influence of the global economy, such as the effect
of fluctuating world oil prices, and foreign currency
exchange rates, and the last is the effect of the global
financial crisis which resulted in layoffs and
sluggish export markets.
Preparation of Integration Plan Documents and
the Medium Term Infrastructure Investment
Program (RPI2-JM) in the Field of Public Works /
Human Settlements, Samosir Regency 2015 – 2019
Regional economic performance indicators are
Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB), inflation
rate, contributions from each sector, investment
levels (including PMA and PMDN), exports, and
regional economic development indicators available
in the regions.
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is a
measure of a region's macroeconomic performance.
To see the growth of real economic fluctuations
from year to year, it is presented through the GRDP
at a constant base price according to business fields
periodically. The GRDP of a region describes the
structure of the regional economy, the role of the
sectors, and their shifts based on GRDP based on or
based on constant prices.
The economic growth of Samosir Regency in
2012 as measured by the increase in Gross Regional
Domestic Product (PDRB) at 2000 constant prices
was 6.07%, an increase compared to 2011 which
was at 5.96%. Meanwhile, the estimated GRDP
growth in 2013 in Samosir Regency is 6.52% and
the estimated GDP growth in 2014 is 6.83%.
The dynamics of the Samosir Regency
macroeconomy during 2012 have shown a shift in
roles between sectors. This can be seen from the
comparison of the distribution of the proportion of
GRDP based on prices in 2011 and 2012. The
sectors that experienced an increase were the
electricity, gas, and water supply sector, the
construction sector, the trade sector, hotels and
restaurants, transportation and communications, the
financial sector, and the service sector. The sector
whose role is decreasing is the agricultural sector
and the construction sector and the sector which is
permanently moving is the mining and quarrying
Growth was achieved by the construction and
electricity, gas, and clean water sectors, namely
10.55%, followed by the financial, leasing, and
corporate services sector at 10.27%, the mining and
quarrying sector 8.59%, the transportation and
communication sector. 7.24%, the trade, hotel, and
restaurant sector 6.75%, the services sector 6.74%,
the agricultural sector 5.66%, and the manufacturing
sector 4.04%.
The prediction of changes in the structure of the
PDRB in Samosir Regency tends to shift from the
primary sector to the secondary sector and services,
although it is still dominated by the primary or
agricultural sector, which is then followed by the
service sector, trade sector, hotels, and restaurants.
The estimated change in GRDP from the agricultural
sector from 2013 amounted to 58.36% to 57.44% in
2014. Followed by the service sector at 26.68% in
2013 to 27.73% in 2014, while the trade, hotel, and
restaurant sectors in 2013 amounted to 9.78% to
9.69% in 2014.
1. The Marketing Mixture Each company that
produces goods or services faces difficulties
or problems in selling their products.
Therefore, a combination of factors affecting
marketing is needed. In reaching the
marketing target, normally, a company applies
a marketing theory called ‘marketing mix’.
2.1 Marketing Strate
Marketing strategy is an integrated and integrated
plan integral field that guides the activities
undertaken to achieve the marketing objectives of a
marketing. Market orientation emphasizes the
organizational culture that generates the behavior
neede to create superior value for customers.
Empirical research has found activities at companies
are engaged in new product development activities,
linked to their market orientation level (Wahyuni &
Made, 2020).
2.2 Understanding Product Quality
Every industrial company as a producer will always
try to produce products that can meet the needs of
the community or costumers, then the product must
be following the wishes or needs of the community.
Therefore, every company is not possible to meet all
the needs and desires of consumers as a whole. Also,
the company must first determine what products will
be produced, which if appropriate following the
ability of the company and consumer desires. The
product has an important meaning for the company
because, without the product, the company will not
be able to do anything from its business. Buyers will
buy the product if they feel fit because the product
must be tailored to the desire or the needs of the
buyer for successful product marketing. . The most
common operational definition posits quality as the
customer's perception of product and service
excellence. In today’s competitive environment,
quality is the key to an organization’s success and