Legend Exploration "Lau Simberu" as a Teaching Material in
Dian Syahfitri, Mutia Khansa Manurung, Dinda Aprianti, Sartika Sari, Madina
Indonesian language and literature education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: Legend Exploration, Indonesian Language Teaching Materials.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the form of the Lau Simberu Legend as described by the Karo Batak
people and explore the Lau Simberu Legend as Indonesian language teaching material. This research was
conducted because a lot of oral literature now increasingly fading due to limited human memory and lack of
awareness to preserve and preserve existing oral literature. This type of research uses a qualitative method
with a descriptive approach that aims to describe events by the facts or characteristics studied. Exploration of
Lau Simberu Legend as Indonesian Language Teaching Materials is suitable for use in Legend material both
Elementary and Junior High School level in Indonesian Language Subjects.
North Sumatra is a dominant area with the Batak
tribe. The Batak tribes can be divided into six types,
namely Toba Batak, Karo Batak, SimalungunBatak,
MandailingBatak, PakpakBatak, and AngkolaBatak.
Likewise, the oral literature that was born in the area
has many high cultural values related to the
characteristics of traditions adopted by the people of
North Sumatra. In this study, the researcher chose the
BatakKaro tribe as the object of the study because in
that area there was still a lot of oral literature that was
unknown to the wider community. One of the oral
literature of the Batak Karo tribe is found in the
TimbangLawanJulu area, Sibolangit District, Deli
Serdang Regency which is almost forgotten by the
community because it is only in oral form and not
many people know about it.
Oral literature is a literary work passed down from
generation to generation in the form of oral or word
of mouth. Each region in general must have its oral
literature and characteristics in the form of poetry,
stories, and so on. Likewise, the values contained in
oral literature usually have a relationship with the
traditions adhered to by the community itself.
As for oral literature according to Danandjaja
(Saragih, et al, 2019), oral literature is part of folklore,
where folklore consists of two words, namely folk
and lore. Folk means a group of people who are
identical with identifiers both physically, socially,
and culturally so that they have differences with other
groups. Meanwhile, lore means a culture that has
been passed down from generation to generation,
either verbally or in action. So folklore can be defined
as a culture with certain characteristics that have been
passed down from generation to generation either in
the form of oral or gesture or gesture.
Folklore can be classified into three major groups
based on its type, namely oral folklore, partially oral
folklore, non-verbal folklore. Oral folklore is folklore
whose form is purely oral, such as myths, legends,
fairy tales, and so on. Partially oral folklore is folklore
in which the form is a mixture of oral and non-verbal
elements such as superstitions that are oral and added
with gestures that are considered to have magical
meanings. Meanwhile, non-oral folklore is a folklore
that is not in oral form, even though the way it is made
is taught orally, such as inscriptions or sacred
buildings. This research focuses on oral folklore,
namely legends. In the 2008 KBBI, legends are folk
tales that have a relationship or connection with
historical events. As for the characteristics of the
legend, namely, The main character in the story, in
general, humans are worldly and nomadic, considered
a true story, a history that has undergone many
changes as a result of developing by word of mouth,
and tells of a character who comes from a certain era.
Therefore, it can be concluded that legends are folk
tales that are considered to have happened and
contain magical/miraculous things or things beyond
Syahfitri, D., Manurung, M., Aprianti, D., Sari, S. and Madina, .
Legend Exploration "Lau Simberu" as a Teaching Material in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010326100003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 494-499
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
human reason that are related to the traditions that
exist in the society itself.
In this study, the main object of the researcher was
the Lau Simberu Legend who came from the
BatakKaro Tribe, precisely in the Sibolangit area of
TimbangLawanJulu Village. This legend tells of a
beautiful girl who came from the kingdom of Aceh.
He migrated to Tanah Karo and was appointed
BeruGurusinga. One day he went to a pond which
was considered mystical, there he saw a beautiful
flower, then he picked the flower and fell into the
pond. Nobody knew about the incident until the girl's
adoptive parents looked for her, finally, it was
discovered that she had fallen into the lake but had
not found her body. Then the Aceh Kingdom or the
girl's biological father came to the area to be precise
in the village of TimbangLawanJulu, Kec. Sibolangit,
Kab. Deli Serdang.
They also called paranormal to look for the girl's
whereabouts and her whereabouts have been found,
she said she was hidden by the Umang (the guardian)
and had died. He advised that he did not want to return
to his original place and wanted to stay there to
become BeruGurusinga, he also said that whoever
would worship him would be protected. After hearing
the message, the girl's father returned to his kingdom
without bringing the girl's body. After that incident,
many strange events occurred, such as accidents or
newborn babies died. Since then, several people have
started to make offerings to the Lake and as a result,
the strange incidents that have occurred previously
have decreased. There is also a psychic who can
interact with the girl saying that if there is a strange
disease that comes to you then come and take the
water of the lake and he will cure her of various kinds
of strange diseases and so on. From then on, the local
people believed and flocked to take the water. Then
all the people who drank the water from the lake
recovered from their illness. And more and more local
people also give offerings to the lake to ask for health
or other things. Then all the people who drank the
water from the lake recovered from their illness. And
more and more local people also give offerings to the
lake to ask for health or other things. Then all the
people who drank the water from the lake recovered
from their illness. And more and more local people
also give offerings to the lake to ask for health or
other things.
The researcher's interest in exploring the Lau
Simberu Legend is because many of the BatakKaro
people don't know about the legend. Previously, the
legend was only known by the people in the area itself
and only developed by word of mouth in the oral
form. Besides the phenomenon that is happening
nowadays, the era of oral literature is increasingly
fading due to the limited memory of humans and the
rapid development of technology, thus displacing the
existing oral literature. The development of
technology in the current era of globalization has
made it easier for humans to put literary works into
written form and introduce them through technology
so that oral literature is now starting to be eliminated.
Oral literature that used to develop before humans
knew writing is now largely unknown due to the lack
of human awareness to protect and preserve it.
Likewise, human memory or memory is also
influential in maintaining oral literature.
Therefore, researchers undertake exploration or
exploration of oral literature such as legends that are
not widely known and introduced to the wider
community to protect and preserve the oral literature.
The definition of legend exploration is the activity of
exploring or searching for a legend that has never
been known by the community before and
introducing the legend to the community. So the
researchers introduced this legend to the wider
community by exploring the legend as Indonesian
language teaching material. This study will examine
how the shape of the Lau Simberu Legend is by what
has been described by the local community and
documented to achieve its objectives as Indonesian
langu age teaching materials in printed form.
The formulation of the problem to be studied is as
1. What is the shape of the Lau Simberu Legend
as described by the BatakKaro people?
2. How to explore the Legend of Lau Simberu as
Indonesian Language Teaching Material?
Based on the formulation of the problem, the
objectives of the problem in the study are as follows.
1. This is to find out the shape of the Lau Simberu
Legend as described by the BatakKaro people.
2. To find out the Exploration of the Lau Simberu
Legend as Indonesian Language Teaching
Researcher researched the village of Timbang
LawanJulu, Kec. Sibolangit, Kab. Deli Serdang. This
type of research uses qualitative methods with a
descriptive approach. This study seeks to describe the
exploration of Lau Simberu as Indonesian Language
Teaching Material. The exploration method used in
this study is the direct exploration method because the
researcher makes direct observations with The
physical and visual contact.
Legend Exploration "Lau Simberu" as a Teaching Material in Indonesia
Data and data sources from this research are:
a. Primary Source
The primary sources in this study were
observations at the Lau Simberu location, Timbang
Lawan Julu Village, direct interviews with informants
from the local community, namely Mr. Andreas
Bento Ginting about the Lau Simberu Legend, and
documentation in the form of pictures.
b. Secondary Sources
Secondary sources in this research are data
documents, journals, the internet, books, and so on.
Secondary sources can help researchers to analyze
primary sources related to problems that are the
object of research.
The data collection technique was carried out by
the stages of observation, interviews, and
Also, the data analysis techniques used in this
study are as follows.
1. Collect observations and interviews about the
Lau Simberu Legend
2. Compile the results of interviews and other notes
to form the Lau Simberu Legend story in
Indonesian as described by the informant and
put it in written form
3. Conduct research
4. Conclude.
3.1 Research Result
3.1.1 The Form of the Lau Simberu Legend
Is in Accordance with That Described
by the Karobatak People
The legend of Lau Simberu originating from the
village of Timbang Lawan Julu is a legend passed
down from the Batak Karo tribe. The legend tells of a
girl from the Kingdom of Aceh who went to a village
dominated by the Batak Karo tribe, to be precise in
Timbang Lawan Julu Village, Sibolangit, Deli
Serdang. In that village, he was appointed as Beru
Gurusinga by the villagers and made him the adopted
son of one of the villagers who are the Gurusinga
family. Then one day this girl went to a lake which
was considered to have mystical powers. He saw a
very beautiful flower on the edge of the lake and tried
to pick it, but as a result, he fell into the lake. The
Gurusinga family, who are the adoptive parents of the
girl, began to be confused because she had not
returned yet until finally they and the local people
looked for the girl but could not be found. Then the
girl's adoptive parents contacted the Aceh Royal
family. The kingdom of Aceh came and the villagers
called paranormal. The psychic said that the girl had
fallen into the trap and was hidden by the hermit
(guard) there. The psychic also tries to interact with
the girl and says, he likes to be there and wants to stay
there as BeruGurusinga. Therefore the girl asked her
father (Kingdom of Aceh) to return to her kingdom.
The kingdom of Aceh returned to their kingdom and
left the girl's body there. Since then, many strange
things have happened in the village, from newborn
babies who have died, accidents, and strange diseases
such as itchy spots. At that time there was a psychic
who could interact with the girl and told her, come to
my pond and pray, then take and drink my water so I
will bless you and heal you from various diseases.
Hearing what the paranormal said, the villagers began
to come there and drink the water, as a result, diseases
such as itching and the like were instantly cured so
that more believers flocked to the place to give
offerings and ask for health, fortune, and so on. Since
then the residents have called the Lau Simberu Lake
which means lau is water, simberu is beautiful. The
people of the Batak Karo tribe called Lau Simberu
because the watchman who was there was a beautiful
Besides the Lau Simberu legend also has strong
traditional and social values, wherein the KaroBatak
Tribe has a tradition that if someone migrates and
settles in the BatakKaro Tribe area, migrants are
obliged to find foster parents in the village so that it
is easier to mingle and follow the tradition. in the
Karo Batak Tribe. Likewise, the social values
contained in the legend can be seen in the incident
where the girl disappeared, so residents who know
about it immediately participate in finding the girl's
whereabouts. Indirectly, the legend has exemplary
value for the community, both listeners and readers,
that is, it has the meaning of kinship in the BatakKaro
tribe which is exemplary, caring for others, and
helping each other in any difficulty.
3.1.2 Exploration of the Lau Simberu
Legend as Indonesian Language
Teaching Materials
The purpose of this research is to explore the legend
as a teaching material, where the Lau Simberu
Legend is raised and introduced in written or oral
form in the material of the Indonesian subject legend.
The legend is suitable for use in learning materials at
both the elementary and junior high school levels. In
addition to increasing knowledge, these legends can
also add insight to students in maintaining and
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
preserving oral literature that was previously not
widely known by the wider community. In addition,
this research is also published in a journal so that it
can be introduced to the general public.
The following are the results of the Lau Simberu
Legend story which is used as teaching material for
the legendary material for Indonesian Language
Subjects at both elementary and junior high school
3.1.3 The Legend of Lau Simberu
In the past, there was a beautiful girl who was a
descendant of the Aceh Kingdom, migrated to a Batak
Karo tribe, to be precise in Timbang Lawan Julu
Village, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang. There he
was appointed as Beru Gurusinga by the villagers, a
tradition of the Batak Karo tribe, and became the
adopted son of the Merga Gurusinga family. The
beautiful girl likes the village because of the
friendliness of the people who makes her feel happy
and get affection. One day he went to a pond which
the local people believed was still mystical. At the
edge of the Lake, he saw a very beautiful flower, then
tried to pick the flower. As a result, he fell into the
lake. No one knew what happened at that time until
the afternoon the girl's adoptive parents looked for her
but had not found the girl. The villagers also looked
for her and called a psychic to find out the girl's
whereabouts. The psychic also said that the girl had
fallen into the trap. The residents also tried to find the
girl around the lake, but still, she or her body had not
been found. MergaGurusinga's family, who are the
adoptive parents of the girl, contacted the Aceh Royal
family, the girl's biological parents, and said what had
happened to her child. The family from the Kingdom
of Aceh immediately came to the village and called
the Paranormal to find the girl's whereabouts. They
performed a ceremony to find out the girl's
whereabouts, then the psychics began to interact with
the girl's spirit. The psychic also said that all this time
the girl's body had been hidden by the "Umang" (the
Watcher). The paranormal also said that the girl did
not want to return and wanted to stay there to become
BeruGurusinga because she liked him, therefore he
ordered his family from the Kingdom of Aceh to
return without bringing his body. He also said that
whoever worshiped him he would bless. Then the
girl's parents returned to their Kingdom in Aceh.
After that incident, many strange events occurred
around the village, such as accidents or newborn
babies died. So that some people began to worship the
Lake. From then on, the strange incidents in the
village began to decrease. There is also a psychic who
can interact with the girl's spirit saying that if there is
a strange disease that comes to you then come and
take water to the pond and he will heal it. After
hearing the statement from the psychic, people began
to come in droves to take the water and at that time
all people who drank the water would recover from
diseases such as itching, freckles, or other strange
diseases. Starting at that time, many of the local
people gave offerings there to ask for health or other
things. Until now, many people admit that the girl
often appears around the lake to reveal herself. But he
doesn't interfere unless someone has bad intentions.
The people in the village also call the Lau Simberu
Lake because "Lau" means water while "Simberu" is
the same as "Mberu" means a beautiful girl. So said
Lau Simberu because the waiter there was a beautiful
3.2 Discussion
Based on the objectives of this study, the researcher
examines the legend of "Lau Simberu" and makes it a
teaching material for Indonesian. Previously, the
legend of Lau Simberu was not widely known by the
wider community. Therefore, the researchers raised
the legend in oral and written form and introduced the
legend to the wider community, especially to the
younger generation to preserve its existence. The
lausimberu legend is used as teaching material to be
more easily introduced to the wider community
through learning at school. In addition, the legend
also has traditional and social values that can add
insight to students about the diversity of cultures that
exist in Indonesia.
This research is relevant to research conducted by
KriahentaBangun, Kristiani, et al (2019) with the title
Exploration of the Legend of the Toba Batak Tribe as
a Literary Teaching Material. Researchers explain
oral literature, the meaning of legends, and the
exploration of legends. The method used in this
research is the descriptive qualitative research
method. The results of this study contain the form of
the Parnamoraan legend described by the Batak Toba
people and how to explore the Parnamoraan legend as
teaching material in schools.
Sri Dinanta Ginting, et al (2019) with the title
Exploration of Tambak Legend in the Karo Tribe and
Its Relevance to Literature Learning at Labuhan Deli
District High School for the 2019 Academic Year.
Researchers explain the diversity of Indonesia which
has many legends, understanding folklore and
exploration. The method used by researchers is the
direct exploration method because this method the
researcher makes observations made with direct
Legend Exploration "Lau Simberu" as a Teaching Material in Indonesia
visual and physical contact. The results of this study
include the value of intrinsic and extrinsic elements
in the story of the legend of the pond and the
relevance of the story of the pond in learning in high
school. YP.PangeranAntasariLabuhan Deli District.
Lisa KrisdayaniSitepu, et al (2019) with the title
Exploration of the Legend of the SelangPangeran as
Teaching Materials for Indonesian. Researchers
explain oral literature, the characteristics of legends,
and the exploration of legends. The method used by
researchers is a qualitative descriptive method. The
data in this study are oral in the form of the legendary
folklore of SelangPangeran. The results of this study
contain the story of the hedgehog datuk which
includes the origin of the legend of the
SelangPangeran story as well as for teaching
Indonesian in schools.
Sri DinantaGinting and Bambang NurAlamsyah
Lubis (2018) with the title Exploration of the Karo
Tribe Mehangke Folklore as Literary Teaching
Materials in the Indonesian Language and Literature
Education Study Program, Prima Indonesia
University. Researchers explain literature, folklore.
The method used by researchers is the descriptive
qualitative method. The results of this study contain
the Mehangke folklore described by the Karo tribe as
well as to document the Mehangke folklore in the
form of literary teaching materials in the Indonesian
Language and Literature Education Study Program at
Prima Indonesia University.
Nurmansyah Triagus Maulana, et al (2018) with
the title Structural Analysis and the Value of Folklore
Education and Its Relevance as Indonesian Language
Teaching Materials in Junior High Schools.
Researchers explain literary works, folklore,
structural and educational values in folklore in
Pemalang Regency. The method used by researchers
is qualitative. The results of this study contain the
intrinsic elements of folklore in Pemalang Regency,
there is also an educational value as well as for the
relevance of Indonesian Language Teaching
Materials in SMP.
Based on the results of the research that has been
done, it can be concluded that:
1. The legend of Lau Simberu comes from the
BatakKaro Tribe to be precise in
TimbangLawanJulu Village, Sibolangit
District, DeliSerdang Regency, and has strong
traditional and social values.
2. Exploration of the Legend of Lau Simberu as a
Teaching Material for Indonesian can be used
as a teaching material with the topic of the
Legend of Indonesian Language Subjects at
both elementary and junior high school levels.
3. In addition, this research is also published in
journal form to introduce the legend to the
wider general public.
The researcher's suggestions in this study are:
1. This research is expected to be used as teaching
material that gives positive values to students
to add insight and knowledge about culture and
traditions in Indonesia.
2. This research is expected to add insight and
knowledge to readers about the Exploration of
the Lau Simberu Legend
3. It is hoped that this research on exploratory
legends will be investigated more by other
researchers to preserve and preserve oral
literature which is almost eliminated and
forgotten by the wider community.
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Legend Exploration "Lau Simberu" as a Teaching Material in Indonesia