
research instrument was a questionnaire that met the requirements of validity and reliability. Data analysis
used simple correlation, multiple correlation, and multiple regression tests at the significance level of alpha
0.05. Based on data analysis, the correlation coefficient between X1 and Y was 0.152 and significant at the
0.05 level, while the correlation coefficient between X2 and Y was 0.354, X3 with Y was 0.325 and X1, X2,
X3 with Y were 0, .377 and significant at the 0.05 level. Then the regression analysis obtained by the
regression equation between X1 and Y, Y = 19.414 + 0.471X1. The regression equation between X2 and Y
is Y = 5,415 + 0,808X2, the regression equation between Y and X3 is Y = 3,902 + 1,285X3. The results of
this study concluded that 1) there is a positive and significant influence between work motivation and career
development; 2) there is a positive and significant influence between work skills and career development; 3)
there is a positive and significant influence between cognitive behaviour with career development.
Traditionally most career development is as part of
Human Resource Development in companies and/or
organizations still based on kindship, closeness,
friendship, and personal interests. It is not based on
competence and needs. Often the career path of
someone who is placed as an employee still depends
on good fortune alone. And because they are not
ready to tread their career paths or are not prepared in
advance their career levels cause employees to
become inefficient and ineffective in passing through
their career paths.
Career development has become a concern of
employees in the life of today's organizations (Hall
and Goodale: 1986) Further in most organizations
career development employees have become staffing
problems that require special attention and career
development programs have begun to mushroom in
almost all organizations. In this case, what is meant
by career development is a process in which
individuals and organizations evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses and career plans of employees in the
organization. The above opinion is supported by a
tendency towards a shift in career development
approaches and traditional career approaches to a
modern career approach by emphasizing a more
global perspective. The description of traditional
career development emphasizes the aspect of know
how which means that a person is required to have
qualified expertise and knowledge aimed at providing
a service or producing a product (Noe: 1999)
Whereas in the modern career approach a person is
expected to have the know why aspect which means
to understand a company and culture so that they can
build and use knowledge and expertise that can help
the business, and have an understanding whow, which
means understanding the relationship that workers
have significance to the success of the business. The
shifting pattern of career development occurs because
of the demands that are internal and external.
Traditional career development patterns are
depicted more likely to be in a hierarchical position,
authority and responsibilities as well as
compensation. This pattern has shifted towards the
development of modern careers, which is illustrated
Tampubolon, M., Murniarti, E. and Sidabutar, N.
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behavior on Career Development of Civil Service Police Officers.
DOI: 10.5220/0010317400003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 478-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that the development of modern careers is aimed at
fostering employees by providing opportunities to
choose personal interests, expertise, and the
availability of information to seek experience in terms
of career development In the actual context, career
development is one of the important aspects for a
changing organization. organizations that are
changing or organizations that are facing challenges
of change both from within and from outside, need a
paradigm of modern career development (Gordon C.
1993) ,. The approach should emphasize an approach
that provides an opportunity for individuals to
increase new knowledge and expertise, be proactive,
systematic, self-assessment and provide motivation.
The shift in career development approach not only hit
the business sector but also began to penetrate the
public sector. This is due to the rapid and fundamental
changes taking place in all fields, so that it requires
the readiness and readiness of public organizations to
Career development and utilization of human
resources are the needs of the organization, stating
that their employees are the most valuable assets.
Nevertheless, employees who are placed in
inappropriate positions and experience frustration to
grow and develop harm the organization.
The emergence of the phenomenon of demotion
and demotion, the transfer of employees known as
mutations and the existence of an employee
promotion is a form of career development. Judging
from the importance of the agency's policies, a
formula is needed to regulate the administration of all
types of employee transfers. Career development can
be influenced by the following: boss / manager role,
organizational role, training, outsiders. Help in
development Employee careers can be obtained from
various sources, for example educational institutions
or consultants or the labor department.
Another thing related to career development is
promotion. Promotion is an opportunity for career
development of an employee. Organizational policies
in terms of promotion are very important for
employees who want their careers to develop.
Promotion must be wise, open and flexible, ie
responsive to individual needs. Every promotion has
risk factors for the organization as well as for the
individual. The higher the frequency of work, the
greater the risk factors, the possibility of giving the
wrong promotion can occur. Therefore it is expected
that the promotion of employees is adjusted to their
level of competence. From the description above, this
study seeks to explain how the planning and career
development of employees at the Jakarta Civil
Service Police Unit.
Career development consists of the personal
improvement of one undertakes to achieve a personal
career plan (Wherther, Jr., and Davis, 1996: 311). In
general, what influences a person's career is: (1)
Family; (2) Environment; (3) Education; (4)
Suggestions about careers from formal sources, for
example from labor centers, etc. (5) The role of the
employee itself; Today's employees are more
involved in establishing their careers in the company
as a result of government policies in the area of
According to Dessler, career planning and
development is "the deliberate process through which
a person becomes aware of personal career-related
attributes and the lifelong series of stages that
contribute to his or her career fulfillment." (Dessler,
2011: 383); is a deliberate process in which a person
becomes aware of the attributes associated with a
personal career and a series of lifelong stages that
contribute to the fulfillment of his career.
Likewise, Miner and Crane's opinion states,
"career planning is carried out by an individual in
order to become aware of the opportunities that exist,
of constraints on the availability of those
opportunities, of the choices that need to be made, and
of consequences that can be anticipated. Career-
related goals are established and development
experiences are identified in order to reach these
goals. Career development is the actual process of
implementing these plans. It is a joint effort between
individual and organization. " (Miner and Crane,
1995: 409);
Career planning is carried out by an individual to
become aware of the opportunities that exist, the
constraints on the availability of these opportunities,
the choices that need to be made, and the
consequences that can be anticipated. Career- related
goals are set and development experience is identified
to achieve these goals. Career development is the
actual process for implementing these plans.
Thus an employee needs to take certain steps to
realize the plan. The various steps that need to be
taken can be taken on the initiative of the workers
themselves, but can also take the form of activities
sponsored by the organization, or a combination of
the two. This is one of the very fundamental
principles of career development.
Flippo (1984: 271) states that "Career can be
defined as a series of work activities that are
inseparable and provide position and meaning in
one's life history. Meanwhile, according to Hani
Handoko in Sunyoto (2012: 165) there are three
career definitions, namely:
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behavior on Career Development of Civil Service Police Officers
1. Career as a sequence of promotion or transfer
(transfer) laterally to positions that are more
demanding of responsibility or better location
in crossing the hierarchy of work relations
during one's work life;
2. Career as a guide for jobs that form a clear
pattern of systematic progress in his career;
3. Careers as the history of one's work or a series
of positions held during work life.
Thus it can be interpreted that career development
must be passed through the preparation of the
prerequisites that must be possessed by an employee
to support career advancement. These prerequisites
are mutually supportive, in the sense that every career
advancement of an employee must go through several
predetermined criteria such as achievement, job / job
weights, the presence of vacancies, efficiency and so
Understanding career development as an HR
management activity is the realization of the
relationship between individuals as workers and their
organizations. In realizing career management for
oneself, the following conditions are needed: (1)
Awareness and understanding of workers that every
job / position always provides opportunities to
progress and develop; (2) Every worker must
understand that the responsibility for career
development rests with their respective workers,
which requires the implementation of career
development management itself; (3) Every worker
needs to realize and understand that it is not easy for
the organization / company to align themselves with
a career in the form of the position / position
available, because usually there is more daro than
someone who has the opportunity to get it. Broadly
speaking, motivation theory is grouped into three
groups, namely
Motivation theory with the content theory
approach, content theory with a process approach and
motivation theory with a reinforcement approach. It
is believed that to achieve the goal, peoplemust have
sufficient motivation (Ghenghesh, 2010:128)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Needs can be
defined as a gap or disagreement experienced
between a reality with an impulse that is within. If the
employee's needs are not met then the employee will
show disappointed behavior. Conversely, if their
needs are met then the employee will show happy
behavior as a manifestation of his satisfaction. Needs
are the fundamental underlying employee behavior.
Because it is impossible to understand behavior
without understanding its needs.
Abraham Maslow (Tampubolon: 2012) suggests
that the hierarchy of human needs is as follows:
1). Physiological needs, namely the need to eat,
drink, physical protection, breathing, sexual.
This need is the lowest level requirement or
also referred to as the most basic needs
2). The need for a sense of security, namely the
need for self-protection from threats, dangers,
conflicts, and living environments
3). The need for a sense of belonging (social), that
is, the need to be accepted by groups, affiliated,
interacting, and the need to love and be loved
4). The need for self-esteem, namely the need to be
respected and valued by others 5). The need to
actualize oneself, that is the need to use
abilities, skills and potential.
The need to argue with express ideas, ideas and
criticisms of something. Theory X and Y from
Douglas McGregor put forward a real view of
humans. The first view is basically negative called
theory X, and the second is basically positive called
theory Y. McGregor concluded that managers /
leaders' views of human nature are based on certain
groups of assumptions and that they tend to shape
their behavior towards employees based on these
Herzber's two-factor theory, this theory put
forward by Frederick Herzberg with the assumption
that an individual's relationship with work is
fundamental and that an individual's attitude towards
work can very well determine success or failure.
(Tampubolon: 2012) Herzberg views that job
satisfaction comes from the existence of intrinsic
motivators and bring job dissatisfaction from the
absence of extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors (work
context) include: (1) Wages, (2) Working conditions,
(3) Job security, (4) Status, (5) Company procedures,
(6) Quality of supervision, (7)
Quality of interpersonal relationships among
colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. The
existence of these conditions for employee
satisfaction does not always motivate them. But their
absence causes dissatisfaction for employees,
because they need to maintain at least a level of "no
satisfaction", an extrinsic condition called
dissatisfaction, or hygiene factors. Intrinsic factors
include: (1) Achievement, (2) Recognition, (3)
Responsibility, (4) Progress, (5) The work itself, (6)
The possibility of developing. The absence of these
conditions does not mean proving a very dissatisfied
condition. But if there is, will form a strong
motivation that results in good work performance.
Therefore, the extrinsic factor is referred to as a
satisfaction or motivator.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
McClelland's need theory was advanced by David
McClelland. This theory focuses on three needs
(Tampubolon: 2012), namely:
1). Need for achievement (need for achievement):
Encouragement for achievement and
outperform, reach standards, and strive to
2). The need for power (need for pewer): the need
to make others behave in such a way that they
will not behave otherwise.
3). Relationship needs (need for affiliation): A
desire for interpersonal relationships friendly
and friendly. Expectancy Theory, this theory
argues that the strength of a tendency to act in
a certain way depends on the strength of an
expectation that the action will be followed by
a certain output and on the attractiveness of that
output to the individual (Tampubolon: 2012).
Expectation theory says that an employee is
motivated to carry out a high level of effort if he
believes the effort will lead to a good performance
appraisal, a good appraisal will encourage
organizational rewards, such as bonuses, salary
increases, or promotions and the rewards will satisfy
the goals the employee personally.
Clayton Alderfer's theory emphasizes the theory
of ERG motivation which is based on human needs
for existence (exsistence), relationships (relatedness),
and growth (growth) (Tampubolon: 2012). This
theory is slightly different from Maslow's theory.
Here Alfeder argues that if higher needs are not or
cannot be met then humans will return to the flexible
motion of meeting needs from time to time and from
situation to situation.
Theory of Justice is based on the assumption that
people are motivated by the desire to be treated fairly
at work, individuals work to get exchanges of rewards
from organizations (Tampubolon: 2012).
The term motivation comes from the Latin word
"movere" which means encouragement or move.
Motivation questions how to direct power and
potential to work towards the specified goals.
Basically, a person works because he wants to fulfill
his daily needs. The urge to desire from one person to
another is different so that human behavior tends to
vary at work. According to Vroom in motivation
refers to a process of influencing individual choices
to various forms of desired activities (Ngalim
Purwanto, 2006: 72) ,. In addition, the term includes
a number of concepts of drive (drive), needs (need),
stimuli (incentives), rewards (reinforcement),
reinforcement, goal setting, expectancy, and so on.
Thus it can be concluded that work motivation is
an employee's response to a number of efforts arising
from within the employee as a driving force to work
well for the desired goals of the employee and the
workplace organization is achieved.
Job skills, that everyone has skills that are a talent
of the Almighty. Some people are aware of the skills
they have, but some are not yet or are not aware of the
skills in themselves. The definition of skill is the
ability of a person to change something into
something more valuable and meaningful. Using
skills can be with mind, reason and creativity. If the
skills are honed, it is possible if it will produce
something profitable.
Every expert has his own views on the definition
of skills. The following understanding of skills
according to experts:
1). Skills are an ability to operate work more easily
and precisely. This definition of skill according
to Gordon tends to lead to psychomotor activity
(Gordon, 1994).
2). Skills means developing the knowledge gained
through training and experience by carrying out
a number of tasks (Dunette, 1976)
3). Skills must be done with practice as an activity
development (Nadler, 1986).
4). Skills not only require training, but the basic
abilities that everyone has can help produce
something of value more quickly (Iverson,
5). Skills are divided into 4 categories, namely:
a)Basic Literacy Skill: Basic skills that are
definitely a must for every like reading,
writing, counting and listening.
b)Technical Skill: Technical expertise gained
through deep learning engineering such as
operating computers and other digital devices.
c)Interpersonal Skill: Everyone's expertise in
communicating with each other others like
listening to someone, giving opinions and
working in teams.
d)Problem Solving: A person's expertise in solving
problems using his logic (Robbins, 2010).
Thus it can be concluded that a person's work
skills are honed through training programs or other
guidance, which is supported by the basic abilities
that a person already has in him. Combined abilities
that are intensive will certainly be able to overcome
the problem to produce something useful and
valuable for yourself and others.
The cognitive domain is the domain that includes
mental activities (brain). All efforts concerning brain
activity are included in the cognitive realm. The
cognitive domain has six levels or aspects, namely:
1). Knowledge / memorization / memory, 2).
Comprehension, 3). Application (application), 4).
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behavior on Career Development of Civil Service Police Officers
Analysis (analysis), 5). Synthesis (syntesis), 6).
Rating / award / evaluation
The purpose of cognitive aspects is oriented to the
ability to think that includes more simple intellectual
abilities, namely remembering, to the ability to solve
problems that require students to connect and
combine several ideas, ideas, methods or procedures
learned to solve the problem. Thus the cognitive
aspect is the subtaxonomy that reveals mental
activities that often start from the level of knowledge
to the highest level, namely evaluation.
Behavior Theory is a theory coined by Gage and
Berliner about changes in behavior as a result of
experience. Then this theory developed into a flow of
learning psychology that influenced the development
of educational and learning theories known as
behavioristic flow. This flow emphasizes the
formation of behavior that appears as a result of
Behavior theory with its stimulus-response
relationship model, seeks people to learn as passive
individuals. Specific responses or behaviors using
training or habituation methods only. The appearance
of behavior will be stronger if given reinforcement
and will disappear if subject to punishment. Hosland,
et al (1953) said that the process of behavior change
is essentially the same as the learning process.
The process of behavior change describes the
learning process in individuals which consists of:
Stimulus (excitement) given to organisms can be
accepted or rejected. If the stimulus is not accepted or
rejected, it means that the stimulus is not effective in
affecting individual attention and stopping here. But
if the stimulus is received by the organism means
there is attention from the individual and the stimulus
is effective.
If the stimulus has received attention from the
organism (received) then he understands this
stimulus and proceed to the next process.
After that the organism processes the stimulus
so that there is a willingness to act for the
stimulus it has received (to act).
Finally, with the support of facilities and
encouragement from the environment, the
stimulus has the effect of the actions of the
individual (behavior change).
Furthermore, this theory says that behavior can
change only if the stimulus (excitatory) given really
exceeds the original stimulus. Stimulus that can
exceed the original stimulus means that the stimulus
given must be able to convince the organism. In
convincing this organism, the reinforcement factor
plays an important role. The process of attitude
change seems that attitudes can change, only if the
stimulus that hits it actually exceeds the original.
Citing the opinion of Hovland, Janis and Kelley who
stated that in examining the new attitude there are
three important variables, namely: 1) attention, 2)
understanding, and 3) acceptance.
This theory bases the assumption that the cause of
behavior changes depends on the quality of the
stimuli that communicate with the organism. This
means that the quality of sources of communication
(sources) such as credibility, leadership, style of
speech really determine the success of changing the
behavior of a person, group or society.
Some experts distinguish forms of behavior into
three domains, namely knowledge, attitudes, and
actions or often we hear in terms of knowledge,
attitude, practice (Sarwono, 2004). Understanding
behavior is the act or activity of humans themselves
who have a very broad range of meanings, including:
walking, talking, crying, laughing, working,
lecturing, writing, reading, and so on.
It can be concluded that human behavior is all
human activities or activities, both those that are
directly observed, and those that cannot be observed
by outsiders (Notoatmodjo, 2003). While in the
general sense of behavior are all actions or actions
carried out by living things. In general, cognitive is
interpreted as intellectual potential which consists of
stages: knowledge (knowledge), understanding
(comprehention), application (application), analysis
(analysis), synthesis (synthesis), evaluation
(evaluation). Cognitive means an issue that concerns
the ability to develop rational ability (reason).
Cognitive theory emphasizes how the process or
effort to optimize the ability of rational aspects
possessed by others.
Thus it can be concluded that cognitive behavior
is an act or human activity itself based on the ability
to develop rational abilities (reason).
Based on the theoretical study conducted, a
research hypothesis can be formulated on employee
job satisfaction as follows:
1. There is a positive influence between work
motivation and employee career development.
2. There is a positive influence between work
skills and career development employee.
3. There is a positive influence between cognitive
behavior with career development employee.
4. There is a positive influence between work
motivation, work skills, together on career
development after being controlled by
cognitive behavioral variables.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Quota sampling is a sampling technique that
determines the number of samples from populations
that have certain characteristics to the desired quota
number (Suryana, 2015: 254). The sample was
employees of a total of 50 people, the Civil Service
Police Unit of the Kebayoran Baru District, South
Jakarta City Administration.
Data analysis techniques in this study used
regression statistical calculations. To conduct data
analysis, it is necessary to first test the analysis
requirements, namely normality test, homogeneity
test, and linearity test.
The Coefficient Test is used to determine the
magnitude or strength of the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable.
Calculates r xy using the product moment formula
from Pearson.
Statistical Hypothesis:
Ho: There is no positive direct effect between
Variable X with Variable Y Ha: There is a
positive direct effect between variable X and
variable Y
Testing Criteria: Ho is accepted if t arithmetic < t
table and rejected if t arithmetic > t table,
meaning the correlation coefficient is
significant if Ha is accepted. This is done at a
significant level of 0.05 with degrees of
freedom: (dk) = n-2
Statistical Hypothesis 1:
Ho: py1 = 0 there is no positive effect between
variables X1 and Y H1: py1> 0 there is a
positive effect between the variables X1 and Y
Statistical Hypothesis 2:
Ho: py2 = 0 there is no positive influence between
the variables X2 and Y H1: py2> 0 there is a
positive influence between the variables X2
and Y
Statistical Hypothesis 3:
Ho: py3 = 0 there is no positive influence between
variables X3 and Y H1: py3> 0 there is a
positive influence between the variables X3
and Y
py1 = coefficient of influence between work
motivation and career development. py2 =
coefficient of influence between work skills
and career development.
Py3 = coefficient of influence between cognitive
behaviour with career development
The path calculation is divided into 3(three) sub-
structures namely: The effect of Work motivation
(X1), Work skills (X2), Cognitive behaviour (X3) on
Career development (Y).
Calculation of path coefficient for Substructure 1
(one). The results of the calculation of Substructure 1
(one) can be seen in Table 1:
Table 1: Path Coefficient Substructure 1 (one).
a. Dependent Variable: Career development (Y).
Based on Table 1 above the regression coefficient
(Beta), Work motivation (X1) and Y Career
development (Y) are; from the calculation results
obtained a regression coefficient of 0.390. The
structural coefficients 1 (one) are: Y = 0.390 X1.
Calculation of path coefficient for Substructure 2
(two). The results of Substructure 2 (two) calculations
can be seen in Table 2:
Table 2: Path Coefficient Substructural 2 (two).
Job Skills
a. Dependent Variable: Career Development
Based on Table 2 above the regression coefficient
(Beta), Job skills (X2) and Y Career development (Y)
are: from the calculation results obtained a regression
coefficient of 0.595. The 2 (two) structural
coefficients are: Y = 0.595 X2.
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behavior on Career Development of Civil Service Police Officers
Table 3: Path Coefficient Substructure 3 (three).
a. Dependent Variable: Career development (Y)
Based on Table 3, the regression coefficient
(Beta), cognitive behaviour (X3), and career
development (Y) are: from the calculation results
obtained a regression coefficient of 0.570. The
coefficient of structure 3 (three) is: Y = 0.570 X2.
Figure 1: The Last Model Variable Flow Career
From the calculation results obtained, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. There is a positive direct effect between of
variable X1 (Work motivation), and Y (Career
development).Ho: ßγ1≤0 H1: ßγ1> 0 Work
motivation (X1) and Y Career development (Y)
are; from the calculation Results obtained a
regression coefficient of 0.390. The structural
coefficients 1 (one) are: Y = 0.390 X1.
2. There is a positive direct effect between of
variable (X2) Work skills and (Y) Career
development Ho: ßγ2≤0 H1: ßγ2> 0 Work
skills (X2) and Y Career development (Y) are:
from the results of calculations obtained a
regression coefficient of 0.595. The coefficient
of structure 2 (two) is:
Y = 0.595 X2.
3. There is a positive direct effect between of
variable (X3) Cognitive behaviour and (Y)
Career development Ho: ßγ3≤0 H1: ßγ3> 0
Cognitive behaviour (X3) and Career
development (Y) are: from the results of
Calculations obtained a regression coefficient
of 0.570. The structural coefficients of 3 (three)
are: Y = 0.570 X2.
4. Empirical evidence shows that career
development is influenced by work motivation,
this shows that Civil Service Police Officers in
the Kebayoran Baru District of South Jakarta
City Administration are already professional so
that technical matters do not significantly affect
their career development.
5. Empirical evidence shows that career
development is influenced by work skills. This
shows Employees of the Civil Service Police
Unit Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta
City Administration that work skills are already
influencing their career development.
6. Empirical evidence shows that career
development is influenced by cognitive
behaviour. This shows that Civil Service Police
Officers in the Kebayoran Baru District, South
Jakarta City Administration, that cognitive
behaviour is very supportive of their career
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The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Skills, Cognitive Behavior on Career Development of Civil Service Police Officers