With the signing of the Cooperation Agreement by
the Branch Manager of PT. West Jawah Regional
Development Bank and Banten, Tbk Medan Branch
as the first party, with an official who has the
authority by the North Sumatra Provincial Education
Office, as the second party. In this case the first
party was willing to provide Guna Bhakti Credit
facilities to employees at the Education Office of
North Sumatra Province, the second party who
meets the terms and conditions set by the first party.
Law has three tools at hand to govern contract's
social cost: delineating subject matter about which
parties can bargain, interacting with parties as a
regulator, and, finally, interpreting and reforming in
court. Post-hoc consideration of social costs was the
least well-known, and most unsettled, mode of
governing contract externalities. We ground that
technique in its history as a specialized application
of the law of contract public policy. Practically, this
Essay advises parties negotiating whether and how
to perform to consider the public’s health, since
history teaches that, at least some of the time, courts
will too (Hoffman, 2020).
Extension of the subpoena power that agencies
like the SEC, FTC, and EPA possess and was the
lynchpin of a system that depends on private
litigants to enforce our most important statutes. By
forcing parties to disclose large amounts of
information, discovery deters harm and, most
importantly, shapes industry-wide practices and the
primary behavior of regulated entities. This
approach has a vast array of implications for the
scope of discovery as well as the debate over costs.
Scholars and courts should thus grapple with the
consequences of what I call “regulatory discovery”
for the entire legal system (Zambrano, 2020).
The existence of rights and obligations in the
Cooperation Agreement contains the same meaning
as the provisions in Article 1338 of the Civil Code,
which states that "all agreements made legally are
valid as law for those who make them". The
agreement cannot be withdrawn other than with the
agreement of the two parties, or for reasons
determined by law. So that these provisions bind the
bank as the creditor to exercise their rights and
obligations. The parties of PT. The Regional
Development Bank of West Java and Banten, Tbk,
Medan Branch with the Education Office of North
Sumatra Province have agreed and agreed to make
and sign a cooperation agreement for the provision
of Guna Bhakti Credit facilities.
Find that estimated coefficients for a minimal set
of theoretical determinants of default risk are
consistent with theory and are significant
statistically and economically. Volatility and
leverage have substantial explanatory power in
univariate and multivariate regressions. A principal
component analysis of residuals and spreads
indicates limited evidence for a residual common
factor, confirming that the theoretical variables
explain a significant amount of the variation in the
data (Jan, 2009).
Investors, who hold the economy's capital stock,
own the firms and supply credit, and workers, who
supply labor and demand credit to finance
consumption. Furthermore, workers condition their
consumption choice on the investors' level of
consumption. We estimate the model and find a
significant keeping up mechanism by matching
business cycle statistics. In reproducing credit
moments, our proposed model significantly
outperforms a model version in which we abstract
from consumption externalities (Mathias, 2020).
Access to the unfair dismissal jurisdictions of
industrial tribunals was now so limited that most
employees and employers are returned to the
position before awards gave unfair dismissal
protection, and laws were enacted to ameliorate the
inadequacies of the common law. This article
analyses the changes and contends that federal law
was 'back to the future' for unfair dismissal, and
predicts a return to reliance on contract law and
other remedies (Pittard, 2008). The Education Office
of North Sumatra Province was willing and able to
provide a Corporate Guarantee for the provision of
credit facilities by PT. Regional Development Bank
of West Java and Banten, Tbk Medan Branch, as
referred to in Article 1 number 6 of this agreement.
The content of Article 1 point 6 of the Corporate
Guarantee was the availability of the North Sumatra
Provincial Education Office to ensure the smooth
payment of loans to Bank bjb Medan Branch by
prioritizing salary deductions for employees who are
debtors of Bank bjb Medan Branch for installment
payments to Bank bjb Medan Branch based on a
credit agreement between Bank bjb Medan Branch
and employees outside of pieces related to
employment. Guarantee to give priority to the
deduction of the rights obtained by employees in the
event of termination of employment or other
consequences that result in termination of
employment in accordance with statutory
regulations. The guarantee provided does not
eliminate the obligation of giving the employee
power of attorney to the North Sumatra Provincial
Education Office in deducting the rights obtained by
employees upon termination of employment
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies